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Moderators: gpthelastrebel, Patrick
Author Post
Mon Mar 28 2022, 05:27PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4067

This is what we need folks, people with the backbone to stand up for their heritage. BTW I do not watch NASCAR on TV.

NASCAR, 6/11/20

Your decision to ban the display of the Confederate Battle flag at your races is based on pure historical ignorance. In your statement you say the following, "...our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all fans, our competitors and our industry". You obviously care nothing about excluding your Confederate fan base from this "inclusive environment". Were it not for the South there would be no NASCAR and stock car races. You are not "bringing people together" with this decision, but dividing them. You are playing right into the hands of the Cultural Marxists and cultural genocide crowd. This flag is NOT a "flag of slavery" or a "racist symbol" as is so often spouted by the hate-filled crowd that slanders it and all things Confederate. Only those to whom this flag belongs have the right to define its meaning. Because it has been hijacked by hate groups holds no bearing on what it stands for. I might remind you that Old Glory has also been hijacked by hate groups as well, yet we see no bans applied to it, even though it was the flag that flew above the New England slave trading ships. The Confederate Battle flag represents a people standing up against tyranny and oppression and has been adopted around the world as such, and it never flew on any slave ships. To make a highly profitable business from a Southern born industry, and then to ban one of its most recognized symbols from your races is a bit hypocritical.

The truth of our history is not taught in the government schools or the Marxist universities. The rewritten version has been pushed on us since Reconstruction and it is way past time that we rise above it and get the truth out there. If everyone knew our true history none of this cultural genocide would be taking place. Instead, we see the defacing and removing of Confederate monuments by Southern Scalawags, as well as the changing of the names of schools, parks, and streets. How does this differ from the actions of Hitler or ISIS? It doesn't. Our Confederate ancestors fought an illegal invasion of rapists, looters, arsonists, and murderers to defend their homes and families. In the ranks of the Confederate army were blacks, whites, American Indians, Jews, Mexican, Irish, and more. They cannot be here today to speak for themselves, but the thousands of letters they left behind prove that they were NOT fighting for slavery, but for independence and the right to self-government, as did their colonial ancestors when they fought Great Britain.

It is my hope that every true Southerner will boycott NASCAR until you reverse this ridiculous and slanderous decision. Instead of being divisive, help unite people by promoting the truth of our history. If you would learn the truth yourself, then help to promote it, that would go a long way in bringing people together instead of dividing them, and it would show respect for the Southern culture from which you have gleaned an incredibly profitable industry. Those of us who know the truth will never lie down and be quiet when we see our culture and heritage being slandered and put down. We owe it to our Confederate ancestors who sacrificed so much in their attempt to win independence, and we shall continue to honor and defend them.


Jeff Paulk
Tulsa, OK Edited Fri Jun 12 2020, 02:57PM
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