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Author Post
Sat Dec 16 2023, 10:27PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3173
Not sure who penned this letter, The only Confederate I could find is this one in the Louisiana unit. Sounds like they were eating good------
Side: Confederacy
Location: Louisiana
Battle Unit: 9th Regiment, Louisiana Infantry
Function: Infantry
Alternate Name: Robert/Cruikshank

Bridgeport, Ala.,
Dec. 26, 1863.
Dear Wife,-
It has been but two days since I wrote you, but having a little leisure I will use it in writing again today. The day is rainy and unpleasant out of doors.
Yesterday was Christmas and we had a very good time. I had both a Christmas dinner and supper. We had the dinner at the Mess and a regimental supper, all of the officers being present. We did not have turkey or fowl for dinner but had a very nice roast fresh ham, mashed potatoes, tomatoes, pickles, fresh peach sauce, apple pie and cheese, butter and biscuit, with three kinds of cake, fruit, gold and pound. We did not indulge in wines or strong drink of any kind.
For supper we had roast goose and turkey, potatoes, bread and butter, cakes and pies, grapes and raisins. After supper some had champagne and cigars. I did not indulge in these luxuries. We broke up at eleven o'clock, each going to his respective quarters. I had a good night's rest, and dreams of dear ones at home. I choose my associates here, those whom I would not be ashamed to associate with at home.
I hope you will receive this by New Year. It will have to make quick time to get there. All I can send you for a New Year's present is this letter and a wish of a Happy New Year.
With love,
R. Cruikshank.
Update an entry I overlooked -----This collection of letters, authored by Robert Cruikshank, of the 123rd New York Infantry Regiment, is provided here
courtesy of Barry Cruikshank: barrycruik©aol.com.

Index For the Robert Cruikshank Letters (1862 - 1865):
There are quite a few letters by this man at https://ehistory.osu.edu/exhibit.../letters/cruikshank/index. I haven't read them all. just the ones that deal with Christmas. it will take some time to read all there letters, but will be an interesting project
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Sat Dec 16 2023, 10:29PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3173
From the same-----

Headquarters 1st Brig. 1st Div., 20th A. C.,

Savannah, Ga.,

December 25, 1864.

Dear Mary,-

Merry Christmas. I wrote you yesterday but thought as it was Christmas and I am thinking of home so much today, I would write a few lines.

We had Christmas dinner very much on the home order. There is service in the churches. I board with a family who come from one of the eastern states. I enjoyed the day although it had been very quiet for some. I always enjoy the quiet Sabbath. I love to sit and read and write and think of home, and think how good God has been to me all through my life and now through this War, and how I have passed through so many dangers unharmed. I feel that He is ever with me, watching over and protecting me.

I am not in a writing mood today and will close.

With love,
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