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Author Post
Fri Mar 25 2022, 06:27PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4067
Sen. James Lankford

Tue, Jun 16 at 9:43 AM

Dear Senator Lankford, 6/16/20

Your statement that it is time to rename our military bases and remove Confederate names is proof that you have swallowed the leftist rewritten version of history and are trying to be politically expedient in pandering to the cultural genocide crowd. Allow me to give you a brief history lesson, not that crap that is taught in our government schools and Marxist universities, but our TRUE history.

The War of Northern Aggression (mistakenly called the "Civil War") had nothing to do with slavery. Lincoln illegally invaded the South to force it back into a union it had no desire to be a part of, and to continue the collection of excessive and unfair tariffs. The South was paying 85% of the federal revenues, but getting almost nothing in return, while their money was going to help build Northern railroads, infrastructure, industry, and bankers. Had Lincoln not invaded there would have been no war. Our Confederates were fighting an illegal invasion of rapists, looters, arsonists, and murderers who thought nothing of killing civilian old men, women, and children (black and white). The war being won by the wrong side is exactly why we have the problems we are faced with in this country today. Connect the dots and it all goes back to 1865.

This cultural genocide of removing our Confederate monuments and changing the names of schools, parks, streets, and military bases is right in line with Hitler, Mao, Stalin, Mussolini, and other evil dictators, as well as ISIS. Rewritten history has been shoved down our throats for 150+ years to cover up the war crimes of Lincoln, hide the truth about the war, and destroy the good name of the Confederate soldier. The Corwin Amendment, Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, as well as the "Official Records: War of the Rebellion" and thousands of letters from soldiers on both sides prove the war was not about slavery. This slander and attacking of our Confederate ancestors has got to stop. Those of us who have Confederate ancestors are charged with defending the good name of the Confederate soldier and passing on the truth of our history. No amount of cultural terrorism and false narratives will deter us from that task.

I can assure you that if you do not rescind your position on renaming military bases that you will NOT get my vote ever again, not even for dog catcher.


Jeff Paulk
Tulsa, OK
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