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gpthelastrebel Sat 01:53
Patrick Mon 14:19
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D. L. Garland Wed 18:09
Moderators: gpthelastrebel, Patrick, Ashlyn
Author Post
Sat Oct 28 2023, 12:04PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3173
If you need a reason to get up off your ass and fight back, here is one------

The hateful, ignorant extremists shared this photo of part of the once magnificent, renowned artwork and historical Robert E Lee equestrian memorial in Charlottesville being melted down out of spite and envy. Their intention was to rub salt in the already open wounds of the millions of Americans who respect and honor our Southern Heritage.

I don’t know about you, but I think this image of Lee in the furnace does just the opposite. To me, it is a symbol of what they can NEVER destroy…his eternal and powerful memory. They can crush granite to stone, melt down bronze, and gleefully desecrate our memorials, but they can NEVER tarnish the honor and memory of our Confederate heroes, whose names will be spoken with honor and reverence long after the hate-driven monument destroyers are long dead and gone.

We can and WILL raise new monuments, memorials and flags. We can and WILL continue to teach the next generation the truth about their immortals deeds. Turn your anger into action, but don’t let it consume you. Remember whose child you are, and from whom you are descended. Let your pride in them sustain your joy!
~Susan Lee, The Virginia Flaggers
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