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gpthelastrebel Wed 01:44
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Moderators: gpthelastrebel, Patrick
Author Post
Sat Apr 09 2022, 09:24PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4064
To Arizona Secretary of State

Dear Secretary Hobbs, 6/10/20

Your following statement, "This is a monument that was erected to honor soldiers who role up against our country, doing treason to protect the practice of slavery, and these monuments around the country were erected during the time of the Civil Rights Movement as a form of intimidation, and it really has no place in Arizona,", proves just how little you know about the War of Northern Aggression. There is absolutely no excuse for a grown person in this day of instant information to not know the truth about our history. The main reason most people do not know it is because it is not taught in the government schools or the Marxist universities. When I see our history, heritage, and ancestors slandered as you have done, I must speak out against it. Our Confederate soldiers were NOT committing treason. Not one was tried for treason. U.S. Supreme Court Justice Salmon P. Chase stated that no Confederate could be tried for treason because what was won on the battle field would be lost in court. The Confederacy did not start the war, Lincoln did. Had Lincoln not invaded, there would have been no war. The South was NOT fighting to protect slavery, which is the common false narrative of the historically ignorant. Southerners fought to defend their homes and families from the raping. looting, arson, and murder committed by the Union soldiers. Our monuments were NOT put up during the Civil Rights movement "as a form of intimidation", but were put up years after the war to honor the brave soldiers who sacrificed so much in defense of their country. It took many years of raising nickels and dimes in the impoverished South to put up any monuments. If the South was fighting to "protect slavery" as you state, what was the North fighting for? To free the slaves? If so, why did they not first free the more than 429,000 slaves in the Union AFTER the South seceded? NO, it wasn't about slavery. The Corwin Amendment and the Crittenden-Johnson Resolution, as well as thousands of letters written by soldiers on both sides easily prove this, as does the "Official Records: War of the Rebellion". Lincoln invaded to continue the collection of excessive tariffs from the South. The South was funding 85% of the federal revenues, but only had 1/3 of the population. The South was unfairly and unconstitutionally being financially raped. Lincoln could not bear to lose that revenue and threatened to collect it by force in his first inaugural address. You historically ignorant people are destroying and removing monuments all across the country and committing cultural genocide upon our Southern heritage and history. We deeply resent it and will always speak out against it. If everyone knew the truth about our history we would not be seeing this. The war had nothing to do with slavery. The South always gets beaten down for slavery, but it was the New England slave traders, flying Old Glory on their ships, who built the ships and plied their trade that brought the slaves here. But the Yankees always get a free pass, while the South must ever kneel at the stool of repentance for its participation in the practice of slavery. You people need to leave our monuments, and the names of schools, parks, and streets alone and get educated with the truth. These Marxist acts of removing our monuments remind us of Hitler and other evil dictators in our past. What you are advocating is beyond shameful and it is fueled by complete and total ignorance of our history. Our TRUE history. While you cultural genocide folks might remove our monuments and change the names of our schools, parks and streets, you will NOT silence those of us who know the truth and we will continue to perform our duty to spread the truth, and we will continue display our Confederate flags in our yards and on our vehicles. We know the truth. It's past time that YOU learned it as well.


Jeff Paulk
Tulsa, OK
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