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Georgia Vets and Confederate Burials in Georgia Confederate Flag Day-- Little Rock Arkansas
Keachi, La. Cemetery --2009
Keachi, La. Cemetery --2009
Kingston Hospital, Georgia
Fall Muster , Beauvoir, 2010
Fall Muster , Beauvoir, 2010
Mississippi Flag Issue
Mississippi Flag Issue
Barney Maxey Marker Dedication, Minden La Camp Moore Photos 11-08
Camp Moore Photos 11-08
Confederate Graves, Ladoga Cemetery
Confederate Graves, Ladoga Cemetery
Confederate Memorial Day at Beauvoir
Confederate Memorial Day at Beauvoir
Confederate Memorial Day, Caddo Parish Courthouse
Confederate Memorial Day, Caddo Parish Courthouse
CSS Alabama Burial
CSS Alabama Burial
Franctional Currency -- US
Franctional Currency -- US
Gator and Friend
Gator and Friend
Hughes Cannon
Hughes Cannon
Irvine Bullock Grave Dedication
Irvine Bullock Grave Dedication
James Windham's Photos
James Windham's Photos
Jeff Davis Highway Marker, Clark Co. Washington
Jeff Davis Highway Marker, Clark Co. Washington
Jefferson Davis Birthday Celebration, Biloxi, Miss. 6-3-08
Jefferson Davis Birthday Celebration, Biloxi, Miss. 6-3-08
Marietta Georgia Confederate Cemetery
Mark Raines
Mark Raines
Minden, La. Headstone Placement
Minden, La. Headstone Placement
Quilt Raffle
Quilt Raffle
Randy Ritchie Photos 2010
Randy Ritchie Photos 2010
Tampa  Fla. Flag Photos
Tampa Fla. Flag Photos
Tampa Confederate Park Dedication
Tampa Confederate Park Dedication
The Wills of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis
The Wills of Mr. and Mrs. Jefferson Davis
Unknown CSA Soldier Marker Dedication
Unknown CSA Soldier Marker Dedication
USS Petrel Marker Dedication
USS Petrel Marker Dedication

(L)Dave  Gator  McDade, (R)Randy Ritchie
(L)Dave Gator McDade, (R)Randy Ritchie

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