Senator Cory Booker One Port Center 2 Riverside Drive, Suite 505 Camden, NJ 08101
June 17, 2019
Dear Senator Booker,
The wasting of Congressional time on the subject of slave reparations is beyond ludicrous. There are real issues to be dealing with instead of trying to squeeze money out of people, who have never owned slaves, to pay over to people who have never been slaves. What about the free blacks who owned slaves? Do their descendants get the same consideration as the descendants of whites who owned slaves? Oh, you probably were not aware of this little “oversight” in our public school history curriculum, hmmm? What about the descendants of whites who were owned by blacks? Oh, you weren’t aware of this little “oversight” either? While their numbers were far fewer than the number of blacks owned by whites, they existed nevertheless.
Nobody condones the institution of slavery, however, the fact is that the blacks in America today are much better off here than they would be in Africa had their ancestors not been victims of the New England slave trade. That’s right; it was New England Yankees who were getting rich off the slave trade, not Southerners. Not one Confederate ship ever worked in the slave trade and not one slave ship ever flew a Confederate flag. Old Glory is the flag that flew on the slave ships. The whole problem with the ideas and attitudes concerning slavery and the South stems from the miseducation everyone receives in this country. Our history was rewritten during Reconstruction, and the myths and lies have been taught for over 150 years, warping the minds of millions, and setting the false narrative that “the war was all about slavery”. It had nothing to do with slavery. Also, blacks were much better treated in the South than they were in the North, as was observed by Alexis de Tocqueville, a French diplomat who toured America during The War of Northern Aggression.
Mr. Booker, you and I have been taught the same false narrative concerning the War. My education on this subject did not end when my schooling was completed. It began. I have done much research and read numerous fact-filled books on the subject. If you have an open mind, you can learn much from the enclosed True History CD (read only) and booklet containing the truth of our history. If everyone knew the truth about our history, we would not be wasting valuable time with Congressional hearings on “reparations”, and all this cultural genocide which is destroying Confederate monuments and removing them would not be taking place. I urge you to do as I have done, and am doing; educate yourself with the truth.