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Author Post
Sat Mar 09 2024, 10:13PM

Registered Member #1
Joined: Tue Jul 17 2007, 02:46PM
Posts: 3173
Posted to me on Facebook-----George L. Purvis True. He clothed it as a fight against slavery. What he wanted was the South's money.

"Per Capita Wealth, 1860 U.S. Census"
1. Mississippi $2128
2. South Carolina. $2017
3. Louisiana. $1,677
4. Alabama. $1,497
5. Georgia $1,153
6. Texas. $1,075
7. Florida. $1,050
8. Tennessee. $1,005
9. Virginia $980
10. North Carolina $ 832
11. Kentucky $814
12. Arkansas. $811
13. Connecticut $771
14. New Jersey $734
15. Oregon. $726
16. Maryland $669
17. Delaware. $666
18. Massachusetts $625
19. Missouri $612
20. New York $597
21. Rhode Island. $593
22. California $571
23. Pennsylvania $571
24. Vermont. $570
25. Ohio $543
26. New Hampshire $ 530
27. Illinois $528
28. Indiana S463
29. Michigan $461
30. Iowa $402
31. Wisconsin $380
32. Maine $354
33. Minnesota $350
34. Kansas $ 288
Solutions, Lee; "Men and Wealth in the United States, 1850-1870", Yale" University Press, 1975
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