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Sun Jan 07 2024, 12:47PM Quote

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3444
Formed in Copiah County. Mustered into State service in Hazelhurst on august 17, 1861. Mustered into Confederate service at Shieldsboro on October 5 1861.

Adkins, J. J. --Pvt.

Alston, Philip Gains -- Pvt.

Anderson, Thomas J. -- Pvt., 1st Cpl.

Ashely, George -- Pvt.

Baines, T. J. -- Pvt.

Baley, S. W. -- Pvt.

Bankston, S. J. -- Pvt., mus. (fifer)

Bardwell, Benjamin -- Pvt.

Bardwell, James-- Pvt.

Bardwell, John -- Pvt.

Bardwell, Josiah -- Pvt.

Bardwell, Solomon -- Pvt

Barrow, J.M. -- Pvt.

Beall, Walter-- Pvt., 5th,4th Sgt.

Beck Theodore -- Pvt.

Bourdeaux, Joseph -- Pvt.

Bowie, Bourdeaux -- Pvt. 4th, 2nd Cpl., 4th Sgt.

Bowie, Mortimer M. -- Pvt., 1st Cpl.

Boyd, S. -- Pvt.

Britt, M -- Pvt.

Broom, William -- Pvt.

Brown, William H. -- Pvt., 4th, 2nd Cpl.

Cagle, W.A. -- Pvt.

Calender, John -- Pvt.

Case, J. B. --Pvt.

Case, W. Pvt.

Casey, J.T. --Pvt

Caves, James J. -- Pvt.

Cosnahan, Joseph -- Pvt.

Cosnalian, Joseph -- Pvt.

Cosnehan, Jas. -- Pvt.-- It is to my way of thinking the three men listed are the same last names. Perhaps the CSR are not clear?

Crawford, B.A. -- Pvt

Crawford, Fayette -- Pvt.

Crawford, H. J. -- Pvt.

Crosby, John -- Pvt.

Cullin, William -- Pvt.

Davis, J.A. -- Pvt.

Davis, William H. -- Pvt.

Davis, William W. -- Pvt.

Deason, W. M. -- Pvt.

Dempas, W.R. -- Pvt.

Duff, J. R. -- Pvt.

East, Washington M.S. -- Sgt

Edwards, John -- Pvt.

Farmer, B. F. -- Pvt.

Fatheree Solmon S. -- Pvt.

Fife, A. J. -- Pvt.

Fleming, T. Rueben -- Pvt., Sgt.

Ford, J. J. -- Pvt.

Ford, J. M. -- Pvt.

Ford, W. G. -- 2nd Lt.

Foster, James M. -- Pvt.

Foster, Jesse -- Pvt.

Foster, John, R. -- Pvt.

Fox, J. M. -- Pvt.

Fuller, John E. -- Pvt.

Furr, Francis Marion -- Pvt.

Furr, James M. -- Pvt.

Furr, Joel H. --Pvt.

Furr, R. P. -- Pvt.

Furr, W. P. -- Pvt., 3rd Cpl.

Garver, C. L. -- Pvt.

Gibbs, W. M. -- Pvt.

Gibes, Aaron M. -- Pvt.

Gowins, George W. -- Pvt., 5th, 3rd, 2nd Sgt.

Grace, David H. -- Pvt.

Graham, John H. -- Pvt.

Griffin, A.W. -- Pvt.

Guess, Walker -- Pvt., 4th Cpl.

Hagan George H. -- Pvt.

Hagan, George S. -- Pvt.

Hagan William H. -- Pvt

Hardin, Doy -- Pvt.

harper, James U. F. -- Pvt.

Harrell, Edwin D. -- Pvt.

Harris, David M. -- Pvt.

Harrison, George -- Pvt.

Hases, Thomas -- Pvt.

Hester, John R. -- Pvt.

Hilburn, Fred -- Pvt.

Hilburn, George -- Pvt.

Hogan, J. C. -- Pvt.

Hogan, J. M. -- Pvt.

Holt, James C. -- Pvt.

Honea, Francis -- Pvt.

Honea W. Howell -- Pvt. 2nd Lt.

Hudnall, John -- Pvt.

Huffman, J. D. -- Pvt.

Hunt, David W. D. -- Pvt.

Husband, William -- Pvt.

Jackson, J. H. -- Pvt.

Jackson, W. H. -- 3rd Cpl.

James, Alexander W. -- Pvt.

James, John Ira -- Pvt.

Johnston, Charles -- Pvt.

Johnston, J. H. -- Capt.

Johnston, O. H. --- 2nd Lt., Capt.

Jordan, Clark -- Pvt.

Jordan, H. -- Pvt.

Joseph, Joseph B. -- Pvt.

King, J. H. -- Pvt.

King, J. M. -- Pvt.

King, Jerry R. -- Pvt.

Lee, George M. -- Pvt.

Lee, Robert -- Pvt.

Leonard, William M. -- Pvt.

Lillie, James-- Pvt.

McDaniel, Columbus -- Pvt. 2nd, Color Cpl.

McGowan, J. W. -- Pvt.

McGowan, Joseph T. -- Pvt., Color Cpl.

McLemore, John J. -- Pvt.

McLemore, Leon W. -- Pvt, 2nd, 1st Sgt., 3rd, 2nd Lt.

McMullen, W. -- Pvt

McPhail, David R. -- Pvt.

Martin, Iredell R. -- Pvt., 3rd, 1st Cpl., Sgt.

Martin, Joel T. -- Pvt

Martin, Taylor-- Pvt.

Meyer, Jackob -- Pvt.

Margan, G. S. -- Pvt.

Morton, Nathan P. -- Pvt.

Newell, William -- Pvt.

Newton, David -- Pvt.

Norton, N. P. -- Pvt.

Page, Jacob -- Pvt.

Patterson, W. J. P. --- Pvt., 2nd Cpl., 2nd, 1st Lt.

Penn, J. H. -- Pvt.

Percival, John -- Pvt.

Peyton, E. A. --Capt., Maj., Lt. Col.

Peyton, Elijah -- Pvt.

Peyton, Murray M. -- 1st Lt.

Phelan, dan-- Pvt.

Pierce, J. M. -- Pvt.

Pierce, J. L. -- Pvt., Mus.

Regan, William -- Pvt.

Renfrow, Marion -- Pvt, 2nd Cpl.

Rials, Martin, V. B.  -- Pvt, 4th Sgt., 3rd, 2nd Lt.

Robertson, F. M. -- Pvt.

Ryan, Daniel B. -- Pvt, 2nd, 3rd Lt.

Sandier, William R. -- Pvt.

Seastrunk, Warren Elis -- 5th, 1st Sgt.

Seastrunk, William w. -- Pvt.

Sellers, J. Pvt., 3rd Sgt.

sellers, James O. -- Pvt.

Sherron, R. A. -- Pvt.

Shery, H. C. -- Lt.

Shoemaker, Allen -- Pvt.

Shoemaker, John B. -- Pvt.

Simmons, J. W. -- Pvt.

Smith, Fred -- Pvt.

Smith, J. E. -- Pvt.

Smith, James R. -- Pvt.

Smith, W. E. -- Pvt.

Smith, William C. -- Pvt.

Strickland, Samuel T. -- 2nd, 1st Sgt.

Sturgis, Frank, -- Pvt.

Sumrall, Allen -- Pvt.

Sumrall, Joseph -- Pvt.

Sukes, Richard -- Pvt.

Sykes, Wyatt -- Pvt.

Taliaferro, Charles W. --- 3rd Lt.

Temple, C. C. -- 4th Cpl., 4th, 2nd Sgt., 3rd, 2nd Lt.

Temple, William R. -- Pvt.

Tillman, Robert D. -- Pvt.

Tucker, James -- Pvt.

Turner, George -- Pvt.

Wagoner, Adam -- Pvt., Mus. Drummer

Walker, T. J. -- Pvt.

Walsh, Albert J. -- Pvt.

Warner, J. S. E. -- Pvt., 3rd Cpl., 4th, 3rd Sgt.

Watts, John, -- Pvt., 4th Cpl.

Werter, D. -- Pvt.

Westbrook, S. J. -- Pvt.

Wheeler, Erastus B. -- Pvt., 1st Sgt.

White Ben, W. -- Pvt.

Williams, J. W. -- Pvt.

Williams, Jeff -- Pvt.

Wilson, B. W. -- Pvt.

Wilson Solomon -- Pvt.

Wilson, William -- Pvt.

Windham, R. M. -- Pvt.

Wise, John P. -- Pvt, Mus.

Womack, Albert G. B. -- Pvt.

Wooten, Henry P. -- Pvt.

Wooten, James -- Pvt.

Wooten, Robert -- Pvt.

Wooten, William -- Pvt.

Wright, Melton H. --- Pvt.

Companies Unknown

Alton, August -- Pvt., Mus.

Baldwin, Francis M. -- Pvt.

Cowan, C. C. -- Pvt.

Grubos, J. D. L. -- Pvt.

Johnson, Robert -- Pvt.

Merritt, F. S. -- Pvt.

Nixon, Alexander -- Pvt.(?)

Ponds, Thomas -- Pvt.

Purcell, Phillip -- Pvt.

Sancin, V. -- Pvt.

Stone, Tihlman -- Pvt.

Wilmer, McCallister -- Pvt.

Youngblood, E. A. -- Pvt.


Re: McWillie Blues Roster

By:Artillery guy
Date: 11/25/2022, 3:49 pm
In Response To: McWillie Blues Roster (George Purvis)

Mr. Howell himself states that these men belong to unknown companies.

He also lists no companies for them in For Dixie Land ....

I find that August Alton, a private and musician, is listed as F & S (Field and Staff).

My suggestion is for you to contact Mr. Howell directly.


Re: McWillie Blues Roster
By:Artillery guy
Date: 11/26/2022, 9:27 pm
In Response To: Re: McWillie Blues Roster (George Purvis)

Other than Alton, the men men show no company designation in their CMSRs.
I checked the records of Ponds and Purcell.and found the only record of them was that they were surrendered at Vicksburg. No enlistment data and no muster roll. Nothing to indicate their post seige service.
Most, if not all, of the rest probably show the same.
Is it possible that they were recent conscripts and never fully assigned to any particular company?
I wish you the best in your research.

[ Edited Wed Jan 10 2024, 03:10PM ]
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