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Sun Jan 29 2023, 07:44AM Quote

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3444
Formed in Jackson County, mustered into State service near Ocean Springs on September 18, 1861. Mustered into Confederate service at Shieldsboro on Oct. 5, 1861.

Adam -- Cook slave

Alexander, J. T. -- Pvt.

Bailott, G. -- Pvt.

Balot, Casemire -- Pvt.

Bang, Alfred -- Pvt.

Bang, Galba -- Pvt.

Beard, W. H. -- Pvt.

Beebe, Edward -- Pvt.

Belcher, Rowan P. -- Pvt.

Bell, G. W. -- Pvt

Bennett, Marion -- Pvt.

Bevy, Edward -- Pvt.

Blythe, James -- 3rd, 2nd, 1st Sgt.

Bond, John -- 4th Sgt.

Bond, R. -- Pvt.

Bosarge, Henry -- Pvt.

Bosarge, Julius -- Pvt.

Bowen, John -- Pvt.

Bowen, Oscar du Bose -- 2nd, 1st Sgt.

Bozar, Edward -- Pvt.

Bozar, Jule -- Pvt.

Brakefield, Jacob J. -- Pvt.,4th, 2nd Cpl., 2nd Sgt.

Breeland, Hans -- Pvt.

Breeland, J. C. -- Pvt.

Breeland, Manor L. -- Pvt.

Bridges, Benjamin J. --  Pvt.

Bridges William -- Pvt.

Broadus, William -- Pvt.

Brown, Edwin -- Pvt.

Brown, Enno S. -- Pvt.

Brown George -- Pvt.

Byrd, Rueben -- Pvt.

Capers, G.R. -- Pvt.

Carco, B. -- Pvt.

Carraway, J. B. -- Pvt.

Carroll, Elisha -- Pvt.

Carroll, Jackson -- Pvt.

Catchot, Arnold -- Pvt.

Caten, R. -- Pvt.

Cates, John -- Pvt.

Cates, Richard -- Pvt.

Cates, Solomon -- Pvt.

Clark, Archibald, -- Pvt. 3rd Cpl.

Clark, George -- Pvt.

Clark, Ira -- Pvt.

Clark, John E. -- Pvt.

Cochran, Edward L. -- Pvt.

Collins, Eli --Pvt.

Cooper, ? -- Pvt.

Cowart, Daniel H. -- Pvt.

Cowart, Henry E. -- Pvt.

Cowart, James J. -- 1st Sgt, Sgt Maj., 3rd, 2nd L.

Cowart, Newit -- Pvt.

Cox, P. -- Pvt.

Crawford, A. H. -- Pvt.

Creason, C. H. -- Pvt.

Cruthirds, George -- Pvt.

Cruthirds, James N. -- Pvt.

Cruthirds, whit -- Pvt.

Danaly, Andrew J. -- Pvt.

Danaly, Arthur -- Pvt, 3rd 1st Cpl.

Danaly, William F. -- Pvt.

Davis, J. A. -- Pvt.

Davis, J. G. -- Pvt.

Davis, J. L. -- Pvt.

Davis, James -- Pvt.

Davis, Joseph -- Pvt.

Davis, Ransom -- Pvt.

Davis, Thompson -- Pvt.

Dedeaux, Bernard -- Pvt.

Dedeaux, Theodore -- Pvt.

Dennington, Robert -- Pvt.

Desporte, William -- Pvt.

Edwards, J.J. -- Pvt.

English, S. D. --Pvt.

Entrekin, Daniel -- Pvt.

Fairley, M. W. -- Pvt.

Farmer, S. A.-- Pvt.

Fayard, Jules -- Pvt.

Fayard, Marcus-- Pvt.

Fayard, Charles-- Pvt.

Fleming, Hiram L. -- Pvt., Cpl.

Fleming J.A. -- Pvt.

Fountain, Francis "Frank" -- Pvt.

Fountain, Jean Baptiste -- Pvt.

Fountain, Louis -- Pvt.

Fountain, Manuel -- Pvt.

Fountain, Francis -- Pvt.

Fournier, R. -- Pvt.

Gentry, S. M. -- Pvt.

Gill, Andrew J. -- Pvt.

Gill Francis -- Pvt.

Gill George -- Pvt.

Goforth, Dusdin R. -- Pvt.

Graves, James J. -- Pvt.

Gray, James H. -- Pvt.

Heenam, James --  Pvt.

Henning, V. B. -- Pvt.

Herrin, Van -- Pvt.

Herrington, C. H. -- Pvt.

Herrington, John M. -- Pvt.

Hicks, Mathey -- Pvt.

Hill, Francis W. -- Pvt.

Hill, H. R. -- Pvt.

Hill, John W. -- Pvt.

Inman, John Harrison -- Pvt.

Johnson, Benjamin F. -- Pvt.

Johnson, James -- Pvt.

Johnson, James B. -- Pvt.

Johnson, Jasper -- Pvt.

Johnson, Newton -- Pvt.

Johnson, William -- Pvt.

Jones, Alfred -- Pvt.

Jones, C. F. -- Pvt.

Jones, John -- Pvt.

Jones, William E. -- Pvt., Asst. Surg.

Jordan, William -- Pvt.

Keith, E. -- Pvt.

King, Columbus M. -- Pvt.

Kornman, William-- Pvt. Mus.

Kron, Charles -- Pvt.

Ladnier, A. -- Pvt.

Ladnier, Charles -- Pvt.

Lanius, Mike L. -- Pvt., Mus., (Drummer).

Lemore, Nathan -- 1st Cpl.

Lemore, W. B. -- Pvt.

Lewis -- Slave Cook

Lewis, A. E. -- Capt. (hon)

Lewis, W. B. -- 3rd, 2nd Cpl., 1st Sgt.

Lyons, George -- Pvt.

Lyons John-- Pvt.

Lyons, Samuel -- Pvt.

McCaleb, Thomas -- Pvt.

McKean, J. -- Pvt.

McRae, James B. -- Capt., Lt. Col.

McRae, Taylor -- Pvt., 4th 5th Sgt.

Majors, I. N. -- Pvt.

Mann, Charles -- Pvt.

Mayhan, E. L. -- Pvt.

Miles, Thomas -- Pvt.

Miller, August-- Pvt.

Miller, Eli -- Pvt.

Miller, George -- Pvt.

Miller, J. -- Pvt.

Mitchell, B. F. -- Pvt.

Mixon, Abrham -- Pvt.

Morris D. G. -- Pvt.

Motte, Clement -- Pvt.

Noble, J. F. -- Pvt.

Nobles, G. W. -- Pvt.

Nobles, John -- Pvt.

Nobles, Josiah -- Pvt.

Nobles, William H. -- Pvt.

Nole, T.W. -- Cpl.

Norman, William-- Pvt. (Mus)

O'Kief, Edward -- Pvt.

O'Neal, William Jr. -- Pvt.

O'Neal, William Sr. -- Pvt.

Pearson, William -- Pvt.

Perriller, William -- Pvt.

Pierson, James -- Pvt.

Pitts, Alvin -- Pvt, 4th Cpl.

Pollock, William -- Sgt.

Pons, Bartholomew -- Pvt.

Pons, Peter A -- Pvt.

Prentiss, James -- Pvt.

Quave, Usant -- Pvt.

Ramsey, Abiezar F. -- 1st Lt., Capt.

Ramsey, Daniel H. -- Pvt, 5th, 4th, 3rd, Sgt.

Ramsey, Enoch -- 2nd, 1st Lt.

Ramsey, James P. -- Pvt, 4th Cpl.

Ramsey, Sardin G. -- Pvt., 3rd Sgt.

Ramsey, Thomas E -- Pvt.

Reeves, George -- Pvt.

Reeves, John -- Pvt, 4th, Cpl.

Reeves, Peter A. -- Pvt. 4th, 3rd, 2nd Cpl.

Rice, Bryant C. -- Pvt., 3rd, 2nd Cpl.

Rice, Jesse W. -- Pvt.

Richard, Augustus -- Sgt.

Riley, J. S. -- Pvt.

Rodrigues, Felix -- Pvt.

Rogers, Frank -- 2nd Cpl. 4th, 3rd Sgt.

Rogers, Joseph G. -- Pvt., 4th, 3rd, 1st Cpl.

Russell, Daniel, -- Pvt.

Ryan, A. J. -- Pvt.

Ryan, Alfred -- Pvt.

Ryan, Antoine -- Pvt.

Ryan, John -- Pvt.

Ryan Joseph -- Pvt.

Ryan, Louis -- Pvt.

Ryan, martin -- Pvt.

Ryan, Pierre -- Pvt.

Ryan, Rene-- Pvt.

Ryan Victor -- Pvt.

Scarborough, Abram -- Pvt. 2nd Cpl.

Scarborough, Alexander --Pvt.

Scarborough, David -- Pvt.

Scarborough, Levi -- Pvt.

Scarborough, Peter -- Pvt.

Schaeffer, Emile -- Pvt., 1st Sgt.

Scott, John H. -- Pvt, Color Cpl.

Seymore, Henry -- Pvt.

Seymore, John -- Pvt.

Sirmon, Nathan -- 1st Cpl.

Smith, Alfred M. -- Pvt.

Smith, Andrew J. -- Pvt., 4th, 3rd Sgt.

Smith, Jackson -- Pvt.

Smith, James H. -- Pvt.

Smith, Rueben -- Pvt.

Smith, Thomas -- Pvt.

Solomon -- Cook, (slave)

Sumrall, Joseph Y. -- Pvt.

Tench, W. H. -- Pvt.

Thomas, James -- Pvt.

Thompson, Stephen R. -- 3rd, 2nd, 1st Lt.

Tiff, Fritz -- Pvt.

Tucker, Frank-- 5th Sgt.

Tucker, G. W. -- Pvt.

Walker, Alexander -- Pvt.

Walker, Edward -- Pvt.

Walker, G. W. -- Pvt.

Walker, G. W. Sr. -- Pvt.

Walker, Thomas J. -- Pvt.

Walker, Thomas R. -- Pvt., 5th Sgt.

Waltzer, August -- Pvt.

Ware, Richard -- Pvt.

Ware, T. A. -- Pvt.

Ware, Thomas H. -- Pvt.

Webb, Henry -- Pvt.

Webb, William -- Pvt.

Weller, Eli -- Pvt.

Weller, George Pvt.

Webb, James F. -- Pvt.

West, J. R. -- Pvt.

Westbrook, L. -- Pvt.

Williams, H. F. -- Pvt.

Woodcock, A.J. -- Pvt.

Woodcock, C. N. --  Pvt.

Wyatt, T. H. -- Pvt.

Young, B.F. -- Pvt.

Young, Charles, C. -- Pvt.

Young, H. F. -- Pvt.

Young, John -- Pvt.

Zirlott, Daniel -- Pvt.

[ Edited Wed Jan 10 2024, 02:54PM ]
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