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Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education :: Forums :: General :: General Discussion
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Negative Response to "Petition/Letter" and Reply CORRECTION
Moderators: gpthelastrebel, Patrick
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Lady Val
Sun May 24 2009, 08:28PM
Registered Member #75
Joined: Sat Nov 01 2008, 03:22PM
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The Pathetic Environment In Which We Now Live

From: tandpam©shawneelink.net

Chuck and all,

A few short hours ago a most cherished friend of my family Brock Townsend sent us the following link. Don't Honor The Arlington Confederate Monument.

I happened to have just sat down to check the inbox when Brock's mail popped in. Much to the contrary of my momma’s raising, I replied my thoughts in regards to the post, in what I can only describe as in very un-gentleman like language. I am no choir boy by anyone's stretch of the imagination, but, I do try hard not to let the "oilfied Indian" side of me out most of the time.

Tonight there was little to no hope of reeling me in. In fact, I was still raging a few short minutes ago while on the phone to friend in Seattle Washington.

The link is obviously above, check out the insanity for yourself, but the skinny of the situation is, some idiot wrote a letter to our new Prez asking that he not honour the Confederate fallen at the memorial in Arlington National Cemetery.

I can not for the life of me, believe that anyone who considers themselves to be an American, could, with any sense of conscience or even the morals of a prostitute ever suggest that the President of the United States of America, not honour a memorial to American Veterans who paid the ultimate sacrifice in a war from which this nation has never fully recovered, nor in my meaningless opinion will it ever fully recover as long as bigoted attitudes such as those proposed prevail.

God help us all, for we are in the fastlane to hell, and I really am beginning to wonder how many care. May those of us who do care, find the strength and courage to somehow persevere.


[ Edited Thu May 28 2009, 06:27PM ]
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Lady Val
Sun May 24 2009, 08:33PM
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I am “the idiot”, as you put it, who wrote that it is better for Obama not to “honor” the Confederate memorial. Why did I write such a scandalous thing? Because those without honor cannot honor anything and the time has come to recognize that fact. You say that you cannot imagine anyone (and I am being kind here by not repeating your obnoxious sentiments) not wanting “The President Of The United States” to lay a wreath on a memorial to these noble men. Very well, if that is the criteria you have established, let us look at that office, shall we?

The last man worthy of the office - and for which that office was worthy - was Ronald Wilson Reagan. Even decent people who disagreed with Reagan’s ideology and policies considered him an honorable man of courage – just man inspired by patriotic fervor and the good of The People. Here indeed was a President who could “honor” anything and anyone by virtue of his own honor and not simply by virtue of the office that he held. But Reagan was followed by a man who spent his only term disparaging his predecessor and making the profound statement after the fall of the Soviet Union (for which Reagan was responsible) that it was time to initiate the “New World Order”!

And that man was replaced by a President who was bought and paid for by the Chinese Communists and who made sure that the Chicoms received the technology that would allow their nuclear missiles to actually hit something – like the United States – making a financial killing from both the Chinese and the industrialist who sold that technology. In a better era, that would have been called treason. This man committed perjury, was impeached by the House and would have been removed from office if Senate Republicans had cared as much for the Constitution as they did for the poll numbers. This is also the man who used the Oval Office to have oral sex with a girl his daughter’s age.

This paragon of Presidential virtue was replaced by a man whose words upon the institution of the Department of Homeland Security were eerily and frighteningly similar to the words used by Adolf Hitler upon institution of the Gestapo. This man also openly renounced and rejected the Constitution and, like his father, championed a breakdown of our borders and the institution of first the North American Union and the subsequent New World Order.

And finally, we have the man who now occupies the Oval Office. However, unlike his immediate past predecessors, the question here is whether or not this man is constitutionally permitted to be the President of the United States! Is he even a naturalized – much less a “natural born” - American citizen? There are huge questions about both of these issues. Mostly, it would seem, there are excellent reasons to believe that he is a Kenyan-born Indonesian citizen who achieved all of his offices through fraud, extortion and the covert assistance of secret backers who are no friends of this country. Soldiers take an oath to protect the nation from all enemies foreign and domestic. Surely, this Manchurian candidate has got to be one of the greatest domestic threats this country has ever had.

The honor bestowed by the Office of President only goes so far – or do you grant it to all who have occupied that position irrespective of their character and behavior? Perhaps you would rejoice if Lincoln were to lay a wreath on the graves of the men he murdered by the might of the Federal Government? If so, then obviously it doesn’t matter to you who or what a person is, so long as he or she is considered “the President”. Frankly, I am too old to be impressed by politicians no matter what their titles.

You should also know there is nothing wrong about rejecting “leaders”. The Founding Fathers rejected King George and called him names. John Hancock referred to him as “fat George”, hardly a term of respect. I don’t imagine that any of them would have looked to the presence of the King as essential to honoring the graves of colonists who had fallen in battle while those colonies were still part of Great Britain. And remember, the “office” of King has a much longer and more prestigious lineage than that of a mere “president” of any country! Furthermore, there is no question that George was in fact “The King”! He was the son and grandson of a king and the father and grandfather of kings. His “legitimacy” to serve in that office is not in doubt; the same cannot be said for the man that you believe should honor the Confederate dead on Memorial Day.

So, in fact, just who is the prostitute here: myself for acknowledging the existing situation and not believing that honor accrues to the noble dead by any action of the present government - or those who go forth, metaphorical hat in hand, exchanging credibility for a mess of ritualistic pottage? For one cannot criticize the current politically correct culture and the present government with regard to the assaults on individual liberty, the Constitution, Southern heritage and Confederate symbols on one hand and go begging for their regard on the other. You either acknowledge them as enemies or accept them as friends. Anything else is simply absurd.

By now, Southerners should have learned that “those people” cannot be appeased. Attempts at doing so have only resulted in more censorship and a greater assault upon Southern heritage. This petition to Obama by the likes of Sebasta and Ayres is a godsend to the defenders of the South. Why? Because “those people” believe that we need the “blessings” of the establishment and their approval; that we require “official recognition”; that Southerners will be devastated if no wreath is laid upon their dead by the “Federal Government”. If that is the case, then the battle for Southern heritage and personal liberty is lost. Personally, I do not believe that it is - or that we need the likes of Obama or Sebasta or the rest. We know what they are and what they represent and we should rejoice in their rejection of our cause for thus the Pharisees rejected Christ and His Apostles.

What serves in Washington as our “government” is out of control. We are being ruled by fiat. The “President” hires and fires heads of private corporations and “redistributes” the nation’s wealth from the “we earned it” to the “we want it”. We already have seen decent Americans placed in the cross-hairs because they are Christians or pro-life or legal gun owners or former military. Posse Comitatus which protected Americans from the use of the military as a federal police force is no more. Obama has already received permission and money from Congress to form his version of Hitler’s brownshirts – a paramilitary civilian “defense force”. Are these the people from whom you want recognition for the Confederate dead?! If that is the case, then you are in effect saying that the sacrifice made by these men was not only in vain, but can now only be validated by the very tyranny against which they fought.

Honor and legitimacy is not bestowed by the dishonorable and illegitimate no matter what position they hold in the establishment. Go to Scripture and see if Kings, Governors and High Priests are presented as those from whom we should seek praise. The Psalmist rightly states, “Let a good man strike or rebuke me in kindness, but let the oil of the wicked never anoint my head.” Well, the same thing can be said about a wreath for a grave as oil for the head. But if you feel that you must, by all means, go and implore the mighty Obama to bestow a crumb of recognition upon these Southern heroes. He probably will – this year. Ah, but next year? And what will you do then? Still, you might be spared the problem because under the present government by that time the Arlington monument – like so many other Confederate symbols – may no longer exist.

Valerie Protopapas
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Sun May 24 2009, 11:57PM

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Next time use small words so they can understand what is being stated!!!!!!

I will say this Mark and I approved the letter, we urged it to be posted. If T or anyone else has a desire to attack a SHAPE member I will say this, we will take care of our own unlike other groups.


[ Edited Mon May 25 2009, 12:00AM ]
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Lady Val
Mon May 25 2009, 02:58AM
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Don't worry about it. I don't like being attacked - who does? But it doesn't bother me anymore. When I was younger, I longed for folks' approval. I was crushed when I was criticized, especially wrongfully, and I would look at what I wrote or said and wonder if I wasn't too this or too that. No more. I read that letter over many times before I gave it to you and I read this letter over many times before I sent it off - and I approve of both.

I didn't feel much like going to church today. I have become depressed remembering loved ones who have gone on. I wanted to stay home, but I have a duty to Christ and He has promised to help, so I went. The priest's sermon today was about seeking the approval of the world or having the guts to stand up and say what is unpopular and outrageous because it is right! I guess I was right to go because I certainly got a clear response to my concern about whether or not I had done the right thing.

My grandfather used to say something that I now know is profound: if one hundred people are in a room and are asked how much is two times two and ninety-nine of them say five - and only one says four, the answer isn't five no matter how great the majority is that gave that answer. If only one person is right out of a hundred, right is still right. And if NOBODY is right, then nobody is right. Very few correct answers can be found in a poll.

Parenthetically, I just received an e-mail from Philip Berg (an attorney who broght suit against Obama's eligibility) calling this imposter's actions in laying wreaths on American military graves "a disgrace". Well if it's a disgrace for him to honor American graves (including Yankees) then how is it a wonderful thing for him to "honor" Confederate graves?? That makes no sense at all. Frankly, this man and this government are a disgrace and those who worship at their feet are the real "prostitutes", selling whatever is necessary for the approval of the elites. Actually, an honest prostitute only sells what is hers to sell, not what belongs to others - like the honor of the noble dead.

[ Edited Mon May 25 2009, 03:06AM ]
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Mon May 25 2009, 03:30AM

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Post the letter!!!! Maybe it will actually open some eyes.

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Lady Val
Mon May 25 2009, 10:37AM
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I sent both yourself (on behalf of SHAPE) and Chuck Demastus on behalf of SHNV copies of the letter. We'll see if he posts it in response to "T"'s sentiments. If so, then I will consider it "posted" since the letter from "T" was posted in the SHNV.
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Mon May 25 2009, 02:26PM

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Good deal.

I wrote two sentences and got blasted in an email by a UDC commander. You won't believe the rights she assumes she has!!! Here is the sentence. Please tell me how on Gods green earth anyone that can read can misunderstand this?

Well that boycott door swings both ways. If they refuse to let The SCV march we can also boycott all the mentioned places Heck I though the SCV was boycotting NASCAR anyway.

George Purvis

Maybe she had a hard time with NASCAR --- Who knows?????


[ Edited Mon May 25 2009, 03:39PM ]
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Lady Val
Mon May 25 2009, 03:20PM
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The UDC is the same group who refused to file charges against Arthur Dowdell, that Auburn Councilman who went into a cemetery where UDC ladies were putting flags on Confederate graves and pulled up some of the flags and threatened to come back and pull the rest up. The women were alone in the place and "Bishop" Dowdell is a big black man. It caused quite a stir and in the end the Mayor and the City Council had no choice but to "censure" him - little good that does. Dowdell has also promised to put forth regulations limiting the flying of the flag on Confederate graves to one day.

Because his crimes were misdemeanors and not witnessed by police, Alabama law stated that a charge had to be leveled by the ladies present. Guess what? No charges were forthcoming. Dowdell returned the flags to one of the women and paid for the broken one and all is well..... (unladylike sentiment expressed with gusto!)

What ever happened to the courage and conviction of the women who actually saved Confederate history and Southern heritage??? Where have all the heroines gone??? Rose Greenhow, Belle Boyd and Laura Ratcliffe (to name just three) are probably turning over in their graves.
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Mon May 25 2009, 03:39PM

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"Dowdell has also promised to put forth regulations limiting the flying of the flag on Confederate graves to one day."

I wonder if this will pass. Why should there even be a regulation. Do we have any follow up on this?

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Lady Val
Mon May 25 2009, 06:14PM
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I haven't seen anything. The last time I posted, the newspaper site had an editorial which stated that it was time to "move on". I said, yes, by all means, but I wanted assurances that Dowdell would not attempt to achieve by regulations what he had failed to achieve by brute force. However, I haven't heard any more about it.

By the way, just got my latest SHNV and expected to see my response to "T" in it; it wasn't in there. I don't know if there are other responses and they'll all be posted together or if there wasn't time to put it in an issue or if it isn't going to be posted. I guess time will tell.
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Mon May 25 2009, 07:37PM

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I am still trying to figure out how he can casue hurt to someone , the UDC in this case, then turn around and regulate how long and when the confederate flags can be flown.

Something ain't right.

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