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Author Post
Tue Jan 16 2024, 10:38PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3173


President of the first Continental Congress that sent the Declaration of Independence to the British was Peyton Randolph, a Southerner.
One of the major resistance leaders of the Revolution was Patrick Henry, a Southerner.
The Declaration of Independence was authored by Thomas Jefferson, a Southerner.
The father of the Constitution was James Madison, a Southerner.
Our first Commander in Chief was George Washington, a Southerner.
During the war of 1812 Andrew Jackson, a Southerner lead our armies to victory.
During the Mexican War when we gained about a million square miles of new territory (including Texas, New Mexico and California), our government was guided by James Polk, a Southerner.
Thomas Jefferson promoted the Louisiana Purchase which doubled the size of the Country and was obstructed by Northerners.
Northerners argued against admission of Missouri and Texas into the Union, threatened secession and later refused to let them out.
Four of the first seven presidents were Southerners.
Seven of the first ten were Southerners.
Ten of the first sixteen were Southerners.
That brilliant Southern trend came to an end in 1861…can anyone explain why they hate us so?
The most decorated servicemen in WWI, WWII and Vietnam were Southerners and a disproportionate number of servicemen are…you guessed it, Southerners. And guess which states are in the bottom 10…
42 - North Dakota
43 - Pennsylvania
44 - Vermont
45 - New York
46 - Rhode Island
47 - New Jersey
48 - Minnesota
49 - Connecticut
50 - Massachusetts
51 - District of Columbia

[ Edited Wed Jan 17 2024, 03:09PM ]
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