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Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education :: Forums :: Military Units :: The 7th Mississippi Infantry Regt. :: Re: Official Records-------
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Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 08:58PM
The reports posted on this page are taken from the official records compiled by the war department. Some mention the 7th Mississippi directly and some speak about one or more of their officers or enlisted men but all are official reports of battles and actions the 7th Mississippi took part in. This is of course not all the information the Official Records contain about the 7th Mississippi but I felt that posting some would inspire those who have never searched the Official Records to look into doing just that.

The Seventh Regiment, Colonel Goode's, is now upon the coast at Bay Saint Louis and in the Confederate service, under command of General Lovell. This to be one of three.

HEADQUARTERS DEPARTMENT Numbers A, New Orleans, La., December 16, 1861.

Honorable J. P. BENJAMIN,

No. 199 Report of Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers, C. S. Army, commanding Second Brigade.
HDQRS.2nd BRIG.,2nd CORPS, ARMY OF THE MISS., Corinth, Miss., April 12, 1862.

CAPTAIN: I respectfully submit the following report of the action of the troops under my command in the late engagement with the enemy near Pittsburgh, on the Tennessee River:

On the morning of the 4th instant, while in command of the advance forces at Monterey, Tenn., I received orders to hold my command ready to march at a moment's notice, and on the morning of the 5th we crossed Lick Creek and moved as far as Mickey's, or what is known as the Bark road, leading from the direction of Corinth to the Tennessee River.

In obedience to orders, my brigade was under arms and ready to march at 2 o'clock on the following morning, and stood from that time until daylight in a hard, drenching rain, as the orders to march had been countermanded on account of the darkness and extreme bad weather.

At dawn the First Brigade of this division, under command of Brigadier-Gladden, filed past me, and we, falling into its rear, moved forward until our march was arrested by the column of Major-General Hardee, the rear of which had not got in motion when we reached its encampment. After some delay we moved on to a position about 2 miles in front of the enemy's line. On reaching the ground I found our line of battle deployed, and General Gladden's brigade [which it was at first intended should be held in reserve in the second line on my right] was deployed into line of battle, and thrown forward into the first line, on the right of Major-General Hardee's command, to fill the interval between his right and Lick Creek; and there being still a vacancy between the right of General Gladden's brigade and the creek, my brigade was extended en echelon in the rear of and to the right of General Gladden, and held in line by battalions at half distance doubled on the center.

Upon an examination of the country it was apparent to me that our progress would be much retarded if we attempted to move by battalions in double column on the center, and, upon the suggestion being made to Brigadier-General Withers and Major-General Bragg, it was ordered that the supporting line should move by the right of companies to the front.

In this order we commenced the march early on the morning of the 6th. The space between Owl and Lick Creeks was about a half mile narrower where we first deployed our line of battle than it was in front of the enemy's line, and as the space between General Gladden's left and Lick Creek increased as we advanced, it became necessary that my brigade should move up into the front line, on the right of General Gladden, which was done, and being now in the front line, skirmishers from each regiment were at once thrown forward.

In obedience to orders from General Withers the right of this brigade was advanced by a gradual left wheel, so that when we first encountered the enemy we were marching in a northeast direction, and met him in line of battle in front of his first encampment on our right.

When we arrived in sight our line of battle was formed, and the brigade moved steadily forward in the following order: The Tenth Mississippi Regiment, in command of Col. R. A. Smith, on the right; the Seventh Mississippi Regiment, Lieutenant Col. H. Mayson, commanding, second; the Ninth Mississippi Regiment, Lieutenant. Col. W. A. Rankin, third; the Fifth Mississippi, Col. A. E. Fant, fourth; the Fifty-second Tennessee, Col. B. J. Lea, on the left, and Gage's battery of light artillery in the rear.

When within about 150 yards of the enemy the line was halted and a heavy firing ensued, in which a number of our men were killed and wounded, and Colonel Lea and Major T. G. Randle, of the Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment, lost their horses. After several rounds were discharged the order to charge bayonets was given, and the Tenth Mississippi Regiment [about 360 strong], led by its gallant colonel, dashed up the hill, and put to flight the Eighteenth Wisconsin Regiment, numbering nearly 1,000 men. The order to charge having alone in the first charge, though it was quickly followed by the Ninth and Seventh Mississippi, when the whole line of the enemy broke and fled, pursued by these three regiments through their camps and across a ravine about half a mile to the opposite hill, where they were halted by command of General Johnston.

The Fifth Mississippi and Fifty-second Tennessee, having been left behind in the charge, were moved up to their positions, and the Fifth Mississippi was now placed next to the Tenth Mississippi.

The enemy was re-enforced and drew up in our front, supported by a battery of artillery and some cavalry. We were about to engage them again, when we were ordered by General Johnston to fall back, which was done.

The enemy, supposing we were in retreat, fired several volleys of musketry at us, whereupon we faced about, returned their fire, and they ceased firing. Being commanded to remain here until we should receive further orders, we rested about half an hour, when a guide [Mr. Lafayette Veal] was sent to conduct us still farther to the right, where we learned that the enemy were attempting to turn our flank.

Moving by the right flank, we filed to the right, directly south, until we recrossed the ravine behind us, and when we reached the summit of the opposite hill we moved in a southeast direction until our right rested upon the edge of Lick Creek bottom. Here again we were ordered to rest, which we did for some half hour, when we again started forward. A few skirmishers of the enemy, having secretly advanced close to our left, fired upon the Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment, which broke and fled in most shameful confusion. After repeated efforts to rally it this regiment was ordered out of the lines, where it remained during the balance of the engagement, with the exception of two companies, Captains J. A. Russell and A. N. Wilson, who, with their commands, fought gallantly in the ranks of the Fifth Mississippi Regiment.

When the orders were received from General Withers to move on, skirmishers were thrown out in front of the whole line, and placed in command of Major F. E. Whitfield, of the Ninth Mississippi Regiment, who led them with great coolness and with marked ability and skill. Our orders were to swing around, with our right resting on the creek bottom, and to drive the enemy before us toward Pittsburgh, and we accordingly moved forward, advancing most rapidly on the right and gradually wheeling the whole line. In this order we were marching when our skirmishers developed the enemy concealed behind a fence, in thick undergrowth, with an open field or orchard in his front. The width of this orchard was about 350 or 400 yards, and behind it was a very steep and perfectly abrupt hill, at the foot of which ran a small branch. At the base of this hill ran the Hamburg and Pittsburgh road, skirting the orchard at its base and then turning to the right running alongside of it, the orchard being to the right of the road. The ground from the branch to the fence, where the enemy was concealed, was a gradual ascent, and our line was in full view of the enemy from the time it crossed the stream. The Ninth Mississippi was now on the left, and there was a space of about 30 yards between its left and the Hamburg and Pittsburgh road. As soon as I discovered the position of the enemy I ordered up Gage's battery, which until now had not been engaged, and put it in position on the hill above the branch.

My line moved on across the orchard in most perfect order and splendid style, and to my great surprise not a shot was fired until we came within about 40 yards of the fence, then a heavy fire was opened on us in front, and at the same time a column was seen coming at double-quick down the Hamburg and Pittsburgh road, with the evident intention of getting in our read and cutting off the whole brigade. As soon as this column was fairly in sight, coming over the opposite hill, Gage's battery opened a well-directed fire on its head, and it was scattered in confusion, and at the same moment our infantry made a charge in front, and after a hard fight drove the enemy from his concealment, though we suffered heavily in killed and wounded.

After this fight our ammunition was exhausted, and, the wagons being some distance behind, we lost some time before it was replenished. As soon. however, as the ammunition could be distributed we moved on, with the right resting on the edge of the Tennessee River bottom, with the same orders as before.

When we had gone about a quarter of a mile we again encountered the enemy in a strong position on a hill with a deep ravine in his front, and a very stubborn fight ensued, in which we lost many gallant men, among them the Rev. M. L. Weller, chaplain of the Ninth Mississippi Regiment, a pure man and ardent patriot and a true Christian, and Captains R. J. Armstrong and T. C. K. Bostick, of the Fifth Mississippi Regiment, who fell gallantly leading on their respective companies.

Here again Gage's battery did good service, though it was some time before it could be brought into position, owing to the rough nature of the ground and the want of roads, and I here take occasion to say that I cannot speak too highly of the energy, skill, and labor displayed by the men of this battery throughout the day in cutting their way through a thickly-wooded country over ravines and hills almost impassable to ordinary wagons.

After about an hour's hard fighting the enemy again retreated, leaving many of his dead on the field. About this time the gunboats from the river began to throw their shells among us, and we pressed rapidly forward in line of battle toward the center, where the battle seemed to be raging fiercely. We were soon met by an officer, stating that he belonged to General Crittenden's staff, and that he had been hotly engaged with the enemy and needed assistance. As near as I could judge of the position of affairs our troops were then in a line of battle running from south to north, and facing east, or a little north of east. My line was running from east to west, and facing north. Moving at a double-quick, over several ravines and hills, we came upon the enemy and attacked him on his flank. This was the fourth fight in which my brigade had been engaged during the day, and after a severe firing of some duration, finding the enemy stubbornly resisting, I rode back for General Jackson's brigade, which was lying down in reserve in my rear and to my left. I did not see General Jackson, but finding Colonel Wheeler, called upon him to take up the fight, which he did with promptness and vigor.

I sent a staff officer to command my brigade to lie down and rest until they received further orders, and then followed up General Jackson's brigade myself until I came upon Major-General Bragg, commanding in the thickest of the fight, to whom I reported my action. I had been there but a few minutes, however, when some of our troops were driven back in confusion, and General Bragg called out to "bring up Chalmers' brigade." I rode back immediately to where I had ordered my men to halt, and found that they had not understood the orders and had pressed on after the retreating foe. Riding rapidly after them, I reached them just after the enemy had raised the white flag and a number of the enemy had surrendered to the Ninth Mississippi, which was then some distance in advance of any other Confederate troops.

Colonel Shaw, of the Fourteenth Iowa Regiment, and a senior captain, commanding some companies of the Twenty-eighth Illinois Regiment, surrendered to Major F. E. Whitfield, and the colonel of the Eighteenth Missouri, with a portion of his command, surrendered to Lieutenant Donald McKenzie, Company K, Ninth Mississippi Regiment.

About a quarter of an hour after the surrender some of our troops, supposed to be of General Polk's division, made their appearance on the opposite side of the surrendered camps, and were with great difficulty prevented from firing upon the prisoners. The cavalry very soon arrived, and the prisoners were turned over to them and were carried to the rear.

It was then about 4 o'clock in the evening, and after distributing ammunition, we received orders from General Bragg to drive the enemy into the river. My brigade, together with that of Brigadier-General Jackson, filed to the right and formed facing the river and endeavored to press forward to the water's edge, but in attempting to mount the last ridge we were met by a fire from a whole line of batteries protected by infantry and assisted by shells from the gunboats. Our men struggled vainly to ascend the hill, which was very steep, making charge after charge without success, but continued to fight until night closed hostilities on both sides. During this engagement Gage's battery was brought up to our assistance, but suffered so severely that it was soon compelled to retire.

This was the sixth fight in which we had been engaged during the day, and my men were too much exhausted to storm the batteries on the hill, but they were brought off in good order, formed in line of battle, and slept on the battle field, where I remained with them.

Early on the following morning I received notice that the enemy was advancing, and was ordered by General Withers to fall back about a half mile and form on the right of General Jackson's brigade and follow him over to the left, where it was supposed the fight would be. We fell back and waited for General Jackson to file past to the left, intending to follow him, as directed, but before we could get away the enemy came charging rapidly upon us, and the fight of the second day commenced. We waited quietly until the enemy advanced within easy range, when we opened fire upon him and he fled.

We then attempted to move by the left flank so as to follow General Jackson, when we were again attacked and a fight of about one hour and a half ensued, from which we retired after having exhausted our ammunition.

During this engagement Major F. E. Whitfield was severely wounded in the hip and brought to the rear.

Our ammunition wagons not being at hand, we fell back to the first camp that we had taken from the enemy, where we found an abundant supply of the appropriate caliber.

I had sent a staff officer to General Withers about an hour before for assistance, and re-enforcements now arrived, under my gallant commander, Brigadier-General Withers, who, it gives me pleasure to testify, was always found at the right place, at the right time, guiding and supporting whatever portion of his division needed assistance. I formed the re-enforcements, consisting of the Crescent Regiment Louisiana Volunteers, a Tennessee regiment, under Lieutenant-Colonel Venable, and an Alabama regiment, Lieutenant-Colonel Chadick, into line and moved them forward to meet the enemy, after having turned over the command of my own brigade to Col. R. A. Smith, of the Tenth Mississippi Regiment, with instructions to hold himself 1,000 yards in the rear in reserve. The re-enforcements skirmished a while with the enemy, but when the first serious charge was made upon them they broke, and Colonel Smith was compelled to bring my brigade again to the front. The fight raged fiercely for some time, and my men were compelled to retire in some confusion, being overwhelmed by the superior number of the enemy.

After retreating about 300 yards they were rallied and drawn up in line at the foot of a hill. The enemy pursued slowly until he came within range of our fire, when he was boldly met, and in turn driven back, until we had again occupied the ground we had previously left. Here the enemy was re-enforce and the fight renewed, and we were gradually being driven back down the hill again when Col. Preston Smith arrived with the One hundred and fifty-fourth Regiment Tennessee Volunteers and Blythe's Mississippi Volunteers, who came gallantly to our assistance and took position on our right. Believing that one bold charge might change the fortunes of the day, I called upon my brigade to make one more effort, but they seemed too much exhausted to make the attempt, and no appeal seemed to arouse them. As a last resort I seized the battle-flag from the color-bearer of the Ninth Mississippi Regiment, and called on them to follow. With a wild shout the whole brigade rallied to the charge, and we drove the enemy back and reoccupied our first position of the morning, which we held until the order to retreat was received, when we fell back in good order, the enemy not daring to pursue. Colonel Wheeler, of the Nineteenth Alabama Regiment Volunteers, was, with a small remnant of his regiment, fighting with the Mississippians, on foot himself, and bearing the colors of his command.

In this last charge, so gallantly made, the Ninth Mississippi sustained a heavy loss in the fall of its brave commander, Lieutenant. Colonel William A. Rankin, who fell mortally wounded after having led his men fearlessly throughout the whole of the first and second day. Most of my command behaved well. Colonel R. A. Smith, of the Tenth Mississippi Regiment, was particularly distinguished for his bold daring, and his clarion voice could be heard above the din of battle cheering on his men.

Major F. E. Whitfield, of the Ninth Mississippi Regiment, led the skirmishers during Sunday, and deserves great credit for his courage and coolness. He was wounded in the hip early on Monday morning, and taken from the field. Colonel Fant and Major Stennis, of the Fifth Mississippi Regiment, and Lieutenant-Colonel Mayson, commanding the Seventh Mississippi, were all conspicuous in the thickest of the fight. All the Mississippians, both officers and men, with a few exceptions, elsewhere reported, behaved well. The Fifty-second Tennessee, except two companies under Captains J. A. Russell and A. N. Wilson, who fought with the Fifth Mississippi, behaved badly. Gage's battery did manful service on the 6th, but on the 7th was not in the fight.

I cannot conclude without mentioning the signal service rendered me by the gentlemen of my staff. To Capt. Henry Craft, assistant adjutant-general, I am greatly indebted for the order and system established in a new brigade, composed very largely of troops never before placed in brigade, and having but little knowledge of their respective duties. On the field he rendered all the service required of him, and had his horse slightly wounded when bearing an order. First Lieutenant. George T. Banks, aide-de-camp, was always at his post, and in a most fearless manner discharged all the duties of his hazardous position. First Lieutenant. W. T. Stricklin, adjutant of the Third Mississippi Regiment, who made his escape from Fort Donelson after its surrender, being ordered to report to me for duty, was placed on my staff as acting inspector-general, and bore himself gallantly during the fight.

Captains R. S. Crump, acting commissary of subsistence, and James Barr and Lieutenant. M. M. Shelley, both of the late Tenth Mississippi Regiment, rendered me efficient service as volunteer aides. William A. Rains, sergeant-major, and Fleming Thompson, private in Company K, both of the Ninth Mississippi Regiment, two brave Mississippi boys of but seventeen years of age, accompanied me on horseback, and in the absence of staff officers bore orders under the heaviest of the fire. Sergeant-Major Rains deserves especial notice for having carried an order with promptness and precision on Sunday evening, when we were attacking the batteries, under the heaviest fire that occurred during the whole engagement.

I must also acknowledge the valuable assistance rendered by our guide, Mr. Lafayette Veal, of McNairy County, Tennessee, who remained with us closely, and was ever ready to give any information and aid in his power. Without him our movements would have been comparatively in the dark and much retarded, while with his guidance we were enabled to move rapidly toward our desired end. Colonel Clanton's First Regiment Alabama Cavalry held themselves on our right to support us, and though they rendered no especial service, their presence may have protected our flank from an attack; and I cannot conclude without mentioning Colonel Clanton himself, who remained almost all the times with my brigade, and, though constantly exposed to the most dangerous fire, exhibited the most fearless and exemplary courage, cheering on those who seemed inclined to falter or grow weary, and with a detachment of his cavalry supplying us with ammunition when our wagons could not reach us.

It is impossible to say with accuracy how many prisoners we took, as they were turned over to the cavalry as fast as they surrendered singly and in squads, and once in a large body without being counted; but the number cannot fall far short of 1,600. We went into the fight 2,039 strong. Of these about 400 were of the Fifty-second Tennessee Regiment, 300 of whom were not engaged in the fight, leaving us only 1,739 men. Of these we had 82 killed and 343 wounded, a return of which has been heretofore made, giving the names of the killed and wounded and the character of the wounds.

I have the honor to be, very respectfully, captain, your obedient servant,


Brig. Gen., Comdg. Second Brigade, Withers' Div.,

Second Corps, Army of the Mississippi.

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Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 10:44PM

Report of Maj. Gen. Jones M. Withers, C. S. Army, commanding Division. December 26, 1862-January 5, 1863.--The Stone's River or Murfreesborough, Tenn., Campaign.
O.R.-- SERIES I--VOLUME XX/1 [S# 29]

HDQRS. WITHERS' DIV., POLK'S CORPS, ARMY OF TENN., Shelbyville, Tenn., May 20, 1863.

Maj. THOMAS M. JACK, Asst. Adjt. Gen., Polk's Corps, Army of Tennessee.

__MAJOR: This division took position in line of battle in front of Murfreesborough and Stone's River on the morning of December 28, 1862, as directed in "Memoranda for general and staff officers," issued from headquarters of the army. The brigade of Brig. Gen. James R. Chalmers was placed, with its right resting on Stone's River and extending in a direction west of south, nearly across the open field toward the Wilkinson pike; Walthal's brigade, in command of Brig. Gen. [J.] Patton Anderson (by whose name it will be designated in this report), was placed next; and Anderson's brigade, under Col. A.M. Manigault, of the Tenth South Carolina Regiment, was placed next, and on the left of the line then formed. That night Deas' brigade, under Col. J. Q. Loomis, of the Twenty-fifth Alabama Regiment, arrived from outpost and was placed on Manigault's left, extending the line to the Franklin or Triune road. This was the front center division of the line of battle, the division of Major-General Breckinridge being on the right, its left flank resting on the east bank of the river and to the rear of Chalmers' right, and the division of Major-General McCown being on the west side of the Franklin road, with its right some distance in advance of Loomis' left. The general direction of the line from right to left of the division, the initial point being on the river, was west of south, crossing the Nashville rail and pike roads about 1.000 yards from their crossing of the river and near their intersection; thence across the Wilkinson pike, and thence to the Franklin road, on which was placed Robertson's battery. The open fields, extending along their fronts and the character of the ground rendered it proper to throw Anderson's left to the front of the general direction, Manigault's left to be retired, and again Loomis' left to be advanced, the greatest angle being formed by Anderson and Manigault, and which would require that Manigault's left should describe an arc of near 60° to bring his front on a line with that of Anderson's.

On the evening of the 29th, skirmishing commenced between Chalmers' admirable battalion of sharpshooters and the enemy, which gradually extended to Anderson's right. About the same time there was a dash made by a portion of the enemy's cavalry on Manigault's skirmishers, which was creditably punished by Companies A and C, of the Tenth South Carolina Regiment. The supporting division, under Major-General Cheatham, now occupied its position from 500 to 800 yards in rear, and near the crest of the river ridge. The character of the country rendering it impossible for the division commanders to give that immediate, personal supervision which would insure the supports being thrown forward when necessary and with the least delay, it was agreed that Major-General Cheatham should take position on the left and the immediate control of the brigades of Manigault and Loomis, giving to me the direction of his two right brigades, Donelson and Stewart.

Early on the morning of the 30th, firing commenced between the skirmishers on the right, and gradually extended throughout the line to the Franklin road. The artillery of the enemy also opened, and the firing was kept up with more or less rapidity through the day. The cannonading was mostly directed against Chalmers' brigade and Anderson's right, which occupied the exposed position across the field from the Wilkinson pike to the river. About 2.30 p.m. the enemy made a dash to capture Robertson's battery, on our extreme left, which was handsomely repulsed and severely punished by a well-directed and rapid fire from the battery and from the Twenty-sixth and Thirty-ninth Alabama Regiments. The attempt, with less vigor, was repeated late in the evening with similar result, the Twenty-fifth Alabama having been thrown forward to the support of the other two regiments. The enemy's line of battle was now established in our front. His left rested on the river bluff, some 1,000 yards from Chalmers' right, in a skirt of woods; thence through the Round Forest, or Mississippian's "half acre"; thence through the south end of the cedar brake, and along the ridges and woodland to the cedar pedregal on the Franklin road, and about 300 yards from Loomis' front. From this point his line seemed to be retired, making quite an obtuse angle with that running back to the river.

The commanding general's order, directing an assault to be made by our left on the right of the enemy the next morning as early as it was "light enough to see," was received at 9 o'clock at night. Chalmers' brigade was to remain stationary, and constitute the pivot on which the movement was to be made; my left to "swing around and correspond with the movement of General McCown's division," on my left.

Early on the morning of the 31st, skirmishing commenced on the extreme left, and was followed by artillery, and then the full volleys of the line, announcing that the stern work of the day had commenced.

About 7 o'clock Loomis' brigade moved forward, and was immediately and hotly engaged. Steadily advancing, it drove back the first line of the enemy, but having no commanding officer (Colonel Loomis subsequently reporting himself as having been disabled), and the enemy being re-enforced by the second line, the brigade was driven back in some confusion. The reserve, being promptly ordered forward by Major-Gen-eral Cheatham, made a gallant charge, but was also repulsed. Colonel Coltart, of the Twenty-sixth Alabama Regiment, having assumed command of Loomis' brigade, with the assistance of Captains [D. E.] Huger, [J. R. B.] Burtwell, and [E. B. D.] Riley, of my staff, ordered to the left for the purpose, quickly rallied and reformed the line. The two brigades, under Colonels Vaughan and Coltart, being now formed in line, were moved forward under the immediate direction of Major-General Cheat-ham, and, after a desperate conflict, dislodged the enemy from their strong position, and drove them for more than a mile and beyond the Wilkinson pike. Moving forward to the cedar brake, between the Wilkinson and Nashville pikes, and finding other troops pressing after the enemy in his front, Colonel Coltart, by direction of General Cheatham, moved his command to the right, and, coming into the front line on the east edge and extreme right of the cedar brake, had a sharp engagement with the enemy, occupying a ridge across a narrow cotton-field, and strongly supported by artillery. Manigault's brigade moved promptly at the proper moment, and his left swinging round, drove the enemy from the wooded ridge back on his second line. In the wheel through the open field, and before his command had completed the angle necessary to bring it on a line with Anderson's, a heavy fire from two batteries and a column of infantry was opened on him from his right, which, enfilading his line, checked and finally forced him back to his former position. Col. A. J. Lythgoe, of the Nineteenth South Carolina Regiment, was killed in this charge while gallantly leading his command. He dies well who dies nobly. Manigault, quickly rallying his command, again moved forward, successfully driving the enemy, and with every prospect of being able to hold his position, when the repulse of the troops on his left, leaving both flanks exposed, rendered it necessary for him again to fall back. The position of the forces and character of the ground and movement, however, rendered it impossible altogether to avoid a cross or enfilading fire. The repulse at any point only increased the liability. The supporting brigade, under Brigadier-General Maney, was now moved forward, and, taking position on Manigault's left, both brigades moved forward, meeting comparatively with but little opposition. As Manigault swung round to a line with Anderson, this brigade was put in motion, and soon Manigault's right was engaged in an attack on a battery, with strong supports of infantry. The assault seemed successful, but before the capture was made, a brigade of the enemy moved up from below the hill, forcing back the regiments engaged, but was in turn driven back by Anderson's left, which was sweeping round. This concluded the engagements of Manigault for the day. His command had been subjected to a most trying ordeal, and had suffered heavily. The calm determination an(l persistent energy and gallantry which rendered Colonel Manigault proof against discouragements had a marked influence on and was admirably responded to by his command.

Anderson's left, being now moved forward immediately after the right of Manigault, was quickly engaged with the strong force in front.No brigade occupied a more critical position, nor were the movements of any invested with more important consequences. Opposite there were three batteries strongly supported by infantry. The capture of the batteries and rout of the supports was a necessity. Anderson was, therefore, directed to take the batteries at every cost. Stewart's brigade had been moved up into the woods within close supporting distance. In rapid succession Anderson threw forward his regiments from left to right, and terrific was the fire to which they were subjected. Time and again checked, and almost recoiling before the tremendous fire, the regiments were as often rallied by their gallant and determined officers, and the brigade advanced by its cool, steadfast, and skillful commander. His right temporarily falling back in some confusion, caused by the fall of the gallant commanders of the two right regiments (Lieut. Col. James L. Autry, commanding Twenty-seventh Mississippi, killed, and Col. W. F. Brantly, of the Twenty-ninth Mississippi, stricken down by the concussion from a shell exploding near him), Brigadier-General Stewart was ordered forward to the support. In splendid order, and with a cheer, this fine brigade moved forward under its gallant and accomplished commander. Anderson's right, quickly rallying and pressing forward vigorously, attacked and drove back the enemy. This completed the rout of his first line and the capture of the batteries. Our loss, however, was very heavy, the Thirtieth Mississippi alone having within the limits of an acre 62 officers and men killed and 139 wounded.

Stewart, having moved his brigade to the left down the Wilkinson pike, now pressed forward on Anderson's left and hotly engaged the enemy. The determined advance and steady fire of our forces was more than the enemy could withstand. The entire force gave way, and in wild confusion rushed through the cedar brake in rear, being pursued to the northeast edge of the brake, and subjected to an irregular but quite effective fire. Within the northeast edge of this cedar brake, nearly parallel with the Nashville pike road and at right angles to the original line of battle, our troops were halted. They required rest and ammunition.

At l I a.m. Brigadier-General Chalmers received an order direct from the lieutenant-general commanding to move forward and attack the enemy posted in his front. Quickly advancing to the Cowan, or burnt, house, he was there met by a destructive fire, and soon after, while actively engaged in the discharge of his duties, was stricken down by a fragment of a shell and borne senseless from the field. The quick perception, prompt decision, and fearless energy of this gallant officer being lost to his command, and his staff failing to report promptly to the officer next in rank, this veteran brigade became disorganized, the regiments attaching themselves to and serving with other commands until night, when they were brought together and placed in their original position under Colonel [T. W.] White, of the Ninth Mississippi Regiment. The brigade of Chalmers being driven back, the support under Brigadier-General Donelson was ordered to the attack by the lieutenant-general commanding, and moving rapidly forward was warmly engaged, but was repulsed, and, gradually swinging to the left, passed into the cedar brake.

On the morning of January 1, Anderson's brigade was moved to the position originally occupied by Donelson, and in rear of Chalmers. At daylight on the morning of January 1, Chalmers' sharpshooters were ordered forward, to ascertain the position of the enemy. Moving forward, and into the Round Forest, they drove out the skirmishers of the enemy, whose forces had been withdrawn during the night, and could then be seen in a northeast direction. Quiet prevailed until late in the evening, when the enemy sent forward a force and retook the Round Forest, driving back our skirmishers into the skirt of woods above and on the river.

Before daylight on the morning of the 2d, the batteries of Stanford, Carnes, and Smith had been moved up and placed in the north and outer edge of this river skirt of woods by Capt. J. R. B. Burtwell, division chief of artillery, and Scott's battery advanced up the Nashville pike to a line within but some 300 yards south of the others. In support, Chalmers' brigade, under Colonel White, had been moved up and occupied the crest of the ridge in rear, and the skirmishers thrown forward extended to the railroad on the left.

At dawn the skirmishers advanced and drove out the enemy from the Round Forest, but in turn were forced to retreat before superior numbers. The enemy advancing, opened fire on the artillery, which, promptly responding, soon shelled them into a precipitate retreat, when, with an increased force, we again occupied the Round Forest. Anderson's brigade had been advanced to and now occupied the former position of Chalmers. The brigades of Manigault and Coltart occupied the southern extremity of the cedar brake, and the right of the column facing the Nashville pike.

Shortly after 3 p.m. the batteries on the hill, as previously instructed, opened a brisk fire on the enemy, whose line extended toward the river and beyond, or into the extreme edge of a skirt of woods, the nearest point of which was some 300 yards from that in which our batteries were. The firing was continued as long as it could be with safety to the column of General Breckinridge, advancing on the east side of the river. The left of this column passing across the river into the woods, in or behind which rested the left of the enemy's force, was immediately attacked by it and driven up the river toward the position of Chalmers' brigade. Colonel [T. W.] White immediately threw out supports, with instructions to drive back the enemy. This was followed by a general advance of the enemy along his entire front, and his being driven out of the Round Forest back into the woods on the river. Night closing in, the fighting ceased for the day.

Late in the evening, Anderson's brigade, under orders from the commanding general, was moved rapidly across the river to the support of General Breckinridge, and did not rejoin the division until the morning of the 4th. That night Manigault was moved to the position vacated by Anderson, and Coltart was moved up to White's support, and their commands placed in proper positions for operations the next morning.

At daybreak on the morning of the 3d, the artillery shelled the Round Forest, which was immediately thereafter charged into by the infantry, and the enemy driven out with considerable loss. Brisk skirmishing was kept up through the day, chiefly with Coltart's command, which occupied the Round Forest.

Late in the evening, after subjecting the Round Forest and woods to a terrific cannonading, the enemy advanced in force, and, engaging our troops, succeeded in breaking a part of our line, when the timely arrival of the reserves enabled the line again to advance, and, after a very sharp and well-contested engagement, to repulse the enemy. Lieutenant-Colonel Farrar, of the First Louisiana (Regulars), was mortally wounded in the engagement. He was a bold and gallant officer, and had arrived on the field only in time to assume command of his regiment in this last engagement. Their infantry being driven back, the enemy renewed the can-nonading, continuing it some time after dark. Colonels White and Coltart proved themselves deserving of commendation by the admirable conduct: of their commands throughout the harassing period of their occupancy of this important and almost isolated position.

The troops were withdrawn on the morning of the 4th without contest or pursuit. For seven days they had cheerfully endured fatigue, exposure, and hardships sufficient to cause despondency in any breast not actuated by the same steadfast determination to dare all and suffer all in defense of the right. In temporary repulses and the most trying positions, the total absence of everything like panic, and the cool self-possession and alacrity with which they rallied, reformed, and moved forward against the enemy, was as truly remarkable as it was most honorable.

The timely preparations made under direction of Surgeon [Carlisle] Terry for the care of the wounded seem to have been as judicious and ample as was practicable, and the infirmary corps for the division discharged its duties fearlessly and well.

To Capts. D. E. Huger, assistant adjutant-general; J. R. B. Burtwell, chief of artillery, and E. B. D. Riley, chief of ordnance, I am indebted for valuable and indispensable services. In extending orders, seeing to their execution, and in rallying and cheering on the troops, they were energetic and untiring, displaying gallantry and capacity. Maj. B. M. Thomas, adjutant and inspector general, reported on the field from sick leave on the morning of the 2d, and immediately entered on the discharge of his duties with intelligence and efficiency. Lieut. R. W. Withers, aide.de camp, Asst. Surg. J. Paul Jones, and Lieut. Charles L. Huger, First Louisiana (Regulars), were, through the entire engagement, actively, zealously, and most creditably engaged in the discharge of the various duties assigned them. Maj. W. H. Ross, acting commissary of subsistence, and Maj. R. Q. Pinckney, quartermaster, did good service in their respective departments. Captain [T. M.] Lenoir and Lieutenant [H. R.] Gordon, commanding escort, gave valuable assistance in the collecting and sending off captured property, in driving forward stragglers from and laggards in the fight, and in staff duties, which they were several times called upon to perform. Private M. G. Hudson, of the Twenty-fourth Alabama Regiment, long engaged in the assistant adjutant-general's office, and well and favorably known within the command, rendered services on the field evidencing his fitness and capacity for a more responsible position.

The total strength of the division was 7,774; the total loss by casualties, 2,519. Brigade and regimental reports and detailed statement of casualties have heretofore been forwarded.

Very respectfully, yours, &c.;,

Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 10:42PM

Numbers 26.
Report of Colonel James J. Neely, Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry.


CAPTAIN: I have the honor to make the following report of the part taken by my regiment in the recent operations of the Confederate cavalry in North Mississippi:

After the affair at New Albany, in which the Thirteenth assisted in driving the enemy across the Tallahatchie, being in the advance during the pursuit, we made rapid marches and formed a junction with General Chalmers' command at Salem.

On the 10th, a detachment of 43 men, under command of Captain Thomas and Lieutenants Strayhorn and Hicks, were sent with other detachments, under command of Colonel Marshall, to break the Memphis and Charleston Railroad. The detachment did not again join the regiment until after the attack on Collierville.

On the morning of the 11th instant, we took up the line of march from Byhalia to Collierville, my regiment being in the advance of the whole command. About 10 o'clock Captain (now major) Thurmond, commanding the advance guard, consisting of his own company (G) and Captain Cox's company (A), drove in the enemy's pickets (capturing the most of them) in gallant style.

It had been determined that I should move with my own, Colonel Green's and Colonel Stewart's regiments to the left and rear of the enemy's position.

About the time the picket firing commenced the order of attack was changed, and I was ordered by the colonel commanding to move with my regiment and take possession of the hill to the west of Brown's house and immediately in front of the enemy's fortifications, and hold it until the artillery could come up.

When we reached Abington's house (the picket stand) I moved at double-quick by the right flank up the Holly Springs road about a mile, and then filing to the left charged up the hill spoken of and drew up in line of battle in full view of the depot buildings and fortifications. A train of cars loaded with troops was just halting at the fort as we came in view. After the batteries had come up with other troops I was ordered farther to the left, and took up position in a small skirt of flat woods just to the left of the depot buildings and not far from the rear of the railroad train. I immediately threw out skirmishers and found the enemy posted in strong position behind the railroad embankment in my front and to my left. My troops kept up a brisk fire upon the enemy's position and upon the train. I was not long in advancing my line, and took up a position in an old field about 80 or 100 yards from the railroad. When the whole line was ordered to advance I charged the enemy's position, and advanced my line to within about 40 yards of the enemy's fortifications, taking possession of the railroad train and bringing off 15 or 20 prisoners.

Two pieces of the Buckner Battery came up just here to my support and opened on the enemy retreating to his fortifications. I then sent for a portion of Captain Palmer's battery. When the piece sent reached the position, owing to some unfortunate misunderstanding, the Buckner Battery had fallen back, under the impression that the whole line had retreated. Finding myself entirely unsupported, I withdrew to the woods again. Having learned that Captain Palmer was coming up with his piece, I advanced again and resumed my most advanced position. The enemy in the meantime had with re-enforcements taken possession again of the train and depot buildings. The artillery being scarce of ammunition, fired but slowly and inefficiently. I held this position, however, until the whole line was ordered to retreat, and then withdrew slowly and in perfect order.

In this action, I regret to say, we lost First Sergeant Woodall, a brave man and gallant soldier, mortally wounded, and Private William Blair, Company C, severely wounded in the arm.

The enemy pursuing in large force, reached the vicinity of Byhalia on the 12th. We marched from Myers' Mill to Ingram's house, and took up a position to the left of the road upon which the battery had position, and in the center of the position of the brigade. A squadron under command of Lieutenant-Colonel White was detached and sent to the extreme left to hold that position, which he did firmly and gallantly. I advanced my skirmishers through the woods and engaged the enemy's skirmishers, then advanced my line about 100 yards, and held the position firmly until ordered to retreat.

At Wyatt, on the following day, my regiment was posted on the side of the hill along the corn-field to the left of the pontoon bridge, and ordered to prevent the enemy's advance in that direction. We held the position during the engagement, but, the enemy not appearing in our front, were not engaged.

I regret to mention that First Lieutenant Callahan, doing picket duty at Byhalia, was cut off and probably captured. I regret even the temporary loss of so gallant an officer from his command.

On the morning after the Wyatt fight, while on the retreat at daylight, we were met by Brigadier-General Chalmers and ordered to countermarch and return to the river. The regiment remained in this position all day guarding a ford 3 miles above. Lieutenant-Colonel White, with Captain Cox's company (A), was sent to the bridge to watch the enemy's movements.

I should say that our ammunition was well nigh exhausted at the Byhalia fight.

To Lieutenant-Colonel White I am much indebted for valuable assistance and a hearty co-operation throughout the entire expedition. To Adjutant Hammond I am also much indebted for assistance and a cheerful attention to his duties under all circumstances, and also to my non-commissioned staff. To all the officers and men I am under lasting obligations for a cheerful obedience to orders, and cannot speak too highly of their bravery and fortitude.

I am, captain, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Colonel, Commanding Thirteenth Tennessee Cavalry.

Captain A. W. LOVING,

Assistant Adjutant-General, West Tennessee Brigade.

Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 10:39PM

HDQRS. WITHERS' DIV., POLK'S CORPS, ARMY OF TENN., Six and a half miles from Shelbyville, March 8, 1863-8 p.m.

Assistant Adjutant-General, Polk's Corps:

MAJOR: After remaining for hours to-day at Rover, the command had returned to the camp of last night. While at Rover, reconnaissance's to the front, 2 miles beyond Eagleville, to the left, on the Chapel Hill and Triune road, and to the right, up the in the direction of Salem, were made without encountering the enemy. He had moved on yesterday morning (Sheridan's and Steedman's brigades) to the north side of Harpeth River, near Triune.

A dispatch from General Van Dorn (which I sent you) was received, confirming my determination not to move the infantry farther to the front; therefore the return to this place. One brigade will be left here in the morning, and the other two will return to their camps. Will your order General Deas to return also; that is, if it meets the approval of the lieutenant-general commanding? Although the prime object of this move has not been achieved, for the reason that the enemy had left the vicinity of Chapel Hill before we left Shelbyville, yet I hope it has not been entirely fruitless. Having been early apprised of the move, the enemy retired beyond reach to a line farther in his rear than any he has occupied for more than a month. This evening he is not in Middleton, Versailles, or Eagleville. He will doubtless, however, reoccupy those places to-morrow. The inadequacy of the cavalry force in this front will enable him to do this without hinderance from us.

I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Brigadier-General, Commanding.

Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 10:07PM

No. 84. Report of Colonel Joseph Wheeler, Nineteenth Alabama Infantry, commanding Brigade, of operations May 28-29.
HEADQUARTERS FIRST BRIGADE, Near Baldwin, Miss., June 6, 1862.

MAJOR:I have the honor to report that on the evening of the 28th ultimo,being in command of the First Brigade, Withers' division, I was ordered to leave Colonel Deas' regiment, four guns of Robertson's battery, and a detail of 150 men from each other regiment, and to proceed with the remainder of the brigade to the outpost on the Monterey road, and drive the enemy from a position they had taken that morning, and establish our pickets as they were before the advance of the enemy.

On arriving at the outpost with this force-consisting of portions of the Nineteenth, Twenty-fifth, and Twenty-sixth Alabama Regiments, under Lieutenant-Colonels Tracy and Johnston and Colonel Coltart, in all between 300 and 400 men-I found Lieutenant-Colonel Mills, with about 200 men from the Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, and Twenty-ninth Mississippi Regiments, and two guns of Robertson's battery. Colonel Mills had been driven back about half a mile by a superior force, who had established themselves in a densely-wooded swamp so favorably, that this gallant officer had been baffled in repeated attempts to permanently re-establish his line of pickets in this retied position, and on our first arrival we were met by the retreat of the pickets stationed between the Monterey and Farmington roads. Finding, after a short reconnaissance, that the enemy was most advanced and strongly posted in the swamp referred to (between the Monterey and Farmington roads), I immediately advanced a line of skirmishers to feel his position, and, if possible,to accomplish the desired object, but they soon returned, reporting the advance of a large force, which proved to be a reconnaissance in force by the enemy.

By this time, hearing this advance and feeling the importance of meeting this additional force before he could choose his position in the swamp, I directed Colonels Mills and Clanton, who had just come up with some cavalry, to hold the line on the left of the Monterey road, which was more open and not at this time menaced by the enemy, while I moved, with the rest of the brigade, rapidly forward in line (the front being covered by skirmishers),and drove the enemy from his position and through the swamp.

On arriving at Bridge Creek I halted the brigade, and immediately deployed the skirmishers in a favorable line some distance to our front, who continued to engage the enemy, who had halted and taken a less advantageous position, and beyond the point we were ordered to drive them.

The conduct of the officers and men in this affair was commendable, subjected as they were to a heavy fire of both artillery, and infantry, from a foe secreted by the density of undergrowth. They advanced steadily,not using their arms until they were ordered, when they fired with good effect.

Among the killed of the enemy was a field officer, supposed to be the reconnoitering officer.

So gallant a dash to dislodge an enemy so favorably positioned was not, I regret to say, without loss to us; 6 of our men were immediately killed and about 10 severely wounded, including Captain W. R. D. McKenzie, Nineteenth Alabama Regiment, a most gallant and efficient officer, who received a mortal wound, from which he has since died.

I then advanced the left, under Colonels Mills and Clanton, and maintained the line during the remainder of the day, that night, the following day, and until 9.30 o'clock on the night of the 29th ultimo, having during that time frequent skirmishes, in which we always had the advantage, as our line was obscured, while the enemy was more exposed,he having lost the advantage of the thick woods. The part of the line under the gallant Colonel Clanton was severely engaged about 10 to 11 o'clock on the morning of the 29th ultimo, in which several were wounded on both sides.

I would mention particularly the gallant and good conduct of Colonel Clanton, Lieutenant-Colonel Mills (Seventh Mississippi), Lieutenant-Colonel Tracy, and Captain Hollinsworth (Nineteenth Alabama Regiment), and Private James Kerns (of Farish's cavalry), under Colonel Clanton.

Colonel Mills was wounded in the shoulder on the 29th, and returned to Corinth.

Private Kerns was also wounded while gallantly rallying a line of Mississippi troops who had bee driven from their positions.

At 9.30 o'clock on the night of the 29th, the cavalry, under Colonel Clanton, having been placed so as to cover the entire front, a signal was given, at which the infantry pickets were noiselessly withdrawn, and at 12 o'clock I silently marched the brigade to Corinth, and slowly marched toward the Tuscumbia River, taking up the infantry (left in the breastworks) as we passed, and the artillery, all of which had been sent to the south side of Corinth at 6 o'clock the evening before. I detailed a rear guard, under Captain Kimbrough and Lieutenant Hodo, before starting, with orders to force every straggler found on the road to join and move on to the rear.

This duty was most efficiently performed while I was with them, and these officers assure me that they and their men awakened and forced on every straggler they found. Any stragglers left on the road must have left Corinth after the rear guard, or secreted themselves some distance off the road, to avoid being disturbed.

On arriving at a point about 1 mile from Tuscumbia River, and finding the brigade too near the main body, I halted and rested about two hours, and then passed on to about a mile this side of said river, where we halted, and were ordered by Lieutenant Ellis to return to the river and await the crossing of the cavalry, which, we were informed, had orders to burn the bridges immediately after passing over.

On arriving at the river I placed the main body of the brigade in a position favorable to defend any of the crossings near the road and deployed strong lines of skirmishers on both sides of the road near the bridge. I had one gun of Robertson's battery placed this side of the bridge in battery, with a prolonge attaching it to the limber, so that, if necessary, it could retire firing. Heavy details were then made to prepare for burning the bridges, and fires were made near them, so that they could be promptly fired.

Immediately after making these dispositions Colonel Wirt Adams passed to the rear, with his regiment, reporting Colonel Clanton behind, but stating that he thought Colonel Clanton's regiment would retire by another road; but I was still informed that a small detachment of cavalry was waiting to destroy a bridge between the Tuscumbia River and Corinth, Miss.

While this work of preparing the bridges and obstructing the fords was going on, Captain Cooke (an aide to the general commanding) furnished me a squad of 3 cavalry, the only cavalry present, which I sent up the road to watch and announce any advance of the enemy. They soon returned, closely pursued by the enemy, who were moving rapidly down the road, and on approaching our position deployed and commenced a rapid and heavy fire. Our men remained quiet until the enemy approached within about 40 yards, when our skirmishers and the gun above referred to (which was skillfully and gallantly handled by Lieutenant Dent, of Robertson's battery) promptly and rapidly returned their fire, putting the enemy to flight, and, as we afterward ascertained, killing 5 and wounding 9 of their number. The difficulty of crossing (as the bridges were fired) as the enemy approached precluded pursuit, but without much delay Lieutenant Butler, of the Louisiana regulars, effected a crossing, with a small detail, and completed the destruction of the bridge.

Toward evening I received an order from the general commanding this army to leave Colonel Deas, with his and one other regiment and two guns of Robertson's battery, and proceed to the rear with the remainder of the brigade.

Inclosed please find statement of the number of killed and wounded.

I am, major, very respectfully,your obedient servant,


Colonel, Commanding First Brigade, Wither's Division.


Assistant Adjutant-General, Army of Mississippi.


Wither's division-Parts of First and Second Brigades, commanded by Colonel Joseph Wheeler, Nineteenth Alabama Regiment-List of killed and wounded in affairs on the Monterey road preparatory to the evacuation of Corinth, Miss., May 28 and 29, 1862.

W o u n d e d.

Names and commands. Kil Mor Seve Sligh Mis Total

led tal rely tly sin

ly g

Lieutenant. Colonel A. G. Mills, -- -- 2 1 -- 3

7th Mississippi Regiment

Lieutenant. Colonel A. G. Mills, -- -- 5 1 6 12

9th Mississippi Regiment

Lieutenant. Colonel A. G. Mills, 2 -- -- 1 -- 3

29th Mississippi Regiment

Lieutenant. Colonel E. K. Tracy, 3 2 1 3 -- 9

19th Alabama Regiment

Lieutenant. Colonel G. D. 1 -- -- 1 1 3

Johnston, 25th Alabama


Colonel J. G. Coltart, 26th 2 -- -- -- -- 2

Alabama Regiment

Colonel Clanton, 1st -- 2 4 4 -- 10

Alabama Cavalry

Captain Farish's company -- -- -- 1 -- 1

(Alabama) of cavalry

Total 8 4 12 12 7 43


Colonel, Commanding First Brigade.

Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 10:04PM

Report of Lieutenant Colonel Benjamin F. Johns, Seventh Mississippi Infantry, commanding Ninth Mississippi Infantry, of operations July 28.

MAJOR: I have the honor to report that on the 28th instant, about 12 m., my regiment was formed in its proper place in the line, and soon after advanced through a dense wood to an old field, where the line was halted for a few minutes to reform. I had received the order that when I moved to continue the advance until I should find the enemy, when I should engage and drive him. A few minutes thereafter the order was received to advance, when the regiment moved forward across a ridge through a corn-field, a distance of half a mile, where a dense undergrowth was encountered, through which the troops moved about 400 yards, where the enemy were found posted behind a small clearing about 150 yards across. The enemy occupied some temporary works and houses. The regiment immediately charged across this open space and drove the enemy, killing and wounding several, and capturing 5 prisoners. A few of the enemy held the ground stubbornly and fought had to hand.

While pressing through the woods between the two fields before alluded to, the Seventh Mississippi Regiment, which was on my right, fell back, thus causing an opening in the line, which was never closed until the brigade retired. After the enemy was driven from his position in my front he took advantage of this opening and pressed forward, with the evident intention of cutting off that portion of the line to the left. At the same time I understood that there was an order to fall back. As the woods were so thick that it was impossible to see anything to my right, I retired to the corn-field, where the regiment was reformed. Here I received an order to retire across the field to the road, where we rested for a short time. Again, in obedience to orders, the regiment promptly advanced across the field as at first, but upon reaching the woods changed direction to the right to the field, where the line was again reformed, and then fell back under orders to the road. Some marching and counter marching was done during the remainder of the evening, but the regiment did not again engage the enemy.

I regret to report the death of Captain George W. Braden, Company I. He was a most valuable officer, and the loss to his company and regiment is irreparable. He was struck by a ball near the cheekbone and died almost instantly. Private Cyrus H. Johnston, Company C, well known in the commissary department, voluntarily shouldered his rifle and went into the fight. While bravely discharging his duty a ball struck the point of his shoulder and entered the body, causing death in a few minutes. Captain Holahan, of Company B; Lieutenant Cox, of Company F, and Lieutenant Barnes, of Company G, were painfully wounded. For the names of the other wounded I refer to the accompanying list of casualties.*



Lieutenant-Colonel, Commanding Regiment.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 10:01PM

Report of Colonel William H. Bishop, Seventh Mississippi Infantry, of operations July 28.


MAJOR: On the 28th instant when we first moved on the enemy I met with a little or no resistance on my front until after we crossed the Lick Skillet road and passed through the open field in front of it. Here, advancing rapidly along the lane running to the front and at right angles to the Lick Skillet road, we reached some houses nearly half a mile in advance of that road. At this point we were considerably in advance of the right of the line when it gave way and fell back. As the enemy had given rapidly back on my front, and all the firing this time came from the direction of the hill on my right, I formed my line along the lane so as to connect with that portion of the line on my immediate right, which had fallen back to the lane. Here I remained until the brigade was ordered to form on the Lick Skillet road.

The second time was advanced my left rested on the lane previously mentioned. We succeeded in passing through the field on the right of the lane nearly to the woods on the crest of the hill on our front under a heavy fire from the enemy on the hill on our right. The enemy in our immediate front were formed behind a rail fence in the edge of the woods. We endeavored to drive them from their position, but the line had by this time become too much weakened to do so.

As the enfilade fire from our right had now become too severe to remain in that exposed position, we were compelled to fall back toward the left, again changing front to the right along the lane. Here we remained until ordered to retire.

Very respectfully, &c.;,


Colonel, Commanding.


Acting Assistant Adjutant-General.

Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 09:57PM

Report of Brigadier General Jacob H. Sharp, C. S. Army, commanding brigade, of operations July 28.
HEADQUARTERS TUCKER'S BRIGADE, In the Field, August 1, 1864.

CAPTAIN: I have the honor to submit the following as the action of this command during the engagement July 28 to the west of Atlanta: On the 27th of July this brigade-consisting of the Ninth Mississippi Battalion Sharpshooters, Seventh, Ninth, Tenth, Forty-first, and Forty-fourth Mississippi Regiments-was ordered to move from the position it had occupied in the trenches to the east of Atlanta, and bivouacked that night in the suburbs west of the town.

During the morning of the 28th we were hurried out along the ---- road a distance of three miles to check the enemy, who was attempting to cross that road. As we arrived near the position to be contested the enemy had already engaged our cavalry.

The enemy being reported in possession of the road, the head of my column was oblique into the woods on the left and my line formed with the right resting near the road. The battalion of sharpshooters being too much reduced by casualties during the campaign to cover the front of the brigade, one company from the Tenth and another from the Forty-first Regiments were detached to co-operate with them, and deployed 200 yards in advance of the lines. About 11 a. m. I was ordered to move forward and engage the enemy and drive him from his position. The brigade moved forward in handsome style, the skirmishers driving the enemy's skirmishers and forcing a section of artillery posted on the line to retire. After advancing a short distance we entered an open field, where the command was halted and reformed. Deas' brigade was on my right and Walthall's on the left. We moved forward across the field under fire and descended a hill, where we entered the woods and commenced the ascent of the hill upon which the enemy were posted. The distance we moved under fire was 800 yards. I soon found that my right was unable to carry the enemy's position. This was because the enemy's line was so formed that he had an oblique fire along my right. I hastened to the left of the brigade to move the Forty-first Regiment around to the support of the right, but found it so scattered that it was impossible to handle it as on organization. The fire on the right was too severe to be withstood. The Forty-fourth, [which] was on the extreme right, had lost within two of half its entire numbers, while the gallant Tenth, on its left, had been almost as severely punished, besides losing 5 color-bearers. These two gallant regiments, never known to falter when the order was to forward, were forced to retire. The other regiments of the brigade were advancing steadily, when they were forced to retire because the right had been repulsed. The Forty-first and Ninth, on the left, had driven the enemy from his position with but little loss. The brigade was then retired and reformed, when we were again moved forward. This assault terminated as the first. The left advanced until it was fired into obliquely from the right, while the right was unable to advance even as far as in the first assault. Walthall's division was then advanced, and we were ordered to retire. We were not again moved against the enemy.

For further details I have the honor to refer to the accompanying reports of regimental commanders.

My entire loss during the engagement was 214 killed, wounded, and missing. The number engaged (officers and men) was 1,020. We have to report may of our most valuable officers killed and wounded.

I am, captain, very respectfully,



Captain H. J. CHENEY,

Assistant Adjutant-General.

Posted: Fri Aug 04 2023, 09:29PM

Brig. Gen. Patton Anderson Reports of July 27 & 28, 1863

TAYLOR'S STORE, ALA., July 27, 1863-1 p. m.

Assistant Adjutant-General:

MAJOR: A small party of the enemy's cavalry made a dash this morning about 10 o'clock at the steamer Paint Rock, while loading at Bridgeport, but was quickly repulsed by the company of sharpshooters under Captain [W. W.] Tucker, who had been deployed to protect her. For some not yet explained, she was delayed in her arrival here, not arriving in time to load last night, which might have been done had she arrived at 7 o'clock yesterday evening, as appointed. I have given orders an hour ago for her to leave for Chattanooga, and presume by this time she is under way. No one hurt on our side.

I am, major, very respectfully, &c.;,


Brigadier-General, Commanding. TAYLOR'S STORE, ALA., July 28, 1863.-1 p. m.


Asst. Adjt. General, Polk's Corps, Army of Tennessee:

MAJOR: A force of the enemy's cavalry, supposed to be a regiment, appeared at Bridgeport this morning and discharged a few desultory short at our pickets on the island; then retired beyond the hill and formed line of battle. Since this last maneuver own their part I have no intelligence from them, but am of pinion that they have retired. It is, perhaps, a force sent there to capture the steamer which lay there yesterday. Finding she had gone, they will probably return or scout along up the river in search of something.

I am, major, very respectfully, your obedient servant,


Brigadier-General, Commanding.