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Moderators: gpthelastrebel, Patrick, Ashlyn
Author Post
Sun Jan 25 2009, 01:53PM
Registered Member #2
Joined: Thu Jul 19 2007, 03:39PM
Posts: 864
January 25, 1863 Abraham Lincoln relieves General Ambrose Burnside [US} from command of the Army of the Potomac, replacing him with General Joseph "Fighting Joe" Hooker...............

January 25, 1863 Union forces withdraw from Corinth. They had been ordered to help protect Mississippi River shipping from northern states Mississippi........

January 25, 1864 Confederates organize a government around General Henry W. Allen. Its capital is Shreveport. Louisiana........

January 25, 1864 Nathan Bedford Forrest [CS] attacks and defeats William Sooy Smith [US] near Meridian Mississippi

January 25, 1867 Missouri ratifies the 14th Amendment Missouri..

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