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Author Post
Mon Nov 14 2022, 08:48PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4080


Are you an expert in any of these areas?

Historical preservation
American history
Military history
Cemeteries or
National Register Historic sites

Our attorney is requesting what "WHITE PAPERS" be developed that argue the impact of the loss of the Reconciliation Memorial from the National Register Historic District.

If so, and you are interested, or know a supporter of retaining the Memorial who might be, please reply NOW to this email for more information.

Much information is available to accelerate the effort. We do not know the deadline but expect it to be in the next 30-45 days.

Thank you!


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Mon Nov 14 2022, 09:22PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 4080
Phil Leigh’s Civil War Chat

Provided below is a nine minute video created by Brion McClanahan of the Abbeville Institute in defense of the Confederate Memorial at Arlington Cemetery.


(November 10, 2022) A military naming commission has recommended that memorials to the Confederacy and anyone who served the Confederacy be stripped from important federal properties including West Point and Arlington Cemetery. It has also advised that all Army bases named for Confederate generals adopt new names. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has vowed to implement the changes “as soon as possible.”

Undeniably an impressive work of art, the Arlington memorial was explicitly unveiled during the Civil War’s semi-centennial in 1914 in the presence of aged Blue and Gray veterans as a symbol of their reconciliation. Should you wish that it remain in place please let your senators and congressional representative know.

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