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Mon Mar 28 2022, 05:26PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4067
Confederate Monuments
To: rvAmayor©richmondgov.com
Sent: Saturday, June 13, 2020, 11:11:46 AM CDT
Subject: Confederate Monuments Mayor Stoney. 6/13/20

Why are so many politicians so ignorant of our history? Maybe it is because the Marxist rewritten version has been shoved down our throats for over 150 years. If everyone knew the truth about our history, we would not be seeing all of this cultural genocide aimed at all things Southern and Confederate. To take down these monuments to brave, honorable, Christian men who were defending their homes and families from Lincoln's illegal invasion of rapists, looters, arsonists, and murderers is pure evil. You are supporting the erasing of Southern culture and history and that is fascism no less evil than that of Hitler and other dictators. Why is General Robert E. Lee, who had no slaves and was opposed to slavery, so reviled, while Union General Ulysses S. Grant, who did have slaves, is not considered a subject for ridicule? Why is it not taught that there were more than 429,000 slaves in the Union AFTER the South seceded and that it was Old Glory that flew high on the New England slave ships and not any flag belonging to the Confederacy? The historically ignorant continue to spout the same, tired old false narrative that "the war was all about slavery", when the facts actually prove otherwise. Why did your beloved Lincoln support the Corwin Amendment? What was that, you ask? It would have been the original 13th Amendment which would have FOREVER made it illegal to abolish slavery if the South would just return to the Union and ratify it. Why do you suppose the "evil and slave-holding Confederates" would turn this down? Maybe it was partly due to the fact that the South seceded to escape an oppressive, tyrannical, and over-taxing government. The South was paying 85% of the federal revenues and getting almost nothing in return, while their money was going to improve northern railroads, industry, and banking. Doesn't seem quite fair, does it? Nobody in America fought to free slaves, and nobody in America fought to protect and perpetuate slavery. This lie has been drummed into us for decades by academia, Hollywood, the media, PBS, and the History Channel. In case you weren't aware, all of these players are on the same Marxist team. They seek to destroy America one piece at a time, and you are only too willing to assist them in their evil designs. Take some time to reflect on this and think objectively about it. You, and millions of others, have been duped. We have all basically been taught the same thing, but some of us have questioned that and searched out the truth. The truth is the only thing to stop all of this cultural genocide. If everyone knew the truth, these evil acts would not be taking place. Are you going to continue down the path of ignorance and cultural genocide, or will you make an effort to discover the truth and free your mind from the Marxist prison which has entrapped so many people? Our Confederate ancestors were right and those of us who respect their sacrifices will continue to defend their good name and speak out against those who slander them and seek to remove their monuments.

Jeff Paulk Tulsa, OK
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