Folks SHAPE was successful in obtaining our 58th headstone/marker this week for the family of Private Barney Maxey H CO 28th LA INF REG.
Just as a reminder SHAPE is active assisting anyone who would like to honor their family ancestors who served during Lincolns War with VA funded Headstones or Memorial Markers (no remains known). Shape has now helped obtain approx 160 markers as of March 2009
You may contact SHAPE on this board or click on my email direct and we will be honored to help.
Is there a limit on how many markers a person can request? Sometime down the road, I would like to get memorial markers for John Anderson Clayton and George W. Holston and markers for known gravesites of Henry Clay Holston and Patrick Holston. I'm not ready to start on them yet; but I sure would like to be able to do that in the future if possible.
Not trying to speak for Mark, but if you can email Mark a copy of the CSR proving service, and permission from whoever owns the cemetery, I believe that is all he needs.
Gator as always its a honor and privilege to help out. We here( the few, the overworked) at SHAPE like to make things happen not just talk about it. You put the word out that if anyone desires to honor their Confederate ancestors( we even helped a few yankee familes) with a CSA grave stone or memorial marker just let us know.
noy yet, i havent figured out the calender. i do have some photo's but i havent added captions to them. im in the process of upgradeing computer. if you could post the marker dedication for me i would be grateful. thanks,