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gpthelastrebel Sat 01:53
Patrick Mon 14:19
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Robray Wed 14:28
D. L. Garland Wed 18:09
SHAPE Projects
This page is a listing of the projects and issues that S.H.A.P.E. has been involved with this year. This listing does not include the Projects Page that we have posted to help raise funds for other organizations and projects. Since we made no effort to list and record these efforts for 2008, we promise to do better for 2009.

George Purvis


New Logo designed by Pat Wright. Approved

Confederate History Month Resolution presented

Headstones acquired and placed???

Addressed the Gettysburg & Morris island issues. Both are still on the books

Addressed the Forrest high School issue.

Transcribed more Camp Chase letters.

Bylaws approved

Addressed the slavery apology issue.

Gator and Bobbie working on the coloring book project –un-named.

Quilt Raffle

Addressed the Tampa Confederate Flag/Park issue


April --Made Donation To Southern Legal Resource Center
Promoted Confederate history Month


Working Vol. 1 Coloring Book sales.

Applied for 501c status.

Working to complete Camp Chase letter project