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Wed Nov 08 2023, 03:46PM

Registered Member #1
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November 6, 1861, Road from Sumter -201:
“Provisional” C.S. President Jefferson Davis was confirmed by the citizens of the newly confederated states for a full six-year term, and his inauguration as C.S. President on February 22, 1862.
U.S. General Ulysses S. Grant orders an invasion force of 3000 troops into Missouri.
RICHMOND, November 6, 1861.
[To]General T. J. JACKSON,
Winchester, Va.:
I have ordered your old brigade to be sent to you at once from Centreville and McLaughlin's company of Rockbridge artillery, and had already ordered a further force of about 6,000 men to be detached from Loring's command and to join you, by was of Staunton, before receiving your letter brought by Colonel Preston. Will send you full instructions by mail.
[From] J. P. BENJAMIN,
Acting Secretary of War.
U.S. General Ulysses S. Grant orders 3000 troops transported down the Mississippi River from Cairo to engage C.S. And M.S.G. Troops at Belmont Missouri. Grant hoped to establish a stronghold there to then attack C.S. stronghold at Columbus, Kentucky, just across the river.
Sources: War of the Rebellion: Serial 005 Page 0939 Chapter XIV. CORRESPONDENCE, ETC.-UNION.
Feis, William B. "Battle of Belmont." In Encyclopedia of the American Civil War: A Political, Social, and Military History, edited by David S. Heidler and Jeanne T. Heidler. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 2000. ISBN 0-393-04758-X.
Review of events leading up to November 6, 1861:
-80+ years of sectional tensions between northeastern and southeastern states over tariffs, states rights/popular sovereignty, federal power over new territories and most recently, the practice of chattel slavery.
-1857 - Massive Financial Collapse And panic hits Northeastern banks triggered by the sinking of the S.S. Central America carrying 30,000 pounds of gold destined for northern banks.
-A new “Republican” political party is formed with a platform of federal control of new territories, diminishing popular sovereignty, and enforcing new tariffs “by force”, which are all usurpations of the U.S. Constitution.
-The increasing federal debt has lead to a proposed drastic increase in Tariffs that disproportionately effect agricultural southern states as the 48% Morrill Tariffs.
-Radical Republican Leader Thaddeus Stevens, sponsor of the Morrill Tariff, stated: “the Tariff would impoverish the southern and western states, but that was essential for advancing national greatness and the prosperity of [northern] industrial workers.”
-Southeastern states have minority representation in the U.S. Congress due to the 3/5ths rule, which does not allow negro persons to be fully counted for representation.
-Southeastern “Cotton states” protest tariffs, and the fact that these agricultural state are already paying ~75% to 85% of the federal budget with little to none returned in support for infrastructure.
-1859 - John Brown and 18 accomplices began their illegal invasion of Virginia, and murder spree at Harper’s Ferry Virginia, financed by northeastern “abolitionists”.
-Abraham Lincoln is selected as U.S. President with a minority of the popular vote and was not even on the ballot in 10 states, with a pledge to institute the new party’s platform, by force if necessary.
-The seven “cotton states” that are most impacted by the new 48% Morrill Tariffs begin secession proceedings citing historical causes, tariffs and the federal government’s usurpation of the “voluntary compact” called the U.S. Constitution.
-U.S. President Buchanan begins deliberations over payment for federal properties with South Carolina representatives and is informed that garrisoning troops at Fort Sumter would be considered and act of war.
-The South Carolina Delegation delivers a written agreement or “armistice” to U.S. President Buchanan, promising not to attack the remaining forts garrisoning U.S. troops in the sovereign state of South Carolina, with the understanding that the U.S. will not attempt to reinforce them.
-U.S. President Buchanan extended the December 10th “armistice” to all states considering secession.
-The “Southern Manifesto” was published In Montgomery Alabama. Twenty-three House members and seven Senators from southern states make a public announcement, "a manifesto which urged secession and the organization of a Southern Confederacy."
-“Convention of the People of South Carolina”, South Carolina’s Secession Convention opens, the Convention passed a unanimous resolution to secede from it’s voluntary compact with the union.
-Delegates to the South Carolina Convention unanimously vote to secede by adopting 169 - 0 an "Ordinance To Dissolve the Union between the State of South Carolina and other States United with her under the Compact Entitled 'The Constitution of the United States of America.'"
-Incoming U.S. President Lincoln sends a “confidential” letter to Democrat Francis P. Blair, Sr., Representative Elihu B. Washburn, and General Winfield Scott, regarding his plan to break US President Buchanan’s armistice and instigate war on American state’s immediately after inauguration.
-Florida and Alabama follow The Commonwealth of South Carolina, and initiate election of delegates to their Secession Conventions. The SC Convention names three commissioners to negotiate the purchase and/or peaceful surrender of remaining public properties in the state.
-South Carolina’s Rep. William Porcher Miles confirms the December 10th armistice with U.S. President Buchanan and that Fort Sumter is abandoned In Charleston Harbor, and now sits unoccupied.
-Committees and individuals begin to publish various “Declarations” as justification for their votes for South Carolina’s secession.
-U.S. Major Robert Anderson violates U.S. President Buchanan’s December 10th armistice with South Carolina’s Representatives and Governor by burning Forts Moultrie and Pinckney, and occupying Fort Sumter. (Act of War)
-South Carolina state troops, with a detachment of City Police, were detailed to take charge of the Arsenal, and a line of patrols was established around the walls.
-Major Anderson’s illegal occupation of Fort Sumter causes Governor Pickens to call the SC Convention in secret session. US President Buchanan and SC Governor Pickens exchange dispatches.
-Political Resignations Begin, Labors expose US. Maj. Anderson’s subversion at Fort Sumter, and U.S. Blockade of Charleston Harbor expected (Act of War).
-Gulf state Governors and local officials order State Guard Troops, Local Militias and Police to secure or seize coastal forts, armories, and powder magazines.
-U.S. President Buchanan responded to Major Anderson’s breach of the “compact” or Armistice of December 10th, by justifying it as a “military necessity to occupy Fort Sumter, and blaming possible “Mob” violence.
-Rumors that the steamer “Harriet Lane”had been hired and dispatched, with supplies and 150 reinforcements for U.S. Major Anderson at Fort Sumter. (Act of War)
-Governor A.B. Moore ordered Alabama Militia to seize three installations in the state, the arsenal at Mount Vernon, Fort Morgan and Fort Gaines, in preparation for secession.
-Governor Madison S. Perry of Florida ordered the State Militia to seize the Apalachicola Arsenal complex, and Mayor Fernando Wood, purposes secession of New York City from Lincoln’s Union.
-Governor Joseph E. Brown of Georgia ordered the State Militia to seize Fort Pulaski, the U.S. Congressional Committee “on the part of the boarder states” proposes a constitutional amendment to ensure chattel slavery, and the interstate slave trade, is made “permanent and irrevocable”….
-The Steamer “Star of the West” has been hired by President Buchanan to invade Charleston Harbor with 150-200 reinforcements and supplies for Fort Sumter, in violation of the December 10th Armistice. (Act of War)
-The Steamer “Star of the West” arrives at Charleston with supplies and reinforcements for Fort Sumter and attempts to invade the Harbor but, is unable to navigate the channel. (Act of War)… South Carolina forces then fire warning shots and the ship is ordered to retreat.
-Mississippi votes to join South Carolina in secession and independence from the Union.
-Florida joins South Carolina and Mississippi and secedes from the federal Union, U.S. forces break the armistice with Florida’s Governor and occupy the formerly abandoned Fort Pickens. (Act of War)
-Alabama votes for secession and independence from the federal union, discussions of a “Southern Confederacy” begin.
-Fort Sumter Deliberations begin between U. S. President Buchanan and South Carolina, and S.C. Governor Pickens sends a letter to U.S. Major Anderson at Fort Sumter:
-The General Assembly looks upon any attempt to reinforce the troops now in possession of Fort Sumter, as an act of open and undisguised hostility on the part of the Government of the United States.
-Louisiana Governor orders Coastal Forts to be seized, the “Star of the West” returns to New York with reinforcements and supplies after being turned away from Charleston Harbor South Carolina.
-The Crittenden Compromise Bill dies in the U.S. Senate, the U.S. government continues to offer amendments to make chattel slavery “permanent and irrevocable” in all states “loyal to the union”.
-The War Ship U.S.S. Brooklyn attempts to invade Charleston Harbor and is turned back, more U.S. Officers resign to join their states militias, some Virginia counties urge secession.
-A U.S. federal fleet, led by the U.S.S.Macedonian with 489 men and 36 guns, is sent under sealed orders to break the armistice and reinforce Fort Pickens in the now Independent Republic of Florida. (Act of War)
-The State of Georgia becomes the 5th state to vote to secede from the Union, and Former U.S. President Tyler leads a piece delegation while U.S. President Buchanan secretly develops plans to invade former states and reinforce Forts Pickens and Sumter.
-The Honorable Jefferson Davis of Mississippi, hero of the Mexican War, former U.S. Secretary of War, resigns from the U.S. Senate.
~Louisiana joins South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama and Georgia in voting for secession.
-The territory of Kansas is admitted to federal union as the 34th state. The Charleston Mercury Hails Kansas for ensuring its citizens determine its domestic institutions.
-The people of Texas vote to become the 7th state to secede from the federal union.
-A Peace Commission convened in Washington D.C., while Convention Delegates from seven independent states is assembled in Montgomery Alabama to draft a provisional constitution and government for a new confederacy of states.
-U.S. President James Buchanan asserts that “It is beyond the power of any president” to interfere with secession, and negotiations begin on the disposition of “public property” with seceded states.
-A provisional confederated government and draft constitution is formally established in Montgomery Alabama by 6 independent states. (Texas Delegates in transit)
-US President Buchanan’s original armistice agreement to evacuate federal troops from all forts by February 9th, expires, he has informed former President Tyler’s Peace Commission that he now has no intention of evacuating the remaining troops from the 7 newly confederated states. (Act of War)
-The Republic of Texas begins seizing forts and armories within its boarders after secession, and subsequently joining the C.S.A.
-U.S. President Buchanan ordered a Naval Squadron sent to Florida with reinforcements for Fort Pickens however, is only allowed to resupply, not permitted to land troops in accordance with Buchanan’s armistice with Governor Perry.
-The new Government of the Confederate States of America (CSA) has now assumed delegated authority for the coastal defenses of seven member states, with consent of the Governors.
-“The Baltimore Plot”;
Rumors circulate of a plan to assassinate Abraham Lincoln, the most Unpopular President in American history, as he travels through Baltimore Maryland, on his way to Washington D.C., for his inauguration.
-C.S. President Davis has requested commissioners to be sent to Europe to establish diplomatic relations, and names three C.S. commissioners to be sent to Washington DC to negotiate peaceful relations with the U.S. Government.
-C.S. President Jefferson Davis becomes the first American President to use a line item veto, to specifically outlaw his nation’s participation in the international slave trade in any form, as drafted into the C.S. Constitution.
-Lame Duck U.S. President James Buchanan signs two landmark pieces of legislation, the “Morrill Tariffs” with a 48% tax on imports, and the “Corwin Amendment” making chattel slavery “Permanent and Irrevocable” in all states “loyal to the union”.
-Abraham Lincoln sends secret orders Secretary of War, Edwin Stanton, to break the armistice and send a naval expedition from New York City, to “reinforce” U.S. Commander Slemmer at Fort Pickens Florida with four companies of U.S. troops. (Act of War)
-Abraham Lincoln is Inaugurated as U.S. President, and he immediately orders General Winfield Scott to initiate war at Fort Pickens at Pensacola. U.S. Commanders refuse to execute Lincoln’s secret illegal orders.
-The U.S. Congress, Secretary of State William Seward, Confederate Peace Commissioners, American News reporters and President Lincoln’s own Cabinet are assured that troops illegally occupying Forts Pickens and Sumter are to be evacuated, and that war with the Confederate States will be avoided.
-U.S. President Lincoln sends a letter to urge governors of U.S. states to quickly ratify the Corwin Amendment to make the institution of slavery “permanent and irrevocable” in all states a territories loyal to the union, without interference from the federal government.
-Arizona Territory Secedes from Lincoln’s Union.
-Gustavus V. Fox is provisionally appointed U.S. Assistant Secretary of the Navy by President Lincoln, and ordered to reconnoiter Fort Sumter, Charleston Harbor, South Carolina. Against the advice of his cabinet.
-U.S. Naval Commanders stationed off of Galveston TX, New Orleans LA, and Pensacola FL have all refused to execute any of Lincoln’s secret orders that could be seen as a violation of the armistice thus, initiating war.
-C.S. General Beauregard and South Carolina’s Governor Pickens again offer U.S. Major Anderson evacuation Fort Sumter “with all honors”.
-U.S. Merchant Ship S.S. Isabella is captured by Confederate Officers, and Lincoln’s secret plan to break the armistice is discovered on board. The French call for the “abolition” of the Morrill Tariffs as a first step in reconciliation.
-U.S. President Lincoln severely rebuked his Secretary of State, W. H. Seward, for his continued insistence on a peaceful solution, Lincoln openly admits he will usurp the Constitution and initiate war on American states.
~ U.S. President Abraham Lincoln illegally initiates war on South Carolina, Florida, and on the Confederate States of America, without the consent of congress.
~ 3 U.S. naval squadrons in two expeditions secretly left port, blowing gale winds, rain, and high seas. One Squadron has departed for Pensacola, two are pending departure for Charleston Harbor.
~The first evacuation date of the armistice was broken on February 9th, by U.S. President Buchanan. (Act of War)
Now the second on April 10th by U.S. President Abraham Lincoln. (Act of War)
-The U.S. Naval Fleet arrives at Charleston Harbor; Fort Sumter bombardment begins, Florida is invaded, and Fort Pickens is reinforced!
-Lincoln usurps the Constitution and the U.S. Congress and ordered governors to provide 70,000 troops to illegally invade C.S. States.
-Second Wave of States Secession Begins
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln has now formally declared war on the seven Confederate States of America without the consent of the U.S. Congress, and carrying out further invasion of Florida by reinforcing Fort Pickens.
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln, under a plan devised by U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott, proclaims that all Southern ports will be blockaded by the U.S. Navy (Act of War).
-Just 3 days after Virginia’s peaceful secession from the U.S., U.S. Commodore McCauley plans and executes the demolition and evacuation of Virginia’s ports. (Act of War)
-Pratt Street Riot, Baltimore Maryland; A clash between civilian anti-war secessionists and Union troops in Maryland's largest city resulted in what is commonly accepted to be the first bloodshed of The War Between States.
-Maryland’s General Assembly voted to approve a resolution vehemently protesting the federal occupation of Maryland, and sent it to President Lincoln.
-“McClellan orders Invasion” of Virginia. (Act of War). Virginia becomes the 8th State of the Confederate States of America, and Robert E. Lee takes command of Virginia's defense forces.
-After illegally suspending the U.S. Constitutional “Writ of Habeas Corpus”, Abraham Lincoln orders U.S. Gen. Winfield Scott to arrest the Maryland Legislature, and imprison them indefinitely without warrant or charges.
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln illegally suspended the writ of habeas corpus between Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia to give military authorities the necessary power to “silence dissenters” and rebels.
-California Moves Toward Secession and Independence
-The Corwin Amendment goes to the state Legislatures for Ratification. U.S. President Abraham Lincoln has personally urged all governors to support this Amendment making chattel slavery “permanent and irrevocable” in all states “loyal to the Union.”
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln issues Proclamation #83, which illegally established a state of war with American states, usurping the U.S. Constitution, and without the consent of the U.S. Congress.
-The C.S. Government establishes diplomatic relations with Great Britain and Brazil. Britains Foreign Minister, Lord Lyons attempts to negotiate a settlement to prevent U.S. President Lincoln from escalating war on American states.
-Arkansas Secedes, with 69 out of 70 delegates voting for the ordinance of secession.
-First cannon shot of Lincoln’s war in Virginia. Tennessee declares secession.
-C.S. President Jefferson Davis commissions James Dunwoody Bulloch, a former U.S. Naval Officer and Savannah native, as the primary naval agent of the Confederacy in Europe.
-The “Camp Jackson Affair”, which resulted in the killing of unarmed civilians by U.S. Troops, the Missouri General Assembly immediately authorized the use of military force in defense of Missouri.
-U.S. General Butler is “verbally” ordered by U.S. General Winfield Scott, to invade, reinforce, confiscate arms and occupy Baltimore Maryland. (Act of War)
-Britain’s Queen Victoria issues a proclamation recognizing the Confederate States of America as having “belligerent rights.”…
- Lincoln’s Federal troops, U.S. General Nathaniel Lions, invade Missouri’s capital and draw the first blood in both an Act of War, and openly committed War Crimes on American Citizens during the “Camp Jackson Massacre”.
-Kentucky’s Governor and House of Representatives - Committee on Federal Relations passes a “Resolution of Neutrality” stating “Kentucky will furnish no troops for the wicked purpose of subduing her sister Southern states.”
-The first “Confederate” combat Victory in Virginia. Virginia State Militia and C.S. troops from Georgia under the command of Captain Peyton H. Colquitt.
-North Carolina Secedes! “whereas, this high-handed act of tyrannical outrage is not only in violation of all constitutional law, in utter disregard of every sentiment of humanity and Christian civilization”
-Missouri declares its “neutrality” in the secession crisis, and like Kentucky, remains a “slave state”, under federal occupation, in Lincoln’s Union until after his war.
-The first Documented U.S. casualty by a C.S. Troop. U.S. Federal troops occupying Western Virginia fire on a C.S. Picket, Daniel W. S. Knight. Knight is injured but returns fire killing U.S. Infantrymen Bailey Brown.
-The people of Virginia formalize secession, Arkansas is admitted to the C.S., Virginia’s Fort Monroe is illegally reinforced by U.S. Troops, and Colonel Thomas Jackson conducts a raid on the B&O Railroad Depot near Harper’s Ferry Virginia, cutting U.S. supply lines on Lincoln’s most probable overland invasion route.
-U.S. General George B. McClellan orders Federal troops to cross the Potomac River under the cover of night, invade the Commonwealth of Virginia and occupy the city of Alexandria. [Act of War]
-U.S. President Lincoln’s Federal troops have illegally declared martial law in Baltimore Maryland, arrests and confiscation of firearms begin.
-The Chickasaw Nation Joins the Confederacy Confederate States of America.
-Virginia Militia and C.S. forces from 9 states respond to Lincoln’s illegal invasion of Alexandria and Western Virginia.
-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Roger Taney issues rulings citing Lincoln’s direct violations of the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights, Lincoln responded by issuing an order to arrest Justice Taney!
-The Battle of Fairfax Court House took place and was the first direct land engagement in Lincoln’s invasion of American States resulting in combat casualties.
-Maj. Gen. George B. McClellan Continues the illegal U.S. invasion of Virginia.
-The People Tennessee Vote for Secession
-U.S. Maj. Winthrop, an ardent writer and abolitionist, was one of the first Federal officers killed in Lincoln’s war. Ironically, he was reportedly shot and killed by Confederate African-American Sam Ashe, the servant that accompanied an officer of the 1st North Carolina, Company D.
-Missouri Governor, CLAIBORNE F. JACKSON, calls up the State Militia Militia of the State into for the purpose of repelling the illegal federal invasion, and for the protection of the lives liberty, and property of the citizens of
this State.
-U.S. Brigadier General Nathaniel Lyon orders U.S. forces to illegally seize and occupy the Missouri capital, attempted to arrest the State Governor and legislature.
-Governor Claiborne F. Jackson and state legislators have fled the capital at Jefferson City, and Republican operatives have begun setting up an Illegal, unelected “rump” government.
-General Nathaniel Lyon ordered 1700 well armed U.S. troops to engage a newly formed group of Missouri State Guardsmen (M.S.G.), under the command of M.S.G. Colonel John S. Marmaduke, alongside Governor Jackson, Lyon’s troops captured Boonville Missouri.
-Major-General George B. McClellan, U. S. Army, Commanding, illegally declares martial law in the occupied countries of western Virginia.
-U.S. Commander James H. Ward ordered an illegal invasion of King County Virginia, which was repulsed. U.S. Commander Ward was killed in the attempt, becoming the first U.S. Navy officer to be killed in Lincoln’s attack on Confederate States.
-Confederate Steam Cruiser C.S.S. Sumter breaks through the illegal U.S. Federal Blockade at New Orleans, Commanded by Captain Raphael Semmes, who would become noted as one of the most feared and effective naval commanders in American history.
-U.S. Federal troops had crossed the Potomac River and were marching south.
Colonel Jackson ordered the 5th Virginia Regiment north along the Valley Turnpike to meet the invaders.
-Missouri Governor Cleburne Jackson leads his newly formed “State Guard” to Victory over U.S. occupation forces at the Battle of Carthage.
-Charles Benedict Calvert, a U.S. Representative from Maryland, writes U.S. President Abraham Lincoln regarding the resolution U.S. House, protesting the federal confiscation of slave property for Maryland residents without compensation. Note: Illegal Federal “contraband camps” began to be established in U.S. occupied areas.
-U.S. Senate Expels remaining Ten Southern Members, U.S. President Lincoln continues arresting his political opponents without warrants or charges, in direct violation of the U.S. Constitution and Supreme Court.
-U.S. General Winfield Scott and U.S. General George McClellan have ordered U.S. General Irvin McDowell's invasion force of ~35,000 troops, named the “Army of Northeastern Virginia”, to make the first major push to capture the C.S. Capital in Richmond Virginia, at Manassas Rail Junction. (Bull Run)
-C.S. forces Commanded by Generals P.T.G. Beauregard and General Robert E. Lee successfully defended against the U.S. attack on Manassas Junction (Bull Run) sending U.S. forces in a humiliating headlong retreat back to Washington D.C.
-U.S. Congress passed the Johnson-Crittenden “War Aims Resolution(s)” officially declaring war on seceded American states however, offer’s slavery to be established as “permanent and irrevocable” in all states if they pay the 48% Morrill Tariffs and return to the Union.
-After a series of stunning federal defeats, Abraham Lincoln relieved U.S. General Irvin McDowell of his command and appointed U.S. General George B. McClellan as Commander of the newly formed Federal Army of the Potomac.
-The Empire of Brazil joins Great Britain, Spain and France, by officially recognizing the “belligerent status” of the Confederate States of America (C.S.A.) and begins trade relations.
-Missouri State Guardsmen backed by C.S. Forces kill and capture ~600 U.S. “Hessian” German militia near the capital of Springfield.
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln creates the forerunner of the Internal Revenue Service with the Revenue Act of 1861.
-U.S. President Lincoln signed the Confiscation Act of 1861, which officially ordered his Union forces to “confiscate” all slaves and other “property” used to “support the Confederacy”.
-U.S. General Lyon ordered ~6000 troops, commanded by U.S. Generals Sigel and Sturgis, to surprise Missouri’s forces in an early morning attack at “Wilson’s Creek”. General Lyon became the first Federal General to be killed in the war, and the defeated U.S. federal forces retreated to Rolla.
-U.S. Commander General McClellan prohibits the northern press from “chronicling battles”.
-A third assassination attempt is reported on U.S. President Lincoln reported, northern papers are not permitted to report the events.
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln signs “Proclamation 86”, formerly acknowledged the secession of sovereign states and their “Belligerent status”, and it strengthened the previous “Confiscation Act”.
-The C.S. Congress votes in favor of admitting the Missouri Republic into the Confederacy.
-C.S. President Jefferson Davis names James M. Mason as commissioner to Great Britain, and John Slidell as Commissioner to France.
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln illegally unilaterally suspends the U.S. Constitution’s “Writ of Habeas Corpus”, without the consent of congress, and declares martial law.
-U.S. Naval squadrons attack and invade the North Carolina coast at Cape Hatteras Inlet.
-U.S. General John C. Fremont is reprimanded by US President Lincoln, and is removed from his command of occupation forces in Missouri and the Department of the West after attempting to illegally institute “emancipation”.
-C.S. Major General Leonidas Polk, on his own authority, orders Brigadier General Gideon Johnson Pillow to invade neutral Kentucky and occupy the port at Columbus, giving the C.S. Forces strategic control of the upper Mississippi River.
-The British ships successfully run through Lincoln’s federal blockading fleet stationed off the coast of Charleston SC, bringing relief supplies from Europe to Morehead City NC.
-U.S. Troops under the command of General Ulysses S. Grant illegally Invade Kentucky and occupy Paducah and Southland, with strategic control at the mouths of the Tennessee and Cumberland Rivers.
-C.S. Calvary forces rescue Hispanic settlers from attacks by Chiricahua Apache raiders at the town of Placito in C.S. Arizona Territory.
-U.S. President Lincoln orders Arrests and confiscation of to begin in occupied Maryland. Any accused “Southern sympathizers” or “Copperheads” were imprisoned in flagrant violation of their civil rights. 16 civilians were killed, and Nineteen members of the Maryland legislature were jailed.
-The Battle of Lexington, Missouri was another decisive victory for the Missouri State Guard (MSG) over Federal occupation forces. This victory boosted the spirits of both the “neutral”, and Missouri’s secessionists.
-The first C.S. victory in “neutral” Kentucky took place Knox County, at Barbourville.
-The Battle at Fort Thorne, New Mexico Territory, Elements of the C.S. Army of the Trans-Mississippi handed Lincoln another small but strategically important defeat over control of the Rio Grande River.
-U.S. operatives are initiating local skirmishes, and bloody civilian militia (gang) raids are taking place between Americans for control of territories, supply routes and terrorize citizens across western Virginia, Maryland, Kentucky, Missouri, Kansas, and Arizona. Once neutral populations are now being forced to declare allegiance to Lincoln’s government or face arrest and/or execution.
-The “Trent Affair” begins, US Senator James Mason of Virginia, and former US Senator John Slidell of Louisiana at Charleston, South Carolina start of a journey to London and Paris. On assignment from Jefferson Davis, as “ministers” (Ambassadors) from the new Confederate States of America to Europe.
-Once neutral Boarder state, and county officials, are now sending urgent requests for help to C.S. President Jefferson Davis.
-U.S. President Abraham Lincoln’s invasion forces meet yet another humiliating military and political defeat at Balls’s Bluff near Leesburg Virginia.
-Missouri Secedes from Lincoln’s union. The Neosho Legislature of Missouri, under Governor Claiborne F. Jackson, issued a Secession Ordinance for the State of Missouri.
-“Provisional” C.S. President Jefferson Davis was confirmed by the citizens of the newly confederated states for a full six-year term.
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