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Author Post
Mon Feb 09 2009, 12:53PM
Registered Member #2
Joined: Thu Jul 19 2007, 03:39PM
Posts: 913
That the US Army WW2 "Dixie Division" were the only US Military unit allowed to use the Confederate Flag?

The Confederate Flag flew over the downfall of the Berlin Wall?

The Confederate Flag was used by Sudanese Freedom Fighters?

The US Army named Fort Lee after General Robert E Lee?

The tallest monument in Arlington National Cemetery is the Confederate Memorial?

British named their WW2 tanks after General JEB Stuart?

The US Navy named one of their submarines the USS Robert E Lee?

Many of our current fighting men are trained at Fort Bragg and Fort Hood?

After Shuri Castle was taken by US Marines on Okinawa in WW2, they flew the Confederate Flag in triumph?

The best Irish Hurling team uses the Confederate Flag as a rally symbol?

The United States issued a Congressional Gold Medal to a few surviving Confederate Veterans?

8 of the former 13 Confederate states still fly state flags that incorporate some form of Confederate symbiology on them?

The largest (Stone Mtn) and the longest (Jeff Davis Hwy) From DC to Blaine, Wash Memorials in the US are to Confederates.

[ Edited Tue Feb 10 2009, 02:55PM ]
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Mon Feb 09 2009, 05:47PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3293
Also the largest monument in the world is the Jeff davis Highway, over 1,000 miles in length!!!

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