These company rosters were compiled to memorialize the service of as many men as possible. The rosters are not to be considered chiseled in stone because we have found many new names over the course of the past ten years even after believing that we had a complete roster. As more records surface, we will continue to update the roster. In some cases because of transcription errors and other types of recording mistakes, men who we cannot verify are listed in the roster. We also have listed as many named Negro servants that accompanied these men since they too were an integral part of the regiment.
Our whole purpose is to ensure that these men are not forgotten. Whether the men actually left with the regiment or merely signed up and did not muster or later joined another unit, we do not minimize their service. Special note is made of men who were killed in action, were wounded, or died as a result of illness. This latter group, those who died from illness in many cases before the first battle were recognized by Lt. Job Foxworth of Company D in his diary as follows: Young Men Killed by Disease—Deserve no Less Credit and Remembrance Foxworth fears for the fate of young men who are taken before they have even fought a battle and declares: “It seems hard for a young man to be removed from the field of his farm by the hand of disease, without a contest with the enemy, but it is the mournful fate of many—of most—in our army. Still they deserve no less credit and remembrance than if they had fell while bravely contending for liberty” Entries from William (Hadskey’s research, (WH) and Calvin Philips’ research, (CP) and compiled lists from the CMR (Compiled Military Records) for individual soldiers at the Mississippi Department of Archives and History (MDAH) were used as the basis for the “Lest We Forget” Roster. To complete the roster, these two lists were compared to the Dunbar Rowland Roster (DR) of the 7th Mississippi Infantry located at the (MDAH). In addition, individual original rosters from the (MDAH) and transcriptions resulted in the addition of many names and corrections to many others. Individual records held by families and documentation found in primary sources is included. In many cases there are multiple listings of the same man due to spelling variations. This roster is not the final roster because we intend to update as our research of the “Immortal Seventh Mississippi” continues.
KEY Bold-Killed in Action (KIA) or died in service (WIA) Wounded in Action [from OR Supp. Vol. 33, letter collection, other primary source] (NOTES) * Not sure if 7th Regt. Miss. Inf. only listed in one source, or incomplete or conflicting information Italics- Letter Collection, Quotes (D) Deserted-Many men were said to have been “absent without leave”, but later returned or joined other units. Men listed as “deserted” actually left the army or went to the enemy. [In some instances men are listed more than once both in their company and when listed in other companies in the regiment. (Officers and non-commissioned officers are also listed in the alphabetical listing)]
“Franklin Rifles” Company A 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
There are at least two rosters that are transcribed and copied for Company A.
There are some differences in spelling so we will show all forms of names. Entries from William Hadskey’s research (WH) and Calvin Philips’ (CP) research who both compiled lists from the CMR (Compiled Military Records) for individual soldiers at the Mississippi Department of Archive and History (MDAH) to complete their listings. These two rosters were compared to the Dunbar Rowland Roster of the 7th Mississippi Infantry located at the (MDAH). Individual records held by families and documentation found in primary sources is also included.
Captains Cotton, Thomas Samuel 5th Sgt. Elected 1st Lt 5-12-62;Became Capt. Disabled from wounds at Ezra Church 7-28-64; In hospital last roll 8-1864. (photo)
Porter, William M. 1st Lt. Elected Captain May 1862; Resigned as Capt. due to illness, joined Company I 14th Conf. Cav. [Ole Bill Porter was a special nemesis to absentees in Franklin County.” An example is “Lewis, William Jackson –did not return from leave. Confederate report stated that ‘he was at home in Franklin County secreting himself from enrolling and conscript officer’.” (WH)]
Proby, William J. Capt.; not re-elected; re-enlisted; Served as Lt. Col. and Provost Marshall of Franklin County 1862. Returned to the 7th Mississippi as a Lt. in 1863; killed in battle of Ezra Church “On the 28th of July 1864 the Regt. was in the fight on the Lickskillet Road when Capt. T.S. Cotton was wounded & Lieut. Proby was killed.” -Letter to Dunbar Rowland from T. Samuel Cotton-1910. Lt. Proby was credited with retrieving the colors at the battle of Atlanta where the Regimental Ensign, William Nunnery, was killed at the breastworks; however, Cotton stated that John A. Zumbro actually retrieved the flag. (Possibly WIA Chickamauga- Lee White, NPS) (photo)
Rumble, S. E. Quartermaster Capt. Sept 27, 1861-Dec. 18, 1862 [Letter to John Dahlgren re: 7th Miss. Battle Flag at Tennessee State Museum, 1902 & 1907] (photo)
Lieutenants Brown, Adolphus Gustavious. 3rd Lt. Resigned. Dec. 1861, enlisted Co B 14th Conf. Cav. (Bob Crook Relative)
Herrington, Pinckney Cotesworth 2nd Lt. not reelected became Lt. Col. Cav.; Major 14th Conf. Cav., Capt. Co. B Garland’s Battn. Cav. (Also spelled Harrington. See also Cotesworth P. Herrington) [John A. Cato Letters]
Holden, John Everly 2nd Corp., 2nd Lt., Not re-elected, joined Youngblood’s Signal Corps., physician and later judge. Subject of court martial at Shieldsboro. JFDiary, pp. 68, 69, 75] [Pension application indicated that his servant was Alex Blackman]
Imes, George W. (See Innes) 3rd Sgt. Promoted 1st Lt. transferred from Co. E, see Co. F, KIA Murfreesboro Dec. 30, 1862; born Va. [Mistakenly identified as Lt. G. W. Jones in casualty reports at Murfreesboro.]
Non-Commissioned Officers
Graham, Dewitt Clinton, 4th Sgt.; did not muster, joined 23rd Cavalry, State Representative.
Green, Elias 4th Corp., did not muster, transferred to Co. E 4th La.
Higginbotham, John A. 3rd Corp. WIA Shiloh; KIA Murfreesboro-Medal of Honor [See Hickingbottom]
Lowe, James M. 1st Sgt. Not mustered joined Darden’s Arty.; school teacher.
Magee, Hardy G.H. 1st Corp. WIA Murfreesboro, Captured Missionary Ridge [Uniform on display MDAH –R. Skellie] [See also McGee]
Sample, Jacob R. 2nd Sgt. Surrendered in NC, Physic
Alphabetical Roster (Pvt. unless noted)
Adams, Eugene E. Lost leg WIA at Atlanta 7-22-64, Cir. Clerk of Franklin Co.[“hit by a shell 22 Jul, 1864 in Atlanta, GA. There was a circular, primary injury to the upper third of the leg, attended by Dr. J.R. Biggs, Meadville, Franklin Co.”-D. Hanson]
Adams, George M. Captured Missionary Ridge Exchanged March 1865
Aldridge, David Leroy discharged 11-14-61, served in Youngblood’s Signal and Cav.
Aldridge, Manfield L.; transf. to 9th Battn. Miss. SS; Deputy Sheriff [Letter Jan. 1863-From his letter it looks like he joined the Sappers & Miners for Polks Corps.] (See also Mansford)
Allred, John E. from 44th Miss. Co. to A, trf to Co. K 7th Miss. Inf.
Arnold, Charles captured in KY exchanged and KIA Missionary Ridge
Austin, Ira Amasa died of wounds Murfreesboro, Jan. 20, 1863; from Point Coupee, La.
Beam, Charles W. discharged as 15 yr. old, 8-1-62; also shown as disability, (same day as Greenville, Ala. Train wreck, but not involved-R.Skellie); joined Co. I 4th Cavalry
Beck, Soloman J. From Co. E; discharged, joined Company I 14th Conf. Cav.
Bennett, James P. WIA Shiloh, surrendered NC
Bennett, Jesse C. WIA at Missionary Ridge and Atlanta 7-22-64, surrendered at NC
Bennett, Micajah P. WIA-Murfreesboro, MIA Atlanta, GA
Bovard, James M. died Bay St. Louis 10-4-61, pneumonia
Brewerton, Charles not mustered 40 yr old painter from England
Broadnitz, Barnett discharged Oct 31, 1861, joined Co F 1st Arty. Born in Europe.
Brown, Adolphus Gustavius 3rd Lt. Resigned Dec. 1861, enlisted Co B 14th Conf. Cav. (Bob Crook relative)
Brown, William K. Killed at Shiloh; Kentucky; Shoemaker
Buckles, William Prater / Prather; captured exchanged KY, captured at Missionary Ridge
Buie, Joseph S. not mustered joined Co. C 33rd Regt.
Buie, William E. became surgeon. Resigned Dec. 1862
Butler, Blanchard D. discharged 10-17-61, served in 14th and
23rd Cav.
Byrd, Thomas died Oct 3, 1861 pneumonia
Byrd, Thomas Jefferson discharged 6-29-62, enlisted in 14th Cav.
Byrd, Winston W. E. surrendered as 4th Corp. NC [son of Elizabeth B. Parker and Willis Byrd (son of Needham Byrd and Rebecca Magee) of Franklin County, MS. Elizabeth was the sister of William Henderson Parker and Joel Parker of Co. C,
E and Co. K 7th Miss.]
Cain, George W. Listed on last roll 8-64. Surrendered in NC, had leave and was captured in Alabama on his way home. \[See also George Monroe/George M. Cain]
Cain, Hardy H. WIA at Shiloh, Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll 8-64; accidently killed in Alabama.
Calvit, William T. Jr MIA/WIA killed first charge at Murfreesboro; [See Calert, William C., Jr. (See William T. Calvit, Jr. and Calvet)] (Photo)
Camble, T. Pvt. (See Gammill) [See Medical and Surgical Records of the Civil War, Index Vol. I, Vol XII, Page 562]
Caraway, Bryant M. WIA Shiloh, and Murfreesboro, surrendered in Citronelle, AL. [Bryant Marshall Caraway - Co A., B. 2/11/1837 Amite Co. Miss. D. 6/23/1896. Burial: Adams Methodist Church Cemetery, Auburn, Miss. Note: Named his second son "William Proby" born 1/26/1862 in Franklin Co.] (photo)
Caraway, William B. WIA Shiloh in hospital on last roll I August 1864. [William B, Caraway - Co A Born 11/25/1826. Died 1895 Claiborne Parish, La. Burial: Unknown; May have also been seriously wounded at Murfreesboro, check James I. Cain letters, Virgil Roberts is source.]
Cassidy, William S. not mustered, enlisted Co. F 2nd Militia, Co I 14th Conf. Cav.
Chambers, Jasper N.”Jake” died Jan 23, 1863 at Shelbyville, TN [See M.L. Aldredge letter Jan 1863]
Chambers, John WIA Chickamauga, surrendered NC
Cloy, Henry M. died of pneumonia Oxford, MS 6-7-62
Cloy, Richard M. WIA Shiloh & Atlanta; in hospital 7-22-64, Listed on last roll Aug. 64; surrendered in NC
Cloy, Zachariah Reeves captured in KY, exchanged, Listed on last roll; died 1902
Cotton, Joseph Robert transferred from another unit; died in Tenn. (See J. Robb Cotton; also Cotten) According to info received from George Martin from transcribed undertaker’s records, at Bethel Cemetery Knoxville, Tn: “11-1-62 --- J.R. Cotton, Co. A, Listed on page 59”
Cotton, Thomas Samuel 5th Sgt. Became Capt. Disabled from wounds at Ezra Church 7-28-64; In hospital last roll 8-1864. [T.S. Cotton Letter to Dunbar Rowland] (Photo)
Cotton, William Van 2nd Lt. Wounded at Atlanta 7-22-64; 8-64 roll in hosp. [T.S. Cotton Letter to Dunbar Rowland says he was wounded at Ezra Church 7-28-64]
Courtney, Walter captured Missionary Ridge (Also Co. H)
Coward, Zachariah Monroe captured at Missionary Ridge died 1909 at Kirbey (See Co. K) (also Cowart)
Cox, Jacob J. transferred Co. D 19th Miss.
Cox, Octairous H. (Octavus) not mustered joined another Co.
Crosby, George McD. trf. to Co. K; born Alabama. [See Co. E WIA Atlanta 7-22-64]
Crosby, William M. various hosp. 9-12-63, paroled in AL, from Monroe County AL
Cruise, Francis E. died typhoid Apr. 13, 1862 [Wounds at Shiloh?]
Cruise, Samuel from Co. K died of typhoid 6-7-62 [Shiloh Wound?]
Cruise, Thomas S. discharged July 26, 1862 “dead”
Davis, Isaac J. from another co. furloughed and dropped
(D) Dixon, John L. P. ran off and hid; Louisiana pension.
Dixon, Thomas Ephraim furlough, joined Co. A 14th Conf. Cav.
Ducker, Thomas Alexander died of typhoid April 5, 1862
Evans, Jesse T. from another Co. Wounded and captured at Missionary Ridge
(D) Ford, John K. sick furlough and then hid out. born in GA.
Ford, Rufus R. WIA Shiloh, Munfordville “Severely wounded-Shot through the hand by a minie ball at 9AM in line at a halt in the corn field to the left of the fort”-per national archive casualty report; transferred 3rd Engineers
Freeman, William H. WIA Shiloh & Atlanta 7-22-64, in hospital 8-64 roll, surr. NC (See Hal Freeman)
*Freeman, Hal [3rd Drummer, F&S] shown as drummer at Shieldsboro; company unknown [possibly Company A, E, K if he was related to the Freeman men from Franklin County and Amite who were in companies A and K since all were from Franklin County, and one man from Company C from Amite County. [See William H. Freeman, Co. A]
Gammill, Charles Hardy Pvt. transferred 3rd Conf. Engineers Buried Cain cemetery, Franklin County, b. 24 Jan 1842, d. 10 Aug 1873, Co. A, 7th Miss. Inf. C.S.A., husband of Virginia Cain, Gammill, Byrd.
Gammill, Thomas Wesley lost leg at Shiloh MIA/WIA died after amputation-RJS [See also Camble or Gamble, Medical and Surgical Records of the Civil War, Index Vol. 1 states “Co. D 7th Miss., April 6, 1862 uncertain location and result…”]
Gaulden, Wade H. Listed on last roll Aug. 1864 a school teacher [See Wade, Gaulden]
Gill, John M. Listed on last roll Aug. 1864
Glack, Joseph surrendered in AL. born in Warsaw Poland, residence New Orleans
Godbold, Jefferson L. captured Missionary Ridge died in prison.
Graham, Dewitt Clinton, 4th Sgt.; did not muster; joined 23rd Cav., later State Representative.
Grant, Benjamin F. captured Missionary Ridge paroled at Jackson.
Green, Elias 4th Corp., did not muster, transferred to Co. E 4th La.
Grigsby, Edward O.; on roll Aug 1862-July 1863 Asst. Surgeon, 9th Miss.
Gunter, John F. transferred to 44th Miss. (See Photo and Post office cover 1940).
(D) Hall, John F. from Mass.; transferred to navy, deserted at New Orleans.
Hall, Leonardis Ransom discharged for disability 10-01-1862 [Greenville, Al. train wreck Aug. 1, 1862] married widow of D.C. Graham.
*[Harris, Samuel D. Pvt. Capt. (7th Battn. or 7th Cav.)]
*Head, Thomas (from Calhoun County). (7th Battn. or 7th Cav??)]
*Helton, J. M. (captured at Gettysburg; check 7th Cav and 17th Miss. Inf.) (See J. M. Melton) [James M. Melton, Pvt. Co. A 7th Miss. WIA and captured Resaca, GA (M232. Roll 28)] [See Helton (M232 Roll 18)]
Hemelscompt, Henry discharged as 46 yr. old from Obbue, Germany, joined Arty.
Herrington, Benjamin C. disch. 2-7-63; Joined Co I 14th Cav.
Herrington, Merrick died at Brandon 9-10-63, diarrhea, born in KY.
Herrington, Pinckney Cotesworth 2nd Lt. not reelected became Lt. Col. Cav.; Maj. 14th Conf. Cav.; Capt Garland’s Battn. Co. B; (See also Harrington, also Cotesnorth P.) [See JA Cato Letters; (Adj. Herrington, JFDiary]
Higginbotham, John A. 3rd Corp. WIA Shiloh; KIA Murfreesboro- Medal of Honor (See also Hickingbottom)
Higginbotham, William S. WIA Shiloh, Severely hurt in RR accident Greenville, AL 8-1-1862 Disch. 8-20-1862; joined Co. B 14th Conf. Cav.
Holden, John Everly 2nd Corp., 2nd Lt. Not re-elected, joined Youngblood’s Signal Corps., physician and later judge. Had his servants Ale and Blackman with him. [Subject of Court martial at Shieldsboro-JFDiary, pp. 68, 69, 75, See also John A Cato Letters]
*Holden, Ale (Servant John E. Holden, probably Alex Blackman, applied for pension)
*Holden, Blackman (Servant John E. Holden, probably ____ Blackman)
Hollinger, Lewis M. got Sub. Disc. 12-1-61; enlisted (Webb’s Company) Co D 33rd Inf.
Holloway, Gastom C. MIVA/WIA 7-22-1864; died of wounds in Atlanta
Hosteen, David (See Osteen…) transferred to Co. D 19th Miss.
Huff, Ferdinand C. transf. to Co. K to be with his father; disch. 2-13-62; joined Co I 14th Cav.
Hull, Ira D. did not muster, probably joined another Company.
Hunt, Henry J. M. transferred to Co. D 19th Miss.
Hunt, Henderson D. WIA Murfreesboro, WIA & captured at Missionary Ridge
Hunt, Thomas J. did not muster, enlisted in “Dixie Guards” Co H 39th Miss.
Hunt, Thomas R. KIA Missionary Ridge
Imes, George W. (See Innes) 3rd Sgt. Promoted 1st Lt. transferred from Co. E, see Co. F, KIA Murfreesboro Dec. 30, 1862; born Va.
*Innes, George (See Imes)
*Jackson, Murray (Not listed on (WH) List; most likely Jackson Murray from Sunflower County see Dunbar Rowland list 7th Miss.)
Johnson, Thomas F. disch. 2-18-62; Joined Co. K 1st Miss. Arty.
Jones, James M. Jr., WIA Shiloh; surrendered in Meridian, MS, son of probate judge
Jones, John D. WIA Murfreesboro, MIA Chickamauga [Check notes re: MIA presumed KIA Missionary Ridge-Phillips; J. D. Jones had been confined to the Fairgrounds Hospital Atlanta in April of 1863 with Chronic diarrhea per Stout Papers-V. Roberts.]
Jones, William G. Injured RR Collision in AL 8-1-1862 disch. 10-20-62; joined Co. D 14th Cav.
Kinnison, John Marion KIA Shiloh [“In the ‘List of Casualties’ for his regiment, he was shown as being on the 'Right Wing Second Corps' and ‘…killed at '7:00 am, gunshot wound to the forehead.' He had been a farm laborer before the war. He was KIA on the second day of Shiloh, 7 April 1862. 20 years old.” His first cousin, John Kinnison Magee would be killed at 9AM that same day in the union counterattack. R. Crook]
Lard/Laird, David V. Not Mustered Joined Co. B 14th Cav. (See also David J. Lard Co. B.)
Laughman, William J. captured in KY paroled went home sick [See Lockman]
*Lavell, John captured at Antietam Army of N. Va. (Check 17th Miss.)
Lee, James Alexander transf. to Co E. 1st Lt., transferred Co. B 23rd Cav.
Lee, Wyatt D. died Oxford, Miss. typhoid fever 4-25-62 (probably wounded at Shiloh)
Lehmann, Charles Adelbert , transferred to Co. D 19th Miss. (William Hadskey’s gr grandfather)
Lewis, Elisha V. WIA Murfreesboro, Listed on last roll Aug. 1864
Lewis, George W. discharged Sept. 30, 1862 Conscript Act; from Panola Co.
(D) Lewis, William Jackson –did not return from leave. “Confederate report stated that ‘he was at home in Franklin County secreting himself from enrolling and conscript officer’. In an old ledger in the court house it showed that he was hanged. This is untrue as he died in Franklin Co. in 1903. It is a fact that several lads ran off from various units and hid out in Franklin County. Captain William M. Porter [Lt. /Capt. Co. A 7th Miss.] of the 14th Confederate Cavalry caught some of them, tied their hands behind their backs, put a rope around their necks and made them keep up behind the trotting cavalry. We had always heard that one fell down and was strangled to death. Ole Bill Porter was a special nemesis to absentees in Franklin County.”- (WH)
owe, James M. 1st Sgt. Not mustered; joined Darden’s Arty., school teacher
Lyons, Levi P. Killed at Atlanta
Magee, Alva A. WIA Murfreesboro, Chickamauga, Listed on last roll 8-64 captured in GA. (Jonesboro?)
Magee, John Kinnison killed at Shiloh, a mason from Hamburg [“According to the ‘List of Casualties’, John was killed on the second day during the Union counter-attack at ‘9:00 am, shot in mouth.’” (his first cousin, John Marion Kinnison, had been killed at 7 AM that same day” R. Crook, relative]
Mauro, Edward KIA Shiloh (See Moreau-not shown on web site list as Moreau or Mauro, but is on D. Rowland list and (CP) list as Mauro. Listed as Moreau (WH)
*Maxwell, T. M. Sgt. Major captured at Selma (7th Battn?)
McCaa, Charles Also Co. K, Co. E enlisted in 23rd Battn. Cav. [Injured at Ponchatoula RR Collision per John Cato letter-RJS]
McDonald, Alexander, tranf. 3rd Conf. Engineers, born in Scotland
McManus, Ellison C. trans. Co. K, hosp. 12-6-63 (Ellis C; discharged at Jonesboro, GA 1864)
*McMarks, E. (7th Battn. Miss. Inf.?)
*Meeks, William T. (7th Battn Miss. Inf.?)
Magee, Hardy G. H. 1st Corp. WIA Murfreesboro, Captured Missionary Ridge [Uniform display-MDAH]
Melton, James M. WIA and captured Resaca, GA [See also *Helton]
Meredith, Henry H. discharged; joined 2nd Miss. Militia (State Troops) (Quinn’s)
Meredith, Thomas J. WIA Murfreesboro also WIA Missionary Ridge, Listed on last roll 8-64. [“Thomas Meredith was wounded on the night of December 31, 1862 at Murfreesboro. His service record indicates that he was “wounded severely, December 31, 1862 in first charge 400 yards in front breastworks.” He was sent to the hospital that night.” “The Burden and the Glory-The Life Zachariah Monroe Cowart” - Marlon Browning 2004]
Miley, William S. discharged 10-22-61; Joined Company D 33rd Miss. (Kinchen Webb’s Co.)
Mock, John B. from another Company; Listed on last Roll Aug 1864 (Headstone at Rose Hill Cemetery, Macon, GA.) [Probably died from wounds at Jonesboro.]
Montgomery, Abner T. Not mustered enlisted Co. F 2nd Battn. State Troops
Moore, J. W. Disch. Dec. 21, 1861
Moore, William D. transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. Sharpshooters
Moreau, Edward Killed at Shiloh Russian born Shoemaker (See Mauro- D
L. Rowland and (CP). Morgan, Alfred died of dropsy (Edema) 8/31/1862
Morgan, Levi Captured Missionary Ridge, exchanged Mar. 1865. His wife Malissa wrote that “he died a Rebel at McComb City on May 31, 1909”- (WH)
*Murray, Jackson (WH) (See Murray Jackson from Sunflower County- Rowland list 7th Miss.)
Myers, Marcus disability Discharge 10-20-62; A peddler by occupation.
Nettles, Elisha W. discharged at Shelbyville, TN. 8-23-62 (Train accident wounds; illness?)
*Osteen, David H. transferred Co. D 19th Miss. Inf. (See Hosteen)
Pate, Rankin killed at Shiloh (not on Web site list, but on D. Rowland and Philips list)
Pickett, Thomas M. MIA at Atlanta 7-22-1864. Killed or died in prison. (Relative Steve Weems)
Poole, William W. sick leave; discharged Oct. 21, 1861
Porter, Samuel D. WIA Murfreesboro, hospital 9-1-63 Dalton, GA surrendered NC
*Potts, Nathaniel from Calhoun County (7th Battn?)
Price, Benjamin J. Listed on last roll 8-64 Wounded at Franklin, TN POW Nashville, TN
Proby, William J. Capt. not re-elected reenlisted; Served as Lt. Col. and Provost Marshall of Franklin Co. 1862 Killed at Atlanta 7-22-64 (WH) [Killed in Battle of Ezra Church “On the 28th of July 1864 the Regt. was in the fight on the Lickskillet Road when Capt. T.S. Cotton was wounded & Lieut. Proby was killed.” Thomas Cotton Letter to Dunbar Rowland, 1910.] (Possibly WIA Chickamauga-Lee White, NPS)
Porter, William M. 1st Lt. Elected Captain May 1862; Resigned due to illness, Joined Co. I 14th Conf. Cav.
Rawls, Robert A. transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS, lost leg.
Reed, William Wesley died 4-10-62 Typhoid (Originally thought from Shiloh wounds, but based on family records, died at home from fever contracted in Bay St. Louis. William Wesley Reed, Date of death listed as April 16, 1862-RJS)
Renfrew, Alfred not mustered “dead”
Rials, Jesse enlisted Co. D 33rd Miss. (Kinchen Webb’s Co.) (See also Jesse Monroe Rials Co. D 7th Miss.)
Riggs, Benjamin Hogan Asst. Surgeon Jan 18, 1863 to capture at Jonesboro, GA 1864
Roberts, William Wesley died of typhoid at home WH). Believe this man is actually William Wesley Reed)Roberts, Washington “Wash” Lafayette; died of pneumonia in KY 9-15-62, was a doctor, teacher. He enlisted May 6, 1861 at Franklin County for 1 year. The roll for August 20- September 24, 1861 has him listed as 4th Sergeant. The roll for May and June, 1862 states: Assigned to duty May 26, 1862. Pay due him as 3rd Sergeant up to May 26, 1862. Sick. 2nd Lt., Jr. W. L. Roberts died September 15, 1862 at Tompkinsville, Kentucky of pneumonia. [Brother of John Roberts Co. C 7th Miss., JFRoberts Diary]
Robertson, Edward F. discharged for Shiloh wounds 7-22-62, joined Powers Cavalry.
(D) Rogers, Robert enlisted in Tenn. Sept. 11, 1862, ran off the next month; a Georgian.
Rumble, S. E., Capt. AQS Quartermaster. Sept 27, 1861-Dec. 18, 1862 (photo)
Rush, James F. Enlisted at Bay St. Louis, Miss. by Captain D. H. Parker Co. E also of Franklin County. Listed on last roll 8/64. Captured at Nashville and sent to Camp Chase, OH. Joined 5th U.S. Artillery April 1865 and went west to fight Indians; later became a cowboy, and drove a stagecoach. [Article Los Angeles Herald, Jan. 7, 1906]
Ryan, Thomas Transf. to 3rd Conf. Engineers; Irish brick mason; Surrendered in SC May 1865.
Sample, Jacob R. 2nd Sgt. Surrendered in NC, Physician.
Sample, John A. discharged 1-22-63; joined Co. B 14th Miss. Cav.; from Indiana
Sanders, John B. did not muster
Scott, Samuel L. WIA Murfreesboro and Atlanta, lost leg and sent home. [“hit by a ball, 10 Jul 1864, at Chattahouchi River, GA. A circular, secondary injury to the upper third of the thigh. Dr. J. D. Smith of Meadville, Franklin county”.-D. Hanson]
*Shepard, John Listed on last roll 8-64, surrendered Citronelle, AL (see Co. H, may be different John Shepherd)
Silverburg, Marcus, discharged as foreigner, Polish born. Tailor by trade.
Strait, Christopher C. Transferred to 9th Battn. SS
Strait, Leonard Sylvester from another Company; in hospital 7-25-64 (Probably from wounds at Atlanta 7-22-64); Listed on last roll 8-64; captured Nashville. (Post war Photo)
Swazie Daniel W. discharged 10-15-61; Joined Co. I 1st Mississippi Artillery. (See Swayzie)
Taylor, Archibald S. died in Tenn. 3-18-62 pneumonia
Temple, Benjamin F. discharged 7-1-62; enlisted Co. B 14th Confederate Cavalry.
Temple, Lloyd A. died in service 11-10-63
* Temple, Rowan not mustered
Thompson, W. P. death claim in 1864
Turner, Thomas Asst. Surgeon from 41st Miss. May-Dec 1863
Wactor, James Hardy from another regiment, died in GA 2-18-64. Buried Marietta, GA, Confederate Cemetery [clearly identified as 7th Miss.]
*Wade, Gauldon Listed on last roll 8-64 [See Gauldon H. Wade]
Walter, Louis not mustered (See L. Walters)
*Washington, William paroled at Montgomery 7th Battn?
White, Thomas A.; transferred to Co. K; Listed on last roll 8/64
Whittington, James died measles Columbus, MS (7-4-1862 James V. Whittington-CP]
Whittington, Joseph W. KIA Munfordville, KY. (died 10-02-62) (See J.Y. Whittington casualty report national archives.”Killed-Shot through the eye by a mini ball at 9AM in line during a halt in the cornfield to the left of the fort.”) (See also Co. K., and 9th Battn. Miss. SS)
Whittington, Leander J., Transferred to Co. K and WIA at Murfreesboro and captured.
Whittington, Stanmore R. WIA/MIA; died of Shiloh from wounds 4-15-62, son of Martin Whittington
Wilkinson, Joseph B; discharged 12-6-62-As 40 yr. old; from Missouri
Zumbro, John A. Listed on last roll 8-64; surrendered in NC [Note: Bore the regimental colors from the field at the Battle of Atlanta upon the death of Ensign, Lt. W.C. Nunnery in front of the enemy line near the abbatis on July 22nd 1864. T.S.Cotton Letter-RJS]
Parole Muster Roll of Company A 9th Regiment Mississippi Infantry [Seventh Mississippi]
National Archives; RG109, M1781, “Muster Rolls & Lists of Confederate Troops Paroled in North Carolina” Reel # 4. Lists 332, 333 [See also List 306, 307]
“Lest We Forget” Roster 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry & Company A 9th Regiment Mississippi (Consolidated) Parole Muster Roll May 1st 1865 Greensboro, NC.
The following men appear on the Muster Roll of Company A 9th Mississippi Regiment Consolidated. The roll was their parole roster and was signed on May 1, 1865 at Greensboro, NC. These men were all members of the 7th Mississippi. Their information relating to their service in the 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry is placed first with the information from the 9th Regiment Miss. Infantry following. For those who have not been previously listed as members of the 7th Mississippi, only their service in Company A 9th Mississippi Consolidated will be shown:
Captain Atkinson James N., 2nd Sgt., 1st Sgt. Elected Captain, WIA Murfreesboro, leave March 4, 1864 (pp. 136, 143, 146, 180. JFDiary) [J. N. Atkinson, Surrendered and paroled at Greensboro, NC May 1, 1865 as Capt Company A 9th Miss.] [Officers and non-commisioned officers] 1. McRaney, Duncan C. 3rd Lt/1st Lt Company I Listed on last roll 8-1864; [Duncan C.] Surrendered at High Point, NC (Commanding Co. July 1, 1863) [D.C. McRaney Paroled as 1st Lt. Co. A 9th Miss. at Greensboro, NC May 1, 1865] 2. Garrow, Nathaniel “Nat” Pvt. Listed on last roll 8/1864; died since the war [N. Garrow, surrendered NC. 2nd Lt. Co. A 9th Miss., paroled Greensboro, NC May 1, 1865] 3. Van Norman, S. T. Pvt. 1st Sgt. Co. C Died 1905 Surr. N.C. [S.T. VanOrman, 1st Sgt. Co. A 9th Miss.] 4. Bryant, John C. Co. D surrendered as 2nd Sgt. At NC ((WH))(See also Briant-RJS) (JFDiary p. 191) [J.C. Bryant, Co. A 9th Miss.] 5. Barnes Allen Pvt. Co. F Listed on last roll, surr. NC. [A. __. Barnes, 3rd Sgt. Co. A 9th Miss.] 6. Lewis, Benjamin T. (F.) Pvt. /Sgt. Co. H WIA Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll; surr. NC; pension in LA. [b] Barnes, J.R. 1st Corp. Co. I and Co. D [Surr. 1st Corp. Co. A 9th Miss. Parole, Greensboro, NC May 1, 1865, enlisted Bay St. Louis, MS 1861. ] 7. Barnes, John R. 18; discharged 10-25-62 Conscription Act as underage; Later joined Co. I 7th Regt. (See notes re: Barnes family. Brother to Jacob Pope Barnes who was Circuit Clerk.)[Surr. NC 1st Corp. Co. A 9th Miss.] 8. Aumock, James. R. Pvt. Co. C promoted to corporal, pension Amite Co. 1911, died 1.1915 Surrendered NC [(VR) James R. Ammock, was promoted to 1st Corporal 4/1/64 and on same card noted-"Lost bayonet & scabbard"] [2nd Corp. Co. A 9th Miss.] (See also Ammock) 9. Havis, Julius Thomas 4th Sgt., Co. E captured and exchanged in KY; [See Co H 7th Miss., Consolidated. Co. A 9th Miss., 3rd Corp. on surrender at High Point, NC; paroled at Greensboro, NC May 1st 1865] [Married Martha Jane Webb daughter of Kinchen Richard Webb, Jr. Capt. of Co. D 33rd Miss., brother of James H. and Charles Rhodes Webb who were married to Mary Griffin and Laney Griffin respectively, sisters of my grgr grandfather Young F. Griffin-RJS] (Photo) 10. Holloway, John E. Pvt. Co. I WIA at Shiloh; surrendered at Greensboro, NC [J.E. Holloway 4th Corp. Co. A 9th Miss.]
1. Allred, William H. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh; WIA Murfreesboro; surr. at NC. (See Aldred) (See NOTES) [W.H. Allred, Co. A 9th Miss.] 2. Butler, William E. Pvt. Co. C Surrendered in NC; died 1903 [Wm. E. Butler, enlisted 8/15/_?, joined from desertion; Nurse-Lumpkin Hospital, Rome, Ga. furlough 7/4/63 to 8/1/63; reenlisted for war Jan '64 (VR)] [W.E. Butler Co. A 9th Miss.] 3. Brown, Cicero C. Pvt. Co. C Captured in KY; paroled; WIA Atlanta 7-22-64 sent to hospital; surrendered in NC. “distant cousin”-William Hadskey [Letter-Cato Steele Family collection Dec. 9th 1862 from Murfreesboro.] [C. C. Brown, Co. A 9th Miss.] 4. Bledsoe, Daniel T. Pvt. Co. H Surrendered NC [D.T. Bledsoe Co. A 9th Miss.] 5. Barnett, Daniel Pvt. Co. H Surrendered in NC (See Barnet) [D. Barnett Co. A 9th Miss.] 6. Burkett, William Co. D (See also Burke), Surr. at NC [Wm Burkett Co. A 9th Miss.] 7. Cook, Abishaba 25, Co. D WIA Murfreesboro, NC [See also Cork, Abissa, Corp. Cork-JFDiary pp. 56-57, 59, 116) [A. Cook, pvt. Co. A 9th Miss.] 8. Claughton, Griffing P., Jr. Pvt. Co. C WIA Murfreesboro; paroled at hospital at NC. [C. Phillips states Surr. in NC. Amite website says “died during the war”; believe this note refers to George P. Claughton also of Co. C,] [G. P. Claughton Co. A 9th Miss.] 9. Coward, Edmond Pvt. Co. F WIA Murfreesboro, Surr. NC. (See Edward Coward) [Ed Cowart, Co. A 9th Miss.] 10. Drummond, Benjamin Pvt. Corp. Co. F. WIA Shiloh, Medal of Honor Murfreesboro, TN. WIA Resaca, GA; Surr. NC. [Benj. Drummond. Co. A 9th Miss.] 11. Davis, Hampton Pvt. Co. H Surrendered in NC; from Hickory Station, Newton County, MS. [H. Davis Co. A 9th Miss.; Enlisted July 1, 1863 at Enterprise Miss.] 12. Faust, H. M. Pvt. Co. C; Hosp. 6-15-64; Matt Dunn Letter ; Surr. NC. [Co. A 9th Miss.] 13. Jones, Wiley D. Pvt. Co. F Surrendered At Greensboro, NC [W.E. Jones Co. A 9th Miss.] 14. Jones, A. H. Pvt. Co. I Listed on last roll 8/64; Surr. 04-28-65 NC [A.H. Jones Co A 9th Miss.] 15. Kitchens, Z. B. Pvt. Co. I Listed on last roll 8-1864; Surrendered NC; drew Tennessee pension in 1915. [ Co. A 9th Miss. Greensboro, NC. Enlisted June 1st 1864, Enterprise, MS] 16. Knapp, Benjamin Dibble, Jr. Corp. Co. E 8/64roll. Surr. NC [b] 17. Lee, Z. C. Pvt. Co. A 9th Miss., Parole Roster, May 1, 1865; Enlisted April 1, 1864, Smithfield, NC. by Lt. McRaney. [Not on Rowland, (WH) or (CP)] 18. McMillan, Z. A. Pvt. Co A 9th Miss., Parole Roster, May 1, 1865 Greensboro, NC. Enlisted June 1, 1863 Enterprise, MS Maj. Barry. [Not on Rowland, (WH) or Phillips List] 19. Moore, W. W. Pvt. Asst. Surgeon, Co. C captured at Murfreesboro; died Summit, MS 1912. [W.W. Moore, Co. A 9th Miss. Parole at Greensboro, NC May 1, 1865] 20. Newsom, Lewis J. Pvt. Co. F Surr. NC (1841-1899 ) Bur. Society Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, east side of Highway 13, near Columbia, MS. [L.J. Newsome Co. A 9th Miss.] 21. Nunnery, John Pvt. Co. C Surrendered NC; died 10.11.1901[Co. A 9th Miss.] 22. Nunnery, David, Pvt. Co. C Surrendered in NC died 8. 1906 [Co. A 9th Miss.] 23. Nunnery, Samuel Pvt. Co. C. Wounded at Murfreesboro and Jonesboro, GA; surr. NC; died 1915 [Saml Nunnery, Co. A 9th Miss.] 24. Page, George M. Pvt. Co. C WIA Atlanta 7.22.1864 [GSLea letters]; surrendered NC; died 1903, [G.M. Page Co. A 9th Miss.] 25. Parker, Albert Pvt. Co. A 9th Miss. Parole Roster May 1, 1865 Greensboro, NC. Enlisted Bay. St. Louis, MS 1861.] 26. Robertson, John Pvt. Co. G (John L. to hospital 12-21-63-C. Phillips)(Rowland roster)[J.J. Robertson, Surr. Co. A 9th Miss. Greensboro Parole May 1, 1865] 27. Robertson, N. H. Pvt. Co. G discharged as under aged 1861; re-enlisted; Listed on last roll 8-1864 (See N.H. Robinson, and N.B. Robertson][H.H. or N.H. Robertson, Surr. Co. A 9th Miss. Parole, May 1, 1865 Greensboro, NC] 28. Stamps, Joseph A. Pvt. Co. G Transf. Sharpshooters (9th Battn. Miss. SS) Captured at Munfordville, KY Sept. 1862; paroled and returned to the company. Surrendered in NC. (Joseph A.-See J. H. Stamps 9th Batt. Miss. S.S.) [Jos Stamps Co. A 9th Miss.] 29. Stuckey, Robert B. Pvt. Co. G Surrendered April 28, 1865 at Greensboro, NC [Robt. Stuckey Co. A 9th Miss.] [Robert Brice Stuckey] 30. Stacy, Oliver Pvt. Co. G [Oliver G.-Listed on last roll; [O. (H?). Stacey, enlisted Apr. 1864 Dalton, GA by Lt. Parker for the War; surr. NC. Co. A 9th Miss.] 31. Sharpe, H. S. Pvt. Co. C “Not mustered” per (WH). [H.H. Sharpe Co. A 9th Miss. Surr. NC. Parole Roster May 1, 1865.] 32. Sample, Jacob R. 2nd Sgt. Co. A Surr. in NC, Physician. [J. R. Sample Pvt. Co. A 9th Miss.] 33. Sims, John M. 24 pvt. Co. D promoted to 3rd Lt, not re-elected; Listed on last roll 8/64; Surr. in NC [See JFDiary pp. . 73, 77, 80, 87, 117, 108, 109, 154; See also John M. Sims F&S, Q.M. S.; John M. Sims 2nd Lt., dropped June 15, 1862] [Pvt. Co. A 9th Miss.] 34. Toler, W.F. WIA Atlanta William F. Pvt. WIA, Atlanta 7-22-1864; GSLea“W.F. Toler… Shoulder slight”. Surrendered in NC. His servant Ben Faust received a pension. See also Tolar) [W.F. Tolar Pvt. Co A 9th Miss.] 35. Travis, Nicholas A. Pvt. Co. C Surr. in NC. d. Amite County at 96 yrs, of age [GSLea Letters] [N. A. Travis Co. A 9th Miss.] 36. Turnage, Mills P. Pvt. Co. I Listed on last roll 8-64 Surr. NC [M. P. Turnage Co. A 9th Miss.] 37. Turnage, William Pvt. Co. I Listed on last roll 8-64 Surr. NC [Wm. Turnage Co. A 9th Miss.]
“I certify that the above Muster Roll is correct. [signed]Duncan C. McRaney, 1st Lt Comdg. Co A 9th Miss. Regt.”
Remarks: “Greensboro, North Carolina May 1st 1865 In accordance with terms of a military convention, entered into on the 26th day of April 1865, between gen’l Joseph E. Johnston, Commanding Confederate States Army, and Maj. Genl. William T. Sherman, Commanding United States Army in North Carolina, the officers and men, whose names are born on this roll, have given their solemn obligation not to take up arms against the government of the United States until properly released from this obligation; and they are permitted to return to their homes; not to be disturbed by the United States authorities so long as they observe this obligation, and obey the laws in force where they reside.”
Signed [ Unreadable] Signed “DuncanC. McRaney” “___________ USA “1st Lieut. C.S.A. Special Commission Commanding”
LWF Roster 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry Surrendered in NC [But not on May 1st 1865 Company A 9th Miss. Parole Muster Roll]
LWF Roster 7th Regt. Miss. Inf. [Surrendered other than NC.]
1. Bass, William J. Sgt. Co. G, wounded at Ezra Church, July 28, 1864; sent to Macon, Fairground Hospital, attached to the 38th Miss., paroled as member of the 11th & 17th Ark. Cav. Surr. at Pearl River, Miss. May 1865. (Photo) 2. Caraway, Bryant M. WIA Shiloh, and Murfreesboro, Co. A surrendered in Citronelle, AL. (Bryant Marshall Carraway - Co A., Born 2/11/1837 in Amite Co. Miss. Died 6/23/1896. Burial: Adams Methodist Church Cemetery, Auburn, Miss. Note: Named his second son "William Proby" born 1/26/1862 in Franklin Co. (Photo) 3. Cobb, Joseph M. Pvt. Co. E WIA at Chickamauga; surrendered at Citronelle, AL. 4. Emfinger, Ephraim, Pvt. Co. E Last roll 8-1864; lost leg at Jonesboro, GA; surrendered at Citronelle, AL [“primary amputation of the middle 3rd of leg Aug. 31st, 1864”Medical amd Surgical Records of the Civil War, Vol. I Index, Vol.XII, p. 491, Case 888.] 5. Glack, Joseph Co. A surrendered in AL. born in Warsaw Poland, residence New Orleans 6. Godbold, Thomas W. Pvt. Co. E Listed on last roll Aug. 1864; Surr. Citronelle; paroled Jackson. 7. Graves, Alexander M. Pvt./Sgt./ 2nd Lt. Co. I. Surr. Citronelle, AL; Parole Meridian, MS. 8. Jones, James M. Jr., Co A WIA Shiloh; Surr. in Meridian, MS, son of probate judge 9. McDonald, C. L. Pvt. Co. I Listed on last roll 8-1864; Sent to hospital 8-20-64; Surrendered at Citronelle, AL (CP) Captured at Selma, AL. (WH) 10. [Parnell, James N., Pvt. Co. B; Nurse-West Point, MS 9-12-63, Surr. at Meridian.] 11. *Prestridge, Wiley P. Co. B surrenderd at Citronelle, AL Listed on last roll 8-64 12. Ryan, Thomas Co. A Transf. to 3rd Conf. Engrs. Irish brickmason; Surrendered in SC May 1865. 13. Shepard, John Co. A listed on last roll 8-64, surrendered Citronelle, AL [See Co H, may be different John Shepherd; * See also Shepherd, John Pvt. Surr. at Mobile, from Greene Co. may be 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.] 14. Smith, Baalam Pvt. Co. E WIA Munfordville, KY; Listed on last roll 8-64; surrendered Citonelle, AL; paroled at Jackson. 15. Smith, Perry G. 4th Corp. Co. E WIA at Atlanta, surrendered at Citronelle, AL. 16. Warren, R. M. Pvt. Co. H became Nurse; Surr. Columbus, MS; probably from Winston Co. 17. Wilkinson, S. D. Pvt. Listed on last roll; surrendered with cavalry. died 1914 18. Wilson, Alexander Pvt. Co. K Wounded 5-14-64 at Resaca, GA; on wounded furlough at Surrender. (Brother of Sumpter and N. B. Wilson)
Field and Staff
Colonels Bishop, William H. Co. F (KIA Franklin, TN) Goode, Edmond J., or Elias J. (Enos) Co. G Johns, Benjamin F. Co. C (Acting at Murfreesboro) (Photo) Mayson, James Hamilton Co. D (Acting at Shiloh) (Photo) Mills, A. G. (9th Miss. acting after Shiloh)
Lt. Colonels Johns, Benjamin F. (Photo) Mayson, James Hamilton Co. D. (Photo) Mills, A.G.
Majors Carter, R. S. Co. B Pope, Henry Co. D
Captains Atkinson, James N. Co. F *Barringer, W. E. Blount, A. N. Co. B Brister, J. M. Co. B (KIA Chickamauga) Burch, Stanton D. Co. E (See 9th Miss. Inf.)(See D. Stanton Burch) Cannon, James M. Co. G (Medical Doctor and planter) Carter, R.S. Co. B Davis, Adolphus Fredrick Co. K (Photo) Fairly, John T. Co. I Fowlkes, H. H. Co. B Goode, Edmond J. or Elias, J. (Enos) Co. G *Harris, S. D. Co. A *Harris, Samuel D. Pvt. Capt. (7th Battn/Cav.?) Huff, N. L. Co. K (Photo) Johns, Benjamin F. Co. C (Photo) Mayson, Hamilton Co. D (Photo) McDowell, Russell D. Co. C KIA Murfreesboro McGehee, John L. Co. C [Also listed as Magee] Parker, Daniel H. Co. E (See H. Parker/Henderson Parker) Pemble, Robert J. Co. C Porter, William M. Co. A Rankin, William J. Co. F Robertson, G. A. Co. G (KIA Chickamauga) Rumble, S. E. (A.Q.M) Co. A (photo) Sessions, J. F. Co. K Thorton, John F. Co. H Williams, Parham B. Co. H (Killed in Ponchatoula Train Wreck) Proby, William J. Capt. not re-elected; Served as Lt. Col. and Provost Marshall of Franklin Co. 1862. Re-enlisted, rose to rank of Lt. and was killed on July 28, 1864 at Ezra Church. (Photo)
Ensigns Cathorn, Elias Co. H (Elijah Cothern) Nunnery, William J. Co. C (Killed in Action at Atlanta 7-22-64)
Chaplain Flowers, Thomas, W. Co. E
Musicians From the “Lest We Forget Roster” of the 7th Mississippi Infantry
Drum Major
Carter, R.L. discharged for Dyspepsia of nine months 7-26-62 (Drum Major?)
Campbell, Alexander M. Pvt. Co. C Chief musician; discharged; school teacher from Clark County, KY
Caston, Gabriel G. Pvt. Co. C Musician; killed Chickamauga 9.20.1863
Freeman, Francis Marion Pvt. Co. K Musician killed in RR collision (Some records indicate he died in a federal prison, but his records may have been mixed up with James M. or Matt Freeman also from Co. K. All other records indicate that he was killed in the Collision)
Seale, Joseph Pvt. Co. E (F&S) Chief Musician Listed on last Roll Aug-1864
Robertson, Alexander Pvt. Co. K Musician, 16 yrs old. MIA and presumed killed Atlanta 7.22.1864 (See also Alexander Robinson)
Fifers Boyt, Thomas C. Pvt. Co. B Fifer, WIA Murfreesboro and sent to various hospitals. (Check Boyd/Boyet)
Drummers There were only two drummers mentioned in the F&S rosters: 1. Freeman, Hal [3rd Drummer, F&S 7th Mississippi] No company listed (This man: Freeman, William H. Co. A WIA Shiloh & Atlanta 7-22-64, in hospital 8-64 roll, surr. NC.) possibly, Hal Freeman, from Co. A, Franklin County fits the profile of a man who survived the war and surrendered in NC; however, we do not have proof that his middle name was Hal, his age at enlistment, or if he was a drummer. We do know that this Hal Freeman was 3rd Drummer and the likelihood that they are the same man is high; they are least likely to be related. Hal Freeman was listed as a drummer at Shieldsboro; company unknown [possibly Company A, E, K if he was related to the Freeman men from Franklin County and Amite who were in companies A and K since all were from Franklin County, and one man from Company C from Amite County. [See William H. Freeman, Co. A] 2. [b] Harrington, B. F. Co. F. 1st drummer at Shieldsboro, Sept. 1861 The one drummer listed from Co. F is B. F. Herrington or Harrington. Co. F was from Marion County, but we have no information as to his age, or if he surrendered in NC. He does not appear on those rosters at surrender. 3. No man listed as 2nd Drummer (F&S) 4. Whitton, Thomas 28, WIA at Chickamauga and Atlanta; captured at Nashville, TN. [See T. Whitton captured at Nashville, TN] (See also Whittom), [Family records indicate he was drummer in the 7th Miss. –Earleen Clayton; “His file contains one card showing his rank as "Bass Drum," another card shows he was assigned extra duty as "Drummer," another rank as "Musician." -George Martin]
This record is constantly being updated. Please send any new information regarding men on these rosters or men who may have been omitted to:
"Quitman Rifles" Company K 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
The “Quitman Rifles”, [were] enlisted at Bunkley’s Ferry in Southeast Franklin County by the 43 year old Methodist minister, Newton Lawrence Huff on 28 August 1861. Huff was the beloved minister as diaries of soldiers in different attest. The soldiers would write if they were killed, they wanted Reverend Huff of Franklin County to preach their funerals. Being a good minister does not make a good commanding officer, therefore, he gracefully bowed out and went home and joined the militia. After the war he was elected sheriff and was killed by a criminal.” (WH) The Company was made up of men from mostly western Franklin County and Amite County. They were the last company to join the 7th Mississippi Volunteers at Pass Christian and Shieldsboro, MS. This company lost heavily in the Railroad accident at Ponchatoula, La. The names listed on the roster have been crossed referenced with the Rowland Roster (DR), William Hadskey’s List (WH) and Calvin Phillips list (CP).
Davis, Adolphus Fredrick “Fred” 2nd Sgt., Capt. Hurt in RR accident; WIA Shiloh; WIA Chickamauga; Listed on last roll as Captain and surrendered in NC. (See Letter collection and diary AF Davis ) Born July 30 1840; educated in Mexico, Missouri; was a school teacher in Amite Co. and later a merchant in Roxie, MS. He is buried at Union Baptist Church. He died 22 April 1897. (Photo)
Huff, Newton Lawrence Capt. He resigned 4 May 1862; then enlisted in Co. C 2nd Militia (Quinn’s); Methodist Minister. Elected Sheriff after the war and was killed by a criminal. (Photo)
Sessions, Joseph Ferdinand 1st Lt. [Capt., res. November 25, 1862]; joined 23rd Cav. as Captain and later Major in Power’s Cavalry. He lost an arm during the war. Served as State Representative from Franklin Co. after the war; was attended all through the war by his servant Gibbs Sheppard. (See “Sessions (Joseph F.) Papers” MDAH; Jonathan Newman Family by Leroy Moffett p. 131; Sessions was half brother to John McCollum Newman, Co. E. 7th Miss.); (“From the 10th Miss”--This note by (WH) does not agree with Sessions’ own record of events. There was another J. F. Sessions in the 10th Miss.-RJS)
Lieutenants Dillon, H. C. Sgt. became 1st Lt. Received a leave in 1864. Listed on last Roll [H. C. Dillon]
Godbold, Thomas J. Pvt. 2nd Lt, resigned due to tuberculosis; died in 1863. [Thomas J., 2nd lt. Resigned Oct. 9, 1862 due to tuberculosis.]
[Harris, A. B., 2nd Lt.] (No other information) (Possibly aide to Gen. Sharp; Capt. S. D. Harris)
Harris, E. W. 2nd Lt. Resigned “could not get along with the men.”
Moore, Briant Pvt. Elected 2nd Lt.; not re-elected. [Moore, B, 2nd Lt.]
Parker, William Henderson Pvt. Wounded on August 19, 1864 while in defensive lines or in skirmishes along the Atlanta and Macon RR near Lovejoy Station, GA. [Parker, W. H. 2nd Lt. to Acting Adjutant]
Wilson, N. B. 3rd Lt. [2nd Lt] Killed ICRR wreck Ponchatoula 2.28.1862; brother of Alexander and Sumpter Wilson.
Non-Commissioned Officers Anderson, E. T. 3rd Sgt. Discharged disability for lung trouble 7-12-62; died. (Incorrectly listed as Killed in RR wreck 2.28.1862; See T. Anderson and D. L. C. Anderson)
Day, Marshall 4th Sgt. MWIA. Died during war of wounds at Shiloh 4-20-62; brother of Sam Day.
Edwards, Thomas J. 3rd Corp. Killed New Orleans, Jackson & Great Northern RR wreck 2.27.1862. (See also F.J. Edwards) “The men of the company used their blankets to wrap up the dead before burial and some were without blankets at Shiloh. A descendant of this man married my brother.” (WH)
Ford, A. Eastman Pvt. 1st Sgt. KIA Murfreesboro; Received Medal “Cross of Honor”.
Freeman, Joel 4th Corp. Captured at Munfordville; listed on last roll 8-1864. [See J. M. Freeman Wounded Nashville, TN]
Godbold , W. L. Pvt./Sgt. Discharged 6-20-62 (See M. Roddy substitute)
Jones, John P. Corp. /3rd Sgt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; Killed at Nashville, TN.
Lard, Thomas M. Sr. Sgt. WIA at Shiloh; permanently disabled at Murfreesboro. (See Laird) (One of the Thomas Lard’s was discharged 11-17-62; WIA at Munfordville not Murfreesboro, and the other died from wounds received at Murfreesboro-RJS) Lard, R. T. Pvt. Corp. WIA at Shiloh; WIA at Murfreesboro and died from wounds. (See Thomas Lard Jr.; One of the Thomas Lard’s was discharged 11-17-62 and I believe that they were WIA at Munfordville not Murfreesboro-RJS)
O’Neal/O’Neil, Samuel Ordinance Sgt. /1st Sgt. Discharged March 26, 1862. [Injured in RR Collision?]
Parker, Joel R. or L. Corp /1st Sgt. WIA POW Murfreesboro; exchanged; in hospital 1864 (born about 1842. He died in Civil War per family records. Brother to W. H. Parker-RJS)
Reynolds, Hiram G. (Also listed as Ho. G.) 2nd Corp. Wounded at Franklin and POW 12-28-64 at Nashville, TN. Died March 11, 1865 as POW in Nashville. (See His Letter AF Davis Letters)
Toler, Thomas C. Pvt. /Corp.; killed at Murfreesboro; Also Co. C (See Tolar)
Wilson. Sumpter M. Corp. Sgt. died 27 April 1862 of typhoid, possible from wounds at Shiloh.
Alphabetical Roster (Pvt. unless noted)
Allred, John E. Pvt. Transferred to Co. A; transferred to 44th Miss. died in Lincoln Co. (see Aldred)
Allred, William H. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh; WIA Murfreesboro; surrendered at NC. (See Aldred)
Alldridge, Manfield L. Pvt. Co. A; hurt in RR accident; Transf. to 3rd Engineers. (See Aldrich)
*Alfred, B. D. [No other Information]
Anderson, D. L. C. Pvt. Killed in RR collision Ponchatoula, LA.
Anderson, E. T. 3rd Sgt. Discharged disability for lung trouble 7-12-62; died; Listed as Killed ICRR wreck 2-28-1862. Incorrect, See T. Anderson and D. L. C. Anderson)
*Anderson, T. Pvt. (Probably E.T. Anderson) (not on Rowland List)
Baine, James Elam Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro, WIA to hospital Ezra Church 7-28-64-(CP)
Bass, Miles Pvt. Sent to hospital 10-23-63; Listed on last roll. Lived in Amite Co. “Died since the war” Bass, Robert Pvt. Killed Chickamauga from Amite Co.
Black, A. Pvt. Enlisted 3/12/62 at Henderson, TN (VR)
*Block, A. Pvt. Discharged Conscript Act. (See also Black) [(VR) A. Black, enl. 3/12/62 Henderson, TN]
Boddy, M. Pvt. Enlisted 6/20/62 at Tupelo; died at Tullahoma 11/17/62 of congestive fever (VR)
Bradshaw, Obediah Pvt. Died of typhoid 20 Apr 1862 (probably wounded at Shiloh)
Bradshaw, William H. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; died 1895/6 [Wm. H. Bradshaw, enl 9/1/61, roll dated Nov & Dec 63 noted-“Lost since last muster scabbard & frog $2.07" reenlisted for the war, 1/29/64(VR)]
Bright, James A. Pvt. Died at New Orleans, LA from injuries sustained in RR collision at Ponchatoula.
Brown, Cicero C. Pvt. Captured in KY; paroled; WIA Atlanta 7-22-64 sent to hospital; surrendered in NC. Letter-Cato Steele Family Collection Dec. 9th 1862 from Murfreesboro, TN] “distant cousin” (WH)
Burkhalter, Joseph S. Pvt. Captured Kennesaw Mountain (Possibly at Battle of Kolb’s Farm June 22, 1864 or on Bushy Mountain Line); released May 1865.
Butler, Joseph H. “Joe” Pvt. died typhoid June 12, 1862; son of Mrs. Mary Butler of Amite Co. [Possibly buried at Hazelhurst, MS. Confederate Hospital Cemetery] (See W. L. Butler, date of death 06/13/1862)
Butler, James Pollard, Pvt. died May 29, 1862 (typhoid 6-24-62 per C. Phillips); son of Zachariah Butler.
Butler, William Lovell Pvt. died March 26, 1862; son of Zachariah Butler (Died typhoid June 13, 1862 per Phillips) [Wm. L. Butler, enlisted 12/7/61; died of typhoid on way home, 06/13/62 (VR)]
Cain, E. Pvt. discharged as over age 1-23-63 Conscript Act; enlisted in Capt. Hall’s company.
Cain, James Isaiah Pvt. transferred to 3rd Conf. Engineers
*Cain , N. Pvt. (not listed on Rowland list-May be W. Cain, William Cain)
Cain, William Pvt. WIA; captured at Shiloh; died in prison 4-30-62 per Widow’s pension.
Carlock, George R. Thomas Pvt. discharged for disability Nov. 23, 1861. (See G. T. and George T.)
Carlock, James J. died of disease at Chattanooga, TN (Oct. 7, 1862) (See J. J. Carlock)
Carlock, Ransom W. Pvt. died 6-28-62 typhoid. (See also R.W.)
Carlock, William Thomas J. Pvt. Apparently discharged for illness in 1862. (See Carlook) (See William T.) (Also see Co. E)
Carraway, R. T. A. Pvt. did not return from leave 4 Feb. 1864; joined Co. C 23rd Cav. (Richard Thomas Adam Carraway – Co. K, Born 4/28/1836 Carpenter, Copiah Co. Miss. Died 6/2/1904 Dentville, Copiah Co. Miss. Burial: Pine Bluff Cemetery, Dentville, Miss. Copiah County Notes: Have conflicting dates of birth, used tombstone dates. Also have data he was captured and sent to Ship Island.-RJS)
Cassels, R. M. Pvt. WIA at Chickamauga 9-20-63 to hospital at Chattanooga.
Causey, Ferdinand L. Died of injuries from train wreck at Ponchatoula, LA 2-2-62; mother was Mrs, Priscilla McGehee (relative LUCKYJIM@AOL>COM)
Clark, Richard W. Pvt. discharged Nov. 1, 1862
Claughton. Griffing P., Jr. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro; paroled at hospital at NC. Surrendered in NC (CP). (Roster posted at Amite website says “died during the war”; very possibly referring to George P. Claughton, same initials](See also G.W. Claughton; and Griffing P. Claughton, Jr. Co. A 9th Miss. parole roster, NC)]
Claughton, George P. Pvt. was ill; not required to fight at Shiloh, but went anyway; WIA in the breast. His servant was bringing him home when he died at Summit, MS. 4-12-62. (See G.W. Claughton)
[“ ____Claughton’s boy” mentioned in AF Davis letter as mail carrier; could also be Griffing Claughton’s servant; not sure of relationship of the two Claughton’s in the regiment.]
Claughton, (Unknown), Servant (mentioned in AF Davis); [see George P. and Griffing P. Claughton, Jr.]
Cloy, Robert H. Pvt. died of disease at Rome, GA.8-25-63
Cochran, Alex Pvt. discharged for disability 11-01-61 (See A. Cockerham); enlisted in 14th Conf. Cav.
Cochran, F. Pvt. died Dec. 2, 1861 unknown cause (See Cockran, F. died 12-1-61 Unknown)
*Cockran, F. Pvt. died Dec. 2, 1861 unknown cause (See Cochran, F. died 12-1-61 Unknown)
Cowart, Zachariah “Monroe” Pvt. Transferred to Co. A 7th Miss; captured at Missionary Ridge.
Cruise, Samuel Pvt. transferred to Co. A.
Davis, Adolphus Fredrick “Fred” 2nd Sgt., Capt. Hurt in RR accident; WIA Shiloh; WIA Chickamauga; Listed on last roll as Captain and surrendered in NC. (See Letter collection and diary AFDavis)
[Davis] Henry; servant of Captain A. F. Davis; delivered supplies and mail for Captain Davis and the men of Co. K; served for entire war, making several trips from Tennessee and Georgia. Almost certain he traveled to NC for surrender with Captain Davis] (AFDavis) Day, R. “Harmon” Pvt. died 20 Apr. 1862; probably WIA at Shiloh. (See R. N., R.H. Day)
Day, Iverson Pvt. Disch. Jan. 28, 1862; joined Yerger’s State troops; became Captain. (Photo)
*Day, John V. from Co. C to Co K 7th Miss. Discharged 8/23/1862 (See J. Day, John M.-Discharged same day Co. C, J.V., J.M., J. W. and John W. Day.)
Day, Marshall 4th Sgt. MWIA. Died from wounds at Shiloh 4-20-62; Brother of Sam Day.
Day, R. N. Pvt. Died 4-20-62 Unknown cause (See R. Harmon)
Day, William H. Pvt. from Co. C was a nurse in GA 1864.
Dillon, H. C. Sgt. became 1st Lt. Received a leave in 1864; on Last Roll [H.C. Dillon, 1st Lt.]
*Dooley, J.D. Pvt. Captured at Selma, AL Apr. 1865
Durham, William H. Pvt. sixteen year old boy killed at Munfordville, KY. “Grape shot in the head standing in the cornfield on the left of the fort at 9AM” per the casualty report-national archives. (Killed Chickamauga Co. K Amite website roster)
Ewell, John W. Pvt. discharged as under age 12-3-62 Conscript Act; enlisted in 23rd Cav.
Ford, A. Eastman Pvt. 1st Sgt. Killed at Murfreesboro; received Medal “Cross of Honor”.
Forman, Ed. J. Pvt. Hurt for life in RR collision; captured in GA (see also E. J. Foreman Co. C-May not be same person) (photo)
Forman, F. C. Pvt. to hospital 8-19-64 Listed on last roll; Last hospital report showed in GA hospital Oct. 1864. (See Foreman)
Forman, R. V. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; Hospital (See Foreman)
Freeman, Francis Marion Pvt. Musician killed in RR collision or (died Federal prison--May have been mixed up with James M. or Matt Freeman)
*Freeman, Hal [3rd Drummer, F&S] shown as drummer at Shieldsboro; company unknown [possibly Company A, E, K if he was related to the Freeman men from Franklin County and Amite who were in companies A and K since all were from Franklin County, and one man from Company C from Amite County. [See William H. Freeman, Co. A]
Freeman, James M. Pvt. Listed on last roll; Captured at Nashville; died in union prison. (J.M. on Rowland roster) (See also Matt Freeman Co. K 33rd Miss.) [Supposedly died in 1863; Camp Chase Ohio prison. That would mean that he was captured at Murfreesboro in Dec.1862 or Jan. 1863. More research is needed]
Freeman, Joel 4th Corp. Captured Munfordville and exchanged in KY; listed on last roll. [See J.M. Freeman Wounded Nashville, TN]
*Freeman, Matt Pvt. Killed during war (not listed on (WH) report. May be James Matt Freeman or Matt Freeman Co. K 33rd Miss. KIA at Franklin, TN)
Gardner , Bernard “Bear” Pvt. discharged by Conscript Act 12-8-62 (See Benard Gardner)
Gardner, H. [Q/Z.] Pvt. WIA severely at Atlanta, GA Ezra Church 7-28-64 and sent to hospital; 30 days leave in Feb. 1865. (See Garner)
Gardner, Revonna G. Revena Gillespie) Pvt. Listed on last roll; half bro. Stephen J. (see Co. I Garner) (Photo)
Godbold, Thomas J. Pvt. /2nd Lt, resigned due to tuberculosis; died in 1863. [Thomas J., 2nd Lt. Resigned Oct. 9, 1862]
Godbold, W. L. Pvt. /Sgt. Discharged 6-20-62 (See M. Roddy substitute)
Green, George W. L. Pvt. was 47 yrs. of age; apparently discharged in 1862.
Griffin, I. (Isham), Jr. WIA Shiloh on the “6th at 2PM in the arm” and “died of typhoid fever and wounds received at Shiloh; on the 1st day of May 1862 in Franklin Co. Miss.” Lived at Knoxville, Franklin County, Mississippi. Also listed as J. Griffin and John Griffin; his and his brother’s records (John Felix Griffin Co. K.) are mixed at the MDAH. He is the son of Isham Griffin, Sr., who was a half brother to my gr gr grandfather, Young Ferdinand Griffin-his mother was Margaret Ford Griffin. See Letter from his captain, J.F. Sessions-(RJS)
*Griffin, J. (John) Pvt. died 5-10-62 Shiloh [See Isham Griffin, transcription error changed “I” to “J”, gave incorrect date of death and listed as John; his brother John F. Griffin Co. K survived the war- (RJS)]
Griffin, John F. W. “Felix” Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; brother of Isham Griffin and son of Isham Griffin, Sr. and Margaret Ford Griffin who lived near Sandy Creek. His father, Isham Sr., is half brother of my grgr grandfather, Young Ferdinand Griffin. John F. Griffin’s records are mixed with Isham Griffin’s because the copyist mistook an “I” for a “J” and because Isham was called John on a roster or letter and mistaken for his brother. RJS
Halford, D. Bryant Pvt. right arm and shoulder ruined and ribs broken by wounds at Murfreesboro and sent to hospital 12-31-62; drew a pension. (See D. B. Halford and Bryand D.; see also Bryant Halford in DB Steele letter)
Halford, James M. Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro and sent to hospital 12-31-62; discharge due to rupture in July 26, 1863; drew a pension.
Halford, Thomas M. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro; joined Company I 14th Confederate Cavalry.
[Harris, A. B., 2nd Lt.] (No other information) [Possibly S. D. Harris, aide to Gen. Sharp at Franklin]
Harris, E. W. 2nd Lt. Resigned “could not get along with the men.”
Haygood, W. S. Pvt. died April 23, 1862 of typhoid; born Iberville, LA
Hickingbottom, Lawson. Discharged Jan. 23, 1863; enlisted in Company I 14th Conf. Cav.; Incorrectly typed or transcribed as S. Hickingbottams; Should be L. for Lawson Hickingbottom or Hickenbottom; see Losson Hickingbottoms mentioned in Wm M Porter letter to Capt. J. F. Sessions Sessions (Joseph F.) Papers, MDAH Special Collections.)
Howell, S. Pvt. Discharged by Conscript Act 7-16-62.
Huff, Ferdinand C. from Company A; discharged; joined Co. I 14th Conf. Cav. (See P.C. Huff)
Huff, Newton Lawrence Capt.; Resigned 4 May 1862; enlisted in Company C 2nd Militia.
Huff, William H. Pvt. died April 1862 typhoid. Possibly wounded at Shiloh. (See letter George S. Lea Index, Company C, p. 34)
Hughey, E. A. discharged Jan. 1, 1862
*Jackson, J. R. Pvt. Captured at Selma, AL April 1865
Jones, Calvin L. Pvt. POW Munfordville, exch. in KY. Listed on last roll 8-1864. (See C. S Jones).
Jones, John P. Corp. /3rd Sgt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; Killed at Nashville, TN.
Jones, Washington J. “Wash” Pvt.; killed in RR collision Feb. 27, 1862 Ponchatoula, LA. (See also George Washington Jones)
*Jones, N. B. Pvt. (Rowland roster only)
Jones, William Pvt. Died at Pass Christian, MS Nov. 23, 1861; pneumonia.
Keeth, Lemuel Pvt. Discharged as under age 7-16-62 Conscript Act; enlisted in Co. I 14th Conf. Cav. (See also Lemuel Keith Co. C)
Keith, W. F. Pvt. discharged in 3-26-62 (Injured in RR Collision?) “died” (No indication if this was during or after the war-RJS)
King, S. Taylor died at home May 15, 1862 from typhoid in Amite Co.
Lard, Thomas M. Sr. Sgt. WIA at Shiloh; permanently disabled at Murfreesboro. (See Laird) (One of the Thomas Lard’s was discharged 11-17-62 and I believe that Murfreesboro should be Munfordville-RJS)
Lard, R. T. Pvt. /Corp. WIA at Shiloh; WIA at Murfreesboro and died from wounds; (See Thomas, Jr.) (See Laird) (One of the Thomas Lard’s was discharged 11-17-62 and I believe that Murfreesboro should be Munfordville-RJS)
Lee, Goshen Pvt. discharged and re-enlisted; died in GA. December 9, 1863.
*Lester, P.V. Pvt. Captured at Selma, AL Apr. 1865
Levy, Jacob Pvt. regimental Tailor; discharged as alien 1-23-63 Conscript Act; Prussian Subject. (See also Levi) (See JFDiary Levis, ____38, 39, 53, 78, 79, 80, 83.)
Levy, S. Pvt. discharged as French subject 12-3-62 Conscript Act; merchant.
Long, Samuel G. Pvt. Transf. to Co. E 7th Miss.; discharged as under age, Conscript Act 12-3-62
Long, T. Francis Pvt. discharged; joined 4th Cav.
McGehee, John H. Pvt. discharged for disability 47 yrs. old 7-17-62, Conscript Act.
McGehee, Louis Pvt. discharged as over aged 11-27-62. (Hired substitute) (See Lewis Lafayette Magee- 33rd Miss. Co. D)
McGehee, Thomas W. WIA at Shiloh
McKey, David Pvt. WIA at Munfordville, KY and died; “Severely wounded by grape shot in the thigh while standing in the cornfield on the left of the fort.” (See Dave MaKey)
McKnight, Thomas W. Pvt. WIA Shiloh; Discharged wounds; a doctor. POW Munfordville, KY (CP)
McManus, Ellis (Ellison) C. Pvt. from Co. A 7th Miss.; discharged lost leg at Jonesboro, GA 1864 [Admitted to hospital at Milner GA between June and Sept 1864]
Mayhall, J. Fleming Pvt. straggled in KY; conscripted in Forrest Cavalry. (See Mayhill)
Mercer, William G. or J. Killed RR wreck Ponchatoula, LA.
Moody, Soloman Pvt. Died 10-24-61 measles (See Co. D)
Moore, Briant Pvt. Elected 2nd Lt.; not re-elected. [Moore, B, 2nd Lt.]
Moore, George W. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh; WIA Atlanta 7-22-64 and sent to hospital. Surrendered at Meridian April 1865. (See George Washington "Wash" Moore-A.F. Davis letter)
(D) Morgan, Asa Pvt. From Co. A 7th Miss.; deserted 10 Feb. 1864.
O’Neal/O’Neil, Samuel Ordinance Sgt. /1st Sgt. Discharged March 26, 1862. (injured in RR Collision???)
Parker, Joel R/L. Corp/1st Sgt. WIA POW Murfreesboro; exchanged; in hospital 1864 (born about 1842. He died in Civil War according to family records. Brother to W. H. Parker-RJS)
Parker, John H. Pvt. transferred to Co. C 9th Battn Miss. SS; drew pension. (See John Parker) [See also James Henderson Parker-Photo]
Parker, T. C. Pvt. died 1910 (listed on Rowland Roster) (See Thomas Elam Parker)
Parker, Thomas Elam Pvt. captured Munfordville, KY and exchanged; to hospital 7-5-63 surgeon’s certificate; various hospitals.
Parker, William Henderson Pvt. WIA Aug. 19, 1864; Wounded while in defensive lines or in skirmish along Atlanta and Macon RR near Lovejoy Station, GA.; [2nd Lt. /Act. Adjutant] William Henderson Parker was born about 1833, son of Angelina Webb and Amos Parker-(RJS)]. (See Co C. & E)
Parsons, B. F. Pvt. died in Tenn. of pneumonia Aug. 18, 1862; born in Amite Co.
Parsons, J. Y. Pvt. Killed in RR collision Ponchatoula, LA 2-27-62 (See also B.Y. Parsons)
Rawlinson, Samuel E. Pvt. Discharged due to dropsy 12-3-62; Born in Pike Co. MS (See Rawlingson)
Reynolds, Hiram G. (See Ho. G.) 2nd Corp. Wounded at Nashville and POW 12-28-64 at Nashville, TN. Died March 11, 1865 as POW in Nashville. See AF Davis Letters, and Hiram Reynolds’ Letter to his cousin, March 21st 1864. (There is another Hiram Reynolds in Co. K 44th Miss. Inf. “Amite County Rangers” died in Prison–POW Missionary Ridge).
Reynolds, James M. died Ryan, Tenn. 8-19-62 Flux [discharge from bowels] (Possibly caused by bad water at Tupelo-RJS) (See J.R. Reynolds) [Monument-Silverdale Cemetery Chattanooga, TN. b. Nov 13, 1818 d. Aug 19, 1862]
Robertson, Alexander Pvt. Musician, 16 yrs old. MIA and presumed killed Atlanta 7.22.1864 (See also Alexander Robinson)
*Robertson, John Pvt. (John L. to hosp. 12-21-63-C. Phillips) (Rowland) (See John W. Robinson Co. E & John E. Robinson Co. K)
Robertson, N. H. Pvt. discharged as under aged 1861; re-enlisted; Listed on last roll 8-1864 (See N.H. Robinson) (See also N. B. Robertson)
Robertson, N. B. Pvt. died 1915 (See N. H. Robertson)
Robertson, W. P. Pvt. WIA at Chickamauga 9-20-63; to various hospitals; “dead” (This could mean, dead since war; See also Robinson)
Robinson, John E. Pvt. From hospital to Armstong’s Command (Cavalry); captured in AL (See John Robertson-Rowland Roster)
Roddy, M. Pvt. thirty-six year old substitute; died of conjestive fever Nov. 17, 1862 (Substitute for W. L. Godbold) Buried Tullahoma Conf. Cemetery Inscription: Roddy, M. Pvt. Co K, 11/17/1862.
Sessions, Joseph Ferdinand 1st Lt. [Capt., res. November 25, 1862]; resigned; joined 23rd Cav. as Captain and later Major in Power’s Cavalry. He lost an arm in the war; State Representative from Franklin Co. after the war; (See “Session (Joseph F.) Papers” MDAH; Jonathan Newman Family by Leroy Moffett p. 131; half brother to John McCollum Newman, Co. E 7th Miss.) Sheppard, Gibbs, Servant (Joseph F. Sessions Co. K)
Steele, A. J. (Andrew Jackson) Pvt. Family records indicate Andrew Jackson Steele survived the war; he was brother of Davis Benton Steele and Samuel Steele; [See 39th Miss. Inf.].
Steele, Davis Benton Pvt. Wounded at Atlanta 7-22-64; in hospital 8-1864 roll; totally blind from bullet going through head; died 1912; (See D.B. Steele, Letter and photo)
Steele, Samuel Pvt. (Not on Rowland roster) (Shown on Liberty Monument as killed in war) [Family record indicates he died at Oxford, MS 4 Oct. 1862]
Sterling, J. N. Pvt. transferred to 9th Battalion Mississippi Sharpshooters
Sterling, V. P. Pvt. discharged for disability in 7-26-62; born in Amite Co.; died 1914 (See W. P. Sterling)
*Sterling, W. P. Pvt. discharged for disability in 7-26-62; born in Amite Co.; died 1914 (See V. P. Sterling)
Swearingen, Thomas Pvt. “Died during war” 2-11-62 “Conjestion of the Brain” at Shieldsboro, Hancock Co. MS. (Pass Christian, MS); from Amite Co. MS (See Swearengin and Swaringan)
Taylor, J. Denman Pvt. Listed on Last roll 8-1864 (See J. D. Taylor) Taylor, W. B. Pvt. 25 days leave Feb. 1864 “dead”
Tillery, James M. Pvt. Over aged and sick Dec. 1861, disch. (Died unknown cause 2-1-62)
Tillery, John L. Pvt. 19 yrs old Discharged for disability on 7-14-62.
Toler, Thomas C. Pvt. /Corp. Killed at Murfreesboro, TN. Also listed in Co. C; (see also Tolar)
Turner, J. S. Pvt. KIA Shiloh
Weathersby, Solomon C. Pvt. Discharged 7-17-62; enlisted in Power’s Conf. Cavalry; (See letter JF Sessions Papers)
Webb, E. K. Pvt. transferred to 9th Battn Miss SS [Possibly son of Kinchen Webb and Rebecca Rhodes]
White, John Pvt. died at Shiloh April 6, 1862, heart attack, apoplexy (Stroke-CP)
White, Joseph A. “Joe” Pvt. Disch. June 24, 1862; “health always bad” (See J. White Co.
White, Thomas A. Pvt. Also Company A 7th Miss. Listed on last roll 8-1864
White, Webster “Webb” Pvt. died in Amite Co. May 10, 1862 of fever.
*White, William Pvt. (Not on (WH) or (DR) roster-probably “Webb not Will” transcription error)
*Whittington, B. B. Pvt. discharged 3-25-62 [See George B. (Injured in RR Collision???)]
Whittington, Dempsey Pvt. injured for life in RR accident; discharged 7-14-62; joined Co. K 33rd Miss.
Whittington, Franklin Pvt.; Killed in RR wreck Ponchatoula, LA. 2-27-1862; son of Noah Whittington
Whittington, George B. Pvt. discharged (B. B. Whittington-CP list 3-25-62 Injured in RR Collision???); joined Co. K 33rd Miss.; died 1914. [According to Virgil Roberts, 5-2-2009 there was a second G. B. Whittington in the 7th Miss. Co. K. His name was George Butler Whittington according to his gr gr grand daughter. (Virgil said she has his information and a photo); G. B. may have been incorrectly listed as S. B. Whittington Co. C or B. B. Co. K injured in train wreck causing some of the confusion-RJS]
Whittington, George Butler Pvt. There were two George B. Whittington’s in Co. K according to this man’s gr gr grand daughter. Family has information and photo; G. B. may have been incorrectly listed as S. B. Whittington Co. C or B. B. Co. K injured in train wreck causing some of the confusion-RJS]
Whittington, Hampton [C.] Pvt. Transferred from Company C; apparently joined another company.
Whittington, J. L. Pvt. Pvt. transferred to 3rd Conf. Engineer Corps
Whittington, Leander J. Pvt. transferred from Co. A 7th Miss. WIA lost arm at Murfreesboro and POW
Whittington, M. C. Pvt. died at Marietta, GA December 11, 1863. (This death was listed as unknown cause. Due to its close proximity to the battle at Missionary Ridge or Chickamauga, we can assume that it resulted from wounds in battle. See Marietta Confederate Cemetery “W. C. Whittington Co. K 7th Miss.” )
Whittington, Napoleon Bonaparte Pvt. killed in RR accident; son of Elam Whittington
Whittington, Stephen Y. Pvt. died Apr. 20, 1862 unknown cause; son of Wiley Whittington.
*Whittington, S. T. (Not listed by (WH) or (DR) See S.Y., Stephen Y.)
Wilkinson, S. D. Pvt. Listed on last roll; surrendered with cavalry; Died 1914.
Wilson, Alexander Pvt. Wounded 5-14-64 at Resaca, GA; on wounded furlough at Surrender. (Brother of Sumpter and N. B. Wilson)
Wilson, N. B. Pvt 3rd Lt [2nd Lt.] Killed RR wreck Ponchatoula 2-27-1862 (brother of Alexander and Sumpter Wilson)
Wilson, Sumpter M. Corp. Sgt. Died 27 April 1862 of typhoid. Probably WIA at Shiloh.
"Covington Rifles" aka “Covington Rangers” Company I 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry “Covington Rifles” also called the “Covington Rangers” (Covington County) enlisted in 11 August 1861 at Bay St. Louis, MS. in the 7th Regiment Mississippi Volunteers. They were previously formed as Capt. Fairley’s Company and were probably enlisted as an independent Company in April of 1861. Many joined the company at Mt. Carmel, Covington County. Due to the large number of men of Scottish descent, they were sometimes called the “Scotch Company” according to William Hadskey. They were mustered into State service on September 11, 1861 as Company I, 7th Mississippi Infantry. The names listed on the roster have been crossed referenced with the Rowland Roster, William Hadskey’s List (WH), and Calvin Phillips list (CP). There are some differences and will still require more detailed research in the MDAH and the National Archives. Note there was also a company G called “Covington Rangers” in the 7th Battalion Miss. Infantry.
Captains Fairly, John T. Captain; Listed on last roll of Aug. 31, 1864 comdg. Co. G & H. (EB Carruth Letters and Sallie Carr Collection- John Fairley Letters; JFDiary- Fairley's Company 75, Fairley, Capt. 14, Fairley, _____ 84, (Maybe John T., Alexander or Peter of Co. I; see also Fairley.) Lieutenants Fairly, Peter S. Sgt. /2nd Lt. WIA at Atlanta, GA at Ezra Church 7-28-64; in charge of a railroad train 14 Dec. 1864. Brother of Capt. John Fairly (Confederate Veteran article about capturing and being captured at Murfreesboro; JFDiary Fairley, p. 84, (Could be John T., Alexander, or Peter of Co. I; See also Fairley)
Galloway, W.H 1st Lt. Elected 5-12-62
Graves, Alexander M. Pvt. /Sgt.; promoted to 2nd Lt. Surr. at Citronelle, AL; Paroled at Meridian, MS.
Holloway, William H. 1st Lt., MWIA at Murfreesboro, TN. POW and died in the hands of the enemy. [Dropped Jan. 20, 1863] His brother George Needham Holloway Blythe’s regiment [44th Miss]; was KIA at Shiloh his other brother John F. “Jake” Holloway served in Co. B 4th Cav. until Surrender.
McRaney, Duncan Campbell 3rd Lt /1st Lt Listed on last roll 8-1864; [Duncan C.] Surrendered at High Point, NC (Commanding Co. July 1, 1863)
Terrell, Jasper D. 2nd Lt. Resigned 6 May 1862 [dropped May 8, 1862]
Williams, Samuel Corp. /1st Sgt. [2nd Lt. S. J. Williams] Listed on last roll 8-1864; prob. KIA at Nashville, TN.
Non-Commissioned Officers
Beavers, John L. Pvt. /2nd Sgt.; Injured in RR Collision on27 Feb. 1862; compound fracture of the right leg; Discharged 3-10-62.
Carter, Andrew J. Pvt. /Sgt. Listed on Last Roll 8-1864
Harper, Alexander W. Pvt. /1st Sgt. KIA at Atlanta, GA Ezra Church 28 July 1864.
Hubbard, William J. Pvt. /Corp. WIA/POW Nashville, TN. resident of Simpson County [See W. J. Hubbard wounded Nashville, TN.]
Leonard, Alexander T. Corp. discharged 12 Nov. 1862; born Richmond, NC
McInnis, Daniel J. 1st Sgt. Discharged due to paralyzed thigh; born in Perry County. “Co. I Capt. J. T. Fairly, Col. W. H Bishop. Aug. 14, 1862 ‘For Duty…3 comm. Officers 49 enlisted 71 Aggregate [signed] DS McInnis 1st Sgt’” (D. J. McInnis-RJS) [Stevens Research on 7th Regt. Miss. Infantry Transcribed from Record Group 109, Chapter IV, Vol. 110, Provided by Jackie Scarborough Edited by Ron Skellie]
McInnis, John N. 4th Sgt. Discharged 17 Aug. 1862; born in Covington, County.
Walker, Albert G. Pvt. /Corp.; killed in action 14 May 1864 Resaca, GA
Walker, Charles W. (WH) list only Charles W.) Pvt. /3rd Corp. He went home ill in Dec. 1862 (probably Daniel Walker or Charles D; see Charles D. (DR); Charles D. who was discharged 10-8-61.
Williams, William S. Pvt. /Corp. died at Danville, KY of typhoid Oct. 1, 1862; (Probably from wounds at Munfordville, KY Sept 1862-rjs); son of James Williams.
Alphabetical Listing (Pvt. unless noted) Barnes, John R. Pvt. Discharged from Co. D as under age; later returned to Company I.
Beavers, John L. Pvt. /2nd Sgt. Hurt in RR Collision 27 Feb. 1862; Received a compound fracture of the right leg; discharged 3-10-62.
Blount, Needham C. Pvt. WIA/MIA Shiloh; paroled and became a nurse in hospital.
Brown, James L. Pvt. Conscript from Winston County; ran off 20 Sept. 1864
Buckley, James N. Pvt. Transferred to 9th Battn. Sharpshooters.
Byrd, J. J. Pvt. Transferred from 3rd AL Cav.; KIA at Resaca, GA May 1864 (See James M. (WH) and see 3rd Ala. Cav. and Wood's Conf. Cav. James J. Byrd.) (Possible photo at Stones River N. Park, 7-23-2007, Kay M. Byrd 309 Spring Place Nashville, TN 37221 –RJS) Byrd, J. K. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro; WIA Chickamauga; Listed on last roll guard 8-3-1864; paroled at Jackson. (Photo at Stones River N. Park, 7-23-2007, Kay M. Byrd–RJS) (Photo) Carter, Andrew J. Pvt. /Sgt. Listed on Last Roll 8-1864
Carter, Calvin P.E. Pvt. KIA at Atlanta, Ezra Church July 28, 1864
Copeland, John H. Pvt. KIA Chickamauga
Costello, Robertus B. Pvt. discharged prior to 30 Oct. 1861
Cross, Jacob M. Pvt. Listed on last roll; POW at Nashville, TN; died in Nevada Co. Ark. 1922.
Davis, A. S. Pvt. became a nurse in hospital 7 Mar. 1863
Davis, Teranas J. Pvt. died at Corinth of typhoid fever 4-13-62
Duvall, W. H. Pvt. captured at Shiloh (POW) (See Diwall-(WH))
Dyess, Franklin M. Pvt. Accidently shot himself in 1862; WIA Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll. Dyess, John W. Pvt.WIA at Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll 8-1864.
Easterling, James M. Pvt. KIA at Resaca, GA
Eaten, James A. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864
Fairly, Alexander Pvt. /Corp. 60 days leave 22 Dec 1864 for fracture of the ulna and dislocation of radius; lived at Mt. Olive, MS, Covington Co. Listed on last roll. (Probably injured at Nashville, TN) (JFDiary- Fairley, _____ p. 84, (Could be John T., Alexander or Peter) (WIA)
Fairly, John T. Captain, listed on last roll of Aug. 31, 1864 commanding Co. G & H (John and Sallie Carr Saucier Collection; JFDiary. (See also Fairley)
Fairly, Peter S. Sgt. /2nd Lt. WIA at Atlanta, GA Ezra Church 7-28-64; in charge of a railroad train 14 Dec. 1864. Brother of Capt. John Fairley (Confederate Veteran article about capturing and being captured at Murfreesboro)
Foles, Stephen B. Pvt.WIA at Murfreesboro, TN; paroled at Meridian, MS.
Fry, Benjamin F. Pvt. On last roll 8-1864; POW Nashville, TN. 16 Dec. 1864; died in prison. (Also Co. F) [See B. F. Fry wounded Nashville, TN]
Fullingame, C. Pvt. recruited 11 June 1864; sent to hospital 20 Aug. 1864 Surgeon’s certificate. [Received at Flewellen Hospital on 26 Aug 1864 and transferred Aug 27, 1864; most likely to Macon where at least two other members of the 7th Miss. were sent.]
Galloway, W.H 1st Lt. Elected 5-12-62
Garner, Revonna G. [Revena Gillespie] Pvt. Listed on last Roll 8-64; half-brother of Stephen J. Garner (See Co. I Gardner) (Photo)
Garner Stephen J. Pvt. discharge due to tuberculosis 31 Mar 1862, b. in GA; half-brother of Revena G. Garner (see Gardner discharged 2-22-62 for TB)
Graham, Christopher Pvt. discharged by Conscript Act 10-26-62; born Dublin, Ireland. (See JFDiary Graham, ______ (Irishman) p. 75)
Graves, Alexander M. Pvt. /Sgt.; 2nd Lt. Surrendered at Citronelle, AL; Paroled at Meridian, MS.
Gray, Lewis Pvt. Listed on last Roll 8-1864 (See Grey)
Harper, Alexander W. Pvt. /1st Sgt. KIA at Atlanta, GA Ezra Church 28 July 1864.
Harrell, Mills P. Pvt. MIA/KIA at Murfreesboro, TN
*Harris, H. M. Pvt. Paroled at Memphis, probably 7th Battn.
Harthorn, John Y. Pvt. Transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. S.S. (See J. Y. Hathorn) (Also Co.
Hathorn, Elam H. Pvt. (Chalmer’s Brigade Sharpshooters June 26, 1862, later designated 9th Battn. Miss. S.S.) (See Elam Hathorn, 9th Battn. Miss. SS)
Hill, John Pvt. WIA Chickamauga and captured at Franklin, TN [OR Supplement states wounded and captured at Nashville, TN. Could be that he was captured at Franklin after being wounded and held as a POW at Nashville where he was listed as “wounded”.] [See J. M. Hill wounded Nashville, TN]
Hively, Jacob Pvt. MWIA died of wounds rec’d at Murfreesboro (See H.C. Holloway, Sub.)
Holloway, Henry C. Pvt. Discharged; acquired subs. Dec. 12, 1862 (See Jacob Hively, Subs.)
Holloway, John E. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh; surrendered at Greensboro, NC. [Co. A 9th Miss. Inf. consolidated]
*Holloway, John F. Pvt. “Jake”; brother of William H. Holloway reported in family records to have been a member of the 7th Miss. Official records indicate his service was in Co. B 4th Miss. Cavalry until surrender. (Bob Crook Relative)
Holloway, William H. 1st Lt., MWIA at Murfreesboro, TN. Dec. 31st, 1862, POW and died in the hands of the enemy. [dropped Jan. 20, 1863] His brother, George Needham Holloway was KIA at Shiloh [G. N. Holloway Co. B.. Blythe’s regiment (44th Miss); Also listed as Z.M.]; his other brother, John F. “Jake” Holloway served in Co. B 4th Cav. until Surrender.) (Bob Crook Relative)
Holloway, William S. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh; Listed on last roll 8-1864. [See also W.L.-S&S System]
Hubbard, A. R. Pvt. POW Nashville, TN. [See A. R. Hubbard wounded Nashville, TN.] (See Daniel H. Hubbard)
Hubbard, Daniel H. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; captured at Nashville. (See A.R. Hubbard)
Hubbard, Thomas J. “I.” “Ira” Pvt. POW Jonesboro, GA Sept.1, 1864; exchanged 22 Sept. 1864 [Family member states his actual name is Thomas I. “Ira” Hubbard-RJS 10-2004]
Hubbard, William J. Pvt. /Corp. WIA/POW Nashville, TN. resident of Simpson County [See W. J. Hubbard wounded Nashville, TN.]
Johnson, Alexander Pvt. died of typhoid fever 2-14-62; son of Allen Johnson.
Jones, A. H. Pvt. Listed on last roll; Surrendered April 28, 1865 in North Carolina
King, William J. Pvt. Discharged for wounds received at Shiloh in July 1862 (CP). (See William H. King records also. Some are mixed) Kitchens, Z. B. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; Surrendered NC; drew Tennessee pension in 1915.
*Lee, A. J. Pvt. Captured and wounded at Gettysburg; probably 11th Miss.
Lee, Seaborn M. Pvt. Discharged; lung trouble on 8-17-62 (WH) or 11-19-62 (CP); born Henry Co. AL.
Lee, Thomas J. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64; WIA and captured Nashville, TN. [See Lee, T. L.]
Leggett, Washington Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro; died Rankin Co. MS 6-19-64 unknown cause.
Leonard, Alexander T. Corp. discharged 12 Nov. 1862; born Richmond, NC
Lewis, Benjamin B. Pvt. (Rowland and Hadskey lists only)
*Loflin, George A. Pvt. POW at Shiloh; died in the hands of the enemy 9 May 1862.
McDonald, Austin Pvt. WIA/POW Jonesboro, GA 8-31-64 sent to hospital; Post Office Carlisle Mills
McDonald, C. L. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; Sent to hospital 8-20-64; Surrendered at Citronelle, AL (CP) Captured at Selma, AL. (WH)
McInnis, Daniel J. 1st Sgt. Discharged due to paralyzed thigh; born in Perry, County.
McInnis, John N. 4th Sgt. Discharged 17 Aug. 1862; born Covington, Co. MS
McInnis, Kenneth Pvt. WIA in neck at Shiloh; died 14 April 1862 in Lawrence Co. MS
McInnis, Neil Pvt. Probably went with another Company.
McInnis, Richard Pvt. (discharged 23 July 1862 for consumption. (See Richmond McInnis)
McLeod, John K. Pvt. died at home of typhoid fever; son of Murdock McLeod (See John R. McLeod died 3-25-62)
McLeod, Miles B. Pvt. discharged for disability 28 Nov. 1861
McNease, Calvin Pvt.WIA Chickamauga; died at home in Covington, Co. (See also McNeese)
McPhale, William A. Pvt. discharged 23 Aug. 1862, (8-11-62 per C. Phillips); but went back with another Company. (See McPhail)
McRaney, Duncan Campbell 3rd Lt/1st Lt Listed on last roll 8-1864; [Duncan C.] Surrendered at High Point, NC (Commanding Co. July 1, 1863)
McRaney, George W. (Also Co. H/G) Transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. S. S. then returned; Jan. 1864 transferred to Co. G 7th Miss. Listed on last roll 8-1864
McRaney, Jackson Pvt. Sent to hospital 27 Aug. 1864
McRaney, Robert Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864
McRoy, Marshall Pvt. discharged 13 Nov. 1862; born in Bladen, NC
Mobley, Isaiah H. Pvt. Discharged 5 Dec. 1862; b. Lawrence Co. MS
Mobley, William C. Pvt. Transferred to 3rd Conf. Engineers (See Engr. Corps.)
Palmer, James L. Pvt. discharged 8 Nov. 1861
*Parham, Joe H. Pvt. in various Union Prisons; probably 7th Battn. (Joseph H.)
Pearce, David Pvt. died 29 Dec 1863 at Griffin, GA. (Unknown cause) [Buried at Stonewall Cemetery, Griffin, GA]
Pfiefer, Emanuel Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864
*Polk, F. M. Sr. Pvt. WIA; paroled at Meridian, resident of Lawrence Co. [See F. M. Polk wounded at Nashville, TN]
Polk, Franklin M., Jr. Pvt. discharged and re-enlisted; captured at Franklin, TN. POW Nashville. [See also F. M. Polk wounded at Nashville, TN] Polk, James M. Pvt. Captured at Franklin, TN. POW at Nashville, TN. (photo)
*Pope, James N. Pvt. (Rowland List) (May be James M. Polk typo)
Reddock, John L. Pvt. Died 4-09-1863 Macon, GA Fairground Hospital. [He was included on 4/12/62 list of men who lost their guns at Shiloh with no accompanying reason. “Died 4-11-62 in Atlanta, GA? Diarrhea” (WH); (Hard to believe he would have been sent to Atlanta in 1862; he either died in Corinth or actually died in 1863 or 1864. Confirmed 1863) “Fair Grounds Hospital No 1, April 9th 1863, died Reddock, J.L. 7 Miss I chronic diarrhea $91.10” V. Roberts, Stout Papers.]
Reddock, Martin C. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864 [See also C. M.]
Reddock, William R. Pvt. KIA Shiloh [See also W.M. Reddock]
Robertson, William C. [William Cary Robertson] WIA POW Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll; transf. to 46th MS 8-24-1864; (Brother of Franklin A. Robertson of Company I. 7th Regt. Miss. Inf. and Norvel Laomi Robertson, Co. G 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.)
Robertson, Franklin A. Pvt. [Recruited after being discharged from Co. B – 6th Battalion/46th Regt. by the brigade surgeon on 6/7/1862. He was next recruited in Bunker Hill, MS on 2/19/1863 to serve in Co. I- 7th Miss. Regiment. After being examined by Dr. Benjamin H. Riggs, Acting Surgeon 7th Regt, he was again discharged from CSA service on 3/12/1863 at the age of 19 due to Phthisis pulmonalis. In Dr. Riggs' opinion, F. A. Robertson was unfit for duty in any department of the army. His brother William C. Robertson was also of Co. I 7th Miss. CSR-Mitchell Sanders 5-2010]
Rogers, Peyton W. Pvt. Received Medal of Honor at Murfreesboro, TN. (died at Shelbyville, TN April 12, 1863 of pneumonia–see list Willow Mount Cemetery)
*Roy, L. Pvt. captured at Macon, GA. April 1865 (Substitute) Russell, Wesley Pvt. discharged and returned; WIA Chickamauga; to hospital 8-21-64
Russell, Wiley Pvt. died at Tullahoma, TN 17 Nov. 1862, pneumonia. [Buried at Maplewood Confederate Cemetery, Tullahoma, TN; Inscription: “Russell, Wiley Pvt. Co. I, 11/17/1862”]
Rutledge, William Pvt. captured at Cassville, GA. 1864. Lived at Mt. Carmel, MS. (Included in list of casualties at Resaca since others wounded at Resaca were captured at Cassville, GA in 1864 when the Confederate Army retreated toward Atlanta.-RJS)
Self, William W. Pvt. WIA Atlanta, GA 7-22-1864; sent to hospital at West Point, GA.
Short, Neil C. Pvt. died at Oxford, MS 15 May 1862; probably wounded at Shiloh; unknown cause.
*Smith, A. W. Pvt. POW Summerville; probably 7th Miss. Battn.
Smith, David B. Pvt. discharged 10 Oct 1862
Smith William P. Pvt. discharged 14 Nov. 1861
Story, Charles W. Pvt. POW 31 Aug 1864 (Jonesboro, GA) and exchanged; Listed on last roll 8-1864 WIA/POW Nashville, TN. [See C. W. Story wounded Nashville, TN]
Stubbs, Peter B. Pvt. died of typhoid fever 17 Apr 1862 (Many times men were wounded and as the fever due to the wounds was similar to typhoid, the cause of death was listed as typhoid or typhoid pneumonia)
Terrell, Jasper D. 2nd Lt. Resigned 6 May 1862 [dropped May 8, 1862]
*Tillman, S. J. Pvt. paroled at Memphis; probably 7th Miss. Battn
Tompkins, William Pvt. from 11th and 13th LA; captured at Missionary Ridge; from Rapides Parish, LA
Towles, S. B. Pvt. (Rowland list) not on (WH) list
Turnage, Albert J. “John” Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864. Probably KIA at Nashville, TN (WH); notes indicate Turnage and his brothers survived the war. See also Bob Tunage, Pittman Letters July 24, 1862 Saltillo MS.)
Turnage, Mills P. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864 surrendered NC
Turnage, William Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864 surrendered NC
Walker, Albert G. Pvt. /Corp.; killed in action 14 May 1864 at Resaca, GA
Walker, Charles D. Pvt. /3rd Corp. Went home ill in Dec. 1862. Charles D. discharged 10-8-61.
*Walker, Charles W. (WH) list only; (See Charles D., Daniel Co. I)
Walker, Daniel Pvt. to hospital Aug. 21, 1864 (See Charles D., Daniel may be middle name; If Charles D. is same man as Daniel, he must have returned to service.)
Ward, M. W. Pvt. KIA Chickamauga [see J.M. Ward Co. G; may be same man]
(D) Weathersby, Benjamin F. Pvt. Deserted and joined the Yankees (See 34th KY, U.S.)
Williams, John H. WIA in side at Shiloh; died diseased lungs (Tuberculosis) and typhoid Oct. 13, 1862.
Williams, Isaac R. Pvt. In hospital 1 Sept. 1864 (See I.R. and J. R)
*Williams, J. R. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864 as sent to hospital 6-17-64 at Marion (AL?) (Rowland lists as J.R.) (probably I. R. or Isaac R.)
Williams, Samuel Corp. /1st Sgt. [2nd Lt. S. J. Williams] Listed on last roll 8-1864; prob. KIA at Nashville.
Williams, William C. Pvt. WIA Shiloh, WIA Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll 8-1864; POW Nashville.
Williams, William S. Pvt. /Corp. died at Danville, KY of typhoid Oct. 1, 1862; (Probably from wounds at Munfordville, KY Sept 1862); son of James Williams. (Tombstone photo)
"Dahlgren Rifles" Company H 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
The large portion of the attached roster was copied from the History of Pike County. William Hadsky wrote, “Due to great losses by the train wreck and through disease, a large number of men who had been captured and paroled from Ft. Donelson were added to this company, but, as they were from Northern Mississippi, they were usually transferred to the First or Forty-First regiments. A few conscripts were also enlisted from other counties, particularly Winston County.” (WH) Many of the men of the 1st Mississippi were with the 7th Mississippi until after the Kentucky campaign in September of 1862. In the roster they are shown as from the 1st Mississippi or transferred to the 1st Mississippi.
The following is an alphabetical listing of the officers and men of Company H 7th Mississippi Infantry which has been compared to the 1915 roster of the 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry by Dunbar Rowland, the research of Calvin Phillips (CP), William Hadskey (WH), Ron Skellie (RJS), and many others with connections to the 7th Mississippi.
Captains Williams, Parham B. Capt. Mortally wounded in R. R. collision at February 27, 1862 Ponchatoula, La.; died March 20, 1862. [Dropped from official regimental roster May 8, 1862]
Scruggs, James M. Capt. Came to company 20 June 1862; WIA at Murfreesboro, TN (CP); Listed as wounded on last roll 8/64 (WH); Detailed to Division Provost Guard-CP. [Scruggs, J. M, Capt.]
Thornton, John J. Pvt. Capt. [Thornton, John J. Capt.] (See John J. Thornhill (CP) WIA Chickamauga) WIA Murfreesboro; WIA Chickamauga; wounded in both legs in GA; WIA 8-13-64 in skirmish on the Atlanta & Macon RR and was sent to hospital. Lived at Planter’s Creek (May have been WIA at Lovejoy Station or in Defense lines and sent to hospitals at Atlanta and Macon. Many skirmishes occurred after July 22nd and 28th fights in 1864.)
Lieutenants Reburne, R. L. or P. L. Pvt, 2nd Lt. [See Redwine]
*Redwine, P. L. Pvt./ 2nd Lt. from Co. G 1st Miss. (the only man of the 1st Miss. to stay in the 7th Miss.); Absent sick Sept. 18, 1864 as 2nd Lt. [R.L. Redwine, 2nd lt.] Listed Listed on last roll 8-64 as on surgeon’s certificate 8-18-64) (See also Reburne, in Stevens Research; believe Redwine is a transcription error-RJS)
Thornhill, Joseph, M. 1st Lt. /Asst. Surgeon (F&S); died (unknown cause) March 12, 1863 [See J. Martin Thornhill; Willow Mount Cemetery Shelbyville, TN]
Walker, William L. 5th Sgt. /2nd Lt.; [1st Lt.]; Discharged on Surgeon’s certificate July 16, 1864.
Warren, William Pvt. 1st Sgt. Transferred from Co. D and back. [Warren, William, 2nd Lt.]
Williams, Jordan B. 3rd Lt. 2nd Lt. Broken leg in RR collision (AL or LA?). Disability discharge 8-25-62 (See J. B. Williams Co.
Williams, Zebulon E. P. 2nd Lt. /Sr. 2nd Lt. Not reelected Joined 14th Cav. [Dropped in May 8, 1862]
Non-Commissioned Officers Boyd, Harvey 1st Corp. (Substituted for Isaiah Boyd-wounded; apparently his son)
Brown, F. J. (F.G.) Pvt. 1st Sgt. Co. K 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss. Nov. 17, 1862.
Coglin, Frank Pvt. (Probably Franklin M.). (See also Coghlan)
Coglin, Franklin M. 2nd Corp. Killed RR collision Feb. 27, 1862 (See Francis M. and Coghlan)
Craft, James H. “Jackson” Pvt. /Sgt. WIA Chickamauga 9-20-63; In hospital on last roll.
Dunaway, William Corp./Pvt./3rd Sgt. WIA at Munfordville, KY “Slightly wounded, in the neck-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.”; Killed near Atlanta, GA 8-14-64.
Greer, Isaiah 4th Sgt. Injured in RR Collision 2-27-62 (Times Picayune 2-28-62);Died (unknown cause) Oct. 11, 1863 at Newnan, GA. (Many of the sick from Chattanooga and wounded from Chickamauga were transported to hospitals near Atlanta and along the R R lines).
Grier, Francis Priv. died Sept. 14, 1863 Empire Hospital (Stevens Research 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141)
Gregory, W. H. Sgt. /Pvt. transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS; see 1st Miss. Inf.
Gunnell, William W. 4th Corp. Captured Cave City, KY (Battle of Munfordville, KY); paroled (Gunnels)
Lewis, Benjamin T. (F.) Pvt. /Sgt. WIA Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll; surr. NC; pension in LA
McLendon, Jackson D. “Jack” Pvt. Corp. discharged (Rowland List) (See McLendon, Jack Pvt.)
May, W. J. Corp/1st Sgt. Transferred from Co. G 1st Miss; WIA in KY; transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. W.L. May) Per National Archives: “Slightly wounded, in the arm-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.”
(D) Morgan, James A. Pvt, Corp. “Born in Pike County, age 20 at enlistment; was promoted to corporal after Chickamauga; left on re-enlistment furlough 29 Jan. 1864. He decided to stay at home and Capt. J. B. Tucker, the Pike Co. enrolling officer, wrote of him on May 26, 1864 that he had tried to catch Morgan several times but he gets in the swamp in the area of Magee Creek near Holmesville and gets away, but Tucker thought he could catch him and make him get back in the Army.”(WH) (Possibly James H. or James A.; James Austin Morgan per his relative Steve McCoy)
Mullins, T. S., Pvt. /Corp. Company I 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss.)
Sartain, George P. Pvt. Corp. Killed in RR Collision (CP)
Sibley, John J. 2nd Sgt. Discharged Dec. 1861; joined 39th Miss.
Simmons, Cyrus B. Pvt. /1st Sgt. Listed on last roll 8-64; POW Nashville, TN
Thornhill, Wiott (Wyatt) 3rd Sgt. Injured in RR collision Feb. 27, 1862; died Mar. 1, 1862.
Alphabetical Listing (Pvt. unless noted) *Adams, John (Not on Rowland list; Listed in History of Pike County) (Co. C 7th Battn.)
Adams, Joseph P. age 25 Killed in RR collision
Addison, J. Pvt. sent to hospital in Mobile
Allen, William H. Pvt. From Co. C 1st Miss.; Hernando, MS; transferred to 41st Miss.
Allison, W. D. Pvt. Co. D 1st Miss. Fulton, MS; WIA in KY; returned to 1st Miss.
Baldwin, Henry Pvt. Co. G 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. (WIA Munfordville, KY Per National archives: “Slightly wounded,in the arm-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.”
Baldwin, J. T. (J or I?) Pvt. Co. G 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. *Barnes, J. Pvt. POW Selma AL Apr. 2, 1865
Barnett, Daniel Pvt. Surrendered in NC (See also Barnet)
Bedford, J. S. Pvt. discharged under age 1 Oct. 1862; born Itawamba, Co.
Blackwell, Franklin R. (T?) Pvt. Discharged Disability 11-8-62
Bledsoe, Daniel T. Pvt. Surrendered NC
Bogan, T. D. Pvt. Co. D 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss.)
Bowen, W.E. Pvt. Co C 1st Miss.; said to have gone to 41st Miss.
Bowman, Isaiah Pvt. a 16 yr. old substitute; wounded severely and captured at Munfordville, KY; paroled Dec. 22, 1862; arm ruined; Discharged. (Substitute Harvey Boyd) (See also Isham Bowman)
Bowman, Isham Pvt. transferred to Co. B; died Dec. 10, 1862 of peritonitis at Atlanta. (Only possibility for 1862 would be if he was on the train going to Chattanooga in August 1862 and became injured in the RR accident or became ill on the way. Many were still recovering from the illnesses that plagued the regiment while it was stationed at Corinth and Tupelo after the Battle of Shiloh.-RJS)
Bowman, John Pvt. (Rowland roster) (See Boughman)
Boyd, Harvey 1st Corp. (Substituted for Isaiah Boyd; wounded; apparently his son).
Boyd, Isaiah Pvt. discharged 12-22-62 (See Harvey Boyd Sub. For Isaiah, his son possibly) (C. Phillips and Rowland list)
Boyd, Jeremiah Pvt. WIA at Chickamauga and Atlanta; to hospital 7-22-64.
Boyd, Jesse (Sr.) Pvt. WIA at Munfordville, KY; Per National Archives: “Severely wounded, in the arm-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.” died Jan. 2, 1864 (unknown cause)
Boyd, Jesse, Jr. Pvt. WIA at Corinth May 28, 1862 died of wounds. Skirmish on the Monterey Road.
(D) Boyd, Pearly Pvt. “The boy left Aug. 11, 1862” (Also spelled Parley). (The regiment was in Tennessee at this time on the way to KY-RJS)
Boyd, Silas C. Pvt. Injured in RR Collision 2-27-62 (Times Picayune Feb 28, 1862) WIA at Murfreesboro and Chickamauga; sent to hospital on surgeon’s certificate 9-20-63.
Boyd, Thomas, Pvt. Killed in RR collision at Ponchatoula, LA
Boyd, William, Pvt. Killed RR collision at Ponchatoula, LA
Boyd, William W. Pvt. He did not return from leave November 1863. Boyt, Thomas C. Pvt. Fifer, WIA Murfreesboro and sent to various hospitals. (See Boyet) (Check Boyd) (Company H File Jan. 1864: “Deserted Newton Greer, T. C. Boyt, Hugh Graham, T.H. Pearson, John Sheffield [AWOL some returned] (Record Group 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141)
Breland, Hillery Pvt. Discharged for disability Dec. 1, 1861 Bridges, Blackburn Pvt. did not leave with the company. [(WH)] [Joined the 3rd Missouri Cav. May 13, 1862; WIA at Champion Hill. Apparently he recovered from this wound and rejoined 1st. Regiment & 3rd. Battalion Missouri Cavalry (Consolidated) and was present at the Battle of Fort Blakely, AL where he was captured April 9, 1865. He next appears on a roll of POW's received at Ship Island (MS) on April 15, 1865 and left there on May 1, 1865 for Vicksburg where he was released.-Mitchell Sanders] Brown, F. E. Pvt. Transferred from Co. A 1st Miss.; discharged 26 July 1862; born in Marshall Co.
Brown, F. J. (F.G.) Pvt. 1st Sgt. Co. K 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss. Nov. 17, 1862.
Brunly, F. R. Pvt. Co. E 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. (See Brunley also)
Bynum, George C. Pvt. Co D 1st Miss.; returned to 1st Miss.
*Cale, S. S. (See Samuel S. Cole) (also Samuel Scale)
*Cathorn, Elijah, Ensign (See Cothern)
Chandler, J/M. H. Pvt. To hospital in GA; POW at Macon, GA. (J.M. Chandler to hospital 9-6-63.-Phillips records) (Probably sick since arrival at Bridgeport and Chattanooga and transported to Macon Hospital during the evacuation of Chattanooga around the same time as he was hospitalized-RJS)
*Coglin, Frank Pvt. (Probably Franklin M.). (See also Coghlan)
Coglin, Franklin M. 2nd Corp. Killed RR collision Feb. 27, 1862 (See Francis M. and Coghlan)
Coglin, Jasper, Pvt. WIA Chickamauga; POW at Nashville, TN. (Probably Thomas Jasper) [See T. J. Coglin captured Nashville, TN] (See also Coghlan)
Coglin, Thomas J. Pvt. WIA Chickamauga; POW at Nashville, TN. (Probably,Thomas Jasper (See also Coghlan) [See T. J. Coglin captured Nashville, TN]
*Coghlan, Frank, Thomas, and Jasper (See Coglin)
Coker, A. L. Pvt. Medal of Honor at Murfreesboro; (see Aleazer Z. and Ala Z. Coker) Records indicate that John W. Coker was WIA at Munfordville, KY not A. L. Coker (CP)
Coker, John W. Pvt. WIA and captured at Cave City, KY. Per national archives: National Archives: “Severely wounded, badly in the in the hand-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.” [Calvin Phillips records show he was WIA at Munfordville, KY and most likely captured. Many of the wounded were sent to field hospitals (Cave City was one) and were left behind when Bragg retreated to Chattanooga, TN; other records show Killed RR collision. Feel certain that there is a mistake on one of the Coker records that has led to the conflicting records.]
Cole, Samuel S. Pvt. WIA near Kennesaw Mountain (On Line near Lost Mtn. or Bushy Mtn.; sent to hospital June 12, 1864; Paroled at Macon, GA; See Samuel Scale or S. S. Cale.
*Collins, Joe Pvt. (see J.J. Coon Co. B-Present last roll, probably killed at Nashville, TN.)
Connelly, George W. Pvt. Transferred to Engr. Corps; also 7th Miss. Co. B (See Connerly)
*Coon, Craft Pvt. (See Coons in Co. B-no listing on Rowland list or (WH) in Co. H; believe this is a mixup in transcriptions since there is a Craft in this Company)
*Coon, Louis Pvt. (See Coons in Co. B-no listing on Rowland list or (WH) in Co. H)
Cothern, Elijah, Ensign 55 yr. old could not make it. (See Cathorn)
Cothern, John Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64
Cothern, Joseph Pvt. WIA Chickamauga; Listed on last roll. [Article Confederate Veteran]
Courtney, Walter Pvt. captured Missionary Ridge (Also Co. A)
Craft, Jackson Pvt. (See James H. “Jackson” Craft)
Craft, James H. “Jackson” Pvt. /Sgt. WIA Chickamauga 9-20-63; various hospitals; in hospital on last roll.
Crawford, Jesse J. Pvt. Killed in RR Collision Ponchatoula, LA.
Curtis, Richard Washington Pvt. Killed at Murfreesboro, TN.; son of Jacob Curtis.
Davis, Aaron Pvt. Discharged Nov. 26, 1861 (1862 per Phillips)
Davis, Arthur Pvt. sick in Nov. 1861; presumed discharged; died unknown cause in 1861
Davis, Hampton Pvt. Surrendered in NC; from Hickory Station, Newton County, MS
Davis, John J. Pvt. Discharged Sept. 29, 1862 (Nov. 17, 1862 (CP) [Injured in RR collision-New Orleans Bee-Feb. 28, 1862]
Dawkins, John W. Pvt. Co. G 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Dawkins, Samuel D. Pvt. Co. G 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Day, Pleasant, Pvt. died at Shieldsboro, MS Nov. 16, 1861
Dean, R.J. Pvt. Co. A 1st Miss. transferred to 37th Miss. (See 33rd and 37th Miss.) Delaughter, Jesse D. Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro; POW at Cassville, GA. Dempsey, Alvin Pvt. Had varicose veins; became a nurse; from Winston Co. MS (See also Dumpsey)
Diggs, W. M. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64
Dorsey, H. R. Pvt. Transferred from 1st Miss. and returned to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf-Johnson's)
Dorsey, J. D. Pvt. from 1st Miss.; discharged for disability
Dunaway, Asa Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro; Killed in Battle at Atlanta, Ezra Church July 28, 1864. (Descr. Asa Dunaway-Mar. 23 ’64 23 yrs. old 5’ 6’’-Fair complexion, dark hair-enlisted Sept 27 ’61-was farmer. Enlisted Bay St.Louis by Gen. Dahlgren Dec. 31, ’62 “He is indebted to the Conf. States $12 for clothing drawn in______” Stevens Research-Record Group 109, Chap. 1, Vol. 141) (History of Pike Co states KIA at Harrisburg) (See Jesse F.)
Dunaway, Jesse F. Pvt. Hurt in RR accident and discharged 4-4-62. Killed in cavalry; killed in Battle at Harrisburg, MS. (Several men from the 7th joined cavalry units and were involved in a battle at Harrisburg near Tupelo, MS.) [33rd Miss. Co. E or 3rd Battn. Cav. Ashcraft’s Co. D. RJS-need CMR other Dunaways were in 33rd Co. E, 6th Miss. Cav., Davenport’s Battn. State troops] (History of Pike Co. states KIA in Atlanta) (See Asa)
*Dunaway, Osburn Pvt. (Not on Rowland list, could be middle name of one of the other Dunaways; History of Pike Co. List) [Listed in 38th Miss. Cav.]
Dunaway, Pearly (Purley) Pvt. Killed RR Collision
Dunaway, Stephen Pvt. Listed on last Roll; Killed in Battle after Aug. 1864 per (WH)
Dunaway, William Corp./Pvt./3rd Sgt. WIA at Munfordville, KY “Slightly wounded, in the neck-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.”; Killed near Atlanta, GA 8-14-64.
Edgar, G. W. Pvt. Died in Camp 11-21-62 (probably Chattanooga or Knoxville, TN); probably from Winston Co. MS (See also Edger)
Ellis, E. M. Pvt.WIA Murfreesboro; discharged at Atlanta; from Winston Co.
Ellis, J. or G. D. Pvt. Co. K 1st Miss; transferred to McCarter’s Cavalry Co.
Eskew, Q. T. Pvt. Co. G 1st Miss. discharged under age 17 yrs. old (Conscript Act)
Evans, George H. Pvt. Co. H 1st Miss. from Shannon, MS; transferred to 41st Miss.
Everitte, J. A. Pvt. POW at Dalton, GA; paroled at Richmond, VA. (See also Everrett-A.F.Davis Letters or G.S. Lea letters regarding skirmish with cavalry and capture-RJS)
Ewing, Silas M. (See Silas McEwen-History of Pike County) Listed as injured in RR Collision Times Picayune 2-28-62)
Farley, A. F. or A. T. Pvt. KIA at Murfreesboro, TN; he was probably from Winston Co.
Farwell, T. H. Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro,TN ; KIA Chickamauga
Felder, J. Smith Pvt. Wounded in RR collision “left arm and hand crushed badly in railroad accident and hand stiff”; Listed on last roll 8-64
Felder, Peter J. 1st. Sgt.; Killed in RR collision Feb. 27, 1862.
Fortinberry, Jack Pvt. (transferred) [probably W. J.; see also Jackson]
Fortinberry, W. J. Pvt. (See Also Co. F)
Gardner, H/C. W. Pvt. Co G 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Geist, Pinkney B. Pvt. (See also Grist, P. (See Gist, Co. E 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Goodwin, Bird R. Pvt. G 1st Miss; returned to 1st Miss (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's) WIA Munforville, KY; Per National Archives: “Slightly wounded,in the arm-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.”
Goodwin, Miles A. Pvt. Co. G 1st Miss; returned to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Graham, Benjamin Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64
Graham, Hugh Pvt. sent to various hospitals (Company H File Jan. 1864: “Deserted Newton Greer, T. C. Boyt (Boyte), Hugh Graham, T.H. Pearson, John Sheffield [AWOL some returned] (Stevens-Record Group 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141)
Grammar, H. B. Pvt. Co. K 1st Miss. probably to McCarter’s Cavalry Company
Grantham, Howell G. Pvt. discharged 4-6-63; from Perry County
Greer, Francis Pvt. Died in Atlanta (9-13-63) (After the retreat from Murfreesboro and time on the Tennessee River at Bridgeport, AL, many of the sick were evacuated from Chattanooga around 7 Sept 1863 so he could have been part of that group or could have been sent to Atlanta sooner.)
Greer, Isaiah 4th Sgt. Injured in RR Collision 2-27-62 (Times Picayune 2-28-62) Died (unknown cause) Oct. 11, 1863 at Newnan, GA. (Many of the sick from Chattanooga and wounded from Chickamauga were transported to hospitals near Atlanta and along the RR lines.)
Greer, Newton Pvt. Surgeon Certificate June 25, 1864 (Battle at Kolb’s Farm near Kennesaw Mountain was fought on June 22, 1864.-RJS) [Company H File Jan. 1864: “Deserted Newton Greer, T. C. Boyt (Boyte), Hugh Graham, T. H. Pearson, John Sheffield [AWOL some returned] (Stevens-Record Group 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141)
Gregory, W. H. Sgt. /Pvt. transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. Sharpshooters (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Grimes, T. B. Pvt. From 1st Miss. to McCarter’s Cavalry Company
Grist, John Pvt. from 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss. from Tallula, MS. (See Gist; see Co. E 1st Miss. Inf.-Johnson's) (See also Geist)
Grist, Pinkney B. Pvt. (See Gist, Geist Co. E 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Gullage, G.C. Pvt. (Gulledge) WIA Chickamauga; Listed on last roll 8-64
Guest, M. V. Pvt. Co G 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Gunnell, William W. 4th Corp. Captured Cave City, KY (After Munfordville, KY); paroled (See Gunnels) Haley, Elbert Green Pvt. WIA Chickamauga; sent to hospital 9-20-63
Hampton, Jasper Pvt. (Listed on last roll Co.
Hancock. J/G. J. Pvt. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Hathorn, John; (Transferred) (Also Co. I) (see Harthorn, John Y. 9th Battn. Miss. S.S.)
Hawney, R.E. Pvt. 1st Miss. to 37th Miss.
Haywood, A. C. Co. D 1st Miss; transferred to 37th Miss. Returned to 1st Miss. and was killed in action at Port Hudson July 14, 1863.
Higgins, W. J. Pvt. from Co. C 1st Miss. to 41st Miss.
Hinton, Blakely Pvt. Sent to Chattanooga hospital 11-14-62
Hinton, Hugh Pvt. died in Chattanooga hospital 28 Feb 1863. Buried Tullahoma Conf. Cemetery
Hope, Cornelius Pvt. Wounded RR collision and discharged; returned and died (See also Francis C. Hope POW at Selma, AL died in hospital)
Horton, Francis Cornelius, Pvt. died May 9, 1863 pneumonia [Shelbyville/Tullahoma, TN] (Cornelius)
Howard, Thaddeus M. Pvt. Co A 1st Miss. Byhalia, MS. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's) (Also listed in some rosters as F. M. Howard)
Howell, J. N. Pvt. Co F 1st Miss. Iuka, MS. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
Hoyle, D. H. Pvt. said to be in 41st Miss.
Hughes, D. O. /C. Pvt. Co. K 1st Miss; said to have gone to Columbus, MS
Hudson, John F. Pvt. Transferred to Engineers. (Rowland List)
*Jenkins, Jesse Pvt. (Not on Rowland List; History of Pike Co. List)
*Jenkins, (William) Bill, Pvt. (Not on Rowland List; History of Pike Co. List)
Jones, W. J. Pvt. transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf.-Johnson's)
Keene, Charles Pvt. discharged for paralysis of arm Oct. 24, 1861
Keene, Daniel Pvt. Killed RR collision, Mother was Mrs. Mary Keene
*Keen, Harvey Pvt. (Not on Rowland List; History of Pike Co. List)
Kennedy, E. M. Pvt. from Co. H 1st Miss. transferred to 41st Miss.
Kitts, Henry H. Pvt. Killed in R Collision (Probably Henry Harrison Kitts per family member)
*Kitt, Harrison Pvt. (Probably Henry H. Kitts) (See also Kett)
Leigh, G. W. Pvt. Co. K 1st Miss.; transferred to 1st Miss. (See George W. Leigh 1st Miss.)
Leigh, William H. Pvt. K 1st Miss.; transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. Inf. Johnson's)
*Leonard, Pleasant Pvt. (See William P. Leonard-Check original could be Pollard not Leonard)
Leonard, Raford Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro, TN. WIA Chickamauga and sent to hospital 9-20-63-per Phillips) (per (WH) Raford Pollard died Jan. 26, 1863-could be an error in the year-1864 vs 1863) (See also Pollard, John R. Leonard/Pollard, probably Leonard.) (Raiford L. Lenard; birth 1836-death 11/4/1896-per Ron Alexander-2012)
*Leonard, William Pvt. Sent to Hazelhurst hospital sick; (see also William P./William Pleasant Leonard/Pollard)
Lewis, Benjamin T. (F.) Pvt. /Sgt. WIA Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll; surrendered NC; pension in LA
Loving, J.V. Pvt. Transferred from Co. C; transferred to 41st Miss. (See Lovens)
McAllister, Thomas N. Pvt. Sent to hospital Chattanooga, TN
McCrory, W. F. Pvt. Co. A 1st Miss; transferred to 37th Miss. (See 33rd and 37th Miss.)
McDavid, William Pvt. WIA 7-22-64; Battle of Atlanta at Atlanta and Augusta RR; surgeon’s certificate.
McEwen, Silas Pvt. (Not on Rowland List; History of Pike Co. List) (See Silas M. Ewing listed as injured in RR Collision in Times Picayune article 2-28-62)
McGallon, John J. Pvt. Discharged Oct. 1, 1862 being 16 yrs old. (See McGallion) (Disch. Oct. 25, 1862 Conscript Act per Phillips) [Injured in RR Collision per Times Picayune-Feb. 28, 1862]
McGinty, Joseph (James) Pvt. did not return from leave in 1862
McKenzie, Allen N. Pvt. Died of typhoid at Corinth 27 April 1862 (Probably A.N. McKinzie)
McKinzie, A.N. Pvt. (Probably Allen N.)
McLendon, Jackson D. Pvt. /Corp. discharged (Rowland List) (See McLendon, Jack Pvt. )
McNiece, W. T. Pvt. (See 1st Miss.)
McNeil, E. B. Pvt. Co. B 1st Miss.; transferred to 41st Miss. (See 1st and 41st Miss.)
McRaney, George W. Pvt. (See 9th Battn. Miss. S.S.)
Mabry, M. L. Pvt. From Co. G 1st Miss; transferred to 41st Miss. (See also Mazy)
Mallard, Thomas L. Pvt. died at home in Winston Co. 6-22-64 (unknown cause)
Massey, Elisha, Jr. Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro; surgeon’s certificate. KIA at Murfreesboro (CP).
May, W. J. Corp/1st Sgt From Co. G 1st Miss; WIA in KY; transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss. W. L. May) Per National Archives: “Slightly wounded,in the arm-grapeshot, while in a halt at 9AM in the cornfield on the left of the fort.”
*Meador, B. F. (See Meadow)
Meadow, B. F. Pvt. WIA Chickamauga, WIA Battle of Atlanta; surgeon certificate; sent to hospital 7-22-64; from Newton Co. MS (See Meador)
Miller, Charles Pvt. Co. D 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss.
Miller, J. W. (See 1st Miss.)
Mills, Henry, Pvt. died in Winston Co. 9-01-1863; wife lived in Rome, MS
Montgomery, James D. Pvt. transferred to 1st Miss.
Moore, D. A. Pvt. transferred to 33rd Miss and 9th Battn. Miss. S.S.
(D) Morgan, James A. Pvt. /Corp. Furloughed Jan. 1864, did not return. (WH) (Possibly James H. or James A., James Austin Morgan per descendant Steve McCoy.)
Morgan, J. H. Pvt. (Probably J. A., James A.)
Morgan, Holland J. Pvt. Transferred to 3rd Conf. Engrs. (Could be J. H. Morgan, See also Hollen Morgan)
Morgan, William N. Pvt. discharged as under age 10-25-62 (See William A.)
Mullins, T. S. Pvt./Corp. Co. I 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss.(See 1st Miss.)
Nanny, Martin H. Pvt. Co. K 1st Miss.; discharged Oct. 25, 1862; born Lauderdale Co., AL.
Nelson, John C. Pvt. Co. H 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss.
Odom, Lewis Pvt. A substitute that was sent back to Enterprise
O’Neil, J. R. Pvt. Died at Chattanooga 3-23-63
Osburn, N. J. (Newton?) Pvt. Transferred from Co. B 1st Miss. Mooresville, MS. Discharged underage; born Itawamba, Co. (See also Osborne, Osburn) [Canteen on display at the Atlanta History Center from Port Hudson POW’s]
Parrish, W. N. Pvt. Co. F. 1st Miss. returned to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss.) (See Parish)
Parks, J. F. Pvt. transferred to 5th Miss. Inf., probably from Winston Co.
Payne, Thomas Pvt. probably went with another company
*Pearson, Jacob Henry Pvt. Captured at Chickamauga, from Winston Co.
Pearson, Thomas Pvt. Listed on last roll from Louisville, MS, Winston Co. (Company H File Jan. 1864: “Deserted Newton Greer, T.C. Boyt (Boyte), Hugh Graham, T.H. Pearson, John Sheffield [AWOL some returned] (Stevens-Record Group 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141)
Pitts, W. W. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64 [Pitts, W. W. Pvt. Co. H. Listed on last roll 8-64] (Possibly W. W. Pitts who was assigned as a nurse at Cairns Hospital in Columbus, Georgia between August and October 1864).
*Pollard, John R. Pvt. (Also Co. D) (Check original, probably Leonard not Pollard) (could be Raford Leonard who was WIA at Murfreesboro and sent to hospital 9-20-63 from wounds received at Chickamauga per Phillips) died Jan. 26, 1863 (unknown cause) or 1864 if he died after Chickamauga.
*Pollard, Pleasant Pvt. (Check original; probably Leonard not Pollard)
*Ready, Michael Pvt. On last roll 8-64 per C. Phillips records; probably not Mike Reddy who (WH) lists as on roll April 1863; KIA Harrisburg. May have been in a cavalry unit-several men from the 7th joined cavalry units and were involved in a battle at Harrisburg near Tupelo, MS. in the summer of 1864) [Michael Reedy listed as badly injured in the RR collision Feb. 27, 1862-Times Picayune]
Reburne, R. L. or P. L. Pvt, 2nd Lt. [See Redwine] [Lt. Comdg. Co H 7th Miss. “I have paid Dunaway in cash $5, Atlanta, GA, Apr. 18 ’64, G.R. Fairbanks, Maj & Paymaster” (Stevens Record Group 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141). Jan. 1864. Lt. P. D. Redwine transferred to Co “C” (P. L. not P. D.) (Stevens-Record Group 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141) [Believe this man may be Reburne-RJS]
Reddy, John Pvt. Discharged Dec. 1, 1861 for protracted illness Dec. 9, 1861 (See Ready) *Reddy, Mike Pvt. Killed at Harrisburg, MS (Probably not Michael Ready who Phillips lists as on the last roll 8-64) (May have been in a cavalry unit-several men from the 7th joined cavalry units and were involved in a battle at Harrisburg near Tupelo, MS. in the summer of 1864) [Michael Reedy listed as badly injured in the RR collision Feb. 27, 1862-Times Picayune] (See also Ready and Reedy)
*Redwine, P. L. Pvt. / 2nd Lt. from Co. G 1st Miss.(the only man of the 1st Miss. to stay in the 7th Miss.); Absent sick Sept. 18, 1864 as 2nd Lt. [R.L. Redwine, 2nd lt.] Listed on last roll 8-64 as on surgeon’s certificate 8-18-64) [See also Reburne]
Reeves, Stephen Z. Pvt. Killed RR collision
Reiger, T. K. Pvt. Probably Co. D 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss.)
Rhyne, F. M/W. Pvt. Co K 1st Miss. transferred probably to 41st Miss.
Riggs, Harvey Pvt. Co. I 1st Miss; transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss.)(Johnson's)
Roberts, David W. Pvt. Killed in RR accident (See also W. David Roberts)
Roberts, S. Warren Pvt. (See S.W. Roberts-9th Battn. Miss. S.S.)
Roye, Joseph G. Pvt. From Co. C 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss. (See Joseph Roy 1st Miss.)
Rutland, Cullen Pvt. Died at Corinth, MS. 9-30-62 (Died at Columbus Tenn.-(WH))
Sansom, W.C. Pvt. Transferred to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss)
Sandell, F.M. discharged 15 Apr 1863; born E. Feliciana Parish. LA (Rowland list, see Sandal)
Sasser, Daniel V. Pvt.; (See Co. C 9th Battn. Miss. and Co. B 7th Miss.) WIA Chickamauga
Sartain, Elijah S. Pvt. Discharged for disability 10-19-61
Sartain, George P. Pvt. Corp. (Killed in RR Collision per Phillips) (Rowland List)
Sartain, Martin A. Pvt. (See M. A. 9th Battn. Miss. S. S.)
Saul(s), William J. Pvt. died of measles at Shieldsboro, MS 10-17-61
Saulsbury, W. Pvt. transferred to 3rd Conf. Engr. Corps.
*Scale, Samuel Pvt. (See Samuel S. Cole, S. S. Cale) WIA June 12, 1864; Paroled at Macon, GA.
Scott, John/J.T. Pvt. From Co. D 1st Miss. transferred back to 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss.-Johnson's)
Scruggs, J. T. Pvt. (See 9th Miss. Infantry)
Scruggs, James M. Capt. Came to company 20 June 1862; WIA at Murfreesboro, TN (CP); wounded on last roll-(WH); Detailed to Division Provost Guard (CP) [Scruggs, J. M., Capt.]
Sheffield, John (Company H File Jan. 1864: “Deserted Newton Greer, T.C. Boyt (Boyte), Hugh Graham, T.H. Pearson, John Sheffield (AWOL some returned) (Stevens-Record Group 109, Chapter 1, Vol. 141)
Shepherd, Henry Pvt. Listed on last roll from Newton, MS
Shepard, John Pvt. Listed on last Roll 8-64 (Phillips) (See John Shepherd)
Shepherd, John Pvt. Surrendered at Mobile, from Greene Co. (See John Shepard) (Check 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.) (See also John in Co. A)
Sibley, John J. 2nd Sgt. Discharged Dec. 1861; joined 39th Miss.
Simmons, Cyrus B. Pvt. /1st Sgt.; Listed on last roll 8-64; POW Nashville, TN
Simmons, H. H. Pvt. discharged 14 Nov. 1861
Simmons, J. F. Pvt. died May 20, 1862
Slaven, John Pvt.; Wounded at Shiloh, TN. (See John W. Slaven Co. B 7th Miss.)
Smith, Arnold J. “Jasper” Pvt. /Crop.; Killed RR Collision
Smith, Newton O. Pvt. discharged 11-14-61; died at Canton, MS 4 May 1862 (May be listed as N.D. Smith and N.O. Smith.) [After Shiloh many contracted typhoid fever. From family records- “Newton Smith already weakened was sent back to Canton where he succumbed to the fever. His remains are assumed to be buried in that area. His brother Jasper Smith (Arnold J. Smith, Pvt Co. H) had been killed in the RR collision and his other brother William (William J. Smith) Co. E had died on the battlefield at Shiloh.”]
Sparks, Byrd Pvt. WIA Chickamauga; surgeon’s certificate went AWOL from hospital on 8-64 Roll; Probably from Winston, Co
*Steward, W. C. Pvt. (See Stewart) Exchanged at Vicksburg 8 Nov. 1862 (Possibly William C. Stewart, “Calvin” Co. D who was wounded at Munfordville and was likely captured while in hospital).
Suggs, Thomas/T.H. Pvt. transferred to 1st Miss. (See H. 1st Miss.) *(Sullivan, C. S. Sgt. Wounded Nashville, TN. could be 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.-rjs)
Taylor, J.T. Pvt. From Co. G 1st Miss. transferred to 1st Miss.)
Thombs, George W. Pvt. Died from wounds RR collision (See Co. C 9th Battn. Miss. SS; man named George W. Thombs is identified as actually Wash Kelly using the “Thombs” name as an alias. B. F. Wilkinson Letter) (Also listed as Toms)
*Thornhill, John Martin Pvt. Died unknown cause at Shelbyville, TN on 12 March 1863 (See Joseph M.)
Thornhill, J. Newton Pvt. MWIA; died of wounds received at Murfreesboro, TN
Thornhill, Wiott (Wyatt) 3rd Sgt. Injured in RR collision Feb. 27, 1862; died Mar. 1, 1862.
*Thornhill, Joseph, M. 1st Lt., Asst. Surgeon. (F&S) (See J. Martin Thornhill; See Willow Mount Cemetery Shelbyville, TN died (unknown cause) March 12, 1863)
Thornton, John J. Pvt. Capt. WIA Murfreesboro; WIA Chickamauga; became Captain; wounded in both legs in GA; WIA 8-13-64 in skirmish on the Atlanta & Macon RR possibly and was sent to hospital. May have been WIA at Lovejoy Station or in Defense lines and sent to hospitals at Atlanta and Macon. Regiment was involved in many skirmishes after Battles on July 22, 1864 and July 28th. Lived at Planter’s Creek [Thornton, John J. Capt.] [See John J. Thornhill WIA Chickamauga-(CP)]
Turpine, John Pvt. Listed on last Roll 8-64 (See Turpin)
Vernon, J. S. (Joseph) Pvt. Co. H 1st Miss. (See 1st Miss.)
Vince, J. R. Pvt. Injured severely in RR Collision
Walker, Thomas H. or Thomas J. Pvt. died at Holmesville, MS Typhoid 12-28-1861 [(Thomas J.) son of Jeremiah Walker (WH)]
Walker, William L. 5th Sgt/ 2nd Lt., [1st Lt.] given surgeon’s certificate of disability July 16, 1864.
Wallace, Epperettus H. Pvt. died due to RR collision injury
Wallace, Isaiah B. Pvt. KIA at Chattahoochee River, July 9, 1864 (See J. B. Wallace, I. B. Wallace)
Wallace, James D. Pvt. Leg broken and amputated as result of RR collision, born in GA. Discharged 6-30-62. (See also J. B. Wallace, I. B. Wallace)
Warren, R.M. Pvt. became Nurse; surrendered Columbus, MS; probably from Winston Co.
Warren, William Pvt. 1st Sgt. Transferred from Co. D and back. [Warren, William, 2nd Lt.]
Watkins, S. B. Pvt. (Co F 1st Miss., returned to 1st Miss.) Weavers, N. L. Pvt. died 3-6-62 Chattanooga cause unknown [Regiment was at Henderson, Tenn. and Jackson TN] (Died 3-14-62 per Phillips)
Wellons, W.A. Pvt. (Co D 1st Miss. discharged at Tupelo, MS, born Salem, Tippah, Co. MS)
Wetherly, J. M. or S. Pvt. (Co F 1st Miss. transferred back to 1st Miss.)
White, H. V. C. Pvt. (Co. B 1st Miss.; see also 9th Battn. Miss. S.S.)
Wilkerson, A. M. Pvt. WIA/POW Murfreesboro; died in the hands of the enemy. Wilkerson, Nathaniel E. Pvt. died at Lauderdale Springs, MS 8-6-1862; from Monticello, MS (See also Nathan E.)
Williams, Jordan B. 3rd Lt. 2nd Lt. Broken leg in RR collision (AL or LA??). Disability discharge 8-25-62 (See J.B. Williams Co.
Williams, Parham B. Capt. Mortally wounded in RR collision at Ponchatoula, La. February 27, 1862; died March 20, 1862. [Dropped from official roster May 8, 1862]
Williams, Zebulon E. P. 2nd Lt. /Sr. 2nd Lt. Not reelected Joined 14th Cav. [drop. May 8, 1862]
Wilson, T.H. Pvt. (From Co G 1st Miss.; discharged June 26, 1862, born in Lafayette Co. MS))
Witt, George R. Pvt. (Co. C 1st Miss. discharged 18 Aug 1862, born in Tenn)
Yarborough, G. W. Pvt. (Co. F 1st Miss.; see 33rd and 37th Miss.)
"Goode Rifles" Company G 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
The August 3, 1861 roster is the only intact roster we have located. According to William Hadskey “In Confederate pension rolls, many old men did not state they were in the 7th Mississippi, but said they were ‘in the regiment of Colonel Goode.’ The Colonel they served under was Elias J. Goode, the first captain of Company G” and the first Colonel of the 7th Mississippi Volunteers as well as the 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry until after the battle of Shiloh and the reorganization of the regiment. Note: Col. Goode is listed as Enos J. and Elias J. Goode on the Rowland roster and at the MDAH, as Edward J. Goode-JFDiary, and Edmond J. Goode in census and burial records-RJS)
All names that have been added were cross referenced with a complete listing of members of the 7th Mississippi compiled by Dunbar Rowland in 1915. In addition notes have been added based on the research of William (WH), Calvin Phillips (CP), and my fellow researchers. There are instances where the Rowland spelling is different from the roster spelling or other research sources.
Captains Cannon, James Matthew. 1st Lt. /Capt. [dropped May 8, 1862] resigned due to disability. [Cannon's company mentioned p. 158 JFDiary. Cousin of Capt. G.A. Robertson and John H. Cannon; both killed at Chickamauga; He was Stephen Benton Herring’s uncle. Photo-Post War of Dr. James M. Cannon]
Goode, Edmond J. Capt.-Col. (F&S) Promoted to Col., but not reelected in reorganization. [See also Elias J., Enos J.] [JF Diary Edward J. Goode, Col. 60, 65, 68, 69, 76; Goode, Col. 15,87,92, 108, 113, 117, 119, 120, 133,140, 145, 183, 188; Goode, Col. Edward J. 185; Goode, ____ 16, 19,106, 117, 154. (Based on burial records, his real name was Edmond J. Goode-RJS.]
Robertson, G. A. [Gustavus Adolphus] Pvt. /Capt. [Capt. Killed Sept. 20, 1863] Chickamauga. Buried at Marietta Confederate Cemetery, Marietta, GA. [He was the son of Norvell Robertson, Jr. and Nancy Jane Cannon, 1st cousin of Capt. James Madison Cannon, Go. G 7th Miss. and Pvt. John H. Cannon who was also killed at Chickamauga]
Lieutenants Cooper, John Daniel Sgt.-2nd Lt. His descendant-Chuck McMains stated that his grandpa “enlisted as a private on August 27, 1861, was elected Sgt. and finally 2nd Lt. on May 12, 1862. He died on Oct. 4, 1864 from wounds suffered on the first day of the Battle of Jonesboro (Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 1864).” Lt. Cooper is also noted for the diary he kept during the spring campaign of 1864. His final resting place is at Rose Hill Cemetery buried Row 4, Grave # 135 in Macon, GA; cited for bravery at Chattanooga. (See also John David Cooper (WH) (Photo)
Dixon, Augustus D. 2nd Lt.; He apparently, did not leave with the company.
Mikell, William L. Pvt. /1st. Lt., [res. Jan. 12, 1864]; captured at Glasgow, KY, but escaped. Resigned Jan. 12, 1864 as the company was practically destroyed and he had been unable to get replacements-probably as a result of Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge.
Mullins, Perry 4th Corp.-Jr. 2nd Lt. (3rd Lt.) [dropped May 8, 1862] (JFDiary Mullins, Lt. p. 98)
Tennison, C. Edward 3rd Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. [dropped May 8, 1862] WIA Chickamauga, paroled at Jackson, MS with Company I 3rd LA Cavalry.
Warner, James M. 1st Sgt.-2nd Lt. (See also Warnes) [dropped May 8, 1862] (JFDiary Warner, Lt. pp 44, 158; See GS Lea letters, EB Carruth Letters; [Capt. John Fairly letter Aug. 1862 “… he has ‘gone up’”])
Non-Commissioned Officers Bass, W. J. (William Thomas Jefferson Bass.) Pvt.-Sgt. WIA Ezra Church July 28, 1864. Sent to hospital; [William J. Bass Autobiographic Sketch, MDAH] [Surrendered at Pearl River, Miss. with the 38th Miss. Cavalry] (Photo)
Buckley, Martin R. Pvt.-1st Sgt. (F&S) KIA at Resaca, GA (See JDCooper Diary May 14, 1864 entry recording his death and May 29th poem about his burial)
Burdett, T. A. Sgt. Mgr.-Adjt. (F&S) (See also Burkett)
Burkett, J. N. Pvt-Corp. (See also Burkitt); Listed on roll April, 14, 1864
Burkitt, L. A. 3rd Sgt. (Not found on Rowland List-Could be T. A. Burdett)
Graves, A. B. Corp.-Sgt. (F&S) WIA POW Nashville, TN. [see Sgt. A. B. Graves WIA at Nashville, TN]
Felder, Peter J. 1st Sgt [Also Co. H, may be an error as to Company. We cannot verify the source of this man as a member of Co. G. It is possible that he may have appeared on a roster in Co. G and later transferred to Co. H prior to the accident. We know that 1st Sgt. Peter J. Felder of Co. H was killed in the Train collision at Ponchatoula, LA Feb 1862-RJS]
Fountain, J. B. 3rd Corp. discharged due to disability 7-2-62
Gunnells, B. H. 4th Sgt. Apparently did not leave with the company.
May, E. M. Pvt. Did not leave with the company
(D) McLelland, Samuel Corp. /Pvt. went to Yankees Aug. 20, 1863 (Bridgeport, AL); finally got to New Orleans. (Also Co. F)
Mikell, C. E. Corp. Died in Lawrence Co. Jan. 17, 1862
Newton, Isaac Pvt. /Ordinance Sgt. (N.C.S.) Listed on last roll 8-64.
Odum, J. T. Pvt. /Corp. Listed on last roll 8-64
Rogers, W. W. Pvt. /Corp.; Received a 40 day leave April 21, 1864; on 8-64 roll. (See also Rodgers)
Sutton, Joseph Sgt. Died of typhoid fever at Hazelhurst Jan. 14, 1862 [1860 census, Lawrence Co. MS-Sgt. Joseph Sutton, occupation merchant, is living in the household of 2nd Lt. Augustus D. Dixon. (See also Sulton)
Alphabetical Listing (Pvt. unless noted) *Allen, L. R. G. Pvt. Captured (Surrendered) at Selma, AL 4-2-65.
Armstrong, E. A. Pvt. discharged 7-2-62, disability
Ballard, Abner B. Pvt. Died Feb. 11, 1863 at Chattanooga, TN. (1862-(WH)
Ballard, W. B. Pvt. Transf. to Wheeler's Cav. (See Winston Ballard not on 8-03-61 roster)
Ballard, Winston Pvt. (May be W.B. Ballard)
Bass, W. J. (William Thomas Jefferson Bass.) Pvt. /Sgt. WIA Ezra Church July 28, 1864. Sent to hospital; [William J. Bass Autobiographic Sketch MDAH] [Surr. with 38th Miss. Cav. Pearl Pearl River, MS]
Bennett, A. M. Pvt. died at Bay St. Louis of fever Feb. 15, 1862 (See also H. M. Bennett)
*Bennett, H. M. Pvt. (Could be A.M. Bennett [8-3-61 roster]) Branton, Mathew M. Pvt. WIA Shiloh; captured at Miss. Ridge
Bridges, E.B. Pvt. died 8-14-62, diarrhea, Okolona MS hospital.
*Brown, A. T. Sgt. POW Selma, AL Apr. 2, 1865
Buckley, Albert Lanier Pvt. Apparently died or did not go with the company (WH); Joined 2nd Miss. Militia (Quinn’s) (Photo)
Buckley, Martin R. Pvt.-1st Sgt. (F&S) KIA at Resaca, GA (See JDCooper Diary May 14, 1864 entry recording his death and May 29th poem about his burial)
Burdett, T. A. Sgt. Mgr.-Adjt. (F&S) (See also Burkett)
Burkett, A. J. [Andrew Jackson] Pvt.; transferred. to Capt. West's.-9th Battn. Miss. S. S. (see also Burkitt]
Burkett, J. N. Pvt-Corp. (See also Burkitt); on roll April, 14, 1864
Burkett, J. W. Pvt. (see also Burkitt) Transferred to Sharpshooters (9th Battn. Miss. SS)
*Burkitt, L. A. 3rd Sgt. (Not found on Rowland List-Could be T. A. Burdett)
*Burnett, A. M. Pvt. (from transcribed 8-3-61 roster) (Not found on Rowland list-could be A. M. Bennett or H.M. Bennett)
Cannon, James Matthew. 1st Lt. /Capt. [dropped May 8, 1862] resigned due to disability. Cannon's company mentioned JFDiary p. 158; Cousin of Capt. G.A. Robertson and John H. Cannon; both killed at Chickamauga.
Cannon, John H. Pvt. KIA Chickamauga; cousin of Capt. James Matthew Cannon, Co. G 7th Miss. and Capt. G. A. Robertson of Co. G 7th Miss. who was also killed at Chickamauga.
*Cobbler, Adam Pvt. (Rowland only)
*Colwell, T. P. Pvt. paroled at Memphis 1865
Cooper, John Daniel Sgt.-2nd Lt. Chuck McMains stated that his grandpa “enlisted as a private on August 27, 1861, was elected Sgt. and finally 2nd Lt. on May 12, 1862. He died on Oct. 4, 1864 from wounds suffered on the first day of the Battle of Jonesboro (Aug. 31-Sept. 1, 1864).” Lt. Cooper is also noted for the diary he kept during the spring campaign of 1864. His final resting place is at Rose Hill Cemetery buried Row 4, Grave # 135 in Macon, GA. Cited for bravery at Chattanooga. (Photo) (See also John David)
Cooper, J. Richard Pvt. (See Richard Cooper p. 145 JFDiary) (J. R. Cooper listed on Rowland roster-probably J. Richard Cooper)
Cox, John Pvt.; did not leave with company due to illness.
*Dever, Allen Pvt. (Only on Rowland List)
Dixon, Augustus D. 2nd Lt.; He apparently, did not leave with the company.
Dupriest, Frances Marion Pvt. died at Corinth of pneumonia 4-10-62
Faler, Ferdinand Pvt. discharged 2-6-62; joined another Company
Faler, Jacob Pvt. discharged underage 9-30-62; born in France
Felder, Peter J. 1st Sgt [Also Co. H, may be an error as to Company. We cannot verify the source of this man as a member of Co. G. It is possible that he may have appeared on a roster in Co. G and later transferred to Co H prior to the accident. We know that 1st Sgt. Peter J. Felder of Co. H was killed in the Train collision at Ponchatoula, LA Feb 1862-RJS]
Finney, James Pvt. KIA Shiloh
Fortinberry, J. C. Pvt. (See also Fortenberry) Apparently did not leave with the company
Fountain, J. B. 3rd Corp. discharged due to disability 7-2-62
Gilalee, Dennis (8-3-61 Roster) (See Ginnalee and Ginnelly)
Ginnelly, Dennis Pvt. (See Ginnalee and Gilalee) born in Ireland; discharged 8-24-62 for rheumatism.
Goode, Edmond J. Capt.-Col. (F&S) Promoted to Col., but not reelected in reorganization. [See also Elias J., Enos J. and Edward J. Goode] (Based on burial records, his real name was Edmond J. Goode).
Graves, A. B. Corp.-Sgt. (F&S) WIA POW Nashville, TN.[see Sgt. A.B. Graves WIA at Nashville, TN]
Gray, William M. “Matthew” Pvt. POW Missionary Ridge; died in prison.
Gray, Thomas J. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64 (On Detail); became a hospital guard; paroled at Jackson. (See also T. J. and Thomas I.)
*Gray, T. L. Pvt. (transcribed 8-3-61 roster-No T.L. Gray-Rowland list probably Thomas J.)
Gunnells, B. H. 4th Sgt. Apparently did not leave with the company.
Hargroves, H. J. Pvt. Present on Aug. 1864 roll
Hartzog, W. B. Pvt. Died Oct. 1, 1862 of typhoid (Phillips) or Jan. 10, 1862 pneumonia ((WH)) (Looks like dates transposed i.e. 10-1-62 or 1-10-62; Also many notes indicate men dieing from “typhoid pneumonia”-RJS)
Hedgepeth, A. J. Pvt. discharged as a minor 10-01-62. (Conscript Act)
Herring, S. B. Pvt. discharged as a minor Oct. 1, 1862 [Conscript Act; Stephen Benton Herring, b. 1846, son of David J. Herring and Amanda Jane Cannon, sister of Capt. James M. Cannon, Co. G 7th Miss. He was also a cousin of Capt. G.A. Robertson, and John H. Cannon of Co. G. 7th Miss.]
Jones, Isham W. Pvt. KIA at Shiloh (See J.W. Jones and I.W Jones)
Jones, J. W. Pvt. (See Isham W. or Isham or I. W. Jones)
King, David Pvt. He apparently did not leave with the company Kottwitz, Louis Pvt. Did not return from Hazelhurst, MS hospital April 1862; possibly wounded at Shiloh. (See Kottzwitz; clearly Kottwitz on Aug. 3, 1861 Roster)
Laird, Isham Pvt. WIA Shiloh; discharged as over age 9-20-62 (Conscript Act); born in GA.
Lambert, Elijah Pvt. died Dec. 6, 1861 of fever at Bay St. Louis, MS.
Lambert, Hiram Pvt. apparently did not leave with the company.
Langston, David N. Pvt. POW at Chattanooga (Missionary Ridge). [“David Newton Langston released as a POW at Rock Island on October 31, 1864.” Mitchell Sanders]
Leonard, F. J. Pvt. MIA at Chattanooga (Missionary Ridge/Chickamauga) probably killed.[Note this man may have survived the war or there may be two Leonard’s in Co. G; according to Dennis Holmes, a descendant of Capt. Cannon, a private named Frank Leonard accompanied Capt. Cannon home after Shiloh and remained on the Cannon Plantation. We now believe that he returned to service to watch out for Stephen Herrin. The loss of Capt. G.A. Robertson and John H. Cannon at Chickamauga may have been too much for him. There is a possibility that Frank Leonard was part of Co. G. Covington Sharpshooters in 7th Battn. who at the time, May 1862, were awaiting assignment to a regiment supposedly 27th Miss. The company was eventually included in the 7th Battn in June 1862.] (Photo)
Lewis, Joseph Pvt. We believe he went with another company.
Loeb, L. Pvt. MIA at Chattanooga (Missionary Ridge) probably killed.
May, E. M. Pvt. He did not leave with the company.
May, O. K. Pvt., 2nd Sgt. Discharged Nov. 27, 1862, overage (Conscript Act)
McGuffey, J. N. Pvt. WIA Resaca, GA and died.
(D) McLelland, Samuel Corp. /Pvt. went to Yankees Aug. 20, 1863 (Bridgeport, AL); finally got to New Orleans. (Also Co. F) [Photo of him and his Brother, William]
McRea, James A. Pvt. died at Corinth of pneumonia April 24, 1862
McRea, John Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro, captured at Kennesaw Mountain (NOTE: Could this be referring to the battle at Kolb’s Farm on June 22, 1864?). Mikell, B.F. Pvt. discharged for disability Nov. 10, 1861.
Mikell, C. E. Corp. Died in Lawrence Co. Jan. 17, 1862
Mikell, G. W. Pvt. Discharged 9-01-62
Mikell, William L. Pvt. /1st. Lt., POW at Glasgow, KY; escaped. Resigned Jan. 12, 1864 as the company was practically destroyed and unable to get replacements after Chickamauga and Missionary Ridge.)
Miller, J. T. Pvt. died of camp fever October 10, 1861
*Milton, P. P. Pvt. (Only listed on Rowland roster)
*Moore, J. W. Sgt. (Also Co A-Pvt. discharged 12-1861-may not be the same person) (POW Selma, AL April 2, 1865)
Mullins, Perry 4th Corp.-Jr. 2nd Lt.(3rd Lt.) [dropped May 8, 1862] (Lt. of the guard, p. 98 JFDiary)
Neatherland, Joseph Pvt. Not shown after Dec. 1863. (Died May 186_; unknown cause.)
Newton, Isaac Pvt.-Ordinance Sgt. (N. C. S.); Listed on last roll August 1864.
Newton, O. C. Pvt. died of typhoid at Oxford, MS May 25, 1862
Oatis, C. C. Pvt. Died at Hazelhurst12-21-61 fever. (Cebron b. 1818 or Charles)
Odum, J. T. Pvt. /Corp.; Listed on last roll August 1864.
Pflug, Edward Pvt. KIA at Shiloh. (Pfhling-8-3-61 roster; Pflug-DR and CP; Phlug-WH)
Polk, Lemon S., Pvt. POW at Shelbyville, TN hospital.
Polk, Needham Pvt. Discharged for disability Oct. 26, 1861; later apparently joined 34th AL.
Polk, Simon Pvt. discharged Nov. 10, 1861
Polk, William F. Pvt. WIA/POW exchanged Shiloh; POW Missionary Ridge.
Powell, Asa Pvt. Sick in Sept. 1861; discharged?
Powell, James Pvt. Discharged for bad leg ulcer July 12, 1862. ["James W. Powell, Co. G 7th Battn. Miss. died 23/24 Sept 1864 of gun shot wound; his effects were given to Lt.____ Co. B 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.” He is buried at Barnesville, GA not this James Powell]
Rawls, T. F. (Tom) Pvt. Never reported due to sickness (See notes and email re: his cousin, William Murphey/Murphy, Co. F 7th Miss.-WIA at Shiloh.) Rialls, George T. Pvt. sent home sick Oct. 6, 1861
Roberts, C. M. Pvt. Sent to hospital Sept. 25, 1863 (Probably WIA at Chickamauga or in retreat to Dalton.)
Roberts, William H. Pvt. WIA Chickamauga; sent to hospital Nov. 7, 1863; wife Nancy Johnston Roberts is sister to William B. (3rd Battn. Miss.) and George Benton Johnston (7th Miss.), and David M. W. Johnston (39th Miss.); their sister, Mary Ann Johnston Edwards, was married to David Edwards of the 39th Miss. –(Williamson Chapter VII Notes 51.)] [See Wade H. Roberts (See 7th Battn. Co. G)]
Robertson, G. A. [Gustavus Adolphus] Pvt. /Capt. [Capt. Killed Sept. 20, 1863] Chickamauga. Buried at Marietta Confederate Cemetery, Marietta, GA. 1st cousin of Capt. James Madison Cannon, Co. G 7th Miss. and Pvt. John H. Cannon who was also killed at Chickamauga]
Robertson, W. M. Pvt. Detailed to hospital at Columbus, GA May 10, 1864
Robertson, W. N. Pvt. KIA Shiloh (See W. N. Robinson 8-3-61 Roster)
Rogers, W. W. Pvt. /Corp. (See Rodgers) Rec’d a 40 day leave April 21, 1864; On 8-64 roll.
Sheppard, A. A., Jr. Pvt. Discharged Oct. 28, 1861 (Allen A.) died 1864 per family records.
*Sheppard, H. H. Pvt. (Only on Rowland list-may be A. A. Sheppard, Jr.)
Sheppard, T. A. Pvt. Died Nov. 4, 1862 of diarrhea at Knoxville, TN (CP); (Thomas Arthur per family records); Listed as T. A. Shoppard on undertaker’s list from Bethel Cemetery in Knoxville, TN. (See T. J. Sheppard. Full name may be T. A. J. Sheppard.)
Sheppard, T. J. Pvt. (Clearly T. J. Sheppard on 8-3-61 roster. May be same person as T. A. Sheppard-RJS)
Simon (s?), Henry Pvt. discharged Sept. 30, 1862 as Russian subject.
Slaven, John W., WIA Shiloh; see Co. B “discharged for wounds received at Shiloh 9-30-62”) (Co. G)
Speights, Archibald “Archie” W. Pvt. Sent to hosp. Rome, GA Apr. 18, 1864.
Speights, James J. Pvt. (Spaights?) discharged 7-24-62; 44 years old.
Speights, John J., Jr. Pvt. died fever Feb. 6, 1862 (See Spaights.)
Stacy, Oliver Pvt. (See also Oliver G.-Listed on last roll); 4-17-64 (CP) (Probably date of enlistment in company D). [Surrendered in Co. A 9th Miss. Consolidated at Greensboro, NC]
Stamps, Joseph A. Pvt. Transferred to Sharpshooters (9th Battn. Miss. SS) Captured at Munfordville, KY Sept. 1862; paroled and returned to the company. Surr. NC. [See J. H. Stamps 9th Batt. Miss. S.S.]
Stamps, John E. Pvt. MWIA-died from wounds at Shiloh on 4-20-62
Stringer, A. W. Pvt. discharged for disability Nov. 28 or 30, 1861 (Pvt. Alexander W. Stringer - Son of Levi Stringer & Mary Burkett 1839 – 1902, Cousin to Mat, Ben, & Josiah Stringer)
Stringer, Benjamin B. Pvt.; Discharged and reenlisted; captured and POW Missionary Ridge (Near Chickamauga) (Brother of Matthew and Josiah, cousin of A. W.) (b.1845 – d.1898)
Stringer, J. S. (Josiah Simon) Pvt. detailed as government shoemaker at Columbus, GA. [Brother of Benjamin and Matthew and cousin of A.W.; Bur. Wesson Cemetery Wesson MS. Copiah Co. b. 12/19/1842 d. 11/17/1931; Headstone reads: J. S. Stringer - Co. G 7 Miss Inf. CSA]
Stringer, Matthew B. Pvt., Color Corporal Received Medal of Honor at Murfreesboro; took the place of the Color Corporal William Nunnery after Nunnery was wounded at Chickamauga and was “cited for bravery”; Captured at Chattanooga “Missionary Ridge.” (Bro. of Josiah and Benjamin, cousin of A.W.).
Stuckey, Robert Brice, Pvt. surrendered April 28, 1865 at Greensboro, NC (Photo)
Sutton, Joseph Sgt. Died of typhoid fever at Hazelhurst Jan. 14, 1862 [1860 census, Lawrence Co. MS-Sgt. Joseph Sutton, occupation merchant, is living in the household of 2nd Lt. Augustus D. Dixon]
Tennison, C. Edward 3rd Lt. 1st Lt. 2nd Lt. [dropped May 8, 1862] WIA Chickamauga, paroled at Jackson, MS with Company I 3rd LA Cavalry.
Thompson, Henry Pvt. WIA Shiloh; wounded in leg and sent to various hospitals.
(D) Toler, Isaiah Pvt. Went to Yankees at Bridgeport, AL. (Also spelled Tolar)
(D) Toler, J.W. Pvt Captured at Danville, KY; paroled; went to Yankees at Bridgeport with Isaiah Toler. (Also spelled Tolar) [Tolar, James Washington Born: 05/25/1836 Lawrence County, Ms. Died: 10/24/1924 Bush, St. Tammany Parish, La. Buried: Tolar Cemetery, Marion County, MS] Released: 5/28/1864 at New Orleans, LA by order of Maj. Gen. N. P. Banks. Residence at release: Lawrence County, MS. Description at release: Eyes: brown-Hair: brown-Complexion: fair-Height: 5' 10". (Photo)
Tyrone, Jerome C. Pvt.; sent to hospital at Columbus, MS on August 1, 1862.
Walker, W. H. Pvt. Died unknown cause. Dec. 8, 1861.
Wallace, Nelson Pvt. discharged as over age; fifty years old. 9-30-62 (Conscript Act) Wallace, Vincent Pvt. He apparently did not go with the company.
Ward, W.M. Pvt. Apparently did not go with the company (see W. M. Ward Co. I; may be same man) [This note was included on many men in this regiment who were on initial rosters and disappeared; most changed companies, were discharged and rejoined; or decided to go to another regiment to get to the war sooner. i.e. 12th Mississippi (ANV); or they wanted to go with a different leader, i.e. men from Franklin County chose to join Kinchen Webb's Company (Franklin Guards, Co. D 33rd Miss.)]. [M. W. Ward, Private, Company I, 7th Regiment Mississippi Vols., enlisted February 13, 1863 at Covington County, by Capt. W. S. Webb for 3 years, killed in the Battle of Chickamauga, September 20, 1863]
Warner, James M. 1st Sgt.-2nd Lt. (See also Warnes) [Dropped May 8, 1862] (JFDiary Warner, Lt. 44, 158; See GS Lea letters, EB Carruth Letters, Capt. John Fairley letter Aug. 1862 “… he has ‘gone up’”])
Weatherford, John Pvt. He was in various hospitals for two years.
Weatherford, Malachi Pvt. captured at Chattanooga (Missionary Ridge)
* Williams, D. S., (Isaiah S. Williams, KIA Resaca) Possible transcription error in JDCooper Diary-RJS]
Williams, Isaiah S. Pvt. WIA Shiloh (See J.S. Williams-Phillips); Transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS; returned to 7th and KIA at Resaca, GA May 1864. [See JDCooper Diary May 14th [D.S. Williams], Possible transcription error in Diary-RJS]
Williams, William B. Pvt. died at Canton, MS of typhoid fever June 25, 1862
(D) Williamson, H. P. Pvt. Went to Yankees at Bridgeport, AL.
Williamson, John S. B. Pvt. POW at Chattanooga (Missionary Ridge)
Williamson, L. J. Pvt. Died Shelbyville, TN. of pneumonia April, 14, 1863 (See list of Willow Mount Cemetery Shelbyville, TN.)
"Marion Men" Company F 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
Volunteers in the Confederate States Army found in conveyance Book D, Marion County, Mississippi. “Recd. This 22nd Day of February, 1862. J. P. Barnes, Clerk (a). Marion County Mississippi” filed under Miscellaneous Records, by E. Russ Williams, 1986. All names that have been added were cross referenced with a complete listing of members of the 7th Mississippi compiled by Dunbar Rowland in 1915 by Ron Skellie. In addition notes have been added based on the research of William Hadskey (WH), Calvin Phillips (CP), and my fellow researchers. The names are listed in alphabetical order with their rank(s) and other units listed.
Captains Atkinson James N., 2nd Sgt., 1st Sgt. elected Captain, WIA Murfreesboro, leave March 4, 1864 (JFDiary pp. 136.143, 146, 180.) [Surrendered as Captain of Company A 9th Mississippi, Consolidated (Company A was made up of all the men from the 7th Mississippi who made the trip to NC and a few other men from the brigade) at Smithfield, NC. He was paroled at Greensboro, NC May 1, 1865]
Rankin, William J. Sr., Captain (F&S) [Resigned May 10, 1862 for disability; Later reentered the service. (pp. 139, 147 JFDiary)] [See Confederate Veteran, 1904, p. 28. for possible story of his death and funeral near Atlanta. Note: Found that Capt. /Lt. Col. William A. Rankin of the 9th Miss. may have been the Capt. Rankin referred to in the article since the 7th and 9th Miss. both served together. Lt. Col. William A. Rankin was killed at Shiloh. The Rankin’s were most likely related since they were from Marion County. Capt. Rankin was brother of Thomas Jesse Rankin, George W. “Doc” Rankin and John Warren Rankin Co. F, and Samuel Edward “Ed” Rankin Co. D)
Lieutenants Barringer, William E. 1st Lt. from 41st Tenn. Was detailed as Drillmaster a short time.
Bishop, William Harrison “Harry” 1st Lt., elected Colonel 7th Miss. Inf. May 8, 1862; WIA Murfreesboro, TN. Killed in action at the breastworks, Franklin, TN November 30. 1864. (F&S) (See 7th & 9th Miss. Inf.) JFDiary pp. 136, 191; Buried McGavock Cemetery, Franklin, TN. [Bishop-Ezra Church, Chickamauga, OR, B.F. Johns-OR Murfreesboro (Confederate Veteran-Articles by Mayer, Leavell, Lee, Sharp] Letter “Shiloh Battle Flag” WHBishop Letter August 24th 1862 Camp on the Tennessee River W. H. Bishop to Governor John J. Pettus. (WHB) “This letter is located in the letters sent to Gov. John J. Pettus, Microfilm Roll # 4854, Miss. Department of Archives and History.” Jeff Gambrione.
Dampier, William G. 2nd Lt. (Dampeer) [resigned Jan. 31, 1863] JFDiary p. 13
Forbes, Nelson C. Corp. /2nd Lt.; WIA/POW Nashville, TN. JFDiary p. 17
Hudnall, Ezekial.T. 3rd Lt. (Sr. 2nd Lt.), to Asst. Surgeon; detached to the 38th Miss. [Hudnall, Ezekeil T. Sr. 2nd Lt. ( elected July 17, 1861) 3rd Lt. (F&S)] (See Hudnell, A.) (F&S)
Imes, George W. 1st Lt. [See Innes-Killed Murfreesboro, TN December 30, 1862] (See also Imes, Co. A and E. Incorrectly identified as Jones in Col. B. F. Johns’ Murfreesboro official report transcription found at the Western Reserve Historical Society. Gen. Jones Withers Papers]
Magee, John Pvt. /1st Lt. (elected 2nd Lt. 8-14-62) sick 8-17-64; to hospital Aug. 18, 1864.
Rankin, T. J. [Thomas Jesse 2nd Lt. Died June 9, 1862 of fever; Also listed as Jesse T. 3rd Sgt. /2nd Lt. (See Thomas J. Rankin Papers, USM Collection and JFDiary p. 13); Brother of Capt. W. J. Rankin.]
Thompson, John W. Pvt. /4th Corp. /3rd Lt. WIA Murfreesboro, TN. various hospitals
Non-Commissioned Officers Block, John H. 1st Sgt. Injured in Ponchatoula, LA train wreck Feb. 27, 1862; discharged wounds 5-6-62. He was from NC. (See also Black)
Davis Jesse C. Pvt. /Corp. POW Missionary Ridge
Drummond, Benjamin Pvt. /Corp. WIA Shiloh; Medal of Honor Murfreesboro; WIA Resaca; surr. NC.
Ford, James E. Pvt. Corp., discharged April 2, 1863 p. 36 JFDiary
Ford Joseph M. Pvt. Furnished a substitute June 23, 1862. (F&S) (Sgt. Q.M.S.)
Gillis, Rufus Pvt. /Sgt. MIA/WIA Chickamauga, died of wounds.
Jones, Oliver Hazard Perry Pvt. /Sgt. Captured at Missionary Ridge; from Warren Co.
(D) McLelland, Samuel Pvt. /Corp. went to Yankees Aug. 20, 1863 (Bridgeport, AL); finally got to New Orleans. (Also Co. G)
Rankin, George W. Pvt. /Sgt. WIA at Resaca, GA; sent to hospital 5-14-64. (See also Co. D) JFDiary. (pp 36, 46) [Brother of Capt. W. J. Rankin, Lt. T. J. Rankin, and John W. Rankin Co. F, and Samuel E. “Ed” Rankin Co. D]
Rawls, E. Ephraim Pvt. /Corp. got a forty day sick leave Dec. 1, 1863. Surgeon’s certificate 10-15-64
Alphabetical Roster (Pvt. unless noted) Askew Henry H. Pvt. Substitute Robert Merrit discharged Sept. 1, 1862
Atkinson James N., 2nd Sgt., 1st Sgt. elected Captain, WIA Murfreesboro, leave March 4, 1864 (pp. 136.143, 146, 180. JFDiary)[Surrendered as Capt. Co. A 9th Miss. Inf. Consolidated in NC]
Ball Edward O. Pvt. POW Missionary Ridge Barnes Allen Pvt. Listed on last roll, surrendered in NC
Barnes, William F. Jr. Pvt. WIA POW Shiloh; exchanged; joined 9th Cavalry
*Barringer, William E. 1st Lt. from 41st Tenn. Detailed as Drillmaster a short time.
Bass Levy (Levi) Pvt.; Leave for 40 days to hospital Nov. 11, 1863; quite ill for two months. “October 11, 1863-sent to LaGrange, GA hospital. November 11, 1863-granted 40 days furlough because of chronic diarrhea that had brought about extreme emaciation.”
*Batt, ______ Pvt. Only shows as being sick in Marion, Co. Nov. 1861(WH); (We believe this man could possibly be, Bass, ______ and could also be from 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.-RJS)
Baughman, Henry H. Pvt. WIA Resaca, GA May 14, 1864
Baughman, Joel C. Pvt. MWIA Murfreesboro; died of wounds; His widow, Mary Ann. (Also Boughman)
Baughman, Martin Luther Pvt. WIA at Chattahoochee River near Atlanta; to hospital 7-8-64. (Family records say he surrendered in NC. with his brother William)
Baughman, William Allen Pvt. probably went with another Company. Disability 2-2-62? (Family records say he surrendered in NC. with his brother Martin)
Baxter, John T. C. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64
Bishop, William Harrison “Harry” 1st Lt., elected Colonel 7th Miss. Inf. May 8, 1862; WIA Murfreesboro, TN. KIA Franklin, TN November 30, 1864 (F&S)(See 9th Miss. Inf.) JFDiary pp. 136, 191.
*Black John H. Pvt. (See 1st Sgt. Block)
Block, John H. 1st Sgt. Injured in train wreck Feb. 27, 1862. Discharged for wounds 5-6-62; he was from NC. (See also Black)
Brown, G. D. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64
Brooks Joseph C. Pvt. died at home June 25 or 26, 1864 of chronic diarrhea
Bryant Columbus L. Pvt. died of pneumonia at Shieldsboro, Hancock Co. MS; wife Elizabeth J. (possibly confused with L.S. Bryant of Co. D who was listed as died at Shieldsboro November 1st 1861. L. F. Bryant is most likely T. S or L. S. Briant who died in February 1862 at Guntown.)
Bryant George Marion Pvt. died of pneumonia at Shieldsboro, Hancock Co. MS; son of Pleasant Bryant. (Phillips notes say died of typhoid 11-18-1861)[TJ Rankin Letter 11-18-1861 “One more of our company Marion Bryant breathed his last night before last-poor fellow. I fell sorry for him but the will of the lord must be fulfilled” which would place his date of death as 11/16 or 11/17. RJS]
Bryant J. A. Pvt. (Not found on DR Roster-RJS) (See Joseph E. Bryant, J. A. and John C. Bryant Co. D) (John Bryant mentioned in JFDiary p.191.)
Bryant, Joseph E. Pvt. died 7-10-62 at Lauderdale Springs (Hospital) son of Pleasant Bryant.
Bullock Charles W. Pvt. MWIA April 6, 2PM in thigh and shoulder at Shiloh; later died of wounds 5-28-62 at Summit, MS at home of his uncle Dr. Magee [Bullock Twigs and Branches, by Marie Luter Upton, 1968;] [Bro.-in-law of Richard Pittman, Co. F, 7th Miss. married to Emma Jane Pittman, sister of Pittman; Bullock was the brother of Pittman’s wife, Mary Ann Elizabeth Bullock Pittman]
Bullock, Davis I. B. (Davis Isaac Brumfield Bullock) Pvt. MIA at Missionary Ridge presumed KIA. [Bullock Twigs and Branches, by Marie Luter Upton, 1968.]
Bynes F. M. Pvt. (Francis Marion Byne/Pyne) died at Oxford, MS May 12, 1862 of fever. (M. Bines mentioned in letter May 8, 1862 RB Pittman Letters)
Cameron, Alfred Pvt. Discharged for disability 11-8-1861.
(D) Cameron John W. Pvt. (Also Co. D) went to the Yankees Aug. 31, 1863 (Bridgeport, AL); sent north of the Ohio River.
Cameron, Levander “Lev” Pvt. Sent to hospital Nov. 23, 1863 (Missionary Ridge?) (TJ Rankin Letter 4/28/62]
Cameron, Thomas Pvt. to hospital Feb. 3, 1863 or 1864
Clark, Erick L. Pvt. On leave for 30 days Feb. 3, 1863, WIA Chickamauga
Clark William Pvt. transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. S.S June 26, 1862 (Chalmer’s Brigade Sharpshooters)
*Coats, Adam L. Pvt. POW Kennesaw Mountain. From Enterprise, MS [May have been a late recruit from the Conscript camp at Enterprise-note added June 28, 2004 while researching T. Cates listed as 7th Miss. POW. From CWSS system found Thomas Coats-Noted as Co. F 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.-RJS]
*Collins, Benj. F. Pvt. POW Kennesaw Mountain. (Most likely 7th Battn.; from Morton’s Station, MS)
*Collins, Morgan C. Pvt. POW Kennesaw Mountain. (Most likely 7th Battn.; from Morton’s Station, MS)
*Collins, Simeon Pvt. POW Kennesaw Mountain. (Most likely 7th Battn.; from Morton’s Station, MS) (See also Simon)
Conerly, Jackson, Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro, discharged as under age Jan. 25, 1863. See Connerly and Connelly. [Half-Brother of Stephen Conerly]
Conn William Pvt. Discharged for disability Jan. 26, 1863; he was 42 yrs. old.
*Cowad , Edward Pvt. (See Edmond Coward)
Coward, Edmond Pvt. (See Edward Coward) WIA Murfreesboro, Surr. NC
Cox Jonathan W. Pvt.; Discharged on Oct. 1, 1862 as a minor (Conscript Act); POW April 27, 1864. (Must have rejoined later-no indication of whether he rejoined 7th Miss. or another unit. If he rejoined the 7th, his capture was most likely during one of the cavalry raids on pickets near Dalton, GA.-See AF Davis letters and diary) (Mentioned as having been accidentally shot on January the 21, 1862 letter RB Pittman letters Shieldsborough, Hancock Co Mississippi
Cox, Simeon R. Pvt. died LaGrange, GA typhoid fever Dec 15, 1863 (WIA Chattanooga?)
Cox Thomas Pvt. died Nov. 15, 1862 typhoid fever
Dampier, William G. 2nd Lt. (Dampeer) [resigned Jan. 31, 1863] JFDiary p. 13
Daugherty, Robert Pvt. Discharged for disability July 2, 1862 Davis, David Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro. Leave from hospital [brother to James Davis] (photo)
Davis, James Pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64 [Killed at Jonesboro per great grandson, James Guy; possibly buried on battlefield]
Davis, Jesse C. Pvt. /Corp. POW Missionary Ridge
Davis, Zaborn Pvt. Discharged Disability 11-14-61 (Also listed as Zabern F. Davis, also Seaborn Davis Co. D 7th Miss.-RJS, JFDiary p. 147)
Drummond, Benjamin Pvt. Corp. WIA Shiloh, Medal of Honor Murfreesboro, WIA Resaca, GA; surr. NC.
Duncan, Isaac Pvt. (Mentioned on Page 139 JFDiary “squirrel hunt with 9th Miss.”) (See I. Duncan 9th Battn. Miss. S.S)
Forbes Adolphus “Dolph” Pvt. Discharged for disability, 7-24-62, b. SC. (See RB Pittman Letter July 27, 1862, Saltillo, MS, TJ Rankin Letter 4/28/62)
Forbes, Jeptha N. Exchanged for James Jordan Co. D; leave Jan. 20, 1864. OK pension. (Also Co. D)
Forbes, Nelson C. Corp. /2nd Lt., WIA/POW Nashville, TN. JFDiary p. 17.
Ford, James E. Pvt. Corp., discharged April 2, 1863 JFDiary p. 36.
Ford Joseph M. Pvt. Furnished a substitute June 23, 1862. (F&S) (Sgt. Q.M.S.)
*Fortenberry G. W. Pvt. (Not found on DR Roster-RJS)
Fortenberry, Jackson Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro, WIA Atlanta July 22, 1864 to hospital incomplete record. [See also W.J.]
Fortinberry, John G. Pvt. POW Munfordville, KY Sept. 1862; exchanged; to hospital
Fortinberry, M.A. Pvt. Sick all time in the regiment.
Fortinberry, W. J. Pvt.WIA Atlanta and sent to hospital. (Also Co. H; see also Jack or Jackson Fortinberry or Fortenberry)
Fry, Benjamon Pvt. (Also Co. I)
*Freeman, Hal [3rd Drummer, F&S] shown as drummer at Shieldsboro; company unknown, [possibly Company A, E, K if he was related to the Freeman men from Franklin County and Amite who were in companies A and K since all were from Franklin County, and one man from Company C from Amite County. [See William H. Freeman, Co. A]
Futch, Thomas J. Pvt. hurt in train wreck Aug. 1, 1862 at Greenville, AL. discharged 10-6-62 (See RB Pittman letter 8-23-1862, Harrison, TN)
Gillis, Rufus Pvt. /Sgt. MIA/WIA Chickamauga, died of wounds.
Grant, Benjamin F. (Also Co. A)
Green, William Pvt. KIA Chattanooga, was under age.
*Gunter, Charles C. Pvt. POW 7-3-64 in GA; probably 7th Battn.
*Harper, Josiah H. C. Pvt. POW GA July 19, 1864; probably 7th Battn.
Harrington, B. F. 1st drummer at Shieldsboro, Sept. 1861 [b]
*Harris, Samuel D. (Rank?) POW Blakely, AL 7th Battn.
*Hinton, Joshua H. Pvt. POW GA 7-3-1864, prob. 7th Battn.
Howard William G. H. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro; died of wounds received.
Hudnall, Ezekial T. 3rd Lt. Sr. 2nd Lt., to Asst. Surgeon; detached to the 38th Miss. (See Hudnell, A.) [Hudnall, Ezekeil T. Sr. 2nd Lt. (elected July 17, 1861) 3rd Lt. (F&S)] Hurdle, John C. Pvt.
Imes, George W. Sgt. /1st Lt. [Also Co. A and E; See Innes, George W.-Killed Murfreesboro, TN December 30, 1862) born VA. Incorrectly identified as G. W. Jones in Murfreesboro casualty report of Lt. Col. B. F. Johns; Most likely a transcription error.]
Johnson, James A. Pvt. apparently went with another company
*Jones, G. W. (See George W. Imes)
Jones, Oliver Hazard Perry Pvt. /Sgt. POW Missionary Ridge; from Warren Co.
Jones, Wiley D. Pvt. Surrendered At Greensboro, NC
Jordan, James H. transferred to Co. D Killed at Chickamauga.
Kimber Edwin Pvt. (Edward) POW Nashville [See E. Kimber wounded at Nashville, TN]
King William H. Pvt. WIA; Injured in RR Collision 8-1-62; discharged 10-20-62-per Calvin Phillips) (JFDiary King, Wm. p.13) (William H. Co. F)) discharged 31 Oct 1862.
Lee, Elijah J. Pvt. Killed RR accident 8-01-62 Greenville, AL
Lewis Benjamin Pvt. (Not Found on DR Roster-RJS; See Benjamin B. Co. I & Benj. T. Co. H)
Levy, ____ Pvt. He was sick when Company left.
Lilland, Samuel M. (Rank?) (See Samuel McLelland)
Lockhart, T.J. Pvt. (See Thomas J. 17th Miss)
Loe Felix Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro, POW Jonesboro, GA.; Exchanged. (See also Lowe) [Felix L. Lowe b.1842 – d. 11/15/1927 Co. F 7 Miss. Inf. Chalmers Brig. Tenn. Army Burial: Confederate Field; Section: 1; Row: T Number: 21Texas State Cemetery; Austin, TX.]
Loe, Joseph S. C. Pvt. did not leave with company (See also Lowe)
Lott, James Pvt. KIA Shiloh April 6, 1862. (See Stephen Pittman Flag Photo) (Married a Pittman) [“James Lott was killed 6 Apr 1862 at 3 pm while operating on the right wing. He was shot in the head.” Dan Lott]
Luper, William Ward Pvt. died at Jackson, TN. Mar. 6, 1862. [Family records indicate he died of the “soldiers complaint”, possibly measles. He was married to Selena Bullock, sister to Mary Ann Bullock Pittman, wife of Richard Pittman and brother-in-law of Charles Bullock of Co. F who was married to Emma Jane Pittman Bullock sister of R. B. Pittman; his first cousin William H. Luper served in Co. D.
Magee, John Pvt./1st Lt.; (elected 2nd Lt. 8-14-62) sick 8-17-64; to hospital Aug. 18, 1864.
Magee, Tyra J. Pvt. (See Tirey J. Magee, Terrey Magee), WIA severely at Chickamauga; died of pneumonia Oct. 19, 1863. Buried at Marietta, GA Confederate Cemetery
Martin, Joseph F. Pvt. hurt in RR accident Greenville, AL; disch. 10-13-62
(D) Maxwell, John Pvt. enlisted July 19, 1863; left Aug. 21, 1863 (Bridgeport, AL?)
McColsky, George W. Pvt.; Assigned to teamster duty July 1862; died at Academy Hospital on March 20, 1863 “inflammation of the spine” at Chattanooga; “he left $70.35 and $1 worthless.” according to “Surgeon in Charge Frank Hawthorn”; “$70.50 in hand according to D. D. Saunders Surgeon Chattanooga hospital”. (Think he was a casualty of Murfreesboro-not confirmed).
McColsky, James Pvt. died at Shieldsboro, MS 11-11-61 [See T.J. Rankin Letter 11-18-1861 states, “Poor James Mckolsky I have heard of his death. It makes me fell sad to hear such men as him dying. He was a fine man and a good soldier, never grumbling but always ready to perform his duties.” By the way Rankin refers to his death, it sounds like it happened away from camp, not at Shieldsboro. RJS]
McDonald, Samuel W. Pvt. died diarrhea 4-18-63 in Rome, GA (See pay voucher Feb. 1863.)
(D) McLelland, Samuel Pvt. /Corp. went to Yankees Aug. 20, 1863 (Bridgeport, AL); finally got to New Orleans. (Also Co. G) [photo with brother William]
McLelland, William J. Pvt. KIA Shiloh (photo with brother Samuel)
Moody, George W. Pvt. Hurt in RR accident 1 Aug 1862; died of typhoid Nov. 6, 1862 (Location?)
Moreland, James Pvt. (See Moland) to hospital in Tenn.
Morris, John Pvt. KIA Shiloh; father Alfred Morris. (possibility that he was killed or died Jan. 1, 1863 per family researcher-Check microfilm)
Morris, William J. Pvt. died May 21, 1862 of disease; father Alfred Morris. Died unknown 5-6-62-(CP)
Murphey, William Pvt. Discharged for disability July 2, 1862. (Died from illness or wounds received at Shiloh near Brookhaven at cousin’s home. See notes in Co. G for Tom Rawls, his cousin; see also Murphy-Letter Dec. 20, 1861, Bay St. Louis, MS.)
Newsom, Lewis J. Pvt. Surrendered NC (1841-1899 ) Buried at the Society Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, on the east side of Highway 13, about 12-14 miles north of Columbia, MS.
Nickols, Daniel Pvt. (Nichols) did not return from sick leave 1861; probably discharged. [died unknown cause 12/1861(CP)]
Nickols, Ephraim D. Pvt. died at Corinth 5-22-62 unknown cause.
Nickols, Needham Pvt. (Nichols) discharged at Corinth disability 5-24-62
*Parker, James H. Pvt. POW [22nd Miss.] at Big Shanty, GA; born in TN.
Parnell, John C. Pvt. died 1-20-62 camp fever at Bay St. Louis, MS.
Pigott, Ceborn “Seb”, “Ceb” and “Zeb” Pvt. (probably Seaborn) transferred to Sharpshooters. (See S. A. Pigott, 9th Battn. Miss. SS) (See RB Pittman 20th July Tupelo, MS; July 24th and 27th 1862 Saltillo, MS)
Pittman, Charles C. Pvt. died at Oxford, MS “took the inecypolis in his face & died” May 8, 1862 (See letter RB Pittman May 8, 1862) (Photo) (Brother of Daniel, Enoch W., James A. Pvt., Jesse R. B., Richard B., and Stephen Pittman).
Pittman, Daniel Pvt. WIA at Shiloh, discharged for disability; joined Co. I 3rd Miss. died July 24th 1863. (Brother of Charles, Enoch W., James A. Pvt., Jesse R. B., Richard B., and Stephen Pittman; R.B. Pittman letters) (Photo)
Pittman, Enoch W. Pvt. died at Oxford Hospital (the Monday prior to May 8, 1862; letter RB Pittman May 8, 1862)(Possible writer of many of early R.B. Pittman letters) (Brother of Charles, Daniel, James A. Pvt., Jesse R. B., Richard B., and Stephen Pittman). (Photo)
Pittman, James A. Pvt. sent to hospital sick in 1861 [One of the James Pittman’s joined Co. I 3rd Miss. Inf. was wounded and captured at Franklin, TN]
Pittman, James W. Pvt. fifteen yr. old boy; discharged at Bardstown, KY Nov. 1, 1862 (Conscript Act) [One of the James Pittman’s joined Co. I 3rd Miss. Inf. was wounded and captured at Franklin, TN]
Pittman, Jesse R. B. Pvt. discharged Aug. 26, 1861 to care for aged invalid mother; has brothers yet on the company roll. (disch. 9-27-61-CP) (Brother of Charles, Daniel, James A., Enoch W., Richard B., and Stephen Pittman. R.B. Pittman letters). (Photo)
Pittman, Richard. B. Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro, KIA at Chickamauga Sept. 20, 1863. (Writer of Richard B. Pittman Letters; USM); JFDiary P. 139. (Brother of Charles, Daniel, James A., Enoch W., Jesse R. B., and Stephen Pittman). (Photo)
Pittman, Stephen. D. Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro, WIA and lost leg 8-31-64 in Georgia. (Battle of Jonesboro, sent to Ocmulgee Hospital, Macon, GA.) RB Pittman Letters (Brother of Charles, Daniel, Enoch W., James A. Pvt., Richard B., and Jesse R. B. Pittman). (Photo)
Polk, Daniel Pvt. sent to hospital 14 February 1864
Polk, Elisha Pvt. discharged and re-enlisted; to hospital at Rome, GA. Buried at the Society Hill Baptist Church Cemetery, on the east side of Highway 13, about 12-14 miles north of Columbia, MS. (14 Dec 1844 -14 Jun 1930)
Pope, Joseph Pvt. discharged at Harrison Landing, TN. 8-22-62 (Check E.B Carruth letter)
Prine, Robert Pvt. (Also Co. D) disability discharge April 2, 1863
Prichard, H. L. Pvt. WIA at Atlanta, sent to hospital
Raiford, P. B. Pvt. became a cook at Newnan, GA hospital
Rankin, George W. “Doc” Pvt. /Sgt. WIA at Resaca, GA; sent to hospital 5-14-64. (JFDiary. pp. 36, 46 See also Co. D) Bro. of T. J. Rankin, W. J. Rankin, John Warren Rankin Co. F, and Samuel Edward “Ed” Rankin Co. D]
Rankin, John W. Pvt. discharged for disability 10-26-61 [John Warren Rankin, bro. of T. J. Rankin, W. J. Rankin, George W. “Doc” Rankin Co. F, and Samuel Edward “Ed” Rankin Co. D]
Rankin, T. J. [Thomas Jesse 2nd Lt. (Died June 9, 1862 of fever) (Also see Jesse T. 3rd Sgt. /2nd Lt.); (See Thomas J. Rankin Papers USM Collection and JFDiary p. 13]; brother of W. J. Rankin, George W. “Doc” Rankin, and John W. Rankin Co. F, and Samuel Edward “Ed” Rankin Co. D]
Rankin, William J. Sr., Captain (F&S) [Resigned May 10, 1862] for disability; Later reentered the service. (JFDiary pp. 139, 147) [Capt. Rankin was brother of Thomas Jesse Rankin, George W. “Doc” Rankin and John Warren Rankin Co. F, and Samuel Edward “Ed” Rankin Co. D]
Rawls, E. Ephraim Pvt. /Corp. got a forty day sick leave Dec. 1, 1863. Surgeon’s certificate 10-15-64
Robertson, George W. Pvt. /Sgt. discharged for disability 7-26-62; born in Attala Co.
*[Ryals, Calvin C. died Dec. 15, 1863, Hospital LaGrange GA, typhoid pneumonia, Roll 412, #448, Company F, 7th Miss.] (Check Calvin L. Ryals)
*Ryals, Calvin L. Pvt. died at Cassville, GA 4-3-64 of pneumonia. (Cassville line was established after Battle of Resaca May 14, 1864. He was probably sent down R. R. from Dalton Camp to hospital.) [Check Calvin C. Ryals, died Dec. 15, 1863, Hospital LaGrange GA, typhoid pneumonia, Roll 412, #448, Co. F, 7th Miss.]
Ryals, Elijah Pvt. died unknown cause 11-15-62 in Knoxville, TN. (Possibly died during retreat from KY; the army traveled through the Cumberland Gap and returned to Chattanooga by way of Knoxville-RJS.) [Elijah Ryals Buried Bethel Cemetery Knoxville, TN 11-15-62---This info was received from George Martin and is transcribed from undertaker’s records, page 71.]
Ryals, Elisha G. Pvt. POW Missionary Ridge; died in prison 6-11-64 unknown cause.
Ryals, Evan Pvt. (Evans Ryals, also spelled Evin) died 2-6-62 fever in Marion Co.
Ryals, Felix Pvt. sixty day leave from hospital Mar. 23, 1864
Ryals, Hugh J. Pvt. went to Yankees at Bridgeport, AL (Aug. 1863?)
*Ryals, John Pvt. (Not on DR Roster-See Hugh J. Ryals)
(D) Slade, Samuel Pvt. Ran off at Bay St. Louis and went home; (See also Samuel Slade Co. D and Samuel Slade 9th Battn. Miss. S. S); these are two different men.
Slade, Charles Pvt. received a 30 day leave Feb 16, 1864
Smith, Andrew Pvt. in hospital Apr. 1863
Sones, A. J. (Jackson) Pvt. Substitute (See Ebenezer P. Stewart), WIA at Resaca, GA; sent to hospital 5-14-64 (See also Stuart)
*Sones, Jackson Pvt. (See A. J. Sones) (See Ebenezer P. Stewart, Sub.)
Spears, James Pvt. Ran off at Bay St. Louis and went home.
Stewart, Ebenezer P. Pvt. (see Stuart) substituted A. J. Sones Aug. 23, 1862 (photo)
*Stoefer, Francis Pvt. POW Leesburg, VA; home New Orleans; possibly 11th Miss.
Stringer, Jackson W. Pvt. died at Bay St. Louis 11-01-61 pneumonia; son of J. F. Stringer.
Stringer, Josiah Pvt. died at Oxford, MS hospital.6-7-62 Unknown Cause.
Tatum, James B. Pvt. (Also Co. D) Listed on last roll Aug. 1864,
Thompson, Benjamin F. (Ensign/Pvt.) reduced; captured at Missionary Ridge.
Thompson, John W. Pvt. /4th Corp. /3rd Lt. WIA Murfreesboro, TN. various hospitals
Thompson, William J. Pvt. discharged Jan. 21, 1862
*Tiddle, J. M. Pvt. POW Gettysburg, probably 11th Miss.
Tubb, Henry Pvt. Transferred to Sharpshooters (See H. Tubb 9th Battn. Miss. S.S)
* Turner, P. D. Corp. POW Selma, AL; in Roddy Cavalry.
*Valentine, Richard E. Pvt. POW Chattahoochee, GA; from Jones Co. Probably 7th Battn.
Wallace, Marion M. Pvt. WIA at Atlanta (Battle of Ezra Church), sent to hospital 7-28-64
Warren, Jesse Jr. Pvt. Sutler; transferred; discharged disability 11-62? (See Warner) (Warren mentioned in Pittman letters, (TJRankin Letter 4/28/62)
*Welborn, Younger Pvt. (Wilbourne) POW Chattahoochie, GA; from Jasper Co.
Whiddon Bennet Pvt. POW Missionary Ridge; from Columbia, MS (Photo)
Whidden, James Pvt. died pneumonia at Henderson, TN 3-24-62
Whiddon, John A. Pvt. died pneumonia 3-18-62 at Chattanooga, TN
Whidden, John Ira Pvt. (John J. and John Q.) (Q should be I.) Discharged for disability 11-28-61 Wilbur, William J. Pvt. *Williams, David Pvt. POW in GA July 3, 1863; From Green Co. 7th Battn.
*Williams, James P. Pvt. Captured in GA July 3, 1863; from State Line, Greene, Co. Miss.
(D) Yarborough, William Pvt. deserted at Bridgeport, AL.
"Franklin Beauregards" Company E 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
This roster has been compiled as a tribute to all the men who served in the "Franklin Beauregards" Co. E 7th Mississippi Infantry, C.S.A. Special tribute goes to my great great grandfather, Lt. Robert Cochran Bethea, M.D. whose story began my search for the regimental history of the “the immortal seventh” as they were referred by their Captain, Daniel H. Parker.
The roster is alphabetized from lists of members found on the roster of Company E located at the MDAH by Mrs. Lena Riley in the "John A. Cato Papers", and was transcribed with the assistance of Lena Riley, Chuck McMains, Debbie Hanson, Barbara Goode, Bob Crook, Shirley Meeter, Ed Godbold, Tony Miller, Ardeth Files, Bob Patterson, and Ron Skellie. Our goal as descendants was to get a complete and accurate roster for this unit of the 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry of the "High Pressure Brigade".
The “Cato” roster was produced after Nov. 1, 1861 and lists the date of enlistment as May 4th (1861) Meadeville, MS. An additional original roster was located in 2007 By George Purvis at the archives for the May 4, 1861 roll. On April 1, 1999 a more complete copy was received from the archives. Several names had been deleted during the difficult task of copying this large document as creases obscured them. However, the missing names were added to the roll. All names that have been added were cross referenced with a complete listing of members of the 7th Mississippi compiled by Dunbar Rowland in 1915. In addition notes have been added based on the research of William (WH), Calvin Phillips (CP), and my fellow researchers.
There are instances where the Rowland spelling is different from the roster spelling. The alternate spelling will be in Parentheses ( ). The names will be listed in alphabetical order with their rank(s) and other units listed. Note: "Company E and H were (Temporarily) consolidated Dec. 26, 1862"
Captains Burch, David Stanton; 2nd Sgt /Capt. Promoted to captain and transferred to 9th Miss. Inf. Dropped Oct. 17, 1864 (See also Stanton D. Burch)
Parker, Daniel Henderson, Captain; he was half brother of Judge Thomas J. Magee. Received a twenty day leave on May 4, 1862, dropped from the roster 5-8-62 and died at home of typhoid fever 5-12-62. (See also H. Parker,Henderson Parker). (JFDiary, pp.19, 48, 97, 158. See also JA Cato letters)
Lieutenants Bethea, Robert Cochran, M.D. 1st Sgt. /2nd Lt., promoted to 1st Lt., not re-elected, dropped from the roster May 8, 1862, discharged 6-12-62, physician. Records indicate that he was discharged on June 26, 1862 as 2nd Lt., Commanding Co. E. by order of Gen'l Withers. Most duty was at Shieldsboro, Hancock Co., Bay St. Louis, MS. He supported to Capt. Parker in May 1862 at Corinth. He was a physician having graduated from Medical College of South Carolina at Charleston 1858. (My grgr grandfather lived in Summit, Pike County, Miss. and later became a druggist & supply preacher in the Methodist Conference. He died in 1913. Family tradition says that he rose to 2nd Lt. because of sickness, wounds, and death of superiors. He came home ill in May of 1862; [John A. Cato Letters and See also Lt.Betheu, JFDiary p. 97, indicates that he was in Tennessee with the regiment prior to and after Shiloh.] (Photo)
Buie, Daniel A.; 1st Lt.; he was not re-elected and dropped May 8-1862; re-enlisted in another company; Physician. [Possibly as Pvt. in 1st Miss. Light Artillery]
Cato, John Archibald “Archie” 3rd Lt. /Jr. 2nd Lt. he was not re-elected and dropped May 8, 1862 in reorganization. Joined 2nd Miss. Militia, Camp Guard Camp of Instruction, Brookhaven, MS; later joined 4th Cav. and was killed at Harrisburg, Miss. (John A. Cato Papers MDAH, Cato Letters-Steele Family; His letters and other papers, including an original roster of the Company from November 1, 1861, were invaluable in our research. RJS) (see JFDiary p. 14) (See also Cate)
Harrigill, Henry J. M. Pvt. /2nd. Lt. Killed at Murfreesboro, TN Dec. 31, 1862 (also spelled Harrigil) [Appointed 2nd Lt. June 26, 1862]
*Hairs, I. N. [Havis, Isaac]
Havis, Isaac L. 5th Sgt/2nd Lt. wounded at Murfreesboro; and discharged. Dropped Jan. 19, 1864; Enlisted in Co. D 20th Cav. (see also J. L. Havis, I. N. Havis, I.D. Havis, J.N. Havis and Hairs)
Lee, James Alexander; Pvt. /1st Lt. Transferred from Co. A then to C, then Co. E; Dropped from roster May 23, 1864. Later joined Co. B 23rd Cav. (Also listed as S. A. Lee.)
Parker, W. H. Pvt. /2nd Lt., became Sgt. Major; WIA/POW at Murfreesboro; exchanged.
Wharton, Wiley W. 2nd Lt. Resigned 31 Oct. 1861
Shurtleff, Oren Gustavus. 1st Corp, 2nd Lt. died at Chattanooga, TN., diarrhea 3-10-62 (Also spelled Shurtliff, Shertliff, and sometimes listed as Orin G.; Listed as Oren V. on May 4, 1861 roster). (See Jonathan Newman Family History-Moffett). [His brother, Orlando Vere Shurtleff, was an Asst. Surgeon in the CSA. captured at Peachtree Creek in July 1864; later released and survived the war to practice in Meadeville, Franklin County]
Stewart, George 3rd Sgt/1st Sgt. 2nd Lt. Medal of Honor Murfreesboro; transferred to 3rd Conf. Engineers (See Sapper and Miner Corps.)
Non-Commissioned Officers Cupit, Daniel A. 3rd Corp. WIA at Shiloh and captured on Tennessee River (Missionary Ridge), died in union prison. (Relative-Bob Patterson) Cupit, Thomas W., Corp. /Pvt. (Relative-Bob Patterson)
Flowers, Graham H. [Havis?], Corp. /Pvt. discharged 8-20-61; enlisted in Co. I 14th Conf. Cav. (See Graham A. (WH))
*Hairs, J. T. [Havis]
Havis, Julius Thomas 4th Sgt., captured and exchanged in KY; surrendered in NC. [surrender at High Point, NC; paroled at Greensboro, NC 1865 Corp. Co. A 9th Consolidated Miss.] (See Co. H 7th Miss. Co. E and H were combined at times) (Married Martha Jane Webb, daughter of Kinchen Richard Webb, Jr. Capt. of Co. D 33rd Miss. Inf. who was the brother of James H. Webb and Charles Rhodes Webb who were married to Mary Griffin and Laney Griffin respectively, sisters of my grgr grandfather Young F. Griffin 1st Sgt. 3rd Miss. Cav. State Troops) (photo)
Knapp, Benjamin Dibble, Jr., Pvt. /Corp. Listed on last roll 8-1864. Surrendered NC; JACato Letters
McMillan, Thomas J. 2nd Corp., disability discharge 11-15-61; enlisted in 2nd Militia (Quinn’s)
Meredith, Henry G. 2nd Corp. [May 4, 1861 roster]
Raney, Joseph W. Pvt. /Corp., died at Atlanta 12-29-63 unknown cause
Scott, James A “Alvarado” Pvt. became Sgt. Major; KIA at Shiloh (F&S) died May 10, 1862. [source Ray Scott][Mentioned in JACato Letters]
Scott, Rutilius Kenyon "Root" Pvt /1st Sgt.WIA at Murfreesboro; [JFDiary-possibly Reuben Scott or misnamed or mispronounced “Reub” vs “Root”, p. 170; also mentioned in H.A. McLaurin Letters and John A. Cato Letters; (Alt. spelling Ruttilius)]
Shirley, J. W. Corp. (See John W. Shearley, 27th Miss. Inf.)
Smith, James M. Pvt.; paid as Sgt. 1862, “dead”
Smith, Perry G. 4th Corp, WIA at Atlanta, surrendered at Citronelle, AL.
Webb, Alexander Hamilton “Ham” Pvt. became 1st Sgt. WIA and leg amputated at Atlanta, died. [son of Kinchen Richard Webb Jr. (Capt. Co. D 33rd Miss. Inf.) and Margaret P. Magee. His father was a farmer in 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi. He appeared on the census in 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi.-rjs] (See also Alexander C Soldiers and Sailors) [“Died Aug. 4, 1864 after right thigh primary amputation July 28, 1864” Medical and Surgical records of the Civil War, Index !, Vol. XI, P. 271.]
Alphabetical Listing (Pvt. unless noted) Ables, Obediah S. Pvt., not mustered, joined 2nd Militia (Quinn’s); received Arkansas pension.
Adams, Littleton Pvt. from another company, various hospitals; had six children.
Arnold, William Pvt. (not listed by (WH), but on roll at MDAH-Rowland and Cato roster)
Bailey, Benjamin Franklin Pvt. under 18, captured on Tenn. River Missionary Ridge.
Beck, Solomon J. Pvt. Discharged 8-20-62; Transferred to Co. A
Bedford, David Monroe Pvt. discharged as under age Conscript Act, 10-25-62, joined Youngblood’s Signal Corps; and later Power’s Cavalry.
Bethea, Robert Cochran, M.D. 1st Sgt. /2nd Lt., promoted to 1st Lt., not re-elected, dropped from the roster May 8, 1862, discharged 6-12-62, physician. (My grgr grandfather-RJS.) (Photo)
Blue, John D. Pvt. discharged for disability 7-23-62; enlisted in Co. F 4th Cavalry. (Check 9th Miss. Battn SS-Blue mentioned in BFWilkinson letter)
Bonds, Alexander H. Pvt. not mustered; joined Co. D 33rd Miss.
Brock, C. P. Pvt. discharged as under age-Conscript Act-10-02-62; enlisted in 18th Miss. and 28th Cav.
Buie, Daniel A. 1st Lt., not re-elected dropped May 8-1862, re-enlisted in another company. Physician.
Buie, J. A. Pvt. died at Hazelhurst, MS of measles 6-7-62.
Buie, Joseph Paisley, Pvt. Artificer, transferred to Joe Wheeler's Cav. (See also Bine-JFDiary p. 24)
Burch, David Stanton; 2nd Sgt. /Capt. Promoted to captain and transferred to 9th Miss. Inf. Dropped Oct. 17, 1864 (See also Stanton D. Burch)
Burke, Thomas W. Pvt. captured and died in the hands of the enemy in KY 11-13-62. [Bardstown Cemetery reports date of death as 10-31-1862]
*Byrd, Roan Pvt. (Rowland List only)
Calcote, David B. Pvt. discharged as under age, Conscript Act 12-3-62; enlisted in Co. G Powers Cavalry
Calcote, Willis M. Pvt., Listed on last roll Aug. 1864. (Calcot) [JFDiary p. 37]
Carey, Franklin Pvt., not mustered
Carlock, William Thomas J. Pvt. transferred to Co. K
Cato, John Archibald “Archie” 3rd Lt. /Jr. 2nd Lt. Not re-elected and dropped May 8, 1862. Joined 2nd Miss. Militia; served as camp guard Camp of Instruction at Brookhaven, MS; joined 4th Cav. and was killed at Harrisburg, Miss. July 14, 1864. (JFDiary p. 14) (See also CATE)
Chapman, Thomas Pvt. not mustered and enlisted in another company.
Cobb, Elbert F. (Franklin) Pvt. discharged for sickness. Enlisted in 14th Cav.; 20th Cav.
Cobb, J.M., Joseph M. Pvt. WIA at Chickamauga [“was wounded in left eye”-HAM; surrendered at Citronelle, AL.]
Cobb, William C. Pvt.; Captured in TN (Missionary Ridge); paroled 23 May 1865 in New Orleans, LA. [McLaurin Letter Dec. 2, 1863.]
Crabtree, Fredrick H.P. Pvt. killed at Murfreesboro, TN.
Crosby, George McD[ ]. Pvt. Transf. to Co. A
Cupit, Daniel A. 3rd Corp. WIA at Shiloh and captured on Tennessee River (Missionary Ridge), died in union prison. (Relative-Bob Patterson) Cupit, Isaac D. Pvt., WIA Shiloh; KIA at Resaca, GA (Relative-Bob Patterson)
Cupit, James R. Pvt. discharged for disability 11-11-62; enlisted in 23rd Conf. Cav. (Relative-Bob Patterson)
Cupit, Thomas W. Corp. /Pvt. (WH) (Relative-Bob Patterson)
Cupit, William Rutledge Pvt. KIA Murfreesboro; had four children; [Relative-Bob Patterson]; possible nickname “Dock”.
Currie, Alexander Pvt. Listed on last roll Aug. 1864
Currie, Neil D. Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro; Wounded and captured on the Tenn. River [Missionary Ridge] [See 3 U.S. Vol. Inf. (Federal) Neil D. Currie] [McLaurin Letter Dec. 2, 1863.]
Darsey, Benjamin M. Pvt. died of measles at Shieldsboro, Hancock Co., MS 10-31-61.
Darsey, Francis H. transferred to 2nd Militia; 4th Power’s Cav.
Davidson, E. B. Pvt. POW Jonesboro, GA.; Exchanged
Dean, Thomas Pvt. Transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. Sharpshooters and Co. D 33rd Miss.
Dew, William Pvt, Captured at Marietta, GA
Dorsey, Francis H. Pvt. (See Darsey)
Emfinger, Ephraim, pvt. Listed on last roll 8-1864; lost leg at Jonesboro, GA; surrendered at Citronelle, AL [“primary amputation of the middle 3rd of leg Aug. 31st, 1864”Medical amd Surgical Records of the Civil War, Vol. I Index, Vol.XII, p. 491, Case 888.]
Flowers, Graham H. (Havis?) Corp. /Pvt. discharged 8-20-61; enlisted in Co. I 14th Conf. Cav. (See Graham A. Flowers (WH)
Flowers, Joseph G. Pvt. discharged 8-24-62(Sub.); joined cavalry (see also J. D. Flowers)
Flowers, Thos. W. Pvt. (F&S) resigned as Chaplain in 1862
*Freeman, Hal [3rd Drummer, F&S] shown as drummer at Shieldsboro; company unknown [possibly Company A, E, K if he was related to the Freeman men from Franklin County and Amite who were in companies A and K since all were from Franklin County, and one man from Company C from Amite County. [See William H. Freeman, Co. A]
Gammill, Benjamin F. Pvt., discharged 1-23-62; transferred to 3rd Conf. Engineers; born Lewis, Stone Co., AL (See also Gamil)
Godbold, James F. Pvt. discharged Oct. 29, 1861
Godbold, Thomas W. [Whitfield] Pvt.; listed on last roll Aug. 1864; surrendered Citronelle; paroled Jackson. [Married Mary Ann Cato, sister of John A. Cato, Lt. Co. E]
Grim, James A.; Pvt. not mustered (See Grimes)
Guice, Daniel Higdon Pvt. discharged 11-11-62; from hospital Nov-Dec. 1862; died 1906.
Harrigill, Henry J. M. Pvt. / 2nd. Lt. Killed at Murfreesboro, TN Dec. 31, 1862 (also spelled Harrigil) [Appointed 2nd Lt. June 26, 1862]
Harter, George Pvt. (May be George W. Horton Co. H- (WH)
*[Hairs, J. N.] (See Isaac L., Isaac Newton Havis)
Havis, Isaac L. “Ike” 5th Sgt/2nd Lt. wounded at Murfreesboro; and discharged. Dropped Jan. 19, 1864; Enlisted in Co. D 20th Cav. (see also I.N. Havis/Hairs, Isaac Newton Havis, I.D. Havis, J.N. Havis and Hairs)
Havis, Julius Thomas 4th Sgt., captured and exchanged in KY; surrendered in NC. (See Co. H 7th Miss. Co. E and H were combined at times) Surrender at High Point, NC; paroled at Greensboro, NC 1865 as Corp. with Co. A 9th Miss. Consolidated) (photo)
*Horton, George W. Pvt. (May be George W. Horton Co. H-(WH)
Howard. William L. Pvt. WIA and captured at Murfreesboro, TN; discharged for wounds. (See also William G. H. Howard Co. F)
Hutto, Lewis Pvt. Discharged for sore leg 12-20-61; enlisted in Co. E 24th Cav.[Discharge papers held by Caro relative-Steele]
Imes, George W. Pvt., transferred to Co. A; and killed at Murfreesboro, TN Dec. 30, 1862, Born VA. (See also Co F, Lt.) (See also Innes); [Incorrectly identified as “G. W. Jones” in B.F. Johns OR Casualty report transcription-Murfreesboro]
*Innes, G. W. (See Imes)
Irwin, William N. Pvt. discharged Oct. 30, 1861
Jackson, Gilbert A. Pvt. Discharged; enlisted in Co. D 33rd Miss.
Jackson, Nathan R. Pvt. joined another company
Jennings, James Pvt. discharged by Conscript Act 11-17-62
Johnson, Caleb L. Pvt. died in Jackson, TN. March 22, 1862, unknown cause.
Johnson, Pinkney F. Pvt. died of measles at Shieldsboro, Hancock Co., MS 10-4-61.
Johnson, William. Pvt. WMIA Murfreesboro, died of wounds.
Jones, Daniel W. Pvt. Died;6-1-62 heart disease
[Jones, George W.] (See Imes, George W., Pvt. Incorrectly identified as Jones in B.F. Johns OR Casualty report transcription.)
Jones, John W. Pvt. transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. S. S.
Jones, Thomas Tallifero Pvt. died of typhoid April 18, 1862. Son of Thomas Jones, Brookhaven, MS
Kelsey, Nathaniel B. Pvt. died diarrhea 5 -25-62
Knapp, Benjamin Dibble, Jr. Pvt. /Corp. Listed on last roll 8-1864. Surrendered NC [JACato Letters]
Kyle, Alfred D. Pvt.; Killed on picket duty, Corinth, MS. [April-May 1862] [JACato Letters]
Lazarus, Barnabus P., Pvt.; sent to various hospitals, overstayed leave in 1864
Lazarus, Edward Pepkin, Pvt. , not mustered; enlisted Co. D 33rd Miss.
Lazarus, Nicholas Pvt., not mustered; enlisted Co. D 33rd Miss.
Lee, David William Pvt., discharged 7-20-62; joined 14th Conf. Cav.
Lee, James Alexander Pvt.1st Lt.; transferred from Company A to Co. C, and Co. E; dropped from roster May 23, 1864. (Also listed as S. A. Lee); Later joined Co. B 23rd Cav.
Lee, Needham W. Pvt. discharged for rheumatism. Forty three years old. (See Needham W. Magee)
Linder, Absolum B. Pvt., not mustered; joined Co. D 33rd Miss.
Lofton, Perry Pvt. overstayed leave in 1864 (See Loftin)
Lofton, Samuel Pvt. not mustered; joined Artillery (See Loftin)
Lofton, William A. Pvt (See Loftin) discharged for rheumatism 8-24-62
Lofton, Zachariah Pvt.; transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS. (See Zach Lofton)
Long, Samuel G. Pvt.; transferred from Co. K; discharged as under age, Conscript Act 12-3-62
Love, John A. Pvt. WIA Chickamauga “slightly in knee”-McLaurin Letters; Listed on last roll 8-64
Luckett, Robert D. Pvt. KIA at Shiloh.
McCaa, Charles Pvt. Sent to hospital; joined Co. G 23rd Cav. (Also served in Co. A and K); [Injured in Ponchatoula RR Collision JACato letter; Lost gun at Shiloh “Co E JJ. McCaa left his in wagon & never got it”-RJS]
McCaa, Joseph J. Pvt.; listed on the last roll 8-64 (Post war photo)
McDaniel, John Walker "Walk" Pvt. Dropped as ill; joined Co. E 23rd Cav.
McFarland, Elias Pvt. not mustered; joined 2nd Militia (Quinn’s) (See Elijah)
McIntire, Daniel Pvt.; discharged at Rome, GA 4-18-63; (probably from wounds received at Murfreesboro-RJS) born in Jefferson Co., MS (see McIntyre)
[McLaurin, Frank “Uncle Frank”] Servant/cook for H. A. McLaurin; died of disease Nov. 10, 1862 at Tullahoma, TN. H. A. McLaurin Letter Collection,
McLaurin, H. A. “Arch” “Mac” [Hugh Archibald McLaurin] Pvt. Cpl. WIA at Shiloh and Resaca; to hospital [H. A. McLaurin Letter Collection, Wisconsin Historical Society (March 1862-April 1864); listed as “killed” by D.S. Burch in his post war Questionnaire]
McMillan, Calvin E. Pvt. (See Calern) discharged June 22, 1862; joined Co. G 14th Conf. Cav.
McMillan, Thomas J. 2nd Corp., disability discharge 11-15-61; enlisted in 2nd Militia (Quinn’s)
Magee, Needham W. Pvt. (discharged 8-24-62 –Phillips) (See Needham W. Lee)
Magee, Theodore Frelinhysen Pvt. died of typhoid 5-27-62
Magee, Thomas J. Pvt. discharged Conscript Act 12-4-62; elected as Probate judge
Martin, Lafayette Pvt. died of pneumonia at Murfreesboro, TN.12-20-62
Meredith, Henry G. 2nd Corp. [May 4, 1861 roster]
Middleton, Edward L Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro; to hospital 18 Oct. 1864, Augusta, GA (By this date the wound could have been a result of additional injuries at Jonesboro.)
Middleton, Levi G. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh and died of wounds
Middleton, Levy E. Pvt. M/WIA at Murfreesboro; died in the hands of the enemy.
Middleton, Napoleon F. Pvt. overstayed leave in 1864
*[Moore, W. W. Killed per D. S. Burch post war Questionaire; William Walter Moore of Co. C survived the war so this is another man or Burch made a mistake; does not appear on any rolls.]
Murray, Tilman H. Pvt. WIA at Resaca and sent to hospital
Newman, Oscar S. Pvt. discharged in 8-24-62; joined Co K. 1st Miss. Arty. (Newman-Moffett)
Newman, John McCollum Pvt. Half brother to J. F. Sessions Co. K. (Newman-Moffett)
*Newton, R. P. Pvt. in siege of Vicksburg; killed, probably 7th Battn. Miss. Inf.
Nolan, Aaron Pvt. Captured at Kennesaw Mountain, GA (See 6th U.S. Vol.)
Oliver, Nathan Pvt. Not mustered, “dead” (See 21st Miss. died in VA.) (Enlisted Co. C, 21st Miss. as a private, went to Virginia and the entire company enlisted "for the war" Sept 15, 1861. Nathan reached the rank of 3rd Corporal and is shown in the General Hospital, Orange Co. Courthouse, March 19, 1862 with mumps. He died March 29, 1862 Orange Co. Courthouse Hospital of pneumonia per email George Purvis.)
Parker, Daniel Henderson Captain; half brother of Judge Thomas J. Magee. Received a twenty day leave on May 4, 1862, dropped from the roster 5-8-62 and died at home of typhoid fever 5-12-62. (See also H. Parker, Henderson Parker). (JFDiary, pp.19, 48, 97, 158. See also JA Cato letters)
Parker, W. H. Pvt. /2nd Lt., became Sgt. Major; WIA/POW at Murfreesboro; exchanged.
Pickering, Gabriel Pvt. discharged or died in late 1861
Porter, Nicholas Clifton Pvt.WIA at Shiloh; died April 25, 1862 at City General Hospital in St. Louis, MO of wounds in Yankee hands. “Porter was wounded in the abdomen on the right wing @ 9 am, April 7. His records indicate gunshot or bomb shell wounds while the hospital record indicates bomb shell.”
Prather, Mathew C. Pvt. died at home Mar. 23, 1863
Price, Daniel R. Pvt. transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. S.S.
Raney, Joseph W. Pvt. /Corp.; died at Atlanta 12-29-63 unknown cause.
Reim, John M. Pvt., Not mustered (See Reem)
Renfrow, Moses Pvt. died in Tennessee 10-23-62 unknown cause; (See Renfro). According to information received from George Martin from transcribed undertaker’s records, at Bethel Cemetery Knoxville, Tn: “10-23-62 -- Renfro, M., Co. E, listed on page 55 “.
Renfrow, William Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. C 21st Miss.)
Rialls, John A. “Aaron” Pvt. WIA Shiloh. Shot in head ; left arm and left hand; discharged; 7-23-62. Born Copiah, Co. (See also Rials) [There's no mention of a head wound in his records as suggested by (WH), he was “wounded in the arm and hand at Shiloh at 8 A.M. April 6 on the right wing.” He received a disability discharge on July 23, 1862. Dr. Buie's report indicates a loss of use in his left hand. Apparently this was the end of his military service-Mitch Sanders email 10-14-2008]
Rials, Jesse, Pvt.; Not mustered; Joined Co D 33rd Miss. born Marion Co. MS (See Co. A, F and D)
Robinson, John W. Pvt. captured at Tennessee River, Missionary Ridge (See Robertson)
(D) Rushin(g), Dempsy B. Pvt., adroitly fell behind and deserted at Harrodsburg, KY
Rushin(g), James. M Pvt. , WIA Chickamauga “slightly in left arm”; left on line of march Aug. 30, 1864 during movement from Atlanta and Battle of Jonesboro, captured and died in enemy hands Oct. 25, 1864 diarrhea in GA.
Rushin(g), James R. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro (CP) Munfordville (WH), and Chickamauga; lost use of arm.
Rushing, Wiley Pvt. discharged 8-24-62; joined 33rd Miss.; drew pension; (See Co. H 33rd Miss.; See also Evan C. Rushing Co. E 33rd Miss.)
Sauls, Christopher Pvt., not mustered (See Sawls-4 May 1861 roster)
Scott, A. J. Pvt. [See James A. Scott]
Scott, James A. “Alvarado” Pvt. became Sgt. Major; KIA at Shiloh (F&S) died May 10, 1862. [See also Ray Scott][Mentioned in JACato Letters]; [listed as A. J. Scott by D. S. Burch post war questionnaire]
Scott, Rutilius Kenyon "Root" Pvt. /1st Sgt.WIA at Murfreesboro; became 1st Sgt. (JFDiary-possibly Reuben Scott or misnamed or mispronounced “Reub” vs “Root”, mentioned on p. 170; also mentioned in H.A. McLaurin Letters and JACato Letters)
Scott, Samuel L. Pvt.; transferred to Co. A 7th Miss. WIA Murfreesboro, Kennesaw Mountain (and Atlanta), lost leg, discharged 9-22-64 and sent home.
Seale, Joseph Pvt. (F&S) Chief Musician Listed on last Roll Aug-1864
Seale, Paschal H. Pvt. discharged12-20-61; joined Co. B 14th Conf. Cav. [Copy of discharge request is in the Cato Papers, Jim Steele Collection]
Sermons, John Washington, pvt.; died of typhoid fever at Corinth, MS 4-18-62 (See also Sirman,Serman, Simons, Suman)
Sermons, Jonathan, Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro and Chickamauga “through both thighs”- H.A. McLaurin Letters (See also Sirman, Sermans, Sermon, Simons, Suman)
Shirley, J. W. Corp. (See John W. Shearley 27th Miss. Inf.)
Short, George P. Pvt.; not mustered; joined Co. B 14th Conf. Cav.
Shurtleff, Oren Gustavus. 1st Corp, 2nd Lt. died at Chattanooga, TN., diarrhea 3-10-62 (Also spelled Shurtliff, Shertliff. and sometimes listed as Orin G.; Listed as Oren V. on May 4, 1861 roster). (See Jonathan Newman Family History-Moffett.
*[Shurtleff, Oren V. (See Shurtleff, Oren G.) His brother was Orlando Vere Shurtleff] Sirman, John W. Pvt. (See also Sermons, Serman, Simons)
Sirman, Jonathan Pvt. (See also Sermons, Serman, Simons)
Smith, Baalam Pvt.WIA Munfordville, KY; Listed on last roll 8-64; surrendered Citonelle, AL; paroled at Jackson, MS.
Smith, Everett Pvt. WIA Chickamauga, “struck with a spent ball but he is back again able for duty “-HAM; in hospital on last roll.
Smith, Granberry Pvt. died of typhoid in Tennessee.
Smith, James M. Pvt.; paid as Sgt. 1862, “dead” (See also Company C)
Smith, John Jacob Pvt. WIA at Munfordville and Captured in KY and exchanged; captured on Tennessee River -Missionary Ridge- and exchanged. (See Jacob or John Jacob)
Smith, Nicholas Pvt. WIA at Shiloh “supposed to be dead”
Smith, Perry G. 4th Corp. WIA at Atlanta, surrendered at Citronelle, AL.
Smith. Theodore Pvt. Captured in KY and exchanged; enlisted Co. K 1st Miss. Arty.
Smith, William J. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh “supposed to be dead” (See Arnold and Newton Smith Co. H; article about train wreck)
Spring, George Washington Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro Dec. 31, 1862; “WIA at Chickamauga ‘in right arm” and (Chattahoochee?) on July 5, 1864 by ‘shock of bomb shell’ [Indigent Soldier Application]”; Listed on last roll 8-1864; died 1908. [Relative: Shirley Spring Meter].
Stewart, George 3rd Sgt/1st Sgt. 2nd Lt. Medal of Honor Murfreesboro; transferred to 3rd Conf. Engineers (See Sapper and Miner Corps.)
Stovall, William A. Pvt. discharged 8-26-62; Co E 24th Cav; born Hinds Co.
Stringer, Charles E. Pvt.; transferred to Co. D 19th Miss.; died in VA.
Tarver, Dempsey Pvt. died at Shieldsboro, MS of measles 10-4-61.
Tarver, James Pvt. not mustered (See Co. D 33rd Miss.)
Tarver, Reason E. Pvt. died at Tullahoma, TN. of pneumonia 11-17-62. Tullahoma Confederate Cemetery inscription: “Tarver, Reason E. Pvt. Co E, 11/17/1862”
Thetford, Preston Pvt. discharged 2-1-62; not mustered (See Thedford)
Thornhill, James M. Pvt. KIA at Murfreesboro, TN. [“Pvt. James M. Thornhill of Company E was killed in action (gunshot) December 31, 1862 at Murfreesboro, TN ‘in the second charge, 300 yards in front of the breastworks.’ His age is not noted in his service records.” Mitch Sanders]
Webb, Alexander Hamilton “Ham”. Pvt. became 1st Sgt. WIA Ezra Church and leg amputated at Atlanta, later died; [“Died Aug. 4, 1864 after right thigh primary amputation July 28, 1862” Medical and Surgical Records of the Civil War, Index 1, Vol. XI, P. 271.]; (Son of Kinchen Richard Webb Jr., Capt. Co. D 33rd Miss. Infantry and Margaret P. Magee. His father was a farmer in 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi. He appeared on the census in 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi. He was twin brother of John L. Webb; their sister Mary Jane married Julius T. Havis, Co. E; see also John W. F. Webb & Alexander C.)
Webb, John W. F. Pvt. not mustered; joined Co B 14th Conf. Cav. [son of Kinchen Richard Webb Jr. (Capt. Co. D 33rd Miss. Inf.) and Margaret P. Magee. His father was a farmer in 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi. He appeared on the census in 1850 in Amite County, Mississippi. Twin brother of Alexander Hamilton Webb, Co. E; Their sister Mary Jane married Julius T. Havis, Co. E; (See also John L. Webb); also listed as John F. Webb, May 4, 1861 roster).
Wekbam, John Pvt. At Macon, GA hospital for gunshot wound of arm; resided in Mobile, AL.
Wentworth, William M. Pvt. discharged; elected sheriff; from a book we found a pass that Wentworth had given one of his former slaves to get through the lines of the Union garrison at Natchez” “Permit my servant, Joyse, to pass to the city of Natchez, and circumambulate the streets, and cross over into the state of Louisiana, drive all the beef cattle out of Texas, and jump into the Gulf of Mexico, swim across and return home, if she sees proper./s/ William M. Wentworth Sheriff, Jul 4 1866” (WH)
Wharton, George Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro and captured; exchanged
Wharton, Wiley W. 2nd Lt. Resigned 31 Oct. 1861
Whittington, Lender J. Pvt.; transferred to Co. K WIA Murfreesboro and captured; (See Co. A, Leander)
Williams, Aaron J. Pvt. died at Oxford, MS of typhoid May 10, 1862
Wright, Thomas A. Pvt. Present on last roll Aug 1864 [Buried at Beauvoir per Bob Wright, descendant]
"Jeff Davis Sharp Shooters" Company D 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
The “Captain Hamilton Mayson” Muster of August 1861 was used as the foundation for the complete roster of Company D. The muster indicated that most had enlisted between May 4 and July 30, 1861, in Columbia Mississippi. An additional roll divulged that this company mustered in Holmesville, Mississippi. Records of Marion County, Mississippi; Vol. IV; Compiled by E. Russ Williams, Jr. P.O. Box 1074, Bogalusa, Louisiana 70427. See Muster Rolls, Series L, Vol. 8 & 9, Regular Army of Tennessee, Mississippi Department of Archives and History, Jackson. Enlistment Period May 4 thru July 30, 1861. Using this roster as a foundation, names have been compared to the master roster of the 7th Mississippi compiled by Dunbar Rowland for the MDAH, William Hadskey’s roster (WH) prepared from the Compiled Military Records, and the Calvin Phillips (CP) records also compiled from the CMR as well as the OR Supplement and other research by (Ron Skellie). Many men in Company D and F were mentioned in the “Job Foxworth Diary” (JFDiary) and the page numbers are included in their entry.
Captains Mayson, Hamilton, Captain, 29, [James Hamilton Mayson] later Lt. Colonel. Discharged. May 1862; Z. M. Lea Letter, Shiloh Battle; [JFDiary (Mayson, _____ 15, 16, 17, 56, 117, 153, 157, 158, 188; (Mayson) , Col. 16, Mayson, Col 18,19, 30, 33, 34, 44, 48, 80, 91, 92, 100, 106, 118, 134, 143, 150, 152, 153, 158, 166, 170,187, 188, 191; Mayson, H. Lt. Col. 5 ] (Photo)
Pope, Henry 1st. Lieut., 27, [Capt], promoted to Major. WIA Franklin, TN. Listed on Last roll 8-64. (See JFDiary Pope, Capt. 59, 76, 77, 93, 95, 113, 123, 133, 154, 168; Pope, Henry 40) (See also pp 55-56)
Webb, William T (Thomas), 16 1st Lt. Became Captain [W.T. Webb, Capt.], received leave in 1864. (See JFDiary-Messmate of Foxworth-Thomas Webb) [brother of Albert G. and Henry W. “Wash” Webb]
Lieutenants Foxworth, Frank W., 2nd. Lieut., 28, did not leave with the company [Franklin W., 1st lt.] (See JFDiary pp. 6-7) later joined 12th Miss., came home sick, Brother of Job and George Foxworth.
Foxworth, Jobias Mithias “Job or Jobe” 20, Promoted to 2nd Lt. Not re-elected [2nd. Lt. dropped May 8, 1862] Brother of Frank and George Foxworth. Wrote Job Foxworth Diary (Source for much of the details of the spring of 1862-RJS) (Photo)
Rankin, Samuel E., 5th Sergt., 21, 2nd Lt [ 1st Lt.], (see also Edward Rankin-JFDiary-was at Camp Lovell, Feb. 23, 1862, pp.33, 56, 73, 81)WIA Murfreesboro, and Jonesboro, GA 8-31-64; bro. of Capt. William J. Rankin, and Lt. Thomas J. Rankin Co. F]
Watts, Arthur T., 3rd Lieut., 24 [2nd Lt], did not leave with Company; joined 12th Miss. (See P6 JFDiary)
[Warren, William, 2nd lt.] (See William Warren, Jr. Co. H, Pvt. and 1st Sgt.; Trans. to Co. H; then back to D)
Non-Commissioned Officers Barnes, Daniel T., 2nd. Sergt., 24 , did not leave with the company
Brakefield , James E., 4th. Sergt., 21, discharged at Tupelo, MS 7-2-62
Bryant, John C. surrendered as 2nd Sgt. at NC (WH) (See also Briant-RJS) (JFDiary p. 191)
Foxworth , George W., 1st. Corp. , 25, did not leave with the company, later joined 12th Miss. Inf. (See JFDiary p7) died <Jan. 1862 in Richmond, VA, buried at Home place Brother of Job and Frank Foxworth.
Gardener, Berry [See Gardner, Perry; see Garner, Berry or Benny M.]
Gardner, Perry M., 4th. Corp., 26, Listed on last roll 8/64. [See also Gardener, Berry or Benny M. Garner, and B.M. Gardener, JFDiary]
Garner, Berry or Benny M.; [See Gardner and Gardener, Perry M.]
Holloway, Thomas H., 3rd. Corp., 40, did not leave with the company
Holloway, Thomas P., Pvt. /Corp.
Pittman, John “Snap”, 1st Sgt., 26, discharged 2/62 for disease of the lungs 5-14-62-Phillips Joined 21st Miss.–G.Purvis (See JFDairy pp 33-35, 56, 71.) WIA at Chickamauga Sep. 19, 1863.[His sister, Mary L. Pittman was the wife of Lt. Col. James Hamilton Mayson, formerly captain of Co. D 7th Miss.] (photo)
Rankin, William J. Jr. 22, 5th Sgt. Killed at Shiloh, [time]
Robertson, William L., 1st Corp. died of typhoid pneumonia March 12, 1862; JFDiary pp. 56-57 “typhoid pneumonia” at Jackson, TN. “Inventory, he left the following effects. One watch, ten dollars in money, the whole valued at $40.00. His wife claimed and received his effects. (s) Henry Pope, Capt. Co D 7th. Miss. Regt. Saltillo, Miss., July 28, 1862"
Welch, Samuel 3rd. Sgt., 30, did not leave with Company; later joined 12th Miss., (JFDiary See p.6). Records indicate he joined Co. E 16th Miss.)
Alphabetical Listing (Pvt. unless noted) Applewhite, Elisha 26, WIA Ezra Church July 28, 1864, to hospital (JFDiary)
Antony, John 18; WIA Shiloh; disch. 10-10-62, Conscription Act under age. (JF Diary) (See also Anthony) Antony, Joseph 54, Discharged Oct.1, 1862, Conscription Act, Natchidoches, LA (See also Anthony)
Barnes, F. Bay St. Louis 11-9-61 Disability
Barnes, Thomas 19, discharged 4-2-62 DEA-Phillips, 3Apr. 1863-(WH) (See F. Barnes)
Barnes, John R. 18; discharged 10-25-62 Conscription Act as underage; joined Co. I 7th Regt.; brother to Jacob Pope Barnes who was Circuit Clerk.
Barnett, James A., apparently left with another company (WH)
Barnett, James E. 35, shown on leave when the company left.
Baxter, Joseph 20, disability Discharge 10/20/61
Blackburn, Gabriel F. 34, apparently left with another company; [With regiment in Henderson, TN Mar. 1862 (JFDiary, p. 137)
Blackburn, Irwin 20, apparently left with another company.
Brakefield, (James) Madison 24, WIA at Munfordville, KY, POW KY, exchanged, WIA at Missionary Ridge 11-25-64 to hospital (See JFDiary) (See also Brakfield)
Brakefield, Walter A. 17, WIA at Shiloh, died in the hands of the enemy 4-24-62 (See also Brakfield) JFDiary P. 35; assigned to Hoskins Artillery aboard steamer Oregon)
Branch, H. W. died at Hazelhurst, MS, unknown cause 5-12-62, son of John Branch
Branch, Jesse Killed at Shiloh (WH) (See Jesse Bryant-Rowland and Phillips)
Bryant, Jesse, KIA Shiloh(CP) (See Jesse Branch)
Bryant, John C. surrendered as 2nd Sgt. at NC (WH) (See Briant-RJS) (JFDiary p. 191)
Bryant, L.F. died unknown cause 11-1-1861 (sick Nov. Dec. 1861-See T. S. Bryant-(WH)) (See also L.S. Briant, alive 2/1862 JFDiary) (Possibly confused with Columbus Bryant of Co. F. who died Nov. 1, 1861)
Bryant, T. S. died at Guntown, MS of typhoid July 1862 L. S. Briant, alive February 1862 JFDiary
Buchanan, William S. discharged as under age; reenlisted; WIA Chickamauga and at Ezra Church 7-28-64 Born. Abbeville, SC. (WH)
Bullock, Thomas J. 22, never mustered (See Co. E 33rd Miss.)
Burke, William (See Burkett)
Burkett, William (See also Burke), Surrendered at NC
Burrow, Elfred 18, (See Alfred), disch. at Tupelo, MS 7-2-62
Burt, Elijah 30, WIA at Murfreesboro, and Resaca, GA 5-14-64 to hosp. (See also Elijah Bert-JFDiary p. 134, 136) (Photo)
Burt, D. (Sick at Okalona, MS (WH))
Campbell, Benjamin F., Captured at Marietta, GA; from Lawrence County (photo)
Campbell, F. M., Missing July 9, 1864 (Check letters Chattahoochee Missing)
Connerly, Stephen, died Covington, GA 6-19-64 [half-bro. of Jackson Conerly Co. F. [See also Connelly]
Cook, Abishaba 25, WIA Murfreesboro, surrendered NC (See also Cork, Abissa, Corp. Cork-JFDiary pp. 56-57, 59, 116) Cook, Benjamin 21, WIA Murfreesboro, and Atlanta 7-22-64, to hospital.
Cook, Elisha [lost guns at Shiloh-“Elisha Cook detailed as nurse & lost his gun”-RJS]
Cooper, Benjamin 21, WIA Shiloh, discharged 28 Nov. 1862 (1-4-63-Phillips)
Creel, Isahiah 19, did not leave with company
Creel, Jeptha C. 22, WIA Medal of Honor Murfreesboro, KIA Ezra Church Atlanta, GA (See also Crull)
Davis, Seborn 18, discharged and re-enlisted in Co. F 7th Miss. WIA Chickamauga (See also Zaborn, Seaborn) Listed on last roll 8/1864
Egan, R. sick Nov. 1861
Evans, James T. 20, died of measles at Bay St. Louis, 10-12-61 [see J. A. Evans]
Evans, Thomas A. 20, transferred to Sharpshooters (9th Battn. Miss. SS), Captured at Dalton, GA. (See AFDavis and GS Lea letters)
Farr, Alfred A., 18,captured at Shiloh, exchanged, captured at Missionary Ridge (POW at Rock Island Prison. Treated for acute dysentery as a part of a study on Bromine. Treated on Sept. 20, 1864 and returned to barracks on Nov. 28, 1864. [Medical and Surgical Record of the Civil War, Index Vol. 1., Vol. IV, p. 56. case # 47].
Forbes, Jeptha N. transferred to Co. F 7th Miss., Oklahoma pension in 1915. (Corp. 2nd Lt. Co. F.)
Forbes, Stephen N., 18 (See Jeptha Ford)
Forbes, William M., on leave in Oct. 1861
Ford, Felix Fletcher, 19, d. Brookhaven typhoid 4-28-62 (JFDiary p. 73) (TJRankin )
Ford, Harrison, 18, (see Soloman H.) (See Harrison Ford-JFDiary pp. 92, 116)
Ford, Soloman H., discharged Oct. 1, 1862. (See Harrison Ford-JFDiary pp. 92, 116)(TJ Rankin letter 4/28/64)
Ford, William J. 18; discharged; nineteen, club foot 6-15-62. (see W.Q. Ford) (photo)
Fortenberry, William J. 20, Died of typhoid April 4-10-62 (Fortinbury-JFDiary p. 70, also Fortinberry Co. H) (TJRankin Letter 4/28/62)
Foster, James T. prior service 22nd Miss. WIA, Atlanta 7-22-64, in hospital. (See Forster)
Foxworth, Frank W. 2nd. Lieut., 28, did not leave with the company [Franklin W., 1st lt.] (See JFDiary pp. 6-7) later joined 12th Miss., 16th Miss; and then 38th Miss. Came home sick, Bro. of Job and George Foxworth.]
(Foxworth), Jenkins; JFDiary pp. 31, 134; [“Jenkins, My boy”, JFDiary-pp. 82, 88, 130, 180] (servant)
Foxworth, Jobias Mithias “Job” “Jobe” 20; Promoted to 2nd Lt.; not re-elected [2nd. Lt. dropped May 8, 1862] Brother of Frank and George Foxworth. Wrote Job Foxworth Diary (Source for much of the details of the spring of 1862-RJS)
Foxworth, William N. 21
Gates, Giles 22, WIA Murfreesboro, Chickamauga 9-20-63, in hospital last roll 8-64.
Gates, Isham 21; Listed on last Roll, Aug. 1864
Goodman, Benjamin 25, did not return from sick leave, b. in Germany.
Hammonds, Henry R. 24, (See also Hammond); [Lost his gun at Shiloh. “H.R. Hammonds Took sick and left his gun at Monterey”] (WIA and died of wounds at Resaca) JFDiary pp38, 160)
Hammonds, John H. 30 died of (diarrhea 10-18-61-Phillips) measles at Bay St. Louis
Hand, John 28, never mustered (See Co. C 12th Miss.)
Hardy, James, MIA at Missionary Ridge; captured POW
Higginbotham, William A. 22 (See Hickenbottom; Higginbotham) Hazelhurst Hospital, joined Cavalry.
Higginbotham, John H. 18 (No John H listed on Rowland list, may be John W.; See John A. in Co. A 7thMiss.; (See Hickenbottom; Higginbotham) [See J.W. Higginbotham captured at Nashville, TN]
Higginbotham, John W. WIA Shiloh and Chickamauga (Missionary Ridge); captured at Nashville, TN (See Hickenbottom; John H. Higginbotham)
Hillhouse, Elijah B.M., recruit captured in GA. from Calhoun Co. MS [Relative Robert Hillhouse]
Holloway, Fielding H., Not mustered
Holloway, Thomas, Pvt. /Corp.
Holmes, Thomas G. 24, Discharged at Lauderdale Springs, MS. 10-11-62 (See JFDiary, mess mate of Job Foxworth; fought at Shiloh; he may have been WIA since the location was a hospital.)
Jackson, William; discharged. Conscript Act, 10-01-62. Must have re-enlisted; Listed on last roll Aug. 1864; born in New Orleans, LA. (Assigned to Hoskins Artillery aboard steamer Oregon; JFDiary P. 35;.)
*Jenkins, __ (Foxworth) (J. M. Foxworth's servant) JFDiary pp. 31, 134
*Jenkins, My boy (J. M. Foxworth's servant) [JFDiary pp. 82, 130, 180, and 188.]
Johnson, George W. 23, left with Co. for VA.
Jones, Pleasant O. died of wounds in federal hands at Murfreesboro.
Jordan, James H. from Co. F. Killed at Chickamauga.
Kemp, S.M., discharged as 46 yrs. old, 4-8-64; from Gwinnett, Co. GA
Lewis, Martin Silas D., 30, discharged and re-enlisted; wounded in thigh 8-31-64 at Jonesboro, GA. (See JFDiary p. 151) Listed on last roll 8/64; may have been Lt.] [Muster roll listed as dropped-Record Group 109, Chapter VII, Vol 110]
Little, John 30, WIA Shiloh, captured at Eqypt Station, MS., Listed on last roll 8/1864.
Loftin, Thomas 20 WIA Atlanta Ezra Church 7-28-64 to hospital (See also Lofton)
Lott, Jesse W., received leave and joined 27th Miss. Lott, Nathan A. 24, not mustered, believed son of Abe Lott of Covington County.
Lott, Reubin W. KIA at Murfreesboro in first Charge Dec. 31, 1862. [Place where wound was received "In first charge 400 yds. in front of Breastworks.” “wounded in the stomach and left arm.”–Wanda Fuxan grgr grand daughter.]
Lowe, John W. 21, not mustered
Luper, William H. 26 WIA Chickamauga [See William W. Co. F, first cousin per G. Purvis]
McKenzie, Thomas J. 18 WIA at Murfreesboro, Listed on last roll Aug., 1864 (See McKinzie) [No Thomas Q. in 7th. This “Q” initial should be “J” and is a common error by the transcriber of the roster. See Ford, Fortenberry-RJS; Listed as received at Fairgrounds Hospital, Atlanta, GA., April 9, 1863; “April 25, 1863, Returned to duty, McKenzie, T.H. 7 Miss D”-V.Roberts, Stout Papers]
McQuade, Peter, discharged for varicose veins & dropsy 8-23-62; born in Ireland. See JFDiary pp 63, 85.)
Miles, John 17, died of typhoid Dec. 7 or 8, 1861
*Miller, P. J. captured at Corinth
Mitchell, John 31, discharged disability 11-5-61
Mitchell, Olander A. 26, discharged for tuberculosis, 5-16-62; b. Hancock, Co.
Moody, Ebenezer 20, not mustered
Moody, Hezekiah, discharged for Disability 11-22-61 Moody, Solomon 18, died in Marion Co., MS measles 10-24-61
Morris, Zebede F. M. 20, died at Oxford, Miss.6-62
Newman, Josiah B. 30, not mustered
Norton, Robert 40, died 8 Aug. 1862, unknown cause
Pickens, Andrew J. 30 (Andrew Q. not in 7th Miss. -transcription error Q should be J), never reported at Bay St. Louis, MS, born in Jones, Co.
Pope, Allen B. 22, WIA at Munfordville, KY, captured in KY. “Severely wounded by minie ball in the thigh at 9:19 AM while kneeling in open field to left and about 200 yards from the fort.” - casualty report national archive. WIA at Murfreesboro? Listed on last roll Aug., 1864. [Muster roll listed as dropped-Record Group 109, Chapter VII, Vol. 110]
Pope, Henry 1st. Lieut., 27, [Capt], promoted to major. Listed on last roll 8-64. WIA at Franklin, TN [See JFDiary Pope, Capt. 59, 76, 77,93, 95, 113, 123, 133, 154, 168; Pope, Henry 40][See also pp 55-56]
Pope, Willis S. 18, Listed on last roll 8/1864; Killed or died in late 1864 or early 1865. [JFDiary]
Pope, Dickerson R. 24, not mustered
Powell, Albert 17, transferred to Sharpshooters (9th Battn. Miss. SS)
Powell, Edmond 18, (Edward N.) Listed on last roll Aug. 1864
Powell, James Emory. 21, KIA at Murfreesboro, TN [mess mate of Job Foxworth-See JFDiary]
Powell, Thomas 21, Listed on last roll of 1864
Prine, Robert 30 (See also Co. F)
Purvis, John G. present on June 1864 roll; Listed on last roll 8/1864 (See also Pervis)
*Rankin, Edward, not mustered (WH) [Believe this is Samuel Edward, Sgt, 1st Lt.; see also Edward Rankin-JFDiary-was at Camp Lovell, Feb. 23, 1862, pp.33, 56, 73, 81]
Rankin, George F. 20, not mustered [See George “Dock” W. Rankin Co. F]
Rankin, Samuel E., 5th Sergt., 21, 2nd Lt [ 1st Lt.], [see also Edward Rankin-JFDiary-was at Camp Lovell, Feb. 23, 1862, pp.33, 56, 73, 81)WIA Murfreesboro, and Jonesboro, GA 8-31-64][ Bro. Thomas J. Rankin, Lt. Co. F, William J. Capt. Co. F and George W. “Dock” Co. F] Rankin, William J. Jr. 22, 5th Sgt. Killed at Shiloh, [time]
Regan, Rufus D. 26, discharged for lung problem
Robbans, Jethro (See Robbins) discharged due to hernia 10-17-61
Rogers, James H. (See also J.N. Rodgers transferred to 9th Battn. Miss SS)
Rollins, G. W. WIA POW died in union hospital 4-24-62
Ryals, Jesse, disch. Conscription Act, 10-1-62; (See also Rials, Co. A, E 7th Miss.) [Possibly Jesse Monroe Rials/Ryals Co. B 24th Battn. Miss. Cav (Moorman’s)]
Scarborough, Henry P. 28, WIA Shiloh, Listed on last roll Aug. 1864 (See JFDiary pp. 6, 54, 133, 170 )
Screws, Samuel Listed on last roll 1864
Sims, John M. 24 promoted to 3rd Lt, not re-elected; Listed on last roll 8/64; surrendered in NC (See JFDiary pp. . 73, 77, 80, 87, 117, 108, 109, 154) See also John M. Sims F&S, Q.M. S.[See John M. Sims 2nd Lt., dropped June 15, 1862]
[Simms, James, 2nd lt., dropped May 8, 1862]
Slade, George W. discharged for disability 10-19-61 Slade, Hezekiah F. 18, died in Chattanooga 3-12-63.
Slade, Samuel 20, transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS, WIA; [Post war photo; letter Shelbyville, TN] (see also Co. F-Samuel Slade-“ran off at Bay St. Louis and went home”)
Smith, Duncan A. 21, died at Corinth, typhoid, 4-25-62; possible Shiloh wound. (TJRankin Letter 4/28/62)
*Sterling, Charles, paroled at NC (Not sure if he is 7th Regt.)
*Sterling, John captured at Missionary Ridge (Not sure if he is 7th Regt.)
Stewart, William C. (Calvin) 18, WIA at Munfordville, KY. (See Steward) Listed on last roll of Aug. 1864, (See JFDiary p. 9 “White Rooster Story” Calvin Stuart) (photo)
*Tate, J. S. H. (Sgt. Captured at Selma, AL.-Most Likely John Harvey Steen Tate, Co. E 7th Regt. Miss. Cav.)
Tatum, James B. from Co. F Listed on last roll Aug. 1864 Temples, Jacob 23, discharged 11-01-61
Temples, John R. 25, apparently discharged Dec. 4, 1861-(WH), (See Jones R. Temples died unknown cause 12-4-61-Phillips)
Temples, William J. 24, died at Okalona, MS Aug. 1862, unknown cause
Temples, Mr., mentioned in TJRankin letter of Jan. 5, 1862 as being discharged for being unable to talk. [Possibly Jacob Temples]
Thompson, John (D.) 20 [2nd lt.] Listed on last Roll Aug. 1864
Thornhill, Wade H. 18, died of typhoid 4-22-62 (probably Shiloh wound) Mother was Mary/Thornhill (See JFDiary Ward Thornhill, p. 183) (TJRankin Letter 4/28/62)
Walker, E. L. MIA Presumed dead, Ezra Church, Atlanta
[Warren, William, 2nd lt.] (See William Warren, Jr. Co. H, Pvt./1st Sergt. Transferred to Co. H and transferred back to Co. D)
Warren, William, Jr., Pvt. /1st Sgt. WIA 28 July 1864 Ezra Church Transferred to Co. H and back to Co. D. (See JFDiary pp. 71, 96)
Watts, Arthur T., 3rd Lieut., 24; [2nd Lt.]; later joined 12th Miss. (See p. 6 JFDiary)
Webb, Albert G. 16, WIA 28 July 1864 Ezra Church. [Letter writer Dec. 1861]; Brother of Henry Washington Webb and William Thomas Webb.
Webb, Henry W. 18 KIA at Murfreesboro, TN [Henry Washington Webb, brother of W.T. Webb and A. G. Webb, Nickname “Wash”, See JFDiary, pp 6, 35, 154] (JFDiary P. 35, assigned to Hoskins Artillery. aboard steamer Oregon]
Webb, William T. (Thomas). 16 1st Lt. Became Captain [W.T. Webb, Capt], received leave in 1864. (See JFDiary-Messmate of Foxworth; see W. S. Webb p. 154; believe this to be transcription error.)
Whitton, Thomas 28, WIA at Chickamauga and Atlanta; captured at Nashville, TN. [See T. Whitton captured at Nashville, TN] (See also Whittom), [Family records indicate he was drummer in the 7th Miss. –Earleen Clayton; “His file contains one card showing his rank as "Bass Drum," another card shows he was assigned extra duty as "Drummer," another rank as "Musician."-George Martin]
“Amite County Rifles” Company C 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
Captains Johns, Benjamin Franklin “Frank” [Capt. Promoted Major 8.15.62, Lt. Col. 9.5.1862 9th Miss.]; wounded at Franklin and Nashville; (Born 9 Mar 1831 Amite Co. MS, died 31 Dec. 1907 at Gloster, MS. Educated as a lawyer at Denham Springs, KY) GSLea letters, Sleeper 44th Miss.Letter, JFDiary, McGehee Notes,, (OR-7th Miss; 9th Miss.] (Photo)
McDowell, Russell D. “Russ” 1st Lt. Promoted Capt. 8.15.62, killed 12.31.1862 (Murfreesboro; “buried at Murfreesboro” per Edward B. Carruth letter Feb. 1, 1863; Death described in GS Lea letter; also mentioned on page 16 JFDiary )
McGehee, John L. Ord. Sgt. 2nd Lt. 8.23.62, Capt. 11.3.1863; Listed on last roll 8/1864 [Author of McGehee Notes on Co. C, Collection at MDAH]
Pemble, Robert J. Lt promoted to Capt. 12.3.1862 [resigned Oct. 26, 1863]; double hernia.
Lieutenants Bates H. M. 4th Sgt. / promoted Lt. 3.7.64 lost leg Atlanta Ezra Church 7.28.64, in Hospital Sept. 1864, died 12.10.1910 [2nd Lt.] [Flewellen hospital and transferred to Macon on Sept. 27, 1864]
Nunnery, William. J. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro, Promoted Lt. for bravery. Made color bearer 7th Miss. March 28, 1864 “He has long and gallantly borne the colors of his command, he was wounded at Chickamauga while nobly bearing them to the front”.-Lt. Col. Johns. Killed as Ensign at battle of Atlanta 7.22.1864 (GSLea Letters, BF Wilkinson Letters (OR-Bishop-Chickamauga, Thomas Cotton Letter) His five brothers survived the war: David, Henry, John, Reuben, and Samuel, all Company C.
Webb, Sampson Culpepper “Samp” Pvt. Elected Lt. Wounded at Munfordville, KY;”slightly wounded in the leg at 10:15 AM marching in cornfield in front of fort when falling back to attack the battery in our rear.” -national archive casualty report. Resigned due to illness; died 1922 [Sampson C. 2nd Lt., r. Nov 30, 1863] (See Letters of G.S. Lea and E.B.Carruth re: “Samp” or “Lamp” Webb)
Non-Commissioned Officers Cox, David P. 3rd Sgt, 5th Sgt. discharged for emphysema, 1st Lt. “Powers Cavalry”
Dixon, Jones H. Pvt. WIA Atlanta 7-22-1864. [See George Lea Letter Collection] Became 1st Sgt. wounded Atlanta Ezra Church 7-28-64 and unfit for further service
Dunn, E. T. “Thaddeus or Tad” Pvt. /Corp.; wounded at Munfordville and captured in KY. “Slightly wounded in the back of the neck at 9:15 standing in line in open field to the left and about 200 yards from the fort”-national archives casualty report; exchanged; wounded at Atlanta 7.28.1864, lost leg (Ezra Church/Lickskillet Rd.) [See E. C. Dunn in Flewellen Hospital transferred to Macon on Sept 27, 1864] (See Matt Dunn Letters, 33rd Miss. and E. T. Dunn Letters)
*Hurd, Pinneo, Pvt. Sgt. Major, wounded at Chickamauga; leg amputated 9/20/63; unfit for duty. (See also Pinneo Hurd and Pineo Hurst, and Pinnes Hurds)
*Hurst, Pineo 3rd Corp. promoted Sgt. Major wounded Chickamauga (See Pinneo Hurd, Penneo Hurd, Pinnes Hurds)
Lumpkin George T., 2nd Corp. discharged Feb. 1862, died since the war
Moore, S. B. Pvt. Killed at New Hope Church 6. 1864-McGehee Notes [died as 2nd Sgt. May 1863-(WH), died 5/31/64-Calvin Phillips notes] (See JDCooper and AFDavis Diaries-RJS) “May 31st still picket firing. 9 ock pickets charge. Run enemies pickets in. 2 or 3 men killed and several wounded. No advantage gained after which comparatively quiet. One assault during the night on the left enemy repulsed” JDCooper Diary
Ratcliff, Peter 4th Sgt. Not mustered [Not sure of relation to Alfred Sumpter M. Ratcliff Co. K 33rd Miss., H. H. Ratcliff and William Ratcliff of Co. C 7th Miss. or Charles Ratcliff of 4th LA. Miss. See IG Lea letter in the GSLea letters, July 18, 1862]
Strawn Aaron F. 2nd Sgt. Discharged and afterwards joined Co. K 33rd Miss. (Check spelling, may be Straun or Stravn)
Van Norman, Samuel T. Pvt. Surrendered in NC as 1st Sgt.
Toler, Thomas Causey Pvt. /Corp. missing in action Murfreesboro,Tenn (WIA died- (WH) (see also Co. K KIA per C. Phillips) (See Tolar)
Alphabetical Roster (Pvt. unless noted) Anders, A. S. (Abraham Silas) Pvt. WIA at Murfreesboro, Atlanta. Hospital 8-18-64. Killed Franklin, Tenn. 11.30.1864 [There is a possibility that A. S. and D. F. Anders information is switched]
Anders, D. F. (David Frank) Pvt. WIA Murfeesboro, WIA 7-22-64 Battle of Atlanta; to hospital 1864-died since the war. Note: Received email from Diane Hall “7th Mississippi, Co. C, Pvt. David F Anders, Age 21 (mw) died-Buried in Mississippi Section #33, Grave #180, McGavock Confederate Cemetery, Franklin, Tn.”
Anders, John C. died disease in GA. from Union, Jackson parish, LA [Admitted to hospital at Milner, GA between June and Sept. 1864]
Anders, Richard W. Not mustered (See Co. E and K 22nd Miss.)
Arnold, John Not mustered
Aumock, James. R. Pvt promoted to corporal, pension Amite Co. 1911, died 1.1915 Surrendered NC (See also Ammock) [(VR) James R. Ammock, was promoted to 1st Corporal 4/1/64 and on same card noted-"Lost bayonet & scabbard"]
Bates, Burton S. Pvt. WIA died disease [Shiloh wounds and yankee prison (WH); Burton Bates, enlisted 4/29/61, wounded & captured at Shiloh, sent to Camp Chase, exchanged at Vicksburg 8/25/62 died 11/18/62 of chronic diarrhea in Amite County(VR) ]
Bates, H. M. 4th Sgt.; promoted Lt. 3.7.64; lost leg Atlanta Ezra Church 7.28.64, in Hospital Sept 1864, Flewellen hospital and was transferred to Macon on Sept. 27, 1864] died 12.10.1910
Bates. James E., 2nd Lt elected 4.29.1861 dropped at reorganization not re-elected [May 8, 1862] (See also James B. Bates) (Photo)
Beall, John W. Pvt. Discharged underage died since war (See J.W. Beall)
Beall, M. C. Pvt. killed Murfreesboro, Tenn. 12.30.1862 (died of wounds)
Beer, David Pvt. discharged Feb. 1863under conscript law, born in Bavaria, Germany [(VR) David Beer, age 25, 5'5", fair complexion, blue eyes, black hair, merchant]
Belding, William Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. K 44th Miss.)
Boatner, E. B. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8/1864, died since war (See also Daniel E. D. Boatner)
Bomiller, John pvt. Not mustered “dead” (See Bomillor, John Pvt. died disease 1861)
Bond, M. N. Pvt. not mustered
*Bonds, John M. (Soldiers and sailors system)
Bonds, Pascal. B. Pvt. [Wounded at Shiloh while bearing the colors-Inscription on Battle Flag, Old Capitol Museum, Jackson, MS.]. Discharged due to loss of one eye and defective vision in the other; died since war. Enlisted 29 April 1861, and was discharged due to disability on 12 July 1862. [See GSLea Letter July 12, 1862; and Jeff Wilkinson Letter Jan. 27, 1862, went home on furlough due to inflamation in eyes caused by measles.]
*Bowden, Joseph-Pvt. death certificate 1864
Bramblet, David C. Pvt. discharged for Murfreesboro wounds (See Bramlett)
Bramblet, E. L. Pvt. [Returned to duty from Flewellen hospital on Aug 2, 1864]; Granted leave Mar. 7, 1865 for illness (See Bramlett)
Bramblet, F. P. Pvt. From Co. E 18th Miss.; paroled in Ala. From Lauderdale Co. MS. (See Bramlett)
*Bramlett, D. C. Pvt. (See Bramblet)
*Bramlett, F. P. Pvt. (See Bramblet)
*Bramlett, E. L. Pvt. (See Bramblet)
Burris, M. E. “Enos” Pvt. discharged Tyners Station, TN.; later joined Stockdales Cavalry (died at Chattanooga; born in Amite Co. (WH))
Burris, Thomas J. Pvt. killed Chickamauga Transferred from Co. K 33rd Miss. (died from wounds)
Burris, W. A. Pvt. Wounded at Munfordville, Chattanooga, Chickamauga 9-20-63; to hospital Butler, Thomas J. 4th Corp WIA Chickamauga (died of wounds (WH) Returned to Amite county and died 18 November 1863-Dewey Smith 2012.[Possibly Jeff Butler mentioned in GSLea Letters Dec. 5, 1863; Also BFWilkinson Letter January 24, 1862]
Butler, William E. Pvt. Surrendered in NC; died 1903 [Wm. E. Butler, enlisted 8/15/--, joined from desertion. On Roll of Lumpkin Hospital, Rome, Ga. as a nurse; furloughed 7/4/63 returned to duty 8/1/63, reenlisted for the war Jan '64 (VR)]
Butler, Young Poindexter Pvt. died disease 5-7-1862 at Oxford, MS of camp fever. (Young married Mary Griffin, daughter of John Griffin, my grgr uncle-RJS) (V. Roberts relative) (Photo)
Cain, H. H. Pvt. died disease in Amite County 5-10-1863
Cain, J. J. (James J.) Pvt. died disease in Amite County diarrhea 3-6-1864 [dod 3-26-1864]
Campbell, Alexander M. Pvt. Chief musician; discharged; school teacher from Clark Co., KY
Carruth, Edward B. Pvt.; Appointed Captain Regimental Commissary; Wounded and captured at Shiloh. Returned to Regiment at Murfreesboro. (EB Carruth Letters, mentions the “High Pressure Brigade”) (See G.S. Lea Letters) (CV article) (photo)
Carruth, James B. Jr. Pvt. killed Shiloh 4.6.1862 (See G.S. Lea letters, and E.B.Carruth Letters) [See James B. Carruth, Co. E 3rd Battn. Miss. Inf. "McNair Rifles] enlisted March 25 at Corinth. Killed Shiloh April 7, 1862] (WH) notes: “died soon after being discharged; born in Pike Co.” It is possible that he was discharged from the 7th Miss.; joined Co. E 3rd Battn Miss. Inf, “McNair Rifles” killed at Shiloh in that regiment. “Capt. Carruth is no doubt a prisoner he has never been heard from since the battle also B.S. Bates, John Robert(s) & W. F. Moore are prisoners. It is thought that Carruth was taken prisoner in trying to find his brother. His brother James died on the battle ground Sunday morning of the battle. There is a great deal of sickness here in camp now they will neither grant furloughs to sick or well.” G.S. Lea Letters]
Caston, Edward N. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8/1864
Caston, Gabriel G. Pvt. Was a Musician; killed at Chickamauga 9.20.1863
Caston, M. W. Pvt. Discharged as over or underage; died 1902
Causey, Isaac Theodore, (See also Co. E, 22nd Mississippi Infantry. He was killed in a battle near Baton Rouge on August 5, 1862 and his name is on the Confederate Memorial at Liberty, MS as 'I. T. Causey, not sure of Company in 7th Miss.; check Co. K)
Causey, George Washington Pvt. (Rowland list) (May have been in another regiment at the battle of Resaca, but this indicates he was WIA.)
Causey,Robert Marion. Pvt. WIA Chattahoochee River Atlanta 7-14-64,wounded. Died 1912
Causey, Walter S. Pvt. (Wounded and discharged at Saltillo) Discharged for disease of lungs at Saltillo
Chaddick, R. R. Pvt. WIA; received Medal of Honor at Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll 8/1864 (Richard R. Chaddick, see also Chaddrick) (photo) Cobb, Samuel J. not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Cobb, Thomas J. Not mustered (See Pvt. /Sgt. Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Cockerham, Iverson Pvt. Died of measles at Ocean Springs 10-31-61 (GSLea Letters)
*Collins, Tim Pvt. discharged (Not on D. Rowland list) (See Timothy Collins Co. K 44th Miss.)
Collins, Orlando L. Pvt. Discharged for disability. Enlisted 27th La.
Colston, James H. Not mustered (See J. H. Colston 16th Miss.)
Corcoran, John Henry Pvt. transferred to Sharpshooters (9th Battn Miss.) to 18th Miss. Cav.
Cotton, Abel W. Jr. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro and Chattanooga; Listed on last Roll 8/1864; Chattanooga means at Chickamauga or Missionary Ridge, (See also William A. Cotton, Jr.)
Cotton, John N. Disability discharge
Cotton, William A. Jr. (See Abel W. Cotton)
Courtney, W. J. Pvt. WIA Atlanta 7-22-1864 (See George Lea Letter Collection) Wounded July 28, 1864 at Atlanta (Lickskillet Rd/Ezra Church) and unfit for further service
Cox, David P. 3rd Sgt, 5th Sgt. discharged for emphysema, 1st Lt. “Powers Cavalry”
Cox, Franklin W. Pvt. MIA/WIA died wounds received Munfordville KY 1862 “Severely wounded at 10 AM marching in the cornfield in front of the fort when falling back to attack battery in our rear- Leg broken at the knee by grapeshot.” (National Archive casualty report.)
Cox, William H. 4th Corp discharged Tupelo, school teacher, later joined Stockdale’s Cavalry
Cunningham, Velasco Absent without leave; joined Co K 33rd Miss. Inf.
Day, John M. Pvt. to Co. K 7th Miss. Discharged 8/62 (See J.V., J.M., J. W. and John W. Day)
Delamater, Herman Pvt. Not mustered
Dies, David W. Pvt. Not mustered
Dixon, Jones H. Pvt. WIA Atlanta 7-22-1864. [GSLea Letters] Became 1st Sgt.; WIA Atlanta Ezra Church 7-28-64 and unfit for further service
Drummond, John Pvt. Discharged for disability; Joined Co. K 33rd Miss.
Duehr, E. F. Pvt. Not mustered (See also Duchr, E. H)
Duff, Jackson H. Pvt. WIA Captured Munfordville, Ky; exchanged, WIA New Hope Church 6. 1864 [captured Nashville, TN] (See July 11, 1862 letter Benjamin Wilkinson) (JDCooper and AFDavis Diaries)
Dunn, Dillingham M. Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Dunn, E. T. Thaddeus “Tad” Pvt. /Corp. wounded at Munfordville, captured in KY. “Slightly wounded in the back of the neck at 9:15 standing in line in open field to the left and about 200 yards from the fort”-national archives casualty report; exchanged; wounded at Atlanta 7.28.1864, lost leg (Ezra Church/Lickskillet Rd.) [See E.C. Dunn in Flewellen Hospital transferred to Macon on Sept 27, 1864] (See Matt Dunn Letters, 33rd Miss.) (See also E. E. Dunn)
Dunn, John C. Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Dye, Duncan M. Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Eubanks,Thomas M. Pvt. WIA at Shiloh; discharged; joined Co. K 33rd Miss. died since war.
Everett, Winchester Pvt. (believe he joined the cavalry died 6.14.1920 (WH) (See Co. I 4th Miss. Cavalry)
Everett, Zach L. Pvt. wounded Chickamauga, later joined Stockdale’s Cavalry, died 12.29.1912, Monroe, Louisiana [See GSLea letters, Shiloh. Letter] (See also Zachariah L. Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Faust, Ben servant of W. Frank Toler. Drew a pension (WH)
Faust, H. M. Pvt. In hospital 6-15-64; mentioned in Matt Dunn Letter (33rd Miss.) Surrendered NC
Foreman, E. J. Pvt.; served at various hospitals as butcher and nurse.
Freeman, Richard Pvt. discharged, died 1873 in Amite Co. (See Richard P. (WH)) Freeman, Mat Pvt. missing at Nashville, Tenn. (See James M. Freeman Co. K missing at Nashville, died in union prison.-W. Hadfskey) Freeman, James M. Pvt. Listed on last roll; Captured at Nashville; died in union prison. (J. M. on Rowland roster) (see also Matt Freeman) [Supposedly died in 1863 at Camp Chase. That would mean that he was captured at Murfreesboro in Dec.1862 or Jan. 1863 or Missionary Ridge Nov. 1863. More research is needed]
Garrow, Nathaniel “Nat” Pvt. Listed on last roll 8/1864; died since the war
Goldstein, Peter Pvt. discharged under conscript law, born in Russia, merchant
Griffin, Ferdinand L. “Ferd” Pvt. wounded at Munfordville, KY. “Severely wounded at 9AM in line at a halt in the cornfield on the left of the fort; Arm broken at elbow by grapeshot”; Captured; discharged; school teacher; died since the war (See also P.L. Griffen) (Son of John Griffin, my grgr Uncle-Ron Skellie)
Harkness, Jackson Pvt. Apparent discharge; joined Co. K 33rd Miss.
Haygood, Stephen H. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro; died while POW (died 1864-5(WH)
Haygood, James A. Pvt. killed in battle-McGehee (Captured at Jonesboro, GA and died in Prison (WH); died 12-08-64-(CP)
Hennegan, Frank Pvt. Not mustered
Hughey, William Oliver, Pvt. POW Missionary Ridge and exchanged (Captured along with John F. Roberts-GSLea Letters 12-5-63). Surr. NC died since the war
Hughey, E. A. Pvt. Discharged later in 33rd Miss. (See E. W. Hughey Co K; E. Hughey Co. K 7th )
Hurst, Pineo. Pvt. 3rd Corp. promoted Sgt. Major; WIA Chickamauga leg amputated 9/20/63; unfit for duty (See Pinneo Hurd, Penneo Hurd, Pinnes Hurds)
Jackson, Willis G. “Willie” Pvt. killed Murfreesboro 12. 1862 (died of wounds-W.H) (See Willie G. Jackson; GSLea Letters; March 3, 1863 describes his death at Murfreesboro, TN.)
Jenkins, Henry C. Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Jenkins, Thomas D. Pvt. died disease in Amite Co. 6-17-62 pneumonia
Johns, Benjamin Franklin “Frank” Capt.; Promoted Major 8.15.62, promoted Lt. Col. 9.5.1862 ; Commanded 9th Miss. WIA at Nashville; (b. 9 Mar 1831 Amite Co. MS, d. 31 Dec. 1907 at Gloster, MS. Educated as a lawyer at Denham Springs, KY)
Johns, G. Pvt. not mustered
Johns, John R. Pvt. Discharged 1861 for sickness, later joined 24th Miss. Cav. Co A. (See John R. Jones)
Johns, Thomas W. Listed on last roll 8/1864
Johns, W. P. Pvt. Not mustered, joined Co. K 33rd Miss. [killed by Negroes after war-McGehee Notes]. (See also W.T. Johns, possibly T.W. Johns)
*Jones, John R. discharged, enlisted Co. A 24th Cav. (See John R. Johns)
Keith, Robert. Pvt. Detailed as scout for sharpshooters (9th Battn. Miss.) lived to be an old man WH))
Keith, Lemuel Pvt. (See L. Keeth Co K)
Knapp, Cyrus Pvt. Not mustered
Lea, George Sylvester Pvt. Wounded at Murfreesboro, hospital Rome, GA.; KIA at Franklin, 11.30.1864 9PM Charge. “George’s body was found the next morning by his faithful servant Kemp accompanied by a friend who had survived the battle and was given a hasty but decent burial. His father, Kemp and this same friend removed his remains from the battlefield sometime between May, 1865 and April, 1866 and returned them home for burial in the Lea Family Cemetery in Huron, Amite, County, Mississippi. George now rests there among four generations of his family.” (Lea Family Civil War Letters, August 24, 1861-August 12, 1864-Mr. and Mrs. Carey and Jean Lea, Magnolia, Mississippi, May, 1993. Collection transcribed By Mr. and Mrs. John “Jack” Banning; Index to GS Lea Letters Ron Skellie)
[Lea], Kemp, [Servant of George S. Lea, Co. C 7th Miss. Remained with George throughout the war. Retrieved George’s body from burial site in Tennessee and helped Hampton Lea transport him back to Mississippi after the war. GS Lea Letters See Notes with George S. Lea-R. Skellie]
Little, W. C. Pvt. KIA Munfordville, KY 9.14.1862 “Killed at 9AM in line at a halt in the cornfield to the left of the fort-shot through the head by grapeshot.” Nat. archives report.
Lowrie, R. H. Pvt. Discharged Shieldsboro 1862, re-enlisted in Co. K 33rd Miss. (See Lowry)
Lumpkin George T., 2nd Corp. discharged Feb. 1862, died since the war
Lusk, Thomas H. Pvt Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Maxwell, Francis C. Pvt. Discharged Oct. 1861
McClendon, James Pvt. Transferred to sharpshooters 9th Battn. Miss. SS [Captured near Dalton 1864; Probably the McLendon formerly 7th Miss. who was captured while serving with the 9th Battn Miss. SS in action late Feb. 1864 and probably in Crow Valley north of Dalton, GA. See George Lea Letters and A. F. Davis Letters March 1864.] [Brother of Jesse McClendon]
McClendon, Jesse M. Pvt. Wounded and captured at Murfreesboro; paroled 1863 [Brother of James McClendon, Co. C 7th Miss. and 9th Battn. Miss. SS]
McCoy, Napoleon Bonaparte Pvt. Died disease typhoid 5-20-62 at Oxford, MS.
McDowell, Russell D. “Russ” 1st Lt. Promoted Capt. 8.15.62, killed 12.31.1862 (Murfreesboro; buried at Murfreesboro-letter Edward B. Carruth Feb. 1, 1863; Death described in GS Lea Letter; also mentioned on page 16 JFDiary transcription)
McDowell, W. W. Pvt. Wounded at Murfreesboro; furloughed; transferred to cavalry 1863
McGehee, John L. Ord. Sgt. 2nd Lt. 8.23.62, Capt. 11.3.1863; Listed on last roll 8/1864[McGehee Notes on Co. C, Collection at MDAH]
McKnight, A. H. Pvt. Died disease 14 Apr. 1862 at Osyka, MS; was seventeen.
McLean, Nolen S. Pvt. Not mustered. [Served on detached duty with Major R. S. Carter and Major Clark chasing conscripts in Miss.] (See Nolan McLean) (See September 4, 1863 letter from Conscript Camp at Enterprise, MS to his wife in Liberty, MS.)
Mixon, Charles L. [Lee] Pvt. WIA Chickamauga 9. 1863, captured Dec. 6, 1864 in 2nd Miss. Cav. [May have had relative, possibly his father, named Obed Z. Mixon and Vienna Page in 7th Miss.-not proved as of 11-08-2004-rjs. Check O. Y. Mixon Co. C 2nd Miss. Militia (Quinn’s) 12-2011]
Montgomery, John Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Moore, James A. Pvt. Died in hospital, in TN. Pneumonia 3-25-1862
Moore, S. B. Pvt. Killed at New Hope Church 6. 1864-McGehee [died as 2nd Sgt. May 1863-W. (WH), died 5/31/64-Calvin Phillips notes] “May 31st still picket firing. 9 ock pickets charge. Run enemies pickets in. 2 or 3 men killed and several wounded. No advantage gained after which comparatively quiet. One assault during the night on the left enemy repulsed” JDCooper Diary.“Still in the ditches 44 Miss Regt charged the enemy’s pickets. Capt Wilkinson [on picket crossed out] Killed” AFD.[Capt. A. F. Davis Diary ends here] (Capt. D.W. Wilkinson was from Amite County and was in command of Co. K 44th Miss. Formerly Blythe’s Inf.; related to Capt. Davis?RJS)
Moore, W. F. Pvt. Prisoner of war Shiloh, died of wounds 7-1-62
Moore, William Walter Pvt. Asst. Surgeon, captured at Murfreesboro; died Summit, MS 1912. [See Letter, 1878 re: Yellow Fever, Summit, Miss.]
Neil, William F. Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.) (See also Neal)
Neilson, David W. Pvt. Died disease 3-15-1862 at Liberty, MS “Camp fever”
Neyland, Lafayette G. Pvt. Discharged Jan. 1862; died disease [See L.J. Neyland]
Nunnery, David, Pvt. Surrendered in NC died 8. 1906 [four of his brothers all Company C survived the war: John, Henry, Reuben, and Samuel, His bro. William J. was Killed at Atlanta.] (photo)
Nunnery, John, Pvt. Surrendered NC; died 10.11.1901 [four of his brothers all Company C survived the war: David, Henry, Reuben, and Samuel, His bro. William J. was Killed at Atlanta.]
Nunnery, Henry Pvt. Discharged July 1862; joined 4th Miss. Cav.; Hancock Co. AL. Died 1902[four of his brothers survived the war: John, David, Reuben, and Samuel, His bro. William J. was Killed at Atlanta.]
Nunnery, Reuben Pvt. Wounded Murfreesboro; Listed on last roll 8/1864; died 11.7.1910 [four of his brothers survived the war: John, Henry, Reuben, and David; His bro. William J. was Killed at Atlanta.]
Nunnery, Samuel Pvt. Wounded at Murfreesboro and Jonesboro, GA; surr. NC; died 1915 [four of his brothers survived the war: John, Henry, Reuben, and Samuel, His bro. William J. was Killed at Atlanta.]
Nunnery, William. J. – Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro, Promoted Lt. For bravery. Made color bearer 7th Miss. March 28, 1864 “He has long and gallantly borne the colors of his command, he was wounded at Chickamauga while nobly bearing them to the front”.-Lt. Col. Johns. Killed as Ensign at battle of Atlanta 7.22.1864 (GSLea Letters, BF Wilkinson Letters (OR-Bishop-Chickamauga, Thomas Cotton Letter)
*Overstreet, John pvt. Captured at Marietta, GA died in prison. Most Likely 7th Battn.
Page, George. M. Pvt. WIA Atlanta 7.22.1864 [GSLea Letters]; surrendered NC; died 1903]
Parker, Wm. H. Pvt. Died since war (believe this to be William Henderson Parker born about 1833. Son of Angelina E. Webb born in 1808 in Georgia. She died on 6 Sep 1890. She was a native from Amite County, Mississippi. She was buried in Parker Cemetery, Amite County, Mississippi. She married to Amos Parker on 14 Jul 1825 in Amite County, MS Amos Parker was born in 1802 in North Carolina. He died on 23 Jan 1886 in Mississippi. “Thursday, 2-4-1886: Amos Parker, a venerable citizen of Amite Co. died last week.” –RJS)
Pemble, Robert J. Lt. promoted Capt. 12.3.1862 [resigned Oct. 26, 1863]
Perkins, James S. Pvt. WIA Atlanta 7-22-1864; Captured at Jonesboro; exchanged. [GSLea Letters]; Died from wounds received Nashville 12.16.1864 [See Aug. 1864, Matt Dunn Letters 33rd Miss.]
Pugh, F. J. Captured at Shiloh
Ratcliff, H. H. Pvt. Discharged at Tupelo, Miss. July 1862, a lawyer [Relation to Peter, Alfred Sumpter M. Charles, and William Ratcliff?] (See also Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Ratcliff, Peter 4th Sgt. Not mustered [Not sure of relation to Alfred Sumpter M. Ratcliff Co. K 33rd Miss., H.H. Ratcliff and William Ratcliff of Co. C 7th Miss. or Charles of 4th LA. See IG Lea letter in the GSLea letters, July 18, 1862] [May be ASM Ratliff who died in July 18, 1862 while serving as ASM for Co. K 33rd Miss. See IG Lea etter in the GSLea letters, July 18, 1862] (See also Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Ratcliff, William R. Pvt. Died from wounds at Munfordsville 9.14.1862 (See also W. N. Ratcliff-”Shot in the head by a minie ball kneeling sixty or eighty yards from the fort-since died” per national archives casualty reports.) [See Micajah Wilkinson Letter “…young Ratcliff” Oct 19, 1862, LSU.] [Brother of Alfred Sumpter M. Ratcliff, Charles Ratcliff; not sure of relation to H.H. and Peter Ratcliff]
Reed, Thomas Pvt. Discharged Saltillo, varicose veins, from Antrem, Ireland (See Reid)
Reeves, S. S. Pvt. Discharged for Hepatitis
Reynolds, Littleton P. Pvt. Discharged by conscript act; overage [If middle name is Pickett, he is mentioned in DB Steele Letter and Mary Wilkinson Letter,]
Reynolds, Richard S. Pvt. Died in Amite Co. diarrhea 3-29-1862 (See R.S. Reynolds)
*Reynolds, Tom Pvt. Killed Munfordville 9.14.1862 “Killed at 9AM in line at a halt in a cornfield to the left of the fort. Shot in the breast by grape shot.”-National Archives casualty report. [See Micajah Wilkinson Letter ‘Pickets Thomas” Oct 19, 1862, LSU.] (See Thomas F. killed at Shiloh)
Reynolds, Thomas F. Pvt. (See Tom KIA Munfordville) Killed at Shiloh(WH); (May be example of cases where many people were so traumatized by the casualties at Shiloh that they mistakenly said Shiloh when asked about the death or injury of a loved one), son of Littleton P. “Picket” Reynolds.
Roberts, John F. Pvt. Wounded and captured at Shiloh; Prisoner of War (Captured at Missionary Ridge along with William O. Hughey-G.S. Lea Letters, letter 12-5-1863) (J.F. Roberts Diary) (photo)
Roberts, T. G. Pvt. Discharged Saltillo; Joined Powers Regt. Cav.
Roberts, William F. Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. D 33rd Miss.)
Rogers, Henry C. Pvt. Not mustered. Possibly he joined another unit (22nd, 33rd) (Determined that Hatch or Hack Rogers was Dennis H. Rogers of Co. K 44th Miss.)
Scherk, A. Pvt discharged lung disease; from Poland
Schwartz, B. Pvt. Captured in KY and paroled; discharged under conscript law
Seale, Ewing Pvt. On early rolls; captured in Ala. (Bridgeport?)
Sharpe, H. S. Pvt. Not mustered
Shaw, William H. H. Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. K 44th Miss.)
Sly, Lewis Pvt. Not mustered
Smith, Cicero C. Pvt. Listed on last roll 8/1864 (Photo provided by Mr. Billy Seale)
Smith, James H. Pvt. Not mustered (see James D. H. Smith)
Smith, James M. Pvt. Not mustered (See James M. Smith Co. E)
Stratton. Floyd W. 5th Sgt discharged account disease at Tyners Station, later joined 24th Miss. Batt. Cavalry Co. A, died 6.5.1904
Strawn Aaron F. 2nd Sgt. Discharged and afterwards joined Co. K 33rd Miss. (Check spelling, may be Straun or Stravn)
Swearingin, E. Lafayette Pvt. Went home in 1864; d.1915 (See Swaringen and Swearengin)
Swearingen, Thomas Pvt. Died disease Pass Christian (See also Swaringen and Swearengin)
Tarver, Elisha L. Pvt. Not mustered
Tarver, Michael Pvt. Not mustered (See Co. E 22nd Miss.)
Thompson, John M. discharged 1862 joined Co. K 33rd Miss
Thompson, John M. Pvt. Disch. 1862, died 1902 [wife Amelia W. Thompson-Pension App.]
Toler, Thomas Causey Pvt./Corp.; missing in action Murfreesboro,Tenn; (WIA died (WH) (see also Co. K KIA (CP) (See Tolar)
Toler, W. F. WIA Atlanta William F. Pvt. WIA, Atlanta 7-22-1864. [See GSLea Letter Collection “W.F. Toler “ “ Shoulder slight” . Surrendered in NC. His servant Ben Faust received a pension. (See also Tolar)]
Travis, Nicholas A. Pvt. Surr. in NC. [See GSLea Letters] d. Amite County at 96 yrs, of age. [Based on the George Lea Letters, Nick was both messmate and cousin of George Lea. He was sick several times during the war and it appears he was wounded or injured at Murfreesboro, but he always returned to the army. “I have learned all of the prisoners that were taken at Murfreesboro were taken there. Nick’s (Travis) right leg was broken below the knee.”]
Van Norman, Garnett B. Pvt. WIA Kennesaw Mtn. WIA Atlanta 7-22-64 “just above pubis”; 55 days leave Feb. 28, 1865 due to gun shot wound. Died since the war
Van Norman, Samuel T. Pvt. Surrendered in NC as 1st Sgt. Died 1905
Vince, J. R. Pvt. WIA 7-22-64 Atlanta (possibly Co. H) Wall, Charles V. Pvt. WIA Murfreesboro; died disease 5-16-63 [died from wounds-(WH)] Charles Varner Wall b: 24 April 1834 in Amite Co. MS d: 16 May 1863 in Chattanooga, Hamilton Co., TN ( in Civil War) m. Mary Jane TATE b: Abt. 1836 in LA m: July 1855 in St. Helena Parish, LA d: Aft. 1879 in Amite County, MS (Charles V. Wall is double first half-cousin of Young Griffin…Isham Griffin and Rhoda Wilkinson Wall-RJS)
Washburn, H. L. Pvt. Discharged Pass Christian early 1862
Webb, A. J. Pvt. Wounded Murfreesboro died in Union hands. [Andrew Jackson Webb]
Webb, Sampson C. (Sampson Culpepper) Pvt. Elected Lt. Wounded at Munfordville, KY; ”slightly wounded in the leg at 10:15 AM marching in cornfield in front of fort when falling back to attack the battery in our rear.” Per national archive casualty report. Resigned due to illness, died 1922 [Sampson C. 2nd Lt., r. Nov 30, 1863] (See GS Lea and E.B.Carruth Letters re: “Samp” or “Lamp” Webb)
Webb, William H. Pvt. transferred Co. K 33rd Miss. Regiment
Whittington, Garnett B. Pvt. Wounded Murfreesboro, Chickamauga and in Resaca, GA 5-15-64 (Photo with Cicero Smith?) (see Garnet in Rowland roster and McGehee Collection at MDAH, (see also S.B. Whittington below) (Per Virgil Roberts Garnet is buried four graves away from his friend Cicero Smith in Amite Co. MS-RJS) [According to Virgil Roberts, 5-2-2009 there was a second G.B. Whittington in the 7th Miss. Co. K. His name was George Butler Whittington according to his grgr grand daughter (Virgil said she has his information and a photo); check to be sure G.B. may have been incorrectly listed as S. B. Whittington Co. C wounded at Resaca or B.B. Whittington, Co. K injured in train wreck causing some of the confusion-RJS]
Whittington, Napoleon C. Pvt. WIA Chickamauga; discharged Tyners Station, TN. Died 1920 “His widow on her pension application wrote that his clothes were riddled at Shiloh, he was wounded in the leg at Murfreesboro and was seriously wounded at Chickamauga in the shoulder and hand becoming permanently disabled. He was in one or two other engagements of lesser importance. He was the son of William Whittington. He married Anna Robertson in 1869 and moved to Gloster.”-W. (WH).
*Whittington, S. B. Pvt. Wounded Resaca, Ga died 7.1.1918 (Possibly G.B Whittington Co. K)
Wilkinson, Benjamin Franklin “Frank” Pvt. Trf. to 9th Battn. Miss. SS (BF Wilkinson Letters. (photo)
Wilkinson, Jefferson W. “Jeffie” Pvt. Killed at Shiloh April 6th 1862 (Brother of Benjamin F. Wilkinson, Co. C and 9th Battn. SS. Jeffie wrote one post script in Jan. 1862 letter from BF Wilkinson to Micajah Wilkinson, their brother in addition to one other letter to his wife.) (BF Wilkinson Letter describes battle of Shiloh and Jeffie’s death-RJS)
Wilson, James M Pvt. Died of pneumonia at Corinth, MS 3-23-62 (4. 1862)
Wilson, Joseph T. Pvt. Not Mustered
*Winter, Isaac Pvt. Captured Shelbyville, TN. Resident of Cosa or Coosa, AL.
"Bogue Chitto Guards" Company B 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry
The original roster for Company B was copied from The History of Pike County. In addition this roster includes a compilation of William Hadskey’s (WH) list, the MDAH list compiled by Dunbar Rowland, and records complied by Calvin Philips (CP) from the Compiled Military Records of the 7th Regiment Miss. Infantry.
Captains Bisbee, C. M. 1st Sgt. became Commissary Captain, discharged disability 7-2-62 [See also 3rd Miss. Inf. Co. H “Dahlgren Guards” (raised in Harrison County, MS) also listed as Co. D.]
Blount, A. N., Capt. (See A.N. Blunt-died Tupelo, MS 7-3-62)
Brister, J. Milton WIA Murfreesboro Dec. 31st 1862“In cedar thicket in front of brigade” Discharged Feb. 1863 “Gunshot wound of the left leg” [Capt. Killed Sept. 20, 1863] Chickamauga; buried at Marietta, GA Confederate Cemetery. [Son of Warrick Brister and Melinda Martin] Carter, R. S. Captain [Robert S. Carter (OR)] Later Major. (Made Drill Master at Brookhaven Camp of Instruction-WH) Fowlkes, H.H. Promoted 1st Lt. 9-27-62 [Fowlkes, 1st Lt] (see-Capt. Henry H. captured Nashville, TN)
Lieutenants Bilbo, G. A. 3rd Lt., [2nd lt.] (See Gustavus A. Bilbo Company C 33rd Miss.)
Connally, Thomas Jefferson. 1st Lt. [died April 7, 1862 killed at Shiloh] (See also Connerly) (Relative Sharla Foster gives date of death as April 6th, 1862.)
[Hall, Britton, 2nd Lt. 2nd Sgt not reelected dropped May 8, 1862] Bro-in-law of Zachariah Monroe Price, Thomas Jefferson Price, and Henry H. Price all of Co. B-T. Anna Fuller, Price Letters.
Non-Commissioned Officers Hart, H. L. 4th Sgt. Killed at Chickamauga [Possibly listed as H. L. Hearn MIA at Munfordville; per national archives: “Missing on the hill near & in front of the fort while making the last charge.”]
Hart, John G. 2nd Corp.; discharged due to disability; died pneumonia 4-6-62
Hart, Joseph A. J. 3rd Corp. WIA Battle of Atlanta 7-22-64; 70 yr. old grandfather; [Served in Seminole Indian War in Florida with General Andrew Jackson; He had four sons who served in the civil war: Richard A. Hart, Joseph Ewell Hart, James Monroe Hart, and Lafayette C. Hart.-A. Fuller]
Sasser, James Corp. WIA at Shiloh, Murfreesboro, and Atlanta 7-22-64.
Alphabetical Listing (Pvt. unless noted)
Albritton, Henry H. died at Rome GA. of disease 11-17-63 (see Albirtton) [See also M. M. Albritton wounded at Munfordville, KY-Could be transcription error M. M. vs H. H.; see also J.
M. Albritton record, and R. R. Albritton) Per national Archives casualty report Munfordville: “Severely wounded at 8AM, On the hill south of the fort & on the right of the R.Road, Marching by right flank, Musket ball in the thigh.”
Albritton, John M. pvt. /1st sgt. died Atlanta of disease 6-11-64 [Note: J.N. Albells Co. D 7th Miss. died 17 June 1864, Atlanta per -widow’s pension. Buried at Oakland Cemetery. (See J. N. or J. M. Albritton; see also M. J. /J.M. Pvt. /Corp. Co. A. 7th Battn. Miss. Inf., not the same man.) ]
Albritton, Richard R. (see R.R.) Sent to Vicksburg November 12, 1862, exchanged December 4, captured at Kennesaw Captured Mountain, Ga. July 4, 1864, forwarded to Camp Douglas Prison Camp, Illinois July 16, subscribed to Oath of Allegiance to the U. S. and released June 16, 1865, resident of Pike County, Mississippi. Kennesaw Mountain, GA. [M. M. Albritton, Company B, 7th Regiment Mississippi Infantry, his cards are filed under the name R. R. Albritton, however, the only file found was that of Richard R. Albritton enlisted as a Private in Company B, 7th Mississippi Infantry by State Ordnance, April 27, 1861 at Bogue Chitto/Bay St. Louis, wounded September 11/14, 1862 at the battle near Munfordville, Kentucky, left at Cave City, Ky., age 22, “Severely wounded at 8AM, On the hill south of the fort & on the right of the R.Road, Marching by right flank, Musket ball in the thigh.”]
*Albritton, M. M. pvt. wounded at Munfordville; transcription error. R. R. Albritton, pvt. Co. B WIA at Munfordville and captured at Kennesaw Mountain.
Bewett, Joseph Missing Atlanta 7-22-64 (See Buett) Bisbee, C.M. became Commissary Captain, discharged disability 7-2-62
Blount, A. N., Capt. (See A. N. Blunt-died Tupelo, MS 7-3-62)
Bount, A. A. (See Blount. Blunt)
Bowman, William severely wounded in KY., WIA Murfreesboro, on roll 8-64 [Shown as buried at Oakland Cemetery, Atlanta per Mitchell Sanders email. Although shown on 8-64 roll, he could have been listed as in hospital or missing; must check his personal military records.]
Brister, J. Milton WIA Murfreesboro [Capt. Killed Sept. 20, 1863] Chickamauga; buried at Marietta, GA Confederate Cemetery Price Letters,
Brister, John died in Atlanta GA July 14th or 19th 1864 of wounds received at New Hope Church in May 1864. [Also listed as having died from wounds received in the “Works” on the Chattahoochee River (See John Buster)] Price Letters,
Brown, J. O. (Joseph) WIA,captured Resaca, GA
Brown, Robert M. Discharged due to Pneumonia & Bronchitis 8-27-62
Buett, Joseph (See Bewett) Missing in Atlanta
Buett, Thomas Jefferson Killed at Shiloh
Burns, F. M. died of pneumonia
*Buster, John (Probably John O. Brister-died of wounds in GA. Atlanta “Works” Chattahoochee 7-14-64)
Carter, R. L.; discharged Dyspepsia of nine months 7-26-62 (Drum Major???)
Carter, Tarrant (See T. A.) WIA Shiloh, joined cavalry.
Chandler, James C. detailed as Nurse in GA.
Chandler, Thomas J. supposed to have joined another Company (See Co. C 21st Miss. “Stevens Rifles”)
Coke, W. H.; discharged. Underage British subject 9-30-62 Conscript Act
Connally, Thomas Jefferson. 1st Lt. [died April 7, 1862 killed at Shiloh] (See also Connerly) (Relative Sharla Foster gives date of death as April 6th, 1862.) Price Letters, Britton Hall Letter,
Connally, George W. trf. To Co H, trf. 3rd Engineers (See also Connerly)
Cooke, Thomas D. discharged.
Coon, Davis [Listed among men who lost guns at Shiloh- Co. B- “ Davis Coon lost his gun by falling off a bridge into the water” (Could be Davis Cook or Thomas D. Cook-RJS]
Coon, J. J. Present last roll, probably killed at Nashville, TN. [Jasper James Coon] [See Kuhn-Kuhn, John J., Co. B, Born: Mar. 27, 1848, Died: Aug 20, 1925, Buried: Metairie Cemetery, Metairie, La.]
Coon, Samuel, captured at Nashville, TN. (See S. S. Coon) Courtney, Benjamin F. Listed on last roll, Aug 1864 (See B. F. Courtney)
Crosby, Thomas Jefferson Listed on last roll Aug 1864
Gibson, M. M. [“Major” Gibson] died of Measles 10-19-61 [G.S. Lea letter 10-27-61]
[Gibson, P [Paschael] L., 2nd Lt. cashiered Sept. 6, 1864] discharged for disability (See also T. L. Gipson note in G.S. Lea Letter, Jan. 25, 1864 about getting tight and losing letters in Atlanta while on a trip home. Don’t know if this is the same man or if the discharge and cashier are related to the incident-R. Skellie)
Gibson, W. P. [Wiley] Discharged 10-31-61
Gill, John A. died of disease pneumonia 8-29-62
Gill, John J. discharged for disability 11-16-61
Gill, S. H. Pvt. /Corp. Transferred to Co. G 3rd Confederate Engineer troops as Artificer
Gill, T. H. (See S. H. Gill)
*Givin, W. J. (See W. J. Gwin)
Gwin, John sick in hospital at Ocean Springs, MS discharged 11/61??
Gwin, Leonidas M. died of pneumonia 3-25-62
Gwin, William J. MIA/WIA died of pneumonia 4-15-62 (See W. J. Givin)
Hall, Thomas, J. WIA Shiloh, present last roll 8/1864 Price Letters,
[Hall, Britton, 2nd Lt. 2nd Sgt not reelected dropped May 8, 1862] [Bro-in-law of Zachariah Monroe “Mun” Price, and William “Red Bill” Price. He married William’s sister, Sarah, and Thomas J. Price married William’s sister, Lydia-Anna Fuller]. (Price Letters)
Hampton, Jasper in hospital in GA. Nov. 17, 1864
Hart, H. L. 4th Sgt. Killed at Chickamauga [Possibly listed as H. L. Hearn MIA at Munfordville; per national archives: “Missing on the hill near & in front of the fort while making the last charge.”]
*Hart, I. A. (probably J. A. either Judge A. or Joseph A.J.)
*Hart, I. M. (probably J. M.-James Monroe-surrendered NC)
Hart, James L. disch. defective vision 7-26-62
Hart, James Monroe surrendered in NC
Hart, John G. 2ndCorp. discharged due to disability, died pneumonia 4-6-62
Hart, Joseph A. J. 3rd Corp. WIA Battle of Atlanta 7-22-64; 70 yr. old grandfather; [Served in Seminole Indian War in Florida with General Andrew Jackson; He had four sons who served in the civil war: Richard A. Hart, Joseph Ewell Hart, James Monroe Hart, and Lafayette C. Hart.-A. Fuller]
Hart, Joseph (E. J. or J. E.). Resigned April 30, 1862 [Joseph D., dropped 5-8-62]
Hart, Judge A. pvt. Died of pneumonia 5-20-62. Son of J. E. J. Hart
*Hearn, H.L. Sgt. (Possibly listed as H. L. Hart) [MIA at Munfordville; per national archives: “Missing on the hill near & in front of the fort while making the last charge.”]
Herrington, H. F. M. sent to hospital at Oxford, MS (See Also Harrington) Price Letters,
Herrington, James L. sent to hospital at Columbus
Hodges, James M. captured in GA
Hodges, John C., WIA Shiloh, wounded at Atlanta 7-22-64
*Hollensworth, Elias killed Atlanta
Howell, James H. disch. Disabled 11-6-61
Hurt, John Disabled Discharged 12-27-61
Jenkins, Frederick R. WIA Shiloh, MIA at Atlanta 7-22-64 presumed KIA
Jenkins, John R. WIA Murfreesboro, KIA Ezra Church Atlanta
*John, William (One card only possibly William Johnston)
*Johnson, A. B. (See N.B Johnson)
*Johnson, George B. discharged for dyspepsia 7-26-62 [See Johnston]
Johnson, N. B. present Listed on last roll 8/1864 (see also A. B. Johnson)
Johnston, George B. [Benton] discharged for dyspepsia 7-26-62 [See George B. Johnson;[ Had brother William J. 3rd Battn. Miss. Inf/45th & 32nd Cons.; and bro- in-law David Edwards in the 39th Miss. [Letter to William B. Johnston] Also related to Roberts, William H. Pvt. Co. G WIA Chickamauga; sent to hospital Nov. 7, 1863 [Possibly Wade H. Roberts; wife Nancy Johnston Roberts is sister to William J. (3rd Battn. Miss.) and George Benton Johnston (Co. B 7th Miss.) and David M. W. Johnston (39th Miss.); their sister, Mary Ann Johnston Edwards, was married to David Edwards of the 39th Miss. - Williamson Chapter VII Notes 51.]
Johnston, William; Listed present on last roll 8/1864
*Kazza, James W. (See Kayzar, James W.) (see-J. W. Kizer-captured at Nashville, TN)
Kayzar, James W. Listed on last roll 8-64 captured at Nashville, TN. (See Kazza, Kizer, Kyzar)
Kinneally, Thomas -Hospital in GA (See also Kenneally)
*Kizer, J. W. (See James W. Kayzar and Kazza, Kyzar)
Kuhn, John J. [See Coon]
Martin, James M. discharged disability 7-26-62
[Mayer, Jo. A., 2nd Lt.] assigned as 2nd Lt. for two months
Moak, William A. died of disease 11-2-62 ("A" may have been Andrew], b. 1841, son of Middleton M. Moak, Sr. "Died of his wounds after returning to Bogue Chitto, Pike,co.,MS"
Moak, William H., hospital 6-20-64; surrendered at High Point, NC (William Harrison Moak, son of Henry Moak." Served 4 years in the CSA"; source: Moak Family 1840 - 1960, by L.L. Moak (Photo)
Netherland, T.L. discharged for disease 12-27-61
Newman, Jasper transferred to “Stevens Rifles” [J. P. Newman Co. C 21st Miss. Inf.]
[Parnell, James N., hospital West Point, MS 9-12-63 became nurse, surrendered at Meridian.]
Peevy, Levi pvt. Listed on last roll 8-64
*Prestridge, Wiley P. surrenderd at Citronelle, AL Listed on last roll 8-64
*Prestridge, Zachariah sent to hospital in GA
Price, Henry H. “Hen”, Medal of Honor Murfreesboro, died of wounds MIA; buried in Atlanta, GA. [Brother of T. J. Price, Z. M. Price and cousin and bro-in-law of William “Red Bill” Price, Co. B] Price Letters,
*Price, T. M. (See Z. M. Price; T. J. Price, brother of Zachariah and Henry H. Price, Co.
Price, Uriah pvt.
Price, William “Red Bill” WIA Murfreesboro, WIA July 28 (EZRA Church) 1864 and sent to hospital and later home where he finished the war. (“William was a cousin and bro-in-law to Thomas J. Price who married his sister, Lydia. He and Thomas were very close, like brothers”.-T. A. Fuller; There was a W. J. Price who was captured at Jonesboro possibly in Co. A -not be same person-RJS) Price Letters, (photo)
Price, Zachariah Monroe “Mun” (See Z. M. and T. M.; Also listed as Zaccheus Monroe Price; Killed at Shiloh. “Zachariah Monroe Price shot and killed on second day close to the water oaks at Shiloh-Rusty Reeves), Brother of Thomas J., Henry H. and cousin and bro-in-law of William Price of Co. B. (See notes Anna Fuller, state that William “Red Bill” Price was “like a brother; he was their cousin and brother-in-law to Thomas J. who married William’s sister, Lydia.”) Price Letters,
Rawls, Jesse sent to hospital in GA 1863; did not return.
*[Reeves, J. M. possibly 7th Battn. captured at Nashville, TN.- added by RJS ]
Richardson, Martin Van Buren; transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS
*Saper, Stephen (See Sasser, “ss” sometimes looked like “p” when written in script)
Sasser, Daniel V. discharged; transferred to Co. C 9th Miss. Battn. SS (See also Co. H) WIA Chickamauga
Sasser, James Corp. WIA at Shiloh, Murfreesboro and Atlanta 7-22-64.
Sasser, Joseph discharged for convulsions and asthma 7-26-62
Sasser, Stephen discharged for general disability 5-6-63 (See Saper)
Sasser, William discharged; 7-20-62; 16 yr. old deformity of breast
Schwartz, Jacob discharged disability (See also Schartz)
(D) Shivers, German A. deserted and joined the 34th KY, USA Shivers Family Letters; His three brothers Evan, Gilbert, and George served in Company A 39th Miss.
Slaven, John W. discharged for wounds received at Shiloh 9-30-62 (See also Co. G)
Smith, Samuel transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS
Spencer, James M. WIA Murfreesboro Joined Cavalry
Tarver, Thomas B. received medical certificate at Rome, GA
Terrell, Foster transferred to 9th Battn. Miss. SS
Terrell, Martin discharged for poor health 8-25-62
*Trantham, Daniel discharged at Pass Christian, MS 11-5-61 (See Trautham)
*Trautham, Daniel (See Trantham)
Turner, Francis I. Joined “Stevens Rifles” [Frank Turner, Co. C 21st “Stephens Rifles”]
Wallace, Zacariah discharged for heart disease 3-11-63
White, Joseph captured and sent to Camp Chase, Ohio
Williams, J. B. discharged underage 9-30-62 Conscript Act (Check Jordan B. Co. H)
Williams, Zachariah discharged underage 9-30-62 Conscript Act (See also Zack)