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About SHAPE/Becoming A Member
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About SHAPE --

Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education (SHAPE) in the beginning was sort of a spin-off of several researchers who were active on the History Sites News and Views message board. I had became active in Southern Heritage preservation issues and I noticed that very good information was being posted that could be used to defend various Southern Heritage issues, but was soon buried by the following threads. I complained several times about the lost info and how we could use this information to defend our Confederate heritage. One fellow researcher suggested I form a group and get organized, so taking this suggestion I started putting the ground work together, talking to different people and several researchers volunteered to join in and help. Soon we had a nice little group working together. In time Jim Martin sponsored the first SHAPE message board beginning on Monday April 11, 2005. That is the generally accepted date we formed. Dennis Brooks was our first president and he along with Dennis Boswell, Ben Lewelling and several others began to lay the foundation of rules and mission statement to become a working group.

Since that time SHAPE has been involved in defending our Southern heritage numerous times with a great deal of success. We have located graves and have helped dozens of families mark their ancestor’s graves with Veterans Administration approved markers. We have a working Camp Chase Letter project. Under the leadership of member Pam Watts, SHAPE collected over 2,500 hundred books to donate to the Waveland, Mississippi school district to replace books lost due to hurricane Katrina.

Over time we have had a good number of members. We have had at least two disputes where several members left. Our last president decided it was necessary for him to try and destroy SHAPE. We lost most of our members but we came back under the leadership of Mark Raines stronger than ever. We are in the process of finalizing our website, our rules for becoming a member, and our bylaws. We intend to fully protect the organization from such a destructive event happening to us again.

George Purvis

Becoming a Member

SHAPE is a Southern Heritage based organization and is interested in accepting members who share SHAPE's goals to preserve our Southern Heritage. Members will be encouraged to participate in group projects that strive to Advance and Preserve Southern Heritage. Racist activity or racism is not a part of our organization.

SHAPE retains the right to refuse membership to any person regardless of race, creed, ethnic or religious background. SHAPE retains the rights to membership and shall consider membership to all persons who qualify for said membership. If said applicant is refused membership, applicant may appeal the denial, but upon a second denial the decision will be final.

Criteria for SHAPE members is as follows:

Members must be committed to the preservation and education of our Southern Heritage.

Each member should work in some capacity for SHAPE.

No public protesting or FLAGGING in the name of SHAPE.

Each member must have a personal interest in Southern Heritage.

Each member agrees to represent SHAPE in a respectable manner.

Each member agrees to respect other SHAPE member's opinion while acting in a capacity for SHAPE.

Each member agrees to accept a project.

Each member agrees to try to be at the chat meetings.

No insulting or inflammatory remarks allowed on either the SHAPE board or thru SHAPE email.

All communications (with the media, other message boards, private emails or other organizations) that is directly related to SHAPE must be approved by the president or the board.

Each member agrees to adhere to the procedures and guidelines governing SHAPE and understand that failure to do so may result in loss of membership.

Members should strive for continuing education in order to present true statements to the public.

Each person wanting to join SHAPE simply fill out the membership form with name and email. An email will be sent to the website admin and a reply will be sent to you if you are approved.

SHAPE also believes that the English language is the true and offical language of our Nation and also must be guarded, honored, protected, and promoted so it shall remain our offical language forever.

Do you feel you meet the criteria to be a SHAPE member based on the above information?

If so--
Contact Randy at -- csacav2002©yahoo.com

Mark Raines
SHAPE President


By Laws of Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education


***Section 1. This organization is organized exclusively for the educational charitable purposes within the meaning of section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

Section 1: The name of the organization shall be Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education and/or S.H.A.P.E.

Section 2: S.H.A.P.E. is organized exclusively for charitable and educational purposes; specifically to protect and advance of the education of Southern Heritage.

***Section 3: Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, this organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from Federal Income tax under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170(c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provisions of the future United States Revenue Law).


Section 1: Membership shall consist only of the Officers, members of the board of directors and S.H.A.P.E. members. See rules of membership for further details at http://southernheritageadvancementpreservationeducation.com then go to About S.H.A.P.E/Becoming a Member.

Section 2: Disputes within the organization.
In the event that there is a dispute among members of S.H.A.P.E. the following shall take place:
A. The B.O.D. shall have a meeting about the issue at hand with members.
B. The B.O.D. by voting shall determine if any or all parties involved shall be banned from the website.
C. The B.O.D. will determine if the ban will be temporary or permanent until the issue at hand is resolved.

Section 3: Website Ownership
The website is operated for S.H.A.P.E. In the event that the website owner and S.H.A.P.E. have a dispute that cannot be resolved, an arbitrator will used. The arbitrator’s decision shall be upheld.
A. In the event of an accident that renders Pat Wright, owner of S.H.A.P.E website, mentally disabled or results in death, the President and Vice President of S.H.A.P.E, at this time, Mark Raines and George Purvis will take over as owners of Pat Wrights account. If said accident should render Pat Wright physically disabled, Pat may request S.H.A.P.E take possession of S.H.A.P.E account at any given time. S.H.A.P.E will then have 6 months to remove all content into a S.H.A.P.E owned account.

B. It is understood all information contained in S.H.A.P.E 's website belongs to the group S.H.A.P.E and may not be deleted, removed, revised or destroyed by anyone, acting in any capacity, paid or otherwise, as a website technician for S.H.A.P.E, without the express written consent of the B.O.D.’s of S.H.A.P.E. Any changes made to the S.H.A.P.E account will have to be approved by the B.O.D. of S.H.A.P.E.


Section 1: The date of the regular annual meeting shall be set by the Board of Directors (B.O.D.) and will set the time and place.

Section 2: Special meetings may be called by the President or by the majority vote of the B.O.D.

Section 3: Notice of each meeting shall be given to each voting member, by mail, not less than ten days before the meeting.


Section 1: Board Role, Size and Compensation.
The President is responsible for overall policy and direction of S.H.A.P.E. and delegate’s responsibility for day-to-day operations to the B.O.D. and its committees. The Board shall have up to 5 and not fewer than 3 members. The B.O.D. or any official of S.H.A.P.E. or its members receives no compensation.

Section 2: Meetings.
The Board shall meet at least quarterly at an agreed upon time and place.

Section 3: Board Elections.
Election of new directors or election of current directors to a second term will occur as the first item of business at the annual meeting of the corporation. Directors will be elected by a majority vote of the current directors.

Section 4: Terms.
All Board members shall serve 2 year terms, but are eligible for re-election.

Section 5: Quorum.
A quorum must be attended by at least 60 percent of the Board members before business can be transacted or motions made or passed.

Section 6: Notice of Meetings
An official Board meeting requires that each Board member have written notice two weeks in advance.

Section 7: Officers and Duties.
There shall be five officers of the Board consisting of the President (Chair), Vice President (Vice Chair), Membership Director, Historian, and Treasurer. Their duties are as follows:

A. The Chair shall convene regularly scheduled Board meetings, shall preside or arrange for other members of the executive committee to preside at each meeting in the following order: Vice-Chair, Secretary and Treasurer.

B. The Vice-Chair will chair committees on special subjects as designated by the board.

C. The Treasurer shall make a report at each Board meeting. Treasurer shall chair the finance committee, assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, and make financial information available to Board members and the public.

D. The Membership Director is appointed by the President. Once appointed, the appointment must be approved by majority vote of the BOD. The length of the term for Membership Director is not defined.
1. Act as a liaison between the general membership and the board of directors, fielding questions and settling disputes where possible.

2. Respond in a timely manner to emails from the members or public regarding memberships, joining/renewals, and membership privileges. SHAPE suspense time to send out welcome emails will be no more than 15 days from the time a new member requests membership.

3. Processes new memberships and insures membership cards are mailed.

4. Coordinate and send a quarterly membership newsletter (update via e-mail) and occasionally a piece for the newsletter when/if SHAPE approves to begin said Newsletter

5. Attend board meetings (usually via phone about once a year). Vote on ballots put forth by and for the President/Board of Directors.

6. Assumes any other duties that may be required of him/her by the President/BOD

E. The Historian shall be responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each Board members, and assuring that corporate records are maintained.

Section 8: Vacancies.
When a vacancy on the Board exists, nominations for new members may be received from present Board members by the Historian at least two weeks in advance of a Board meeting. These nominations shall be sent out to Board members with the regular Board meeting announcement, to be voted upon at the next Board meeting. These vacancies will be filled only to the end of the particular Board member's term.

Section 9: Resignation, Termination and Absences.
Resignation from the Board must be in writing and received by the Historian. A Board member shall be dropped for excess absences from the Board if s/he has three unexcused absences from Board meetings in a year. A Board member may be removed for other reasons by a three-fourths vote of the remaining directors.
A. Resigning from office. If an officer resigns it is effective immediately and is effect until voted on, within 30 days. Depending on the surrounding circumstances, it may result in being banned from the website and a possible lifetime ban from S.H.A.P.E.

Section 10: Special Meetings.
Special meetings of the Board shall be called upon the request of the Chair or one-third of the Board. Notices of special meetings shall be sent out by the Historian to each Board member postmarked two weeks in advance.
A. In the event that S.H.A.P.E requires a meeting urgently or on short notice for a variety of reasons as determined by the S.H.A.P.E. officers a teleconference shall be conducted as needed.


Section 1: The Board (B.O.D.) may create committees as needed, such as special projects fundraising, etc. The Board Chair appoints all committee chairs.

Section 2: The five officers serve as the members of the Executive Committee. Except for the power to amend the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, the Executive Committee shall have all of the powers and authority of the Board of Directors in the intervals between meetings of the Board of Directors, subject to the direction and control of the Board of Directors.

Section 3: Finance Committee.
The Treasurer is chair of the Finance Committee, which includes three other S.H.A.P.E. Board members of his/her choosing. The Finance Committee is responsible for developing and reviewing fiscal procedures, a fundraising plan, and annual budget with staff and other Board members. The Board must approve the budget, and all expenditures must be within the budget. Any major change in the budget must be approved by the Board or the Executive Committee. The fiscal year shall be the calendar year. Annual reports are required to be submitted to the Board showing income, expenditures and pending income. The financial records of the organization are public information and shall be made available to the membership, Board members and the public. THE S.H.A.P.E. President or majority vote of the B.O.D. may delegate to other B.O.D. members/members the same responsibilities of the Treasurer to plan fundraisers and other projects however it is the sole responsibility of the Treasurer to maintain all S.H.A.P.E. financial records and balance sheets.

Article VI- Property

Section 1: Includes all property both physical and intellectual belongs to S.H.A.P.E. as a Non Profit Incorporated Organization.

Section 2: S.H.A.P.E. as defined in Article V Section 2 retains legal authority to maintain all S.H.A.P.E. property in the event of dissolution of S.H.A.P.E. No one member, officer or board of director shall own any/all part of S.H.A.P.E. In the event of dissolution by either unanimous vote by the B.O.D. or other causes all S.H.A.P.E. properties both physical and intellectual shall be donated to Southern historical societies as deemed appropriate by the B.O.D. S.H.A.P.E. monetary properties shall be equally divided by to the SCV and UDC or other non-profit organizations as deemed appropriate by the B.O.D. or vote of members.

***Section 3: However if named recipient is not then in existence, or it is no longer a qualified distributee, or is unwilling or unable to accept the distribution, then the assets of this organization shall be distributed to a fund, foundation or organization that is organized and operated exclusively for the purposes specified in section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code.


Section 1: These Bylaws may be amended when necessary by a two-thirds majority of the Board of Directors. Proposed amendments must be submitted to the Historian to be sent out with regular Board announcements.
These Bylaws were approved at a meeting of the Board of Directors of Southern Heritage Advancement Preservation and Education 22 August 2008

***Addendum to By Laws as required by IRS