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Author Post
Wed Sep 01 2010, 03:52PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4064
Dear Editor,

I read with interest your article about Glenn Beck's rally not being as "lily white" as the media proclaimed. I have only one response: has it become negative to be "white" in America?

I saw an Lincoln impersonator at Beck's rally. I have one question in response to that: if a man had come in a Confederate Uniform impersonating Gen. Robert E. Lee, whom Dwight D. Eisenhower called "the greatest American who ever lived," would Gen. Lee have been welcome at Beck's rally?

I think you and I both know the answer. The Southern people who represent the Scotch-Irish stock in this country are STILL excluded and STILL discriminated against; STILL told that they of all the polyglot ethnicities in this country CANNOT celebrate and honor their Confederate American Heritage; still kept upon our EVERLASTING STOOL OF REPENTANCE.

May I remind you, "conservative" WND, that the American South is the ONLY PREDOMINATELY CHRISTIAN REGION left in the world: the Biblebelt.
May I remind you, "conservative" WND, that 250,000 Southern white men died FIGHTING against BIG GOVERNMENT INTRUSION (Morrill Tax) just what you say Beck's rally was about.
May I remind you, "conservative" WND, that Lincoln arrested 35 members of the Maryland Legislature to prevent their voting on secession. Can you say "due process?" Lincoln also shut down 20 or so pro-South northern newspapers. Can you say FIRST AMENDMENT?
And lastly, may I remind you and Sarah Palin and Glenn Beck of these little facts: the men that form the core of Stephen Ambrose's book "Citizen Soldier," a true account of fighting on the German front in WWII are heavily Southern. The first Marine awarded the Medal of Honor in WWII, Hank Elrod, was from GA. A vast number of military bases in this country are name for Confederate Generals. It was disproportionately Southerners -- some wearing Confederate battle flags under their uniforms -- who formed the backbone of the military that THREW BACK Adolph Hitler. And I know I don't need to remind y'all that Sgt. York, most decorated GI from WWI was a Southerner from TN; and Audie Murphy, most decorated GI from WWII was from Texas? And need I say that the state of Alabama furnished the MOST national guardsmen for Iraq during the Bush Administration? Did you know that people waved the Confederate Battle Flag when the Berlin Wall came down? Why? It is an international symbol of resistance to tyranny.

For SHAME, FOR SHAME. That an identifiable ethnic people who have been here since Jamestown are not welcome at a rally purporting to promote HONOR. The South is the birthplace of HONOR. (You don't think there's any in Boston or San Francisco, do you?) For SHAME, for SHAME, that the warrior class (Southern men) of this nation are EXCLUDED from a rally that purports to "restore honor."

I know you won't respond to this unless by one of those automatically generated letters. However,
In Dixie's Land I'll take my stand
To live and die in Dixie.

Ellen Williams
Leroy, Alabama

(used with permission)

[ Edited Wed Sep 01 2010, 03:54PM ]
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