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Author Post
Thu Jan 04 2024, 06:40PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3173

Via Lloyd Lemmy Kiltmister

16 years old when I went to the war,
To fight for a land fit for heroes,

God on my side, and a gun in my hand,
Chasing my days down to zero,

And I marched and I fought and I bled
And I died & I never did get any older,

But I knew at the time, That a year in the line,
Was a long enough life for a soldier,

We all volunteered,
And we wrote down our names,

And we added two years to our ages,
Eager for life and ahead of the game,

Ready for history's pages,
And we brawled and we fought

And we whored 'til we stood,
Ten thousand shoulder to shoulder,

A thirst for the Hun,
We were food for the gun, and that's
What you are when you're soldiers,

I heard my friend cry,
And he sank to his knees, coughing blood

As he screamed for his mother
And I fell by his side,

And that's how we died,
Clinging like kids to each other,

And I lay in the mud
And the guts and the blood,
And I wept as his body grew colder,

And I called for my mother
And she never came,

Though it wasn't my fault
And I wasn't to blame,

The day not half over
And ten thousand slain, and now

There's nobody remembers our names
And that's how it is for a soldier.

Photo: Bloody Lane, By Dan Nance. Colonel John B. Gordon and the 6th Alabama hold their ground in the sunken road at Sharpsburg, MD.

From Facebook--Dixie, Sweet Land Of Dixie
Eliza Dowling ·


[ Edited Thu Jan 04 2024, 06:44PM ]
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