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Author Post
Mon Mar 28 2022, 05:29PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4067
Statue of Robert E. Lee

Tue, Jun 9 at 8:58 AM


Governor Northam, 6/9/20

Your orders to remove the statue of Confederate General Robert E. Lee prove that you are a large part of the problem we have here in the U.S., and especially in the South. You are contributing to the cultural genocide of Southerners. Our history, symbols, monuments, and culture are under attack from you Marxist America haters. Our Confederate ancestors were fine, honorable, Christian people who were defending their homes and families from Lincoln's illegal invasion. You people continue to push the false narrative of "the war was all about slavery" when the facts completely disprove that. Robert E. Lee had no slaves, and was opposed to slavery and secession, while Union General U.S. Grant had slaves, as did Sherman and other Union officers. Our history is being erased by you communists. The truth of our history has not been taught since Reconstruction. Even the "Official Records: War of the Rebellion" prove that what is taught in the government schools and Marxist universities is false. You are a disgrace, not only to the people of Virginia, but to the entire country, and especially the South. You and your kind need to be removed from office before you can do further damage to this country and our heritage. You are no better, and in fact much worse, than these Antifa thugs running around causing mayhem. While they deface our monuments, you work to have them removed. Our ancestors who fought against tyranny and oppression deserve to have their monuments preserved and left in place to commemorate the sacrifices they made. While you and your kind might succeed in the removal of many of our monuments, you will never extinguish the truth that burns within us, and we will continue to speak and spread that truth to others so that they might learn our true history. We have a duty to our ancestors to do this, and no force on this planet can stop us from doing so.


Jeff Paulk
Tulsa, OK Edited Fri Jun 12 2020, 02:49PM
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