If you listed to the replay of the Arlington National Cemetery Advisory Committee meeting you would hear the popular narrative that the South fought to keep slavery.
But Artist and Sculptor Moses Ezekiel who made the endangered monumental masterpiece at Arlington said different.
Author Peter Adam Nash's book "The Life and Times of Moses Jacob Ezekiel: American Sculptor, Arcadian Kight" relates a first hand account of why the Southern people fought as he tells of Ezekiel's reflections during a meeting between Ezekiel and Italian revolutionary Giuseppi Garibaldi.
Ezekiel found him "'wearing a pair of grey trousers, his traditional red flannel shirt on, a black silk handkerchief round his neck and an embroidered velvet cap on his head....The old hero took both of my hands in his. He had heard of my work...'"
Garibaldi rides into Naples - 7 September, 1860
"the old man had many questions about Ezekiel and his work and about the Civil War, in which the American had played a...part.
"Garibaldi did not seem to be very favorable impressed when I told him that I had been in the Southern army, because the Southern states were slave states. But I told him, none of us had ever fought for slavery and, in fact, were opposed to it.
I told him that the Southern states had not instituted slavery, but had inherited it from the Europeans; it had existed ever since the foundation of American independence, and some of the Northern states which were clamoring for Negro freedom had sold their slaves down south before the war.
Our struggle, I told him, was simply a constitutional one, based upon the constitutional states' rights and especially on free trade and no tariff. Strange to say, these views seemed to be entirely new to Garibaldo and interested him very much.'"
Is this why Moses' masterpiece has to go? It speaks too much truth?
Take action NOW
Chairman Rogers will be speaking directly to one of our Defend Committee members this week.
Help amplify the message!
Let's fill up his voice mail over the weekend!!!!!!
Call Congressman Mike Roger's office NOW at:
Talking Points:
Hs Committee MUST investigate the Woke Naming Commission created by Senator Elizabeth Warren, Department of Defense Funds are being diverted on WOKE spending They will be tearing down a grave marker at Arlington National Cemetery if he and his committee doesn't stop it - time is running out You need his help NOW - before it is too late _______________________________________________________
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