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Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education :: Forums :: Military Units :: The 7th Mississippi Infantry Regt.
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Battles (this page currently under construction)
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Moderators: gpthelastrebel, Patrick, Ashlyn
Author Post
Fri Aug 04 2023, 11:24PM Quote

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3173
Below you will find a list of some of the more well known battles the 7th Mississippi took part in. As a courtesy I have link to those battles listed that are now a part of the National Park Service or The Heritage Preservation Services and have their own website. These sites will be identified by their red text and are great sources of information. For example if you view the Shiloh Battlefield N.P.S. website you can see markers and plaques detailing the battles actions. You can actually see where the 7th fought. Click name in bold blue for link. Please enjoy!

Shiloh... April 6-7, 1862-- Shiloh
Corinth Campaign... April - June, 1862 Corinth
Munfordville... September 17, 1862---- Munfordville
Murfreesboro (Stones River)... December 31, 1862 - January 3, 1863 Murfreesboro
Rover... February 13, 1863
Tullahoma Campaign... June 1863 ----Tullahoma Campaign
Chickamauga... Septtember 19-20, 1863
Chattanooga Siege... September - November 1863
Chattanooga... November 23-25, 1863
Atlanta Campaign... May-Sept 1864
Resaca... May 14-15, 1863
New Hope Church... May 25-Jun 4, 1864
Battle of Atlanta... July 22, 1864
Ezra Church... July 28, 1864
Atlanta Siege...July-September 1864
Franklin... November 30, 1864
Nashville... December 15-16, 1864
Carolinas Campaign...February-April 1865

[ Edited Thu Aug 17 2023, 02:12AM ]
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